Ruth Finnegan Oral Literature in Africa Open Book Publishers Bibliography Publisher: Open Book Publishers Place of publication: Open Book Publishers Year of publication: 2012 Published on OpenEdition Books: 7 February 2014 Serie: World Oral Literature Series Electronic ISBN: 9781906924720 http://books.openedition.org Electronic reference FINNEGAN, Ruth. Bibliography In: Oral Literature in Africa [online]. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2012 (generated 26 avril 2021). Available on the Internet: <http://books.openedition.org/obp/1210>. ISBN: 9781906924720. Bibliography A. General Reference Works Print references African Abstracts, International African Institute (IAI), London, 1950–1972. Notes and Queries on Anthropology, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London, 6th ed., 1951. Fiches analytiques (Sciences humaines africanistes), Centre d’analyse et de recherche documentaires pour l’Afrique noire, Paris, 1966- . International African Institute, Bibliography of Current Publications (quarterly in Africa.) ABRAHAM, R. C., Dictionary of Modern Yoruba, London, 1958. DUIGNAN, P., and GLAZIER, K. M., A Checklist of Serials for African Studies, Stanford: Hoover Institution, 1963. GASKIN, L. J. P., A Select Bibliography of Music in Africa, International African Institute, London, 1965. JONES, R. (comp.), Africa Bibliography Series (Series A): Ethnology, Sociology and Linguistics, International African Institute, London. West Africa, 1958 North-East Africa, 1959 East Africa, 1960 South-East Central Africa and Madagascar, 1961. VAN SPANNDONCK, M., Practical and Systematical Swahili Bibliography, Leiden, 1965. Web references British Museum Library online catalogues (includes Royal Anthropological Institute Library): www.britishmuseum.org/research/libraries_and_archives.aspx/ Centre d’études linguistiques et historiques par la tradition orale (CELHTO): Oral Literature in Africa.indd 511 8/28/12 12:59 PM 512 Oral Literature in Africa http://www.acronymfinder.com/Centre-d%27Etudes-Linguistiques-et- Historiques-par-Tradition-Orale-%28French%3A-Center-for-Linguistic-%26- Historical-Study-of-Oral-Tradition%3B-Niamey,-Niger%29-%28CELHTO%29. html/ International African Institute: http://www.internationalafricaninstitute.org/journal.html/ International African Institute, Africa Bibliography: http://www.internationalafricaninstitute.org/biblio.html/; http://africabibliography. cambridge.org.libezproxy.open.ac.uk/ [restricted access] International Library of African Music: http://www.ru.ac.za/ilam/ International Society for the Oral Literatures of Africa (ISOLA): www.africaisola.org/ International Society for Studies in Oral Tradition (ISSOT): http://issot.org/ Langage, langues et cultures d’Afrique noire (LLACAN) : http://llacan.vjf.cnrs.fr/ Langues et civilisations à tradition orale (LACITO): http://lacito.vjf.cnrs.fr/index_en.htm/ Leiden University, Netherlands. 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