PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Abadie, Randall James 10756 Abel, Russell Howard 09595 Abu-Salah, Khairy 13160 Adams, Benjamin 20003 Shell Explor & Prod. Co. NAES Corp. Abdul-Hafeez Cofield Sr Staff Civil Engr Project Manager MDEQ-OPC Jacobs Engineering/JJ&G PO Box 61933 13619 SE 188th Environmental Eng 2 Process Engineer New Orleans, LA 70161 Renton, WA 98058 511 Laurelwood Drive 945 Broadway (504)728-4755 (425)961-4700 Flowood, MS 39232 Suite 222 (601)961-5284 Columbus, GA 31901 Abbas, Michael Dean 19060 Abernathy, Calvin Glen 10339 (706)324-3213 Foster Wheeler Upstream Mid-South Consulitng, Inc Abu-Yasein, Omar Ali 16397 President Engineer A & A Engineering Adams, Bruce Harold 08468 7944 Grow Lane Mid-South Consulting, Inc. President/Sr. Engr. URS Corporation Houston, TX 77040 1501 Winter Valley Drive 5911 Renaissance Place Vice President (281)507-6143 Tupelo, MS 38801 Suite B 1621 Audubon Street (662)397-6959 Toledo, OH 43623 New Orleans, LA 70118-5501 Abbate, Martin Anthony 10816 (419)292-1983 (504)837-6326 URS Washington Division Abesingha, Chandra 17493 Mngr Electrical Padminie Abughazleh, Qasem 15842 Adams, Gary Robert 17933 4060 Forest Run Circle Civil Eng. Associates,Inc Mohammad Adams Consulting Engrs Medina, OH 44256 President URS Corporation Executive VP (216)523-3998 4028 Lambert Trail Sr. Bridge Engr. 910 S. Kimball Ave. AL 35242 307 W. Gatehouse Dr. #E Southlake, TX 76092 Abbattista, Steven 14813 , Metairie, LA 70001 (817)328-3200 O'Dea, Lynch, Abbattista (205)595-0401 (504)218-0866 Vice President Adams, James Curry 13032 50 Broadway Abolhassani, Ali 16297 Achord, Aaron Joseph 10160 Tennessee Valley Authorit Hawthorne, NY 10532 Structural Concepts Engr. Magnolia Electric Senior Manager (914)747-2800 Dir. Of Engineering Mgr. Of Engr. & Oper 2130 County Road 165 1200 N. Jefferson St. 3750 Monument Trail SE Rogersville, AL 35652-9603 Abboud, Marwan 16574 Suite F Ruth, MS 39662 (256)386-3655 Arcadis Anaheim, CA 92807 (601)250-2422 Vice presidant (714)632-7330 Adams, Jared J 19752 3 Highland Park Lane Ackermann, David 14320 SidePlate Systems, Inc. Atlanta, GA 30306 Abraham, Carl Joel 19819 Sr. Vice President Michael (770)431-8666 Scientific Advisory Servs LIMITED 27795 Berwick Tower Engineering, Inc. Director Mission Viejo, CA 92691 President Abdel-Messih, Maged 20270 3 Baker Hill Road (949)305-7889 210 W. Butcher Switch Rd Crown Castle Great Neck, NY 11023 Lafayette, LA 70507 Engineering Superv. (516)482-5374 (337)886-7176 Adams, Jason 19753 2241 Washington Road Christopher Pittsburgh, PA 15241 Abraham, David Daniel 14029 Adair, William Grady 14465 Jason C. Adams, PE (724)416-2592 USACE WES Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc Professional Engr Resrch Hydraulic Eng Sr. Project Manager 9 Lundy Lane Abdi, Khosrow 15385 PO Box 820034 1104 Oak Moss Drive Bella Vista, AR 72714 Vicksburg, MS 39180 Rahimzadeh Lawrenceville, GA 30043 (479)631-5268 (601)634-2846 Engineering Design Tech. (770)296-5523 Sr. Electrical Eng. Adams, John Charles 10904 886 Hyde Road Abram, Jennifer Melissa 18744 Adam, Robert Kenneth 19165 GA Institute of Tech. Marietta, GA 30068 Gulf Interstate Engrs MDOT Research Engineer (770)988-0400 Sr Civil Engineer EIT Unit 16897 Gulf Interstate Engineers 401 Stonecreek Drive Fernandina Beach, FL 32035 16010 Barkers Point #600 Abdie, Jerald Lee 17932 Brandon, MS 39042 (404)455-0771 Houston, TX 77079 KPFF Consulting Engrs (601)359-7468 Princ/Mngr Stru Engr (713)877-4155 Adams, Joseph Richard 16298 296 NW Sundown Way Adametz Jr, Joseph 15887 Robins & Morton Portland, OR 97229 Abshagen, Timothy 18498 Electrical Estimator Michael (503)227-3251 Christin 805 Foxboro Court WorleyParsons Blair Companies Brentwood, TN 37027 Structural Engineer Abel, Dennis Daniel 16852 Dir Struc Engrg (615)377-3666 106 Woodland Manor Drive Aero Solutions, LLC 11211 Fall Garden Lane Mohnton, PA 19540 Sr. Engineer Knoxville, TN 37932 (610)855-2263 Adams, Kent Lee 18789 61655 Kingston Court (865)201-2499 Johnson Wilbur Adams, Inc South Bend, IN 46614 Principal Adamo, Anthony Francis 12673 (574)299-0599 Abu-Mirshid, Azzam 13597 262 E. Shady Drive TTL, Inc. Palatine, IL 60067 Qasim Principal Engineer Abel, John Fredrick 04557 (630)653-9060 MS DEQ 5016 Longstreet Drive Retired Environ. Scientist Brentwood, TN 37027 Professor Emeritus 522 Post Oak Place (205)345-0816 1001 Taughannock Blvd. Madison, MS 39110 Ithaca, NY 14850-9572 (601)961-5771 (607)273-2144 1 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Adams, Larry Gene 06097 Adamson, Kelley Seale 16575 Aeby, Charles Frederick 16012 Ahmad, Essam Ali 19250 Fountain Construction Co Adamson Engineering,LLC Retired Essam A. Ahmad, P.E. Superintendent Engineer/President 4819 Lindstrom Drive President 114 Forest Ridge Court 1007 Muirfield Village Charlotte, NC 28226 5179 US Highway 231 Brandon, MS 39042 College Station, TX 77845 (704)541-0018 Brundidge, AL 36010 (601)573-8037 (979)696-6681 (251)665-5460 Aeiker, John David 18500 Adams, Mark Winston 14167 Addison, John David 19429 E.I. DuPont de Nemours Ahmad, Falih Hassan 11201 MWA Engineering Services Nelco Arch.&Eng. P.C. Safety,Health&Envir Tarleton State University Owner/Engineer Sr Elect/Mech Engr 1201 Savannah Drive Professor Post Office Box 330609 1280 W. Peachtree St. NW 3712 Mobile, AL 36609 Dept. of Engineering & Physics Murfreesboro, TN 37133-0609 Atlanta, GA 30309 (251)689-5863 Tarleton St., Box T-0390 (615)714-3349 (404)873-3697 Stephenville, TX 76402 Agarwal, Rohit 20344 (254)968-1894 Adams, Michael Eugene 16416 Addleman, Nathaniel 16011 Augusta Fiberglass Mesa Associates James Design Engineer Ahmad, Nawwaf 16062 Principal Structural Hughes Associates, Inc. 236 Letha Lane Abdellatif 10936 Maxwell Manor Lane Engrg Mngr Lexington, SC 29072 MEP Design Eng. Inc. Knoxville, TN 37932 13201 Northwest Freeway (803)284-2246 President (865)216-4787 Suite 800 2179 Talman Mews Court Houston, TX 77040 Aggarwal, Moti Lal 16454 Winter Park, FL 32792 Adams, Robert Lee 14000 (713)586-8889 Blum Consulting Engr. (407)496-8241 BE&K Engineering Co Principal/Proj. Elec Staff Elect Engineer Addy, Wayne Fulmer 14427 8144 Walnut Hill Ahmad, Saddam 17798 BE&K Engineering Co. URS Corp. Suite 200 KTI Inc PO Box 12607 Consulting Engineer Dallas, TX 75231 Sr. Principal Eng. Birmingham, AL 35202 17526 Celestine Court (214)373-8222 4603 April Meadow Way (205)972-6426 Parker, CO 80134-9171 Sugar Land, TX 77479 (303)843-2673 Agnes, Matthew Leo 17288 (832)865-4757 Adams, Scott Allen 15841 Clark Nexsen A&E Adams Consulting Engineer Aden, Mark David 17287 Senior Associate Ahmed, Nesar Uddin 19754 Electrical Engineer D'amato Conversano Inc. Clark Nexsen A&E AL A&M University 9933 Eleral Drive Principal/Spokane 6160 Kempsville Cir. Ste 200A Prof of Civil Engr. Pensacola, FL 32526 3428 S. Lincoln Norfolk, VA 23502 3126 Haddonstone Drive (850)554-8856 Spokane, WA 99203 (757)455-5800 Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763 (425)827-2238 (256)372-4149 Adams, Sherman Wayne 17703 Agnew, Frank Wilson 11225 Sherman W.Adams,PE Aden, William Brantner 16576 Alabama Power Company Ahsan, Muhammad 20076 Prof. Engineer Foresite Group, Inc Senior Engineer Mansoor Suite 5557 380 Mountain View Lane Principal Bridgefarmer & Assocs,Inc 1805 N 2nd St Springville, AL 35146 5185 Peachtree Pkwy. Principal Rogers, AR 72756 (205)257-4623 Suite 240 PO Box 836368 (479)631-5557 Norcross, GA 30092 Richardson, TX 75083 (770)368-1399 Agostinelli Sr, Victor 04380 (972)231-8800 Adams, Toni Ellen 13388 Martin Sullivan Adeokun, Felix Funso 16685 Retired US Army Corps Ahuja, Deepak 16944 Georgia-Pacific Raymond Engineering Inc Structural Engineer Nelson Architectural Eng Sr. Project Engr. Engineer Post Office Box 723 Vice President 2457 St. Andrews Avenue P O Box 448 Vicksburg, MS 39181-0723 2740 Dallas Pkwy. #220 Zachary, LA 70791 Spring, TX 77383-0448 (601)638-5950 Plano, TX 75093 (225)654-1862 (713)553-7643 (469)429-9000 Agrawal, Sanjay 16651 Adams, William Paul 13202 Aderholdt, Mark Wendell 14564 AG&E Associates,PLLC Aikens III, John Marvin 17010 Nobles Consulting Group Auburn University Principal Donan Engineering Co Inc Vice President Dir. Design Services 4311 Bretton Bay Lane Forensic Engineer 1307 Shady Rest Road 135 Pine Hills Ave. Dallas, TX 75287 2209 S. Hillwood Dr. Havana, FL 32333 Auburn, AL 36830 (214)520-7202 Mobile, AL 36605 (850)385-1179 (334)844-9194 (251)602-0506 Aguillard, Brian Michael 19520 Adams Jr, William 10733 Advincula, Guido G. 18499 B&A Engineering & Serv. Aillet, Joseph Roguet 18453 Whitman URS Washington Division Owner Black & Veatch Corp. Adco Electric Inc Instr. & Contrls Eng 18470 Old Maple Wood Drive Project Director President 12275 West Texas Drive Prairieville, LA 70769 14103 Country Vale 401 Brookwood Estates Denver, CO 80228 (225)445-1984 San Antonio, TX 78216 Byram, MS 39272-5661 (303)843-3699 (210)404-1330 (601)922-3575 Ahlrich, Randolph 10181 Charles Burns Cooley Dennis Inc Sr. Geotechnical Eng 551 Sunnybrook Road Ridgeland, MS 39157-0 (601)856-9911 2 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Ainsworth, Steven 14089 Al-Rawi, Haidar 13399 Alberswerth, Michael 18434 Aldridge, Rosemary 16769 Haines Abdul-Malik Lewis Robinson Ainsworth Associates TN Dept of E & C Kuhlmann Design Group,Inc Neel-Schaffer, Inc. President Environmental Spec. Project Manager Engineer Manager Ainsworth Associates 908 Gailynn Marie Drive 1814 Chelmsford Court 481 Cheyenne Lane 3741 Business Drive Mount Juliet, TN 37122 Saint Louis, MO 63146 Madison, MS 39110 Sacramento, CA 95820 (615)532-0578 (314)434-8898 (601)898-3358 (916)737-6014 Al-Soufi, Maher 11616 Albert, Michael Francis 14253 Aleithawe, Imad Adam 14207 Aitken, James Malcolm 17173 VANGUARD Tetra Tech, Inc MDOT HNTB Corporation VP-Engrg & Construct Engineer VI Engineer IV Asst Bridge Dept Mgr 8294 Grogans Ferry Road 8340 Faranda Way 811 Steel's Pointe 2115 Seaman Way Atlanta, GA 30350 Knoxville, TN 37931 Madison, MS 39110 Atlanta, GA 30341 (678)429-5892 (865)220-4741 (601)898-0088 (404)946-5775 Al-Turk, Emad Aldin 10056 Albin, Duane Andrew 16504 Alem, Ziad Helmi 19822 Akers, Kenneth Reed 03802 Akram Basic Systems, Inc.
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