nightspots #1044 • June 8, 2011 Vital ‘Idol’ Which of the Final 12 will be your 2011 Windy City Gay Idol? page 16-17 International Mr. Moose’s musings Leather 2011. on Midsommarfest. pages 19-20 page 10 tthhee FFiinnaallss Produced by Windy City aatt SSiiddeettrraacckk!! Media Group SSaattuurrddaayy,, JJuunnee 1188tthh DDoooorrss::22••BBeeggiinnss::33ppmm SSuuppppoorrttyyoouurrffrriieennddss aannddbbeeeenntteerrttaaiinneedd!! Prizes & surprises! • $10 cover Prizes & surprises! • $10 cover 3349 N. Halsted SidetrackChicago.com also sponsored by WINDY CITY nightspots TIMES 9 7! $ ! / 2 Ruby Red Margaritas so good they’re sinful Labatt Blue Bottles .00 3 $ #2%7"!2 '2),,s." Hosted by: Sister Mary Monistat Mary Hosted by: Sister Mondays at Crew - 8 pm sharp! Mondays at Crew Mango & Pub Quiz Night Pub Pub Quiz Night Pub .00 6 $ CREW BAR + GRILL WARNING: Drinking distilled spirits, beer, coolers, wine, and other alcoholic bever- ages during quiz taking can cause imparied judgement. Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege. “ VOTED BEST PUB TRIVIA AND BEST HOST IN CHICAGO” - Chicago Hearts Trivia blog FREE WI-FI WORLDSGREATESTBAR.COM 9 7! $ ! / 2 Ruby Red Margaritas so good they’re sinful Labatt Blue Bottles .00 3 $ #2%7"!2 '2),,s." Hosted by: Sister Mary Monistat Mary Hosted by: Sister Mondays at Crew - 8 pm sharp! Mondays at Crew Mango & Pub Quiz Night Pub Pub Quiz Night Pub .00 6 $ CREW BAR + GRILL WARNING: Drinking distilled spirits, beer, coolers, wine, and other alcoholic bever- ages during quiz taking can cause imparied judgement. Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege. “ VOTED BEST PUB TRIVIA AND BEST HOST IN CHICAGO” - Chicago Hearts Trivia blog FREE WI-FI WORLDSGREATESTBAR.COM That Guy by Kirk Williamson This column’s writing presents an intriguing pageant at Maneuvers and the Miss Stonewall challenge: Spin my nearly-hallucinatory pageant at Stonewall Inn. I may have agreed to fatigue into literary gold. Let’s see what I can’t judge the Miss Stonewall joint, which is later the stitch together. same night as the Windy City Gay Idol finals. Any kindly gentlemen out there wanna give me a lift to A big, juicy middle finger to Shane at Mary’s Attic Lyons? I shall reward you handsomely. for shooting me square in the back of my head with his laser-sight rubber dart gun. And if anyone I promised not to Facebook tag a certain singer/ can find 1,001 uses for big, juicy fingers, Shane’s songwriter in his “brief” debut at Crew. Please your man! Love you, fucker! refrain from tagging him as well. Mom don’t need to see that. A big, juicy apology to Miss Sofia Saffire for not having my shit together enough to do an interview Big ups to Mr. Ouano, Mr. Res-5 and Mr. Meade for for this issue. I wanted to show the community the all their work in this issue. I’m saving my strength softer side of Sofia in anticipation of her hosting for the big Pride issue, coming June 22. Get ready the 2011 Windy City Gay Idol finals Sat., June 18. to see me everywhere in the next few days. Sofia has grown into her new role as host and fits it like a puzzlingly slender glove. Love her glove at I won’t however see you at Midsommarfest. I’ll be the finals at Sidetrack. I will be offering vodka- workin’ Pittsburgh. Look for my travel column in soaked bon mots from the judges’ mic. Let’s hope the aforementioned Pride issue. Consult Moose’s Sofia takes mercy on my mortal soul. See the column on page 10 for all the tasty acts (to see, center spread for your handy Windy City Gay Idol not to perform). And look for our booth at the Fest. voting guide. Grab a paper, and some love. Suburban? In the mood to vie for a title? Well, Well, not quite gold, huh? Would you give me, at you’re in lady luck, lady. Sat., June 18 also gives you least, tungsten? two—count ‘em, two—opportunities to hang your head heavy with crown, namely the Miss Gay Joliet [email protected] PUBLISHER Tracy Baim ASSISTANT PUBLISHER nightspots Terri Klinsky Managing EDITOR #1044 • June 8, 2011 Kirk Williamson ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Terri Klinsky, Kirk Williamson, Amy Matheny, Dave Ouano, Kirk Smid NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE MAIN COVER IMAGE Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 Sofia and the 12 Windy City DIRECTOR OF NEW MEDIA Gay Idol finalists Jean Albright Photo by Kat OFFICE Fitzgerald, www. Meghan Streit MysticImagesPhotography. PHOTOgraphY com Mel Ferrand, Kat Fitzgerald, Kirk, Kizzy, Ryan BOTTOM LEFT Kolodziej, Anthony Meade, Dave Ouano, Photo by DJ Res-5 DJ Res-5 CAST OF CHARACTERS Andrew Davis, Homer Marrs, Marc “Moose”Moder, Copyright 2011 Windy City Media Group/Lambda Publications Inc. All rights reserved. Jennifer Parello, Peter Pointers, Randy Pubert Reprint by permission only. Back issues available for $3 per issue (postage included). Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, and photographs submitted if they are to be returned, and no responsibility may be assumed for unsolicited materials. All rights to letters, art and photos sent to Nightspots/Windy City Times will be treated nightspots as unconditionally assigned for publication purposes and as such, subject to editing and comment. The opinions expressed by the columnists, cartoonists, letter writers, and com- 5315 N. Clark St. #192, Chicago, IL 60640 mentators are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Nightspots/Windy City Times. Publication of the name, photograph, or likeness of a person or organization 773.871.7610, fax 773.871.7609 in articles or advertising in Nightspots/Windy City Times is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such person or organization. While we encourage www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com readers to support the advertisers who make this newspaper possible, Nightspots/Windy City Times cannot accept responsibility for advertising claims. [email protected] mosphere kkk"Uhacgd\YfYVUf"Wca A5@9 )'))B"7`Uf_ 85B79FG Sisters and porn stars shouldn’t mix ... but they do. CHARLIE’S Photos by Anthony Meade After-Grabbys. SPIN Photos by Dave Ouano 8 nightspots June 8, 2011 DANCING ABOUT gets tricky. You have figure out how you can see the amazing cover band Rock Candy, featuring ARCHITECTURE Molly Callinan (Cat Fight), the sexiest frontwoman in Chicago, then have time to squeeze in the by Marc “Moose” Moder always sexy Chicago favorite Sixteen Candles and their crowd-pleasing takes on John-Hughes-era MIDSOMMARFEST rock. If you miss them, make sure you get to The NOT IN MID- Glenwood’s Pride Day party with Moosebox as the SUMMER: DISCUSS opener/host [PLUG!]. As I write this I’m staring at a well-worn plastic Some festivals seem to load up all the top acts later beer stein (filled with water--it’s only noon) in the day. Not Midsommarfest. Sunday kicks off at and dreaming of six hours from now when my 2 p.m. with one of my favorite bands. 7th Heaven, official street-festival-mojo kicks in with Lincoln a cover band brimming with way to much talent Square’s Maifest. You’d think as one of the biggest and featuring a reality show winner, will blow your Rock Candy Photo from rockcandychicago.com 7th Heaven Photo by Snack King music whores in this town, I’d be dreaming of mind. If you leave right as the last riff comes from Lollapalooza and Pitchfork, but believe it or not, 7th Heaven, you may have time to get to hear the those are just too much for my wallet, and I’m a Brazilian rhythms of Chicago Samba at 3 p.m. for sucker for great local acts served up by one of a great change of pace. Personally after Chicago Chicago’s zillions of summer street fests. Samba I have to go home and walk the dog, but if you’re raging on, the funk and soul of Bumpus will Last year Andersonville’s Midsommarfest eclipsed chill you out like a cold beer. Boystown’s Pridefest and Market Days for me in terms of good music and hot men: two things Leave it to this fest to give us something for that rule my world. This year it’s looking to make everyone for the finale. You probably already saw both look positively gauche. MSF, as I’m calling Sixteen Candles the night before, so skip them Robbie Fulks Photo by Jon Herrington Sixteen Candles Photo from sixteencandlesband.com it, kicks off at 11 a.m. on Sat., June 11, and just on Sunday and check out the truly legendary two hours after it starts I’ll be front and center for al-country god Robbie Fulks with Nora O’Connor. the rollicking alt-country sounds of Devin & the They’re most likely going to be doing some kids’ Straights. Hang tight there because the acrobatic stuff too, but no worries. Robbie could sing NWA Chicago Spirit Brigade—always a crowd favorite— covers and still make you miss Hank Williams. show how they make cheerleading even gayer, followed by one of my favorite local acts, The Joans If you want more Sixteen Candles, come see (think The Cramps and The B-52s opening for The Moose host them at The Glenwood’s Pride North Smiths in Joan Crawford drag). Then, at 6 p.m. it Festival June 26 at 4 p.m. 10 nightspots June 8, 2011 Splitting the difference. CREW Photos by Kirk Frat Night hazing scandal: “Asses were smacked,” claim shocked onlookers. SCARLET Photos by Anthony Meade 12 nightspots June 8, 2011 AND THE WIENER IS..
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