We Support The Best You Could Have The Best LEUCHARS GLAZING ()\'I) § JF»<CJ) ~§<CJ)~§ JE-:3I][JF» ~COJJI\H TayportF.C. is indebted to the advertisers in this programme and JL'\101~ CL'P at the Canniepoirt. The club is also indebted to its main sponsors. ~ ~ron\o rnl 111 tomRI\ ftux ,.,Iii=Scott & Fyfe Limited TAYPORTIUl!IHHll !:f!!T SCOTSCRAIG WORKS, -E!EJ,- 1.!.Hl!!.l TAYPORT. LEUCHARS GLAZING TODAY'SIEAMS Gaw.rul; Ai Canniepa irt, Shanwell Road, Industrial Textile Manufacturers GLASS MERCHANTS AND Tayport. Tel. 553670 TAYPORT LARKHALLTHISTLE GLAZIERS ~ frnm from Red Shirts, Whit e Short s. 79 Main Street, ElHm.!w!i SHIRT Leuchars, Fraser MANN Ian NISBET Club - 1947 (as Am ateurs) , Fife KY16 OHF 1990 (as Jun iors ). Paul REIL LY Hugh BURNS _, SPONSORS Telephone 01334 838815 0. V .D. Scottiah Junior Cup Grant MILLER Ian CAMPBELL Runners--up 1992/93, MATCH Winners 1995/96. 1994-98 Grant PATERSON Rab DONNELLY Tayalde League Division 1 PROGRAMMES Champion• 1991/92 , 1992/93, Grant BUIST Willie STEWART 1993194. 1994/96, 1996/96 . Centen ary Cup 1994/96 Sean WILKIE Ian McLEOD Cream of the Berley Trophy 1994195 Tayside League Division 2 Keith NICOLSON Ian McLUSKEY Champion • 1990/91. TAYBRIDGE Zamoyaki Cup Winnen 1991/92 . Mark SPALDIN G Brian SHELDON Whyte & Mackay (Currie} Cup BAR Findborn Winnen 1990/91 , 1991/92, Allan RAMSAY Kenny McDONALD 1992/93, 1993/94. 129 PERTH ROAD, Perthshire Advert ise r Cup Winnen Steven STEWART Jim FRITH 1990/91 , 1995/96. DUNDEE. Supplies lntenport Shield Winners Jim HENRY Gary GRENFELL 1990/91, 1993/94 . Craig Stephen Trophy Winnen, Billy COVENTRY Jim LIPMAN 1990/91, 1991/92 , 1993/94, 1995/96 . TOUCHLINE Albert Herachell Trophy Winnere TRACKSUITS Stephen ROSS Peter O'NEIL 1990/91 , 1991/92, 1992/93, 1993/94, ATTIRE 1994/96, 1995/96 . Dave REILLY Stewart MORRIS David Scott Cup 1995/96. Tameside ANociation for the Barrie GRAY Stevie SCOTT Blind International Challenge Cup Winne n 1996. Gary MAHER Rab KIELTY ~ E. Stewart , 3 Greenaide Place , Tayport . C Ewan CAMERON Ian HOEY Yico-Chairman· A. D. Oswa ld, IAlan KENNEDY 18 Lochside Gardens , Tayport . cc Scott McEWAN ~A.J. Oswald , 17 Reform Street, Tayport . CENTRE CAR COMP.ANY .ImuJwtii R. Macmillan, SOUTH ,WARD ROAD, 12 Banknowe Drive, Tayport . DUNDEE. DDI ITR Referee Ricky Smith Kinglassie Match Sm;raten,· D. Ayre, TEL (01382) 200520 46 Tay Street. Tayport F.IIX (01382) 200188 Referee Assitants R.Smith Dunfermline ~ J. Andenon , L Beveridge , K.Carter Buckhaven R. Irvine, A. McDade, A. Spence , R. Waddell. WARM-UP CommercialManae er· BOOTS Saturday9th November Kenny Smith, Tel : 869019 . SUITS .Mluu.9mi.D . Balkie 0. l'.'.:D. ScottishJunior Cup 2nd Round. ~ G. Malone , G. Reilly , R. Nicol fbnhl: Andy Bell . And to those firms and individuals who sponsor matches and match balls TAYPORT v LarkhallTHISTLE. Groundstatt D. Hughea. throughout the season. Kick Off--- 2:00pm Proarammu · A. J. Oswald , 'PORTPROG'Vol Z No 5 1996\97 17 Reform Street, Tayport . INTERESTED IN SPONSORSHIP? PLEASE CONTACT Telephone: 01382 652644. KENNY SMITH, COMMERCIAL MANAGER OR MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE. MatchSponsor.·- MatchBall Sponsor:- BRELimited. SCOTTDEMPSTER .(BUILDER) Port Prog voted top non-league programme in Scotland. COMPRESSEDAIR SPECIALISTS, WDBMIL ClubMembership /SeasonTickets: Tayport F .C, ClubMembership , which includesa seasonticket to ® "v~ theCanniepairt for all leaguegames , is availableat £15for adults and£10 for children and senior WEST PITKERRO INDUSTRIALEST, ~'?'-"~· citizens. Halftime matchday refreshments are available exclusively to clubmembers/season ticket holdersin theupstairs lounge in theclub pavilion . Applicationsto clubsecretary. BROUGHTYFERRY. lJlll.... .{:J.p .:§ SupportersClub : TayportF.C. Supporters' Club runs buses to mostaway fixtures. DUNDEEDD5 3RU. ·. _ ◄ ,r "o<::>~~'t-_~<::>G \OJro Detailsfrom Mary Walker. Telephone (01382) 55364r ~ -""' ..y O ," <:, L I M I T E D ~\ "<;"-0' TODAY'S GAME D. M. BLACK CHEMIST A warm welcome back to Tayport for the fans of our opponents from the Reebok Central League Premier Division. Those who were here bef ore will notice a few changes to our ground s i nce their last PRESCRIPTIONS DISPENSED vi sit . When the COSMETICS, TOILETRIES a rticle (right) "ANOTHERMILESTONE. " was penned for Today brings another milestone in the history of Tayport F.C. - the first the club's first ever O.V.D. Scottish Junior Cup-tie. For such an DEVELOPING & PRINTING meeting of illustrious occasion what better side to welcome than Larkhall Tayport and Thistle, the oldest of Scottish Junior clubs. BABY CARE La rkhall in Larkhall fans over the years, must have witnessed many a Oct ober 1990 stirring Scottish Cup-tie including three final appearances (not neither Lark­ that there will be many eye witnesses from those day s around to hal l no r relate the tales .) Even the name of our visitor 's home ground, 32 CASTLE STREET o ur s e lve s Gasworks Park, conjures up an image often portrayed by the co uld ever sepia photos of Paw Broon type characters in bunnets, cheering have imagined on their favourites . the next TAYPORT DD6 9AF meeting would The Scottish Junior Cup, has spawned many a tale over the be with us as years and, for Tayport , hopefully their tale is only beginning . defending Cup What a memorable first chapter it would be if victory could be holders. ach ieved over Larkhall this afternoon . TEL: 01382 552247 Yes , that afternoon was a real milestone for the club as was May 12th this year . But that's history now and Larkhall will be more determined today to get a result than they were six years a go . Tooling for Industry ~ "JlkL~ \i Whereas Tayport's squad and backroom staff contains seven of the s quad that featured in the first game , Larkhall's pool has only one survivor - striker Jim Frith . ---------------c1uosp~r~-- Although a visit to The Canniepairt is a new experience for most of the Thistle men, they will not be lacking confidence following BRILLIANT, PERSONALSE RVICE th e ir excellent - and unexpected - win over Arthurlie last • Sa turday. That league win ended a miserable spell for the Jags SCOTLAND'S CRICKET & HOCKEY SPECIALIST a nd c ould not have come at a better time . E.P. • MAJORF OOTBALLCLUB KIT SUP PLIER Tayport left it late last Saturday against an East Craigie side • happy to settle for a point from the first whistle to last. It's GARMENTIMPR INTING unlikely that the fans will see as dull a game this afternoon - EngineeringCo. a lthough, to be fair, the gale-force wind didn't help matters. • EMBROIDERY & CLUB IDENTITY For those Tayport fans not at Forfar or Craigie Park it could be • a f irst opportunity to see new signing Alan Kennedy in a ction . (Dundee)Ltd. EXTENSIVESOURCING EXPERTIS E Steven Stewart, who has missed the last three games through • s u spension , could also be in contention for a start i ng j e rsey. THE CLUBSP ECIALIST & • RETAIL & With Larkhall's colours also being red white stripes , Tayport will have to wear their blue strip this afternoon PRECISION ENGINEERS TEL/FAX MAIL ORDER A warm welcome also to match sponsor Bob Robertson and his party Unit s 14-15, Peddie St reet , from BRE. We trust that they, along with match ball sponsor Scott Dund ee. (01382) 201780 VISA De mpster , have an enjoyable afternoon . Tel (01382) 643174 -5 --- UNIT14 . DOUGLASCOURT . BLACKNESSTRADING PRECINCT-- . Fax (01382) 641965 WESTHENDERSON "SWYND . DU-NDEEDD 1 SBA DUBAI TAYPORT XL SCHOOL OF TAYBRIDGE BAR SUPPORTERS' CLUB MOTORING 129 PERTH UNIT 17 MID WYND, MONIFIETH ROAD, BLACKNESS S~tJ{ TEL: (01382)532233 DUNDEE. DEVELOPMENT TEL: 01382 200065 S~tJ{ TEL: 01382 643973 SEAN S~tJ{ WILKIE GRANT S~tJ{ ANDY PATERSON DAVID REILLY BELL JIM CHERRY YORKES BUTCHERS A & L KING (BUILDERS) LTD . Tayport Caravan Park LGS CATERING ~ ---~ HUNTER STREET Dunsinane Avenue 32 STRATHMARTINE AUCHTERARDER DUNDEE ROAD. DUNDEE. S~tJ{ TEL . 01764 662017 Tel : 0 1382 50 I 12 I TEL: 0U82 825901 S~tJ{ BARRIE S~tJ{ S~tJ{ GRAY GARY GED EWAN MAHER CAMERON REILLY A. STEWART GRAMPIAN HOTEL Manufacturers of top quality shed s. COBBIES INN COBBIES INN s umm e r houses and pl ayho u ses 295 PERTH ROAD. 32 TAY STREET, PADANARAM, 32 TAY STREET, DUNDEE TAYPORT. FORFAR TAYPORT. TEL: 01382 669019 TEL : 01307 463135 TEL: TEL: 552011 Open 7 days 552011 S~tJ{ S~tJ{ S~tJ{ S~tJ{ ALLAN RON NICOLL FRASER STEVE MANN STEWART RAMSAY 1st TIME SCHOOL D. S. GREENHILL 15 Bell Street, Tayport, Fife DD6 9AP Tel: 01382 552030 OF MOTORING DUNDEE OWNEROF Specialistsin all TEL: (01382)456272 CHAMPION CLYDESDALE types of Mobile:0585 629042 HORSES S~tJ{ Joinery Work BILLY S~tJ{ COVENTRY JIM HENRY Workshop: 4 King Street, Tayport BON ACCORD GLASS LEAGUE Results- Sat 2 NOV· DNEC lnter-f'egionCUp - rd 1 • WDLFAPt PREMIER BankaO'DM 1-3 Cutter (aet) l(KLETILLOMI~~ Turri ff United 41 114-913 GNTCup- round 1 · f RAF LOIJlllemth0-2 lnvwurie Coco Longaide 1·2 Sunnybank Sunnybank 4 0 1 15- 4 12 LewisUnited 0-2 Cruden Bay Stoneywood 3 2 113-711 Ad 1 · replays - Formartin11 7-4 S1ralhapey Th Borghead Thia1je 2· 1 Dyce Culler 3 2 1 11- 811 New Elgin 2-2(4-3p} Fraeetburgh U RAFKlnlOM 3-2 lalavale Bon Accord 3 1 212-910 ~o# · DNEC Inter-rag Trophy -rd 1 • lnverurle Locoe 6-0 Blahopmill Un Longelde 2 2 1 6- 5 8 Lewte United 0-2 Crud"" Bay Strath9peyTh 0-3 Hall Ruaeell Un UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Inverurie L W 2 2 1 6- 6 8 Bon Accord Premier - Eatt End 1·1(5-4p) RAF Loeale Hall Rueee/1Un 2 2 211-10 8 Banchory St T em 2·2 Hall Ru.ell ParkvaJo 4-3 stonehaven NOW OPEN ALL DAY - EVERY DAY Banchry St .T em 2 1 2 7-11 7 Bon Accord 3-1 Longaido Banchory St.Tm 0-3 Turriff United Banks O'Dff 0 2 3 5-10 2 Stoneywood 4-1 Stonehav"'1 Doveronaldo 2· 1 Buckle RoV81'11 FOOD SERVED ALL DAY - LUNCH, AFf ERNOON TEA, SUPPER, stonehaven 0 2 5 6-18 2 SUnnybank 4-0 Cutter Hermee 0-1 Stoneywood Eaet End 0 1 5 6-15 1 SNACKS, TEA & COFFEE- (Last Food Orders 9pm ) Turriff United 3-2 East End Fochabera 2-2(6-5p) Ferree Thla1le Bon Accord Olv 1 • FormartlnoUn (p) Fraeer'ourgh U DIV 1 WD L FA Pt 0-1 Maud Bon Accord 5-1 Now Elgin Tennents Lager, Tennents Velvet, Caffreys Parkvale 5 0 2 17-13 15 BuchanhavenHN111 P~ordonUn 0-5 Buchanhaven Lada Club 4 1 1 20- 4 13 Dyce 0-1 La Club REAL ALE , BEE R GA RD EN & CHILDRENS PLAY AREA Ellen United 1-1 Hermee Buchanhaven H.
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