JOHN INNES FOUNDATION HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS RARE BOOKS CATALOGUE 2nd Revised edition, November 2003 Kenneth Dick, Acting Librarian John Innes Centre INTRODUCTION This catalogue is a revised edition of “The John Innes Special Collection: A catalogue of selected books from the Library of The John Innes Institute” compiled by Elizabeth Atchison in 1978. This earlier catalogue by the then Librarian and later Curator of the Rare Books Collection has proved invaluable to the staff and many researchers visiting the John Innes Centre to consult the Collection. With this 2nd revised edition the Rare Books Reference Collection has been added to the catalogue providing a more complete guide to the resources available within the collection. It is important to note that the subtitle of the earlier publication, “Selected books” remains the case for this new edition as the special collections received as bequests have not been included. It is hoped that this new edition proves as useful and enjoyable as its predecessor. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to acknowledge the contribution all current and previous colleagues in the Library have made to this project. Particular mention should go to Elizabeth Stratton for providing the first revised edition of this catalogue. Kenneth Dick, Acting Librarian, John Innes Centre. 2 Abbot, Charles Flora Bedfordiensis: comprehending such plants as grow wild in the county of Bedford, arranged according to the system of Linnaeus, with occasional remarks. Bedford: W. Smith, 1798. xii, 351 p., plates. 8vo. Abercrombie, John Abercrombie's practical gardener. 2nd ed., rev., with considerable additions by James Mean. London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1817. xxiv, 680 p. 12mo. Account of the different flower shows held in Lancashire, Cheshire Yorkshire, etc. for the year 1820… Manchester: R. Leigh, 1820. 102 p. 6to. Adams, Brian The flowering of the Pacific being an account of Joseph Banks' travels in the South Seas and the story of his florilegium Sydney, William Collins and British Museum (Natural History), 1986 Alecto Historical Editions Banks' Florilegium Prospectus London, Alecto, 1980 Algemeene Vereeniging voor Bloembollaecultuur Florilegium Harlemense. Haarlem: Erven Loosjes, 1896-1901. 20 v. in 2, col. plates. fol. André Èdouard Plantes de terre de bruyères. Paris: Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique, [ca 1870]. iv, 388 p.; illus. 12mo. Annales de pomologie belge et ėtrangère. Bruxelles Commission Royale de Pomologie, 1853-60. col. plates. fol. v.1-8. Ansell, Charles On the rate of mortality at early periods of iife… London: National Life Assurance Society, 1874. [4l, ii, 89 p.; charts. 8vo. Antoine, Franz Abbildungen von 51 Pfirsich Sorten, nach der Natur. Wien, 1817. 22 p., col. plates. fol. Antropov, V 3 Rye in the USSR and the adjoining countries Leningrad, 1929 Arber, Agnes Herbals their origin and evolution a chapter in the history of botany, 1470-1670 3rd. edition Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986 Arber, Agnes Herbals their origin and evolution a chapter in the history of botany, 1470-1670 Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1912 Arnold, Frederick Henry Flora of Sussex; or, A list of the flowering plants and ferns found in the county of Sussex, with localities of the less common species. London: Hamilton, Adams, 1887. xxiii, 118 p.; map. 8vo. Association pour la protection des plantes Bulletin de l'Association pour la protection des plantes, fondee a Geneve le 29 janvier 1883 Geneve: Imprimerie Vve Jules Carey,1883-94 ill.; 22cm Atchison, E. A. and John Innes Institute The John Innes Special Collection a catalogue of selected books from the Library of the John Innes Institute Norwich, John Innes Charity, 1978 Autentrieth, Hermann Friedrich Disquisitio quaestionis Academiae, de discrimine sexuali jam in seminibus plantarum dioicarum apparente, praemio regio ornata. Additis quibusdam de sexu plantaram argumentis generalibus. Tubingae: H. Laupp, 1821. 61 p. 4to. AVBS The art of * Ghent Floralies (memorial book) AVBS, 1995 Avoine, Pierre Joseph d' Eloge de Rembert Dodoens…Suivi de la concordance des espèces végetales décrites et figurées par Rembert Dodoens…par le meme auteur et par Charles Morren…Malines: Typ. de J. F. Olbrechts; Bruxelles: Decq, 1850. 146 p.; port. 8vo. Babington, Charles Cardale Flora Bathoniensis; or, A catalogue of the plants indigenous to the vicinity of Bath. Bath: E. Collings, 1834. vi, 62 p. 8vo. 4 -- Primitiae florae Sarnicae; or, An outline of the flora of the Channel Islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Aldernay and Sark. London: Longman, 1839. xvi,132 p. 12mo. -- Manual of British botany: containing the flowering plants and ferns, arranged according to the natural orders. London: J. Van Voorst, 1843. xxiv,400 p. 12mo. -- -- 7th ed., corr. throughout. London J. Van Voorst, 1874. Ixiii,473 p. 12mo. -- Flora of Cambridgeshire; or, A catalogue of plants found in the county of Cambridge. London: J. Van Voorst, 1860. Ivi, 327 p. 12mo. -- The British Rubi: an attempt to discriminate the species of Rubus known to inhabit the British Isles. London: J. Van Voorst,1869. viii, [4],305 p. 12mo. Baines, Henry The flora of Yorkshire. London: Longman, Orme, 1840. xvi,159 p.; map. 8vo. Baker, John Gilbert and Nowell, John A supplement to Baines' Flora of Yorkshire; with a map. Pt lst: The flowering plants and ferns, by John Gilbert Baker. Pt 2nd: The mosses of the county, by John Nowell. London: W. Pamplin,1854. viii,188 p., plate. 8vo. Baker, John Gilbert and Tate, George R. A new flora of Northumberland and Durham, with sketches of its climate and physical geography; with a map. Newcastle: J. Bell, printer, 1868. 316 p.; map. 8vo. Baker, Margaret Discovering the folklore of plants Reprint of 3rd edition Bucks, Shire Publications, 1999 Balfour, Bayley Primula Obconica and its Microforms Volume 26, Part IV Reprint Transactions and Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, 1913 Balfour, John Hutton and Sadler, John 5 Flora of Edinburgh: being a list of plants found in the vicinity of Edinburgh, by John Hutton Balfour, assisted by John Sadler. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black,1863. vii,174 p., plate. 8vo. Balfour-Paul, Jenny Indigo London, British Museum Press, 2000 Balls, W. L. The development and properties of raw cotton London, Black, 1915 Baltet, Charles L'art de greffer les arbres, arbrisseaux et arbustes, fruitiers, forestiers ou d'ornement . Paris: V. Masson,1869. 320 p.; illus. 12mo. -- L'horticulture en Belgique: son enseignement, ses institutions, son organisation officielle. Paris: V. Masson,1865. 184 p., plates. 4to. Barillet, J. Les pensees: histoire, culture, multiplication, emploi. Paris: J. Rothschild, 1869. xli, 52 p., col. plates. Iarge 4to. Barker, Nicolas Hortus Eystettensis The bishop's garden and Besler's magnificent book Reprint of 1st ed. New York, Harry N Abrams, 1995 Bartlet, John The gentleman's farriery; or, A practical treatise on the diseases of horses . 2nd ed. London: J. Nourse and J. Pote, 1754. xxiv,357 p., plates (some fold). 8vo. Bary, Heinrich Anton de. Comparative anatomy of the vegetative organs of the phanerogams and ferns; translated and annotated by F. O. Bower and D. F. Scott. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1884. xvi, 659 p.; illus. 8vo. -- Comparative morphology and biology of the fungi, mycetozoa and bacteria. The authorized English translation by Henry E. F. Garnsiey, rev. by Isaac Bayley Balfour. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1887. 6 xviii, 525 p.; illus. 8vo. Bastelaer, M. D. van. Herborisatign dans un coin des Ardennes belges. Bruxelles: G. Mayolez 1864. 37 p. 8vo. Baur, Erwin. Einfűhrung in die experimentelle Vererbungslehre. Berlin: G. Borntraeger, 1919. viii,410 p.; illus. 8vo. Bavay, Xavier Seraphin de Cours pratique de la culture et de la taille des arbres fruitiers . 2. ed., corr. et augm. Vilvorde, 1861. 184 p. 6to. Baylis, Edward A new and compleat body of practical botanic physic from the medicinal plants of the vegetable kingdom. Vol. 1. London: Stace and Maids, 1791. viii, 352 p., col. plates. 4to. Bazin, Gilles Auguste. The natural history of bees... translated from the French. London: J. and P. Knapton, 1744. [16], 452 p., plates. 8vo. Beames, R. O. and Whitehill, J. A. E. Some historic gardens in South Australia based on the South Australian Historic Garden survey... Adelaide, National Trust of South Australia, 1981 Beatson, Alexander. Neues Ackerbausystem, ohne Dűunger, Pflug und Brache . ins Deutsche űbersetzt, und mit Anmerkungen versehen, von Gustav Heinrich Haumann. Ilmenau: B. F. Voigt, 1828. iv, 108 p., plates. 8vo. Beck, Thomasina The embroiderer's garden with line decorations by Sarah Siddall Newton Abbot, David & Charles, 1988 Beijerinck, Martinus Willem Beobachtungen und Betrachtungen űber Wurzelknospen und Nebenwurzeln. Amsterdam: J. Muller, 1886. iv, 150 p., plates. 4to. Bell, Thomas 7 A history of British reptiles. London: J. Van Voorst, 1839. xxiv, 142 p.; illus. 8vo. Benary, Ernst Album Benary. Erfurt: G. A. Koenig, 1876-86. 8 v. in 1, col. plates. fol. --Erfurt: G. A. Koenig, 1876~93. 9 v. in 1, col. plates. fol. Bennett, Sue Five centuries of women & gardens London, National Portrait Gallery, 2000 Bentley, Robert and Trimen, Henry Medicinal plants: being descriptions, with original figures, of the principal plants employed in medicine, and an account of the characters, properties and uses of their parts and products of medicinal value. London: J. and A. Churchill, 1880. 4 v., col. plates. 8vo. Berge, Henri Abolition de l'impot sur le sel . Tournai: Typ. de H. Casterman, [ca 18551. 20 p. 8vo. Berry, Henry Improved shorthorns, and their pretensions stated: being an account of this celebrated breed of cattle . 2nd ed. London: J. Ridgway, 1830. 81 p. 8vo. -- A prize essay on improving the breed of cattle, presented to the Manchester Agricultural Society. London: C. Roworth, 1830. 10 p. 4to. -- Prize essay on the breeding and management of cattle, and the most approved system of farming … Liverpool: J. F. Cannell, 1831. 16 p. 4to. Besler, Basilius and Ayomin, Gerard G.
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