LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD. VOL. 9-NUMBER 214 LONG BRANCH, N. I, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 19*0. 8 PAGES PRICE ONE CENT DAVID JAIR0 HOST MINOR COURT CASES Camden Republican BOM Eats Clami CLEAN DEMOCRATIC City Recorder Van Doren Dispose* of OCEANIC FAMILY OF at Hunter's Letand Inn Sat- Drunk and Disorderly Oasea in BURGLARS STRIPPED urday Night. a Lenient Manner, David nalrd, candidate for United John Cooper and hJp wife ware MS Slati'a Senator and former member of SWEEPJN rested Hatimiay night hy Patrolman the State Board of Equalization of Veiter for being drunk and disorder- Taxes, was the host at a dinner serv- WOMAN OF DIAMONDS NINE ALMOST TRAPPED Indications Today That Repub- ly. At the hriirhig in the Recorder's ed al Hunter's Lelaml Inn Saturday court ii WRB ascertained (hat Mrs, night. Covers were unread fo* twelve. licans Lose All Congress- Cooper was the Aggressor, and she The visitors telephoned from Caraden was fined $f>. Her htmband was dis- IN NIGHT BLAZE that I bey would arrive in automobiles, men and Senator charged. EARRINGS AND RING and to hiive the shore dinner in readl Charles RenveH, of West Long ness when they reached Ihe Inn. Mine August*), Me., Sept. 13. - For the first Branch, wan arrcsled Sunday by Pa Host Hunter WUH fully prepared, and trulniun Harvey for creating a nuia Breaking of Lamp Shade From Heat All That Saved butli host and guests enjoyed the out time In thirty years the Demyci- Summer Resident of Bath Avenue Seized In Bed have curried tiie st;ii.- election in atu-e. He Has lined |D. In* Maine. GUT Tour Bert M. Fefuaid, He Amanda Webb, a colored woman inUutgetl iou freely Saturday night Eugene Kennedy, Wife and Children From John Klavell, the well-known New publican, seeking iv-eleetiou, lius beeu And Robbed of Jewelry at Three O'clock This ark politician, and John Dalrymple and wan arrested by Patrolman Mil 'i ' • in air raw ot ihe Republican executive overwhelmingly defeated by Frederick ler. It cunt her $5 for being IndlH Horrible Death in Flames-Two Dogs and 'onimittee, together with a parly of W. i'hiish'ii. Heinocrat. PiaiHted, Is Morning By Two Intruders, Who Made friends, visited the Leland Inn Satur mayo^u." Augusta. JIIM majority IH • • Savings of $250 Burned day night for a shore dinner. Of tlinttted ni from 5,000 to 8,000. Good Their Escape course the gathering had no politica significance, as they merely called to Mrs. David Cohen, who bas been Awakened this morning at one enjoy an outdoor spead. WILL KEEPJ-UMBER o'clock by a noiwe caused Uy the KORN GETS MEDAL •pending the summer in tne Whealon ln-eaking of a lamp shade in the din- Deal Resident Who Composed "Our Board of Trade to Store Material Used cottage, S86 Bath avenue, had a thril- ing room, Eugene Kennedy, of First Carnival Queen" Not Forgotten AT OPEMjR RALLY In Carnival Grand Stand In ling experience ^arly tblp raorhJng street, Oecanfe. discovered that the By Carnival Committee. Oecari Park. thai hn» left her In an extremely ner- house w*s (>n flre. He Bpeedily ZflH TOHOLD ITS Mayoralty Candidate Delivers A decision was reached at U*8 meet vous slate. The womaa IH a. widow, The unexpected happened at, ihe about sixty yearn old, and has been aroused ihe family, who barely escap- ftOAiiag of Lh* Board of Trade last ing of the Hoard uf Trade last night ed with their lives. Two pet dogs, one Stirring Campaign Address to keep the greater part of the lumb< living with her daughter and son-in- night. Ralph H. Korn, of Deal, who law. a collie and (lie other a u\muie]f which was there by invitation, vu presented 21ST REUNION HERE UHi'd in the cai'iiiwtl grand .•J.-HM). in- were allowed the run of the house, At Washington Park stead of nelliug it ai auction UH was Only the ladiea aud their servant! 1 with a silver medal appropriately en- we I** caught in the dlnilig room aud graved. Annual Gathering of Veterans tlrst BUggMted- The original commit were in the coltag* last night, the «on- perished, Mr. Kennedy, when ueen The presentation WBH made by Mrs. Alvln W. Van Scholck, an enthus- tee, Messrs. John H. Parker, William In law being detained in New York. hy a Record reporter this morning, John Ilubfiaid Parker, chairman of iastic candidate for tht* nomination of R. Warwick and John O. Sexton, wa» A light was left burning on the lower placed his logs at $550, $300 of that at St. Luke's Church mayor on the Republican ticket, and retained to see that the lumber In prop floor when the family retired. About the children'H carnival, in behalf <->!' erly stored. amount heing for household furniture the carnival committee of the Uouid Tomorrow who only recently came out with three o'clock Mrs. Cohen was awak- and the otJipr'$250 IIBIIIR iii hills which platform that covered an area from Samuel it. Rosoff, the lessee of •tied by a noise in her room. She no wferp in a stand drawer In the dining ancient times to the present require- Ocean Park, haa consented to i6on«r made an attempt to Inveitl- room. surprise En Mr. Korn, who WUH uon- The (wenty-fTrsf annual reunion of ments of the city, in the only one. of phiNsml for a time. He, however, re- the 2»th New Jersey Volunteers will the Hoard of Trade committee to gale the cause- than ah« wai rudely The flre started In the kitchen and the Heverai city candidates here who the. lumber back of the in it . The grabbed by two men and thrown back ate its way through info the dining covered and thanked Mrs. 1'arker and held at St. Luke's M. E. Church to- las addressed an opeh-uir meeting. work will he done at once. the committee. morrow* There will be two sessions, upon the bed. iiioiii Qn the table in the dining room Mr. Van Schoick gave way to the The burglars threaUnfcd'ner life if was a 1:H(»[I with a glass shade. AH The gift in In recognition of hia.do- opening at ten o'clock with a welcome nation of the composition, "Our Car- address by Mayor McFaddin and re- soHcltiious appeals or his friends to ac she made an outcry, and, even had ihe noon its the il.tnn s touched it, the cept an invitation to speak at Wash felt so dlauoHHd, bar fright and ner shade wag shattered. nival Queen," which Mr. Koru had ponse by Secretary T. 0. Morford, printed and Hold in the interest of the followed by the election of officer* ngton Park last evening. The park COMBINATION AUTO VOIISNI'SH worn such that she would Going to the bottom of the stairs Mr. was brilliantly Illuminated, and when have been unable to do 10. la fact, Kennedy dincovered the flre, and. with carnival fund. and an address by Rev. Or. Henry R. he orator of the evening stepped upon RoblnHOU, of Ked Bank, Rev. iVr. he almost coiMtuM. Oh» of t%e men great presence of mind, closed the he platform in the hand stand he was icked the bedroom dour while ihi- In- door between the dining room *and George H. Neal will make the opening greeted and introduced as the next HOSE WAGON FAVORED jrayer. timidated woman was gritfrded by the the hall. Rushing to Ihe upper floor Col. Frederick W. plaisted. Mayor. He graciously acknowledged otber. he grabbed the younger children and FISHHffiCLUBFOR Dinner will he nerved af noon by he salutations, and started his ad- Committee of City Council Re- started for the street, calling to bis he Ladlct*' Aid Society of the church. Wllllnin M. Pennell <if Brunswick, dress by saying he was In the race to They held the woman's head, while wife and older children to follow. The afternoon session will be de- for three terms sheriff of Cumberland advocate, the poor man's catisp and lift ports Result of Its tearing at her ears to get poMehMon John Kennedy, the 19-year-old Hold, voted to tihort talks by the comrades, comity, Is victorious over Asber U. ip the humble and those In distress. of lifer diamond earrings. Tn»y finally ftMATEUfl ANGLERS Hinds of Portland, Republican, for succeeded In securing the rings and not knowing what he wa» about, jump- with the election of honorary officers This oiien declaration called forth Investigations ed from the window into the back .nd the selection of the next place or congress ID the First district. This Is hen looked for more of hwr Jewelry the district represented for many years 'oclferous applause from the mllltl- finding th»t she bad a rinron h*r yard. He, however, came back into Those Who Have Been Casting meeting. ude present. ContinnlltK. the. speak- The citizens and business men are by Thomas lirnekett Rued. Mr. Hinds* At the adjourned meeting of the finger, they lout no time In- getting It the house and succeeded in dragging Off the Beach Prompted to is the pHrllninentnry clerk to the •r laid great stress on the cremation ::Mty C'ouiH'il held Ian! evening former iff. A diamond ring concealed on an- His older sisters, Maniraie and Mar- asked to decorate their places ttnnor- Bpeaker's table at Washington. The if refuge and the speeding of uutonio- •ow in honor of the visit of the boys jreRldent Jumeu M.
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