THE LONDON GAZETTE, BTH SEPTEMBER 1984 The Greater Manchester County (Woodsmoor Lane, Stock- The effect of the Order, which will be operative from port) (One Way Traffic and Width Restriction) (County) 26th September 1984, will be that you will not be allowed Order 1984 to cause or permit any vehicle (unless the vehicle is a (a) To impose one way working on Woodsrnoor Lane disabled person's vehicle, which displays a disabled per- from a point 48 metres south-west of Belgrav© Orescent son's badge and a parking disc coloured orange issued to Belgrave Crescent in that direction'; and by a local authority and then only for a maximum period of 2 hours return prohibited within 1 hour), to wait from (&) To impose a 6 feet 6 inches width restriction on. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday on the length of road Woodsmoor Lane between a point 31 metres north-east specified in the Schedule below. of Chiitern Drive and a point 49 metres north-east of The Order has revoked the Borough of Swinton. and Chiltern Drive (i.e. from south-west to north-east of the Pendlebury (Pendlebury Road, Swinton) (Restriction of level crossing). Waiting) Order 1973, in its entirety. A copy of the Order and a map showing the lengths The Greater Manchester County (Woodsmoor Lane, Stock' of roads affected are available for inspection at the port) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1984 Common Law Section, 214 Chorley Road, Swinton M27 To prohibit waiting, loading and unloading at any time 2AD, between 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Mondays to Fridays on: inclusive. Woodsmoor Lane, north-west side, from 14 metres north- If you wish to question the validity of the Order or of east of Chiitern. Drive for 17 metres in a north- any of the provisions contained in it on the grounds that easterly direction; and it is not within the powers conferred by the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967, as amended, or on the grounds that Woodsmoor Lane, both sides, from 17 metres south-west any requirement of that Act, or any Instrument made of Belgrave Crescent for 15 metres in a south-westerly under it has not been complied with in relation to the direction. Order, you may, within 6 weeks from 6th September 1984, Copies of the proposed Orders and plans showing the apply to the High Court for this purpose. lengths of road to which they relate, together with a R. C. Rees, Chief Executive statement of the Council's reasons for proposing to make Civic Centre, Chorley Road, the Orders may be inspected between 9 a.m. and 4.30 Swinton M27 2AD. p.m. on Monday to Friday at the County Legal Office, County Hall, Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester, or at the SCHEDULE Director of Administration's Office, Stockport Borough Council, Town Hall, Stockport. Pendlebury Road, west side, from a point 117 metres Objections to the proposal, together with the grounds on north of Swinton Hall Road to a point 153 metres north which they are made, must be sent in writing to me by of Swinton Hall Road. 8th October 1984. 13th September 1984. (492) P. D. Quick, County Legal Officer. P.O. Box 430, County Hall, STOCKPORT METROPOLITAN BOROUGH Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester M60 3HP. COUNCIL 13th September 1984. (724) The Metropolitan Borough of Stockport (Peel Moat Road, Lea Road, Broomfield Road, Brownsfield Road, and Derby Road, Heaton Moor) (Prohibition and Restriction MONMOUTH DISTRICT COUNCIL of Waiting) Qrder 1984. Monmouth District Council, The Bank Street, Chepstow Notice is hereby given that the Stockport Metropolitan (Variation of Off-Street Parking Places) Order 1984 Borough Council acting as agents for the Greater Man- chester County Council, who are the Highway Authority, Notice is hereby given that the Mommouth District Coun* propose to make an Order under the Road Traffic Regula- cil propose to make an Order under section 31 (1) of the tion Act 1967, as amended. Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967, as amended by the Trans- The effect of the Order will be to prohibit waiting: port Act 1968, in respect of the Bank Street Car Park, Chepstow. (a) at any time in the sides of lengths of road specified The general effect of the Order shall be to regulate the in Schedule 1 below, classes of vehicles permitted to park in the said car park (b) between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday to Saturday and to prohibit therefrom the parking of heavy goods on the sides of lengths of roads specified in Schedule 2, vehicles. The proposed Order will also prohibit the parking of (c) for a period longer than 1 hour, return prohibited able-bodied drivers in areas set aside for the; parking of within 1 hour between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday disabled drivers' vehicles only. to Saturday in the side of length of road specified in A copy of the draft Order together with a statement of Schedule 3. reasons for proposing to make the Order is available for Full details of these proposals are set out in the draft public inspection between the hours of 9.30 a.m. and Order which together with the map and statement of the 5 p.m. Monday to Friday at the Council's Headquarters Council's reasons for proposing to make the Order, may be at Mamhilad, Pontypool, Gwent, and at the Council's examined at the Enquiry Desk, Town Hall, Stockport, Area Office at Chepstow. between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4.30 p.m., Monday to Objections to the Order should be mad© not later than Friday. Any person wishing to object to this proposed 5th October 1984 and addressed to the Council at Order should write, specifying the grounds of objection, to Mamhilad, Pontypool. All objections must be made in the undersigned by 4th October 1984. writing and must specify the grounds thereof. S. A. Dobson, Director of Administration 'S. C. Davies, Head of Administrative and Legal Services Town Hall, Stockport. Mamhilad House, Mamhilad Park Estate, Pontypool, Gwent. SCHEDULE 1 13th September 1984. (722) At any time Lea Road, Heaton Moor, north-east side, from its junction with Heaton Moor Road for a distance of 15 SALFORD CITY COUNCIL metres in a south-eastern direction. The Greater Manchester County (Pendlebury Road, Pendle- Broomfield Road, north-east side, from its junction with bury, Swinton) (Revocation of Waiting Restrictions and Heaton Moor Road for a distance of 15 metres in a Introduction of New Waiting Restrictions) (City) Order south-easterly direction. 1984. Peel Moat Road, south-west side, from its junction with Notice is hereby given that on 6th September 1984 the Heaton Moor Road for a distance of 115 metres in a Council of the City of Salford, acting on behalf of the north-westerly direction. Greater Manchester County Council, made the above- Peel Moat Road, north-east side, from its junction with named Order under sections 1 and 84D of the Road. Traffic Heaton Moor Road for a distance of 15 metres in a Regulation Act 1967, as amended. north-westerly direction..
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