641263? VOL.1 O fficial O rd& n of the S ociety ° * * K « UW V E PS A L B R O TH E R H O O D O F I flA N * .» r* ^ bo/ a/rdfyA A /tearfed /take to tA e open road, /fea/tA y, /no. tht wor/d before mo, TA e /onpirownpath ie/ore mefoedinj wherever/choose. -0/dW * /r Printed & * often as possible and * Ju mailed monthly to members ik pood t£ g * * * r* dir» p; only, by the Guild « rt" < PrS E 0H -R o05T-I M^ TH E -W /00D^ I W DI W I I V O ne Dollar « ^ * ftr -^ Ten cenf* a. copy Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-16 18:05 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/nyp.33433081642567 / GMT 18:05 2014-12-16 on Chicago) of (University Deveney Patrick John for Generated http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google / Google-digitized Domain, Public 01112 Qvpm flush & * } ? O pprn S oafc Journal of the S ociety of the Iournalof the of the UNI VE RS AL BROTHE RHOOD OF MAN Society Published Monthly at Pigeon-R oost-I n-The-W oods, I ndiana. ‘UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD OF MAN S ubscription and Membership in the B rotherhood one dollar a Tear. L ife Membership and S ubscription $ 10.00. Published at F oreign S ubscriptions, $ 1.25 Monthly Make F oreign Money O rders payable at Chicago, U. S . A . R emittances in gold, silver or copper accepted with alac- Pigeon-Roost-In-The-Woods,Indiana. rity. S tamps and personal checks received with j oy. Don' t bother to buy a Money O rder. Just drop a W illiam into an envelope and send it on. A ll remittances mailed to TH E O PE N R O A D are especially protected by Providence—Subscription and and Membership in the Brotherhood one dollar I Uncle S am. W e take all the risk. Life Membership and Subscription $10.00. * S hin plasters, Canadian money, perforated dimes and plug- Year. ‘ “ ged nickels taken at face value. Confederate' money 9 5 per Foreign Subscriptions, $1.25 cent discount. Make I f none of the above are at hand, send on your subscription Foreign Money Orders payable at Chicago, U. S. A. anyway and pay later. A ll we want is your promise to read the ' Z inelet, and pass it along to H I M or H E R and remit as toon as possible. Remittances in gold, silver or copper accepted with alac- E ntered as second-class matter, S eptember 8, 19 08, at tke Postoffice at Griffith, I ndiana, under act of March 3, 1879rity. Stamps and personal checks received with joy. Don't A ddress all communication* to bother to buy a. Money Order. Just drop a William into an The O pen R oad ::: GR I F F I TH , L A K E CO UN TY , Ienvelope N DI A N A , s: and send it on. All remittances mailed to THE K . F . D. N o. 1. Pigeon- K oost-in' the-W oods. OPEN ROAD are especially protected by Providence~—and A dvertising O ffice, 3118 L ake Park A ve., Chicago, I lls. R ates on A pplication. Uncle Sam. We take all the risk. Copyright 19 12, by B B UCK CA L V E R T to Shin plasters, Canadian money, perforated dimes and lug- ged nickels taken at face value. Confederate money 9 per cent discount. If none of the above are at hand, send on your subscription anyway and pay later. All we want is your promise to read the ’Zinelet, and pass it along to HIM or HER and remit as soon as possible. Entered as second-class matter, September 8, 1908, at the Postoflice at Grifiith, Indiana, under act of March 3, 1879. Address all communications to The Open Road ::: GRIFFITH, LAKE COUNTY,INDIANA. :: R. F. D. No. I . Pigeon-Roost-in-the-Woods. AdvertisingOffice, 3118 Lake ParkAve., Chicago, Ills. Rates on Application. Conrlebt 1.61%, I»; slmcn cu.vIm'r J i‘ Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-16 18:05 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/nyp.33433081642567 / GMT 18:05 2014-12-16 on Chicago) of (University Deveney Patrick John for Generated http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google / Google-digitized Domain, Public \ ,' I ‘ s I an- . 7., I ) 4* TH E N E W Y O R K A(|D | PUB L I C L I B R A R Y FC.‘..‘N T1L DE N F O UN DA TI O N S L The 19: O pen * Vol. IX The JUL Y , 19 12 Open No. 1 B ruce Calvert, E ditor and VOL. IX JULY, 1912 N0. 1 Publisher W A L T W H I TMA N A N D fflS CO MME MO R A TO R S . Bruce Calvert. Editor and Publisher I JO R A CE TR A UB E L , W alt W hitman' s lit- erary ex ecutor and spiritual successor in the western world, passed the word and I dropped in to the W hitman birthday cele- WALT WHITMAN AND H18 bration at H otel B revoort, N ew Y ork City, F riday evening, May 31. I t was a great event. S omewhat over one GOMMEMORATOR8. hundred and fifty ; ,guests^ J should say. sat down to the. W B ll-appoihte' d " banq uet board- Whitman There was much; eating $ iid drinking, and TRAUBEL, Walt ’s lit- clinking of glasses? and scratching of matches HORACE and puffing of eigfart; and; cigarettes. Plen- erary executor and spiritual successor in teous flow of wit and humor and all went merry as a marriage bell. I suppose a mar- the western world, passed the word and I 1 dropped in to the Whitman birthday cele- bration at Hotel Brevoort, New York City, Friday evening, May 31. It was a great event. Somewhat over one hundred and Z,guests:' 7}; shcmld say. sat down to the‘ Well-appointed "banquet board- There was eating drinking, and clinking of g1asaeS‘and sera1._ching of matches and puffing and§’cigarettes. Plen- teous flow ofwwit and humor and all went merry as a marriage hell. I suppose 3. mar- 1 Co 816 Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-16 18:05 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/nyp.33433081642567 / GMT 18:05 2014-12-16 on Chicago) of (University Deveney Patrick John for Generated http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google / Google-digitized Domain, Public TH E O PE N R O A D riage bell is merry tho I never saw one, but it sounds good anyway. A fine literary program had been ar- ranged, but by the time the hungry diners THE OPEN ROAD had reached the proper state of repletion for appreciating the simple, sweet sanity and frugal tastes of O ld W alt, it was so late that riage bell is merry tho I never saw one, but there was time for but one speaker before midnight, Dr. Geo. W . H erron, of F lorence, it sounds good anyway. I taly, and the intellectual feast had to be cut short. 0 in U I was much disappointed. I went ex pect- ing a feast of reason and a flow of soul in A fine had been ar- the spirit 6f| y? 2\ j tittari. • . A nd-t w#s immense- literary program ly interested in see' irig to/wnatflj -etght of spir- but diners itual ecstacy, b' ftA h^ ilJfipctrsnid beauty the ranged, by the time the hungry celebrants would" soar " ' after two hours and a * • • • • had reached the proper state of repletion half of diligej it; .:edlic£ n£ raied; work at the feeding trough. B ut' fhat' I * wrll never know, for appreciating the simple, sweet sanity and for while we cleaned up that festal board properly, we had to postpone our mental frugal tastes of Old Walt, it Was so late that 2 there was time for but one speaker before midnight, Dr. Geo, W. Herron, of Florence, Italy, and the intellectual feast had to be cut short. I was much disappointed. I went expect- ing a feast of reason and a flow of soul in the spirit o1f§§l_\l§t1,itgn.an.1 And-I: yvas immense- ly interested «in? 995115;’; tcfiv-hafffiéight of spir- itual ecstacy, b'rp3;hc§z:fq_6pd:;gnd beauty the celebrants Would’ éoai'°'afbei' tiwo hours and a half of ai1igégt§I§c_o_i;c€fi§£éiea work at the ° feeding trough, But't'hat‘l:w‘i’llnever know, for while We cleaned up that festal board properly, We had to postpone our mental- 2 Co 816 Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-16 18:05 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/nyp.33433081642567 / GMT 18:05 2014-12-16 on Chicago) of (University Deveney Patrick John for Generated http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-google / Google-digitized Domain, Public TH E O PE N R O A D dessert and forensic demi tasse to some more convenient season. W hatever else my W hitman comrades of THE OPEN ROAD Manhattan may or may not be, let none deny that they are valiant trenchermen, brave and determined at the battle of the viands. dessert and forensic demi tasse to some more Prom the pale cold clams which opened the bout to the I talian cheeses and cafe noir convenient season.
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