';' . " j ~ . SON & COMPANY Anl10un.ces. Embargo Egypt Sale J I. ~E.-\TIIER ~~1~1 ~~ ~11h • I'ItESI·;;,\·rs , HEflORT BACH THE DAILY NEWS 3\·ailable at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Vol. 68. No. 19.5 ST. NEWFOUNDLAND, TUESDAY, ~UlY 31 1956 {Price .5 Charles Hutton &Sons ritain, .....<: , ac uez ontro LONDON (AP) - Britain and sive action to assure Britain's $1,300,000,000 As wan Dam is 1 cnnal without warning last Thurs. France asked the United States lifeline' and oil supplies, Eden nn. "quite unacceptable in relation tit day as f01l0\\'s: Monday to back a plan for an nounced the arms ban on Egypt his· many engagements under in· I Britain and France froze alI international control board to in a brlel statement In the House ternational law." Egyptian cash anr! assets, as well guarantee that the Suez Canal of Commons. As to jail threats facing Briton;; as funds of the canal company. remains an International water. The exact significance of the employcd on the canal, Eden saiel in thcir banks. way open to alI countries in war move could not be assessed im. "we regard it as unacceptable Egypt announced she wo~i't and peace. The board would in· merliately as Britai I:~r~.; r··· t tllnt Britbh subjects should be rcfu50 to accept cheques (~rawn on clude Egypt and Russia. the details of her arm, sales ordered to slay or be kept as hos British banks in p,.)'ment for loils. At the same time Prime Minis· abroad. tages." anel follower! lip by banning ex· ; ter. Eden announced a second reo Since Egypt began buyi::; IIl'm~ ULOW·RY·BLOIV SCOR E ports to Britain 1':<lt were paid 1 taliatory slap for President Gamal {rom the Soviet bloc, British mills The Lonelon office of the canal 'I for in British currency. ' Abdel Nasser's Suez nationaliza· have been slowed clOI·. n. Rut al company said its 1,387 employees Britain clamped. on the arms tion-:-the halting of ali British least tll'O dcslroyers-AI Quaher in Egypt were "cut off an'" sub· embargo. I! arms shipments to ~ypt.· and At Fatch-at Portsmc·~th (fir jeeted to compulsory \VOl:: unrlcr i Egypt rescineled her orders. On the other hand Egyptian delivery to the E~···""; Ircr( penalty of imprisonment in a zone! In his statement, Eden sairl customs officials at Alexandria ~~ected. under martial law." i "close touch is bein~ maintained" announc~d without explanation Eden said Nasser's plan to use This left the blo\\,.by·blo\·/ sCQ,Te, with Ihe governments d the Com.' the lifting of the ban on exports canal revenues to finance the since Nasser nationalized the monwcalth en the situation. to Britain and the Commonwealth which are paid for in sterling. Four ships bound for Britain Canadian' Government Studying whose cargoes of cotton and rice han been unloaded were ordered reloaded. The foreign office also received Suez Seizulre, No Decision Yet word that Egypl had caneellcd its OTTAWA (CP)-The Canadian asked Whether the government I ~!r. SL Laurent replied that order 10 canal officials not to government is studying Egypt's has considered the advisability o[ ,: Canada ha;; not been informed accept cheques on London or seizure of the Suez Canal but has making a formal protest 'to Egypt. thnt the three CommQnwealth Pari.r, ba.lks in payment of tolls. i)A'( made no decision yet 10 scnd a The prime minister's reply in. ~Icmbers have taken that posi. EGYPT TO SHARE formal protest over the action, dicnted that that point has been hon. Prime Minister St. Laurent in· studied. He said he knolVs of no lie addeel thnt the gOl'ernment .....rnl·n STOCH:1I0LI\1 LIMPS PAST LIBERTY ISLAND-New York:-Her great bow, built for ice· Meetlng in an atmosphere of erisis,with large. crowds gather­ formed the Commons Monday. protest made by any Common. has been in touch wilh Prime ~u l~:"c:jl'alh' non·existent, the Swedish liner Stockholm limps 'past the Statue of Liberty on her ing outside the prime minister's wealth country ex~ePt Britain. )[inister ~Icnzies of Australia, who :: ~c~ berth i;l Xc\\' York with more than 500 survivors from the Italian liner Andrea Doria. AI· residence and the British press He said Canada wiii be kept left (or Chicago Sunda>' from a {ully inlbrmed on British·French· Howard Green (PC-Vancouver Can~.:ii~n I'i,it. He said Canada ., :c;ni:.l,1' damaged hersclf in the collision thai sank the Doria, the Stockholm stood by picking up ur~ing forceful action, officials of Britain, France and the United United Slates talks on the prob· Quadra) said news rcports said was told that Australia is con. :nlOlIghout the long night of terror.-(IN Photo),' States considered It plan that lem. I' Australia, New Zealand and South cernell about possibla tnterfer. would In effect recognize Egypt's )!r .. ~t. Laurent was repl),ing to Africa have . in~ieated supportof i enee wilh non.discriminator, ad. • natio\lalization of the canal com· OpPosllIon Leader Dr e w, who I any stand Bntalll may take. I ministration of the canal . • pany, but assure international usc I I • u.L.I,.arlans Re- Shuffle Goyernment, ·::~J~~~~:;f~Vaa!~~e~~ !~10~~:~~~ Difficulty In Arms Agreement I would be a member of thc Inter. ~rln national board, and that Egypt By DAVE IIlcINTOSll Minister !It. Laurent indicated in Itant not to add any fuel to the Better, Con'diti ODS would sharein revenucs of the Canadian Press Staff Writer the Commous' Canada would be burninn )!iddle East .1tuation Promises canal's operation, OITAWA C E' wiiling to enter an informal Weot.1 Any ~ove by the West to .hip ltclllr.n I\.\SI~CIIKE his two·hour speech although he The premier afso .nnoun~d the Ernoe Geroe, who succeeded It· the plan is settlcd upon b~' ( P)- .gyptJan seiz· ern agreen.lent to supply arms, I armament." to Israel might -.'.h I ure of the Suez Cnnal has made th h d k ~ i.\?- Commllni~I, ncver- once mentioned Rakosl or cancellation of aU talt debts on Rakosl as first secretary of the the three Western pOll'ers, they more difficult, at Icast for Can. oug it. Id not. want to ta'e a~)'I' Arab countries further toward test Communist parh', resisned his :';::~rrl ,I< govcrn·l·poznan. smail farm owners. would seck an lnternalloual can· ada, implementation of any West. such actIo? on Its own. Israel III Russiaor bring on other l:gyp. ". r.lm.n" ~ nc'" for· WOS'T OVERTAX ECONOMY deputy premiership. Two ne ' dep· ference of the mnritim& powers ern collective agreement to ,up. c~rlY April asked. to buy so~e llian retaliatory measures. I ·,~··i: ,~,! m~l;in~ !i~ I In a ~peech marked throughout The Parliament session Is elt· uty premiers weI'. nppolnted. One to put It into effect. ply arms to Israel. t~vo dOleR CanadIan Sabre le( Olficials also said it Is IInpor. :i:.:(: CJir.:r;. by modcration, H e g e d u s de· peeted to last '. week and to be . Is Georgy Marosan, a tU:ged one· The Britons and French eonsld· fIghter planes, I tant that Canada maintain its ::t~:(: .\ni!ra. I!c~cdlls dared: marked for the first time by some time socialist who was recently reo cl'cd American· support essential Indeed, Inlormants salel Mon· An agreement was x ct d t ~ moral pUFilinn in this Issue. relatively free debate. It opened habilitated and put back on the I . ~,.: on rHliamcnt ami • to the plan, and apparently were day, the Canadi;Jn ~o\'ernmeul, he announced soon P~'s;rblye Ihi~: If this country announce!1 in the ,.I .~;:,,\ effieOt in Ihc Ii,·. "'!'his time we are not going to with the Speaker announcing the central committee of Ihe Commu . waiting for word from Washing· may revme a pusi~ion,. ta~en I weel!. But indicati~n;; here ~Ion:: n~al' Cuturc lJl~t as pa~ of a r.!:!·~ (! l:h r:t\· rlwcllers demand too mueh or promiSe too cabinet changes. The most Import· nist party. The other is '.tvan Hi· ton. I before the canal nntlonalIzatl0n. dav were that it wiJi be del aye II \\estern cullcchl'e plan It wa; 1r.'1 , :r!';rm Ilf the lIIuch. We are not going to stretch ant was the appointment of Imre das, already : member of the po· PRESSURE fOR ACTIO:>J to support in prinCiple communal and Canada mav nut J1articiJlat~ Igoing to Sh.iP jet planes to Israel ',. :r~;(cly :njn,ticcl 01 our legs beyond the Icnglh of our Horvath, 50·year-old career dip!o. lItburo and the party central com. Und~r pressure by both Co~. Western weapons shipments to at all.' it might appear. especially to the carpet. That is the aim of our mat, as foreign minister replae· mittee, serl'ahl'es and Labor to take decl· Israel. I Arab st;.tcs. that Canada was ncll' five·rear plan, that we do ing Janos Boldoczky. Horvath Is II ---------­ About three weeks ago, Prime OffiCials said it is I'itall)' impol" dabbling in powcr p(}litlcs. ;:.'! :n:~:.:cr ~dcll'r~~ccl not attempt more than we can ful former minister to Washington. ~, '!!';',n 01 Parliament fil and not ol'erextend our econ· !~! );:.c 25 roli~h workers' Other appointments 'lVere Ger· om),." gely Szabo as minister of chern· p.m. I: P·.:n;n. which ~hook Mediterranean Lost Without Two Brito,ns Revive Old Dream ~ ~::::";n:'t 'F.trilitc~.
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