to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, Jan. 16, 1984 Hospital relaxes rules Talent and schedule NOW loses on Caesareans, children key for MHS hockey mall access ... page 3 ... page 15 ... page 9 Clearing tonight; Manchester, Conn. cloudy Wednesday Tuesday, Jan. 17, 1984 — See page ^2 Haurljrfitrr Utmlh Single copy: 25C Court rules videotaping Flip-Top Imx OK in home By Elizabeth Olson Such copyright protection “ has United Press International never accorded the copyright owner Soft packor new Flip-Top box. complete control over all possible uses WASHINGTON — The Supreme of his work." Instead, the law gives the Either way, you get a iot to tike. Court, in a precedent-setting decision, copyright "'exclusive rights' to use and ruled 5-4 today Americans are free to to authorize the use of his work in five use their home video recorders to Qualified ways including reproduction videotape television programs. of the copyrighted work in copies. In a major victory for the $3 Dissenters, led by Justice Harry billion-a-year home video recorder Blackmun, said "It may be tempting, industry, the justices overturned ,a as, in my view, the eourt today is hotly contested ruling that even pri­ tempted, to stretch the doctrine of fair vate, in-home taping of TV programs use as to permit unfettered use of this violated television copyrights and that technology in order to increase access UPl photo manufacturers of the recording devi- to television. But .such an extension cies were responsible for the illegal erodes the very basis of copyright law Marlb Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko iistens to Disarmament in Stockholm. Palme appealed for a copyright infringement. by depriving authors of control over the opening speech by Swedish Prime Minister Olof "grand strategy of peace” to come from the their works and conseQuently of their “ One may search the Copyright Act incentive to create." Palma today at the Conferetice for European conference. in vain for any sign that the elected Marlli representatives of the millions of '■K— people who watch television every day have made it unlawful to copy a program for later'wiewing at home, or Heat failure m have enacted'a flat prohibition against Peace plea opens parley the sale of machines that make such copying possible, ” Justice John Paul Stevens wrote for the majority. shuts ECHS J STOCKHOLM, Sweden (UPI) - Swedish Stevens wrote that the sale of Sony's Prime Minister Olof Palme opened the Betamax video 'cassette recorder is All 1.343 students at East Catholic 35-nation European security and disarma­ "capable of substantial noninfringing High School gut a surprise day off ment conference today with an urgent uses. Sony's sale of such equipment to today, after the building's ailing appeal to the superpowers to adopt a the general publie does not consitute heating system broke down Monday "grand strategy of peaoe:*^ contributory infringement of respond­ night. With hundreds of people singing peace ent's copyrights.” "But we should definitely be in full songs outside, Palme told the confereiae The case was brought by Universal swing tomorrow," the Rev. William that Europe already has the world's la rg ^ t Charbonneau, principal, said this concentration of conventional and nuclear Studios and Walt Disney Productions against Sony, manufacturer of the morning. “ I would hope that we'll even , 1 * ’« weapons and there is “ anguish” among the be able to have the basketball game population over the rising danger of war. Betamax video cassette recorder. Also named as defendants in the suit were seheduled here tonight." ■ Ik ' S "These peoples all unite in an urgent , ■■•fi'Vv appeal to the leading powers to use every one user of the Sony Betamax recorder Charbonneau said he decided to call opportunity to find the road to meaningful and one retail outlet that sold Betamax off school Monday evening when the dialogue and serious negotiation," Palme devices. circulation pump in the .school's said. The court's decision spares the 22-year-old heating sy.stem began “ They are not looking for new miiitary eleetronics industry from the threat of “ acting up," adding to problems with strategies. They are looking for a grand millions of dollars in fines or royalties pipes that had either frozen or broken strategy of peace." or even a court injunction halting sales while the system was turned off for Palme especially appealed to the United of home videotape recorders. repairs. States and Soviet Union to reverse the It also frees 5 million owners of home This morning. East Catholic had no build-up of nuclear weapons in Europe. videotape recorders to record their heal. By 10 a.m., Charbonneau re­ Nearly all the 35 participating nations at favorite shows and movies from ported that the broken pipes had been the Stockholm Conference on Confidence- television. repaired and a new circulation pump lights and Security-Building Measures and Disar­ had arrived and was being installed. He mament in Europe — from East and West Stevens noted that "it is not ourjobto expected that heat would be restored to Europe plus the United States and Canada UPI photo apply laws that have not yet been the building by noon. — were represented by foreign'ministers at written” and acknowledged Congress Mid-term exams, scheduled to begin lO O ’s the conference opening. U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz shares a story with Sen. Nancy may "take a fresh look at this new today, have been postponed until A crowd of about 700 people, braving Kassebaum of Kansas, who is traveling with U.S. delegation to techology.” Wednesday. “ We wanted to give kids t a r £. NICOTINE driving snow, sang peace songs in the plaza Stockholm as a congressional adviser. Lobbyists for Hollywood are now their best crack at taking exams, outside as the ministerial limousines pulled expected to press Congress to rewrite rather than take them in a freezing I OWERE*^ »5ss«e»iii up to the modernistic conference building in copyright laws and provide for new classroom.” Charbonneau said, to the center of Stockholm. They rolled a huge, j Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko royalties to compensate TV producers ‘'OW ERgj^ ^ In his 25-minute speech of welcome. explain his decision to close the school. 12-foot high balloon painted to represent the had been expected to include himself on the Palme told delegates that the conference, and performers. Exams will continue through next ' earth across the plaza. list.of those wishing to address delegates which will continue its work for at least In a key finding on copyright law, the Monday, Charbonneau said, though U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz was today but declined at the last minute. He three years, should begin "modestly and court ruled copying in the home for they were originally scheduled to end scheduled to address the meeting today and will speak Wednesday. realistically." personal use is a “ fair use” exempt Friday. call on Moscow to return to the Geneva talks Shultz will meet Gromyko privately from the copyright laws. on limiting medium-range nuclear Wednesday afternoon at the Soviet Em­ He called for initial measures to reduce “Any individual may reproduce a Area radio stations begun reporting missiles. bassy in their first session since super­ east-west suspicion and increase confi­ copyrighted work for a 'fair use;' the the closing shortly after 5; 30 a.m. Bula The foreign ministers of France. Portu­ power relations were ruptured by the Soviet dence and cooperation and said only at a copyright owner does not posssess the couple of students who missed the gal, East Germany, Denmark and Czechos­ downing of a Korean passenger jet in later stage should members move on to ^exclusive right to such a use,” sfevens reports showed up at school anyway, lovakia also were scheduled to speak today. September. actual arms reduction discussions. wrote. > Charbonneau said. Manchester man critical after getting heart transplant Bv Susan Plese waiting there since for a suitable definite go,” she said; Levy was complications during surgery. was very positive, very relaxed. I hooked to a respirator and a heart Herald Reporter transplant. Dr. Bartley Griffith prepared for surgery, and the Fortunately, none of Levy's vital was apprehensive,” she said. monitor, and he has a chest cavity headed the transplant team. actual procedure began at 12:30 organs had deteriorated during his Hospital spokeswoman Judy drain. “ And he had about 10 Allan.Levy, 55, of 26 Florence St. Levy's plight came to the atten­ a.m., almost two hours before the long wait. Barring any complica­ Blanchard described the surgery. different medications through I.V. received a new heart in a four-hour tion of Manchester residents in donor heart had even arrived at the tions, he will spend from four to six “ The surgery lasted four hours (intravenous) lubes,” Mrs. Levy transplant operation early this November when the local chapter hospital. weeks at the hospital. — a relatively short lime for a said. Levy is receiving the new morning at the Presbyterian- of the men's service group UNICO At 2 a.m. the hospital organ heart transplant. It can go right up anti-rejection drug cyclosporin. University Hospital in Pittsburgh, began raising money for his air recovery team returned to Pitts­ LE V Y'S NEW H EART is pump­ to six or eight hours or longer,'' she The first 24 hours will be critical Pa. At 9 a.m. today his condition ambulance trip to Pittsburgh. burgh with the heart. By 4 a.m. ing nearly three limes as much said. < in Levy's recovery. He faces the was listed as critical. News that a heart had been found Griffith told Mrs.
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