TWILIGHT PRAYERS BOOK FIRST PROOF 5/3/2015 HARYASHTAKAM Introduction Haryasthtakam is the first among the divine prayers. Prahla:da, the beloved disciple of Sage Na:rada, introduced this wonderful stho:thra, elaborating the power of Lord Srihari’s name, in each slo:ka. Great A:charyas say to chant the divine name HARI, 7 times while waking up. Why? The meaning and - process of chanting this name reveals the answer and it is so wonderful. Here it is.... The name contains only two letters. HA and RI. When we chant Ha, it brings out all the sins. The moment we chant the second letter Ri, it burns them into ashes. So, HARI na:ma means, the name that dispels the inner darkness, and burns all the sins committed innocently, to ashes. Prahlada explains it in this stho:thra beautifully. We can realize the power of the name HARI, once we learn this. So, with love and faith let us learn and chant this stho:thra every morning and get the divine blessings of Lord Hari. harir harathi pa:pa:ni dushta chitthair api smruthaha I anichchaya:pi samsprushto: dahathye:va hi pa:vakaha II Meaning harihi = Hari, the two syllable word smruthaha = when chanted api = even dushta + chiththaihi = by people with impure minds harathi = eradicates pa:pa:ni = all the sins hi = undoubtedly pa:vakaha = as the fire dahathi + e:va = surely burns api = though samsprushtaha = touched anichchaya: = unintentionally 1 TWILIGHT PRAYERS BOOK FIRST PROOF 5/3/2015 Purport The name of Lord Hari has a miraculous power. Uttering the divine name of Lord HARI has many benefits. Fire, even when touched unknowingly, never spares the person. It definitely burns. So also, the Lord’s name, even when uttered by the people with impure minds, has the power to destroy all their sins. What to say about the devotees, who always chant the name of Lord Hari with love, with real love. Can we imagine the power of this Nama? sa ganga: sa gaya: se: thus sa ka:si sa cha pushkaram I jihva:gre: varthathe: yasya harir ithyakshara dvayam II 1 Meaning yasya = On whose jihva:gre: = tip of the tongue akshara + dvayam = the two syllable word ithi = as harihi = Hari varthathe: = exists saha = that person ganga: = becomes as pure as river Ganga: saha = he gaya: = becomes as sacred as Gaya se:thuhu = as strong as the stone bridge, Nala Se:thu saha = that person ka:si: = as pious as Ka:si saha = that person pushkaram cha = as divine as Lake Pushkaram too Purport One who always chants the name of Lord Hari with Love becomes very pure and worthy. He will be as sacred as The River Ganges. He will please his ancestors like the holy place Gaya. He will be loved by Lord as much as the Lord loved the Se:thu, the bridge constructed by the Va:naras, across the ocean to reach Mother Si:ta. He will be as sacred as Ka:si:, and as divine as Pushkar Thi:rttha. va:ra:nasya:m kurukshe:thre: naimisa:ranya e:va cha I yath krutham the:na ye:no:ktham harir ithyakshara dvayam II 2 2 TWILIGHT PRAYERS BOOK FIRST PROOF 5/3/2015 Meaning yath = whatever good krutham = has been done va:ra:nasya:m = at sacred place Va:rana:si kurukshe:thre: = at Kurukshe:tram naimisa:ranye: + e:va = and also at Naimisa:ranyam (thath = all that is done the:na cha = by Him ye:na = by whomever akshara dvayam = the two letter word ithi = as harihi = Hari uktham = is chanted Purport Va:rana:si is the place where Lord Siva always the name of Lord Rama, thus He makes the place sacred. Kurukshe:thra is the place which enriches our righteousness through the message of Bhagavad Gi:tha. Naimisa:ranya is the place where God exists in the form of trees, and that is the place from where all the Pura:nic knowledge spread around the world. Good deeds performed in these places will give manifold results. One can reap all the above benefits, just by chanting the two letter, word HARI. Pruthivya:m ya:ni thi:rtha:ni punya:ny a:yathana:ni cha I tha:ni sarva:nyase:sha:ni harir ithyakshara dvayam II 3 Meaning ya:ni = whichever thi:rtha:ni = sacred rivers ha = and also ase:sha:ni = innumerable punya:ni = holier a:yathana:ni = temples 3 TWILIGHT PRAYERS BOOK FIRST PROOF 5/3/2015 prutthivya:m = (are there) on this Earth Akshara + dvayam = the two letter word ithi = as harihi = Hari sarva:ni = is all tha:ni = of them Purport The benefit of visiting all the sacred temples and rivers on the Earth is equivalent to chanting the two letter word Hari. gava:m ko:ti sahasra:ni he: makanya: sahasrakam I daththam sya:th the:na ye:no:ktham harir ithyakshara dvayam II 4 Meaning sya:th = blesses with the benefit daththam = of donating ko:ti + sahasra:ni = billions gava:m = of cows & ahasrakam = a marriage celebration in which 1000s he:ma+kanya = of girls decorated with gold jewellery the:na = by one; ye:na = by whom akshara +dvayam = the two letter word ithi = as harihi = Hari uktham = is uttered Purport Uttering the two letter word HARI gives the same benefit as that of donating countless cows or giving away thousands of girls fully decked up in gold in a mass marriage celebration. Rug ve:do:ttha yajur ve:das sa:ma ve:do:py attharvanaha I adhi: thas the:na ye:no:ktham harir ithyakshara dvayam II 5 4 TWILIGHT PRAYERS BOOK FIRST PROOF 5/3/2015 Meaning rug+ve:daha = Rug Ve:da attha = then yajur+ve:daha = Yajur Ve:da sa:ma+ve:daha = Sa:ma Ve:da attharvanaha api = and also Attharva Ve:da adhi:thaha = is recited the:na = by him ye:na = by whom akshara +dvayam = the two letter word ithi = as Harihi = Hari uktham = is uttered Purport Whatever good happens to those who recite the four Vedas is obtained by those who utter simply the two letter word ‘Hari’. asvame:dhair maha:yajnyair nara me:dhais thatthaiva cha I ishtam sya:ththe:na ye:no:ktham harir ithyakshara dvayam II 6 Meaning Sya:th = blesses the benefit ishtam = of performing maha: + yajnaihi = with great sacrifices asva + me:dhaihi = like that of Aswame:dha Yajnas thattha + e:va = similarly nara + me:dhaihi cha = with Narame:dha Yajnas the:na = by him ye:na = by whom akshara dvayam = the two letter word ithi = as harihi = Hari uktham = is uttered 5 TWILIGHT PRAYERS BOOK FIRST PROOF 5/3/2015 Purport When a person chants the two letter word HARI, he obtains the same great benefit of performing many ya:gas like that of ‘Aswame:dha’and ‘Narame:dha’. pra:na praya: na pa:tthe:yam samsa:ra vya:dhi na:sanam I dukha:thyantha parithra:nam harir ithyakshara dvayam II 7 Meaning ye:na = by whom akshara + dvayam = the two letter word ithi = as harihi = Hari uktham = is uttered pa:tthe:yam = it becomes the food packed for journey praya:na = used in the final journey pra:na = of the soul na:sanam = the destroyer vya:dhi = of the disease samsa:ra = called samsa:ra, the mundane life pari + thra:nam = the overall protector athyantha = from immense dukha: = grief Purport When the two letter word HARI is uttered during this life, that itself would feed him in his final journey from this world. The two letters ‘Hari’ would wipe off the ego that pushes one into this life cycle. The two letter word Hari alone protects one from the ‘rajo: guna’ which is the root cause for all grief. baddhah parikaras the:na mo:ksha:ya gamanam prathi I sakrud uccha:ritham ye:na Harir ithyakshara dvayam II 8 6 TWILIGHT PRAYERS BOOK FIRST PROOF 5/3/2015 Meaning parikaraha = all the paraphernalia baddhaha = is kept packed ready gamanam + prathi = to proceed mo:ksha:ya = towards liberation the:na = by him ye:na = by whom akshara + dvayam = the two letter word ithi = as hari = Hari uccha:ritham = is uttered sakruth = once Purport The two letter word HARI, even if uttered once in a life time, will provide the necessary equipment needed for the final journey of the soul, while in the path of liberation. haryashtakam idam punyam pra:thar uttha:ya yah patte:th I a:yushyam balam aro:gyam yaso: vruddhis sriya:vaham II 9 Meaning yaha = whoever pate:th = reads idam = this hary + ashtakam = 8 slo:ka:s about Lord Hari uttha:ya = after waking up pra:thaha = in the morning (saha = he gains) balam = Physical strength a:ro:gyam = health vruddhihi = growth yasaha = of fame a:yushyam = and long life sriya:+a:vaham = that bestows prosperity 7 TWILIGHT PRAYERS BOOK FIRST PROOF 5/3/2015 Purport Upon recitation of this holy ‘Haryashtakam’ early in the morning one is blessed with a long and prosperous life. He acquires the needed strength to perform good activities and maintains good health. Such devotee of ‘Hari’ will become world famous and wealthy. prahla:de:na krutham stho:thram dukha sa:gara so:shanam I yah patte:th sa naro: ya:thi thad vishno:h paramam padam II 10 Meaning yaha = whoever patte:th = chants stho:thram = Haryashtakam so:shanam = that dries up dukha + sa:gara = the ocean of sorrows krutham = as composed Prahla:de:na = by Prahla:da saha = that naraha = person ya:thi = attains thath = that paramam = supreme padam = Abode vishno:ho = of Lord Vishnu Purport Chanting this stho:thra composed by Prahla:da, has the power to dry up one’s miseries that are unlimited like the vast ocean.
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