INDEX. INDEX. A .ACTS. AMENDED....;.. (See Bills). ACCOUNTS- Standing committee on, appointed, 60. ADA~S,. (.. FRED. A.- An act .to di.vorce (See Bills)'. ADKINS, ALLAN R.- An act to divorce (See Biills). A:DJUTANT GENERAL­ Report presented, 13 .. AGRICULTURE- Standing committee on, appointed, 60. ALIENS­ (See Bills); ALLEN, AMANDA C.- An act for the benefit of(See Bills). APOLLO CASTLE, NO. 2, KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE- (See bills). 950 APPROPRIATIONS- Standing ~ommittee on, appointed, 60. ARMSTRONG, SAMUEL­ Declared elected a member, 6. ARMSTRONG, EMMA J.­ .An act to divorce (See Bills). ARTHURS, MATTHEW_, An act to divorce (See Bills). ARTICLE IX OF THE CONSTITUTION­ (See Bills). ASKETUM TRIBE, I. 0. R. M.­ (See Bills). ASSOCIATIONS OF UNIONS AND WORKINGMEN AND TRADE-MARKS,_ (See Bills). ATKINSON, WILLIAM A.- An a~t to revive an act in relation to salt marsh (See Hills). ATLANTIC CONSTRUCTION COMP ANY- An act toincorporate the (See Bills). B RAILEY, EDMOND-- Appointed reading clerk. Appomtment approved, 37. :BAINARD, LEAH- An act to divorce (Sec Bills.) 951 BALDWIN, ELLEN_:.. An act to divorce (See Bills) EARNEY, MRS. J. K.- Granted use of Hall to address the members of General Aosem­ bly, 37· BAYARD LEGION DEMOCRATIC CLUB­ An act to incorporate the (See Bills), BEGGS, FRANKLIN T.-'- An act to divorce (See Dills). BENEDICTINE ORDER- An act to amend and .renew charter of (See Bills). BILLS~GENERAL. Accomplis!mzent ef Fraud, .Ah act to prevent the, uporn General Assembly by means of deception and tricky amendments of acts-'-notice given> - ; read first time, 91:,; read seconi. time, without reference, 915; read third time, passed the House,. ordered to the Senate for concurrence, 915; passed by Senate,. 935; reported enrolled, 940; signedby both Speakers, 94r. Adive Lodge, No. I4, Kn~[;lds of Pytlzias, of the State of Delaware, m the town of Felton, A1i act to re-incorporate-notice given, 129; introduced and read, 137; read second time, 150; r'eported favorably, with. amendments, 169'; read third time and passed the· House, ordered to Senate for concurrence, 170-171 ; passed by Se'nate, 207; reported enrolled, 237; sigi1ed by both Spe.akers, 266. Aqjustment, An act to regulate, tmder insurance policies-' notice g11en, 429; read first time,. 461 ; read second time and referred, .so9. Adoption ofRoad, An act J01: the, by Sussex County, in. Nanticok.e City, Seaford Hundied, Sussex County, Delaware-­ presented for concurrence, 639; read first time, 649; read second time and referred, 659; reported back favorably, 717-7 rS; read third time, passed the House, ordered that the Senate be informed, 720; presented. enrolled, 766 ; reported enrolled, 784. 952 Adams, .Freel A. and Effie F., An act to divorce-notice given, 2r3; introduced and read, 229; read second time and re­ ferred, 244; reported favorably, 633; read third time, passed the House, otdcred to the Senate· for concurrence, 642 ; passed by the Senate, 695 ·;. reported enrolled, 807; signed by both Speakers, 824. · · Adkins, Allan R., and Saralz E., An act to divorce­ notice given, 254; introduced and read, 267; read second time and referred, 2 79 reported favorably, ·389; read third time,· passed the House, ordered to the Senate for concurrence, 582; concurred in by the Senate, 620; reported enrolled, 807 ; signed by both ~peakers, 824. Agricultural Society of Delaware, An act to re-enact and amend the act incorporating thC;'-notice given, 63; introduced and read, 2d5 ; read second time and referred, 302. Aliens, A1i act in relation to the estate of, and to complete their title to same-notice given, 266; mtroduced and read, 275; read second time and referred, 296 ; reported favorably 399; read third time, passed the House, ordered to the Senate ·tor con: currence, 399; passed by the Senate, 500; reported enrolled, 570:; signti!d by both Speakers, 602. Alle11, Amanda C., An act for the benefit of-notice given, 488; read first time, 489; ,read second time and refem:d, 508; reported favorably, with amendment, 626; amendrnent read and adopted, 62T:; read third time, passed the House and. ordere~ to the Senate for concurrence, 6 2 7 ; passed by the Senate, 682 ; re­ ported enroHed, 70 r; signed. by both Speakers; 726; · American Leather Company, An act to amend the certifi­ cate of charter.of the.c-ndtfce given, 400; read first time, 439; read second time and referred, 484; reported favorably, 553; read third time, yeas and nays ordered, passed the House, ordered to the Senate:for concurrence, 560; passed by the Senate, 673; re, ported enrolled, 7ir.5; signed by both Speakers, 756. Ancient Order Fni'ted Worknien Hall Com,pa;iy, An act to incorporate the-presented for concurrence, 5 7i; read first time, 5 76; read second time and referred, 587 ; repor~ed.Cavora­ bly, ,7_5,6,.; .read.third time, yeas and nays taken, passed the House, 953 ordered that the Senate be informed, 760 ; presented enrolled, 796; reported enrolled, 88L · Annual Assessment, An act to provide for an, in City of Wilmington-n0tice given, read first time; read second time and referred, reported back favorabiy, 1871, read third time, 1;assed· the House, ordered to the Senate for concurrei1ce, passed by the Senate, reported enrolled, ~igned by both Speakers, 939, · Apollo Castle, No. 2, K1tights of the Golden Eagle, of the State of Delaware, An act to incorporate-,-notice given, 264; in­ troduced and read, 277; read second time and referred, 303., re 0 ported favorably, 36,; read third time, yeas and nays ordered, passed the House, ordertd fo the Senate for concurrence, 368- 369; passed by the Senate, 541 ; reported enrolled, 5$6; signed by both Speakers, 64r. Artisans' Savings Bank, An act to atnend an act entitled, Ao act for the reliet of the-notice ~iven ;ind read first time, 755; read second time and referred, 771; reported back favorably, 825; read third time, passed the House, and ordered to the Senate for concurrence, 870. Article IX, efilie Const£tution, An act to ratify the pro­ .posed amendment thereto-notice of given, introduced and read, 40; read a second time and referred, 60; passed, 70-7 r. Arthurs, Matthew a,zd Angelina, Anact to divorce, from the bonds of matnmony-notice given, 298; read first time, 398; read second time and referred, 403; reported favorably, 667; read third time, passed the House, ordered to the Senate for con­ currence, .676 ; pas~ed by the Senate, 77 7; reported enrolled, 820; signed by both Speakers, 849. · · I Armstrong, Emma J. and Btmjamz'.n S., An act to divorce, from the bonds of matrimony-notice given, 23r; introduced and read, 301 ; read serond time and referred, 338; · reported L1vora­ bly, 668; read tlmd time, passed the. House, ordered to the Senate for concurrence, 819; passed by the Senate, 795; reported enrolled, 819; :;ignerl by both Speakers, 849. Associations and Unions, An act to protect, of working­ men and persons m their labels, trade-marks and forms of a<lver­ tising-presented for concurrence, 3 78; read first time, 390; read 954 second time and referred, 406; reported favorably, Qjo$: ;: read third time, passed the House, ordered that the Senate be intormed, 613-614; presented enrolled, 683; reported enrolled, 740. Asketum Tribe, An act to -incorporate the, of the Iin°· proved Order of Red Men, of Dartboro', Delaware~notice· given, 426 ; introduced and read, 4 7 1 ; read. second time and re­ ferred, 496; reported tavorably, 553; · read third time, yeas and, nays, passed, ordered to the Senate for concurrence, 563; con­ curred in by the Senate, 620 ; repoi"ted enrolled, 653; signed by­ both Speakers, 699. Atkinson, TVillianz A,, An. act to· revive and extend the· act entitled, An act g-ranting to, the title of this State to a certain tract of salt marsh herein rn\!ntioned-,-notice given, 4.33...:434 ;. read first" time,. 449; read second time and referred, 505 ; re· ported back favorably, 745 ; read third time, pa~sed the House,. ordered· to the Senate. for concurrence, 745 ; passed by the Senate, 812; repo.rtecl · enrolled, 853-854; signed by both, Speakers, 892. Atlantic Construction Company, .An act to incorporate the, -notice ·g1 ven, 399 ; tead first time, 41 I j read Second time and referred. 45 7; reported favorably, with amendment, 5·53, amend-­ ment adopted., 55 7; read third time, yeas and. nays ordered, passed the House, ordered to the Senate for concurrencer 55 7 ;: passed by· the Senate, 639 ; reported enrolled, 656; signed· by both Speakers,. 725. · · Bainard, Lea!z and Eben, An act to divorce-notice given, 435 ; read firsttime, 445 ; read second time and referred, 520; reported bac.k favorably, 736; read third. time, passed the House, ordered to the Senate for concurrence, 736; passed the Senate, 810; reported enr.olled, 85 3: signed by both Speak- ers, 886. · · Baldwin,. Ellen and· George z., An act to divorce, from the b,rnds of matrimony-notice given, 224; introduced and read, 241 _: read second time and reterrecl, 255; reported tarnr­ ably 332; read third time and passed the. House; ordered to the Senate for concurrence, 3 7 ;3; passed by the Senate, 52 8 ;: re­ ported enrolled, 535--:536 ;_ signed by both Speakers, 538. Bayard Legio1i D,miocratic Club, An act to incorpornte 955 the-presented for concurrence, 558; read first time, 5 76; read second time and referred, 588; reported !Jack favorably with amendment, 703 ; amendment read, adopted and ordered to the Senate for concuryence, 734; read third time, yeas and nays taken, passed the \House, ordered. that the Senate be informed, 734; Senate concurred in House amendment, 7 5 1 ; presented enrolled, 768 ; reported enrolled, 783.
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