amptan M tha UU Mtick, with ft tall oonplMMBt of kiag kii it U Mid, tpMtl .fIUUdim «Hk Om. 0*4 talk total. ^ .*0 lflta taaIWtMl York bark »mth Australia. .*.. Idfi Klxkkad, Cook, do do bri* Gas W JoaM mi itn urn nM man. .BifgvwoU for AdaWda, via, the British Coofleaador-ia-CMaf, mm! uMtaNjM Im m4 M «MkK. 1W yiww «t» «A At Bnik, for Mssslna, wind bonad, had sM Wth sit and Hotort B»nek In., mow unpaid Vio« Coaaai of Great ¦tuMferln. following oomprleae har fmk LI.t Omi** baek. poi ftt New Tork. baa been the At «U brlak ?y>"yf»:8 BHtain, by QuMt, BonUjr till* ul moot; rtialnt. Cal¬ B F ietlM matte* J . Inappointedof Banda; fc-^. wS Lcqhoui Arr March 1, Adams, Brooks, Triasta. STEAMSHIP FRANKLIN. British Oeoaul ftt Philadelphia, plftoe W. Peter. Esq , cutta aukrt ihpitMid. Blahop: Paaaad Mtdahipmen Q N 88 Awaett, B Matanica*.Sld March 14. brijp Isala, Spates; Dmm- Aawv/U. OF THE decease*. In #hina trad* was inactive, owing to eootinaed unf* C Duval; i^niot Kngineer A C Htimety intatat I^Imhi rata, Merrithaw, and Oriaava Morn, all for tha Units* vorable intelligence tram tha interior. The United States W r Ames, 0 K Shack, CLindidey; PrauffeteMft f r Statss. 1b bark Kate far Cswaa Vmbm. Mimater had inind at Caatoa. All accounts a* port Whaalar, Whaaler, agreed Bhunk. The W will b»iurfta»urwylat tatt» a Ml market ; I'amaho, Adams, far 2 TBI nmoi AND TUB . NOMTHKBM to 'be aad aaocanfal of tha brig* Portland, daja* AlViilipilVSUn)ADIUICK. rOPl TBK rapid aiegiess wWla, who borhood of the Mlaaiaalppi Souml Oesan, una: schr Winder, Francis, u4 . Halaaaa, disg, rowriw yinml or madam* basfail mm* «a« aloao to Hu KsrChia, om of tha largest Bart* for The acbr Monteuh, baffjM^Morted hu tMNliil atbsrs bsfms ispsitsd. IN OLLANXOCS. trade is the tmpir*. Their object vaa to idtHM and MirinrTitfe.aMhw.im, auction for the auni 01 t',w, tackle and apparai fth Pomsmocto.lad March 10, Moslem, French, (from EXCITEMENT SWITZERLAND. Tk« aocouats from Paris by this «teamer convey as eauture Nanking. Other towas had fhllea late tha hands eluded. Meweaatla) NTark. naws of a vory iaiportaat charaoter Ths Pari* ovrres- of the rebel*. Large operation* had takes place la tea, cleared. Capt R B Welch, the newly appointed agent of the nn- Maiah 10, Moslem (Ft), from Naw- uondeot of the London Time* »nuounc-e« that the Pope owing to the account* of 8th November, received from Staemshlpa.Cberekae, Baxter, New Orleans, M 0 Ro darwrltara at tbli place, rloe Capt John C Hbe, and the Jfrngggy,, BnMNi ARSBgoamti for u European had oonsanfd to visit Paris for the purpose of crowning London, and prieee of Comou aad (rww had advaaoed. barta; CntMBt City. McGowaa, Aiflsvtll, H O Roberta. merchant* hare ai . all at loggerhead* Soma trouble In Paxaxa.Ait Maach 14l achr B L Allen, Pud*, Arena*. iti* Km perer Louis who attachen the greatest Accounts have been received front tha Cauiai iteamfri Sbli».Aatelope, bhioB. 8m Francisco, HuMi k future mar be looked for in tab quarter, aa the oourae he Napoleon, dated la the islaad of It ia stated Co; for. tHltJC~1?.lpor} *, ahip Hampden, »yl*s«tsr, Congraa. importance to hi* consecration by the Pontiff It la gate. Whampoa. Pekiang. ?tokioiirf Hugh**, New Orleans, Wn Nelson A Son; Aff purauee differ* widely from that of hU predeearner, and Cbhnha Islands 2*rl 4aya, to load fur a port la tha stated that Pins IX. will be delighted to visit l'ftria. HU in them that the French Charge d'affaires ia Chins had than, Hepburn, hunk, Orermann k Uruver; Qarriok, many of bio acta are unwarranted either by authority or Unttrt States, barh Mate* * Francs., Underwoad, far consent has Tntr asked, uid it is believed ia the boat had a long conference with the mandarin of the provino* Walker, Liverpool, John Collina; Isaac Ball, Johnston, justice. Bualnesiin this place has been carried on a* U Cbincha lalandato load fat Hampton Roads. .Sid- about DEATH OF OER. HAYNAU. that it has been Louis relative to the traatiea which authoriae tha exercise of M now for a number nf and baa become a sort of 1st inst bark 2 infoimed quarter* given. Napoiuon ia Havre, Livingston. year* pant D, Batwett, Chiacha Islands, to loaO foe pi esent* h»self ft* the iuccwwr of Charlemagne awl Na- the Chthoiie reUgioa the Oeieetial Empire. Barka.Martha Anna. Babcoek, Matansaa, P F King k lex mereaioria, which cannot be radically changed for a Uulted States. poleon I .both were consecrated Emperors by the Pope: The United States sloop Plymouth arrived at Hong Co. Fraaklta (Ham), Thomson, Hamburg, Schmidt k momentary whim. Rio Gkaxd*. In port aM tab 1, barks PeroU, OouM, Haniii KappoMd to bi Secreted ii Pledmoit. »i>d be bellsves that the same ceremony performed Kong from Manilla, on the 'i&th January, with dates Balchea. | The «elrage on the Lucy ha* not yet been decreed, in for Balliiiiora, unc. May Queen, IUi>(, for Burton, do; bite Notre Uame would confirm hi* and to the 17th. consequence of the laat two or three wrecks. It will Pen from N Yark ftt pretensions Brig* idelma, Freeman, Georgetown, Brett, Voae k pro¬ Abiaaia, field, (abt Hot 20) , arr -A fa5 ratify hi* accession to the lmpariftl erown. lie hft* con¬ Tha United states steamer Susquehanna was expected Co; FT Jone*. Gilchrist. New Orleans. Place k Gilchrist, bably be diminished aoiue thousands, amounting to about do unc. mbi nmini ¦lint umn, tinued the tradition* of the Brit empire, borrowed from hourly at Hour Kong. CVopatra, Danberry Riga, Hunch k Velncke; Tornado, twenty five Instead of thirty one, aa heretofore suppoeod. RomntDA*.In port Marah H, Dutch brig it his cosatitution and it* lawn, it* form of government, Tha United states sloop Saratoga was lying at Macao. M'Carty, Bermuda, W M Smith; Haiti, Cheeseman, Port The brig Motto, Knight, ii hore down, undergoing re¬ Hayen, for Boston 10th. Gssina. Veen, for do 8 or 10 dare, 4c., Ac., 4c. it* very nomenclature; and even, to ft great extent it* au Prince, OLU Ferris, pairs, and will be ready for sea in a few days (destination changed /rum NYark); Allda, .. ford* etiquette, and the resemblance 1* desired to be completed Meeting of U» Atlantic aad Padfte Junction Schjv.Gaielle, Alien. BrUtoL master; E L B The condemned brig Camby sea nailed from here with abt April 1. the la 1863 of the solemn act of 1804. Wales, colors on the 19th lut, for NYork. She takes on Sin Blah.In Jan bark The United SUtoa BkU Franklin. Oapt. J by repetition The C'Mapanjr In Lenaon. little, Wlllmingtott, NC, N L McCready k Co; Rebecca, living port 17, Julia, Paris, from Baa steamship Emperor ¦* c nvinoed that he shall derive much force ami ' The first of the directors of the Atlan¬ V>'o«(lam, Jas Hunter & Co; Isaao W Hughes, a'cargo or the cotton saved from the wreck of the ship Franc. aeo, hove down to copper. o last ere general meeting FeterxDuig, Na'haniel Kimball. tin MB.Arr March sob is A. Wettoa, arrived at thia port at evht clock. security from the benediction of the and thftt the tic and wat oa Bateroan k Chicbea- Julia, 21, Lucy Ann, Cola, and head of the Pope; Pacific Junction Company held the 16th Johnson, Newbern, Ruderow; Hanorer, The bark A H has Snlahed Mecca. ticbr Win nllg, ktui(ii| Intelligence from Europe of four (lay* later Koinau Catholic church will, by thftt inst. The directors present were Lord Wharncliffe and ter, Richmond, C H Plerson; Martha, Teal, Philadelphia, Kimball, Sleeper, repairing, Gorum, NYork; 22<1, Wallace, Bull, act, him out to the of Franco a* the and will Mil to-day. Alexandria. stsemer.the point population Messrs. J. S. J . R Edward James Hand; Francis, Spetcer, Wellington. NC, Bateuun date than received the lest Lirerpool Brownrigg. Crainptcn, Crop¬ The atill remain in the same conditional Srr Thomas. In March by ruler to whom the moat absolute submission i* due. per, J. C Kwart. W. J. Hamilton, H T. Hope,A A. Mou Ruderow; Ed Adams, Steele, Philadelphia. Jas Hind; buoys reported port 1, ahip Flying Arrow, Tread- ?rift. Itut it i* on tha French clergy, above all that the M. L A. Mac- Helene Griffin. Cbailecton, N L McOready k Co; Sauiuel In my last 'and no action has l>een taken thereon. The well, troin lioaton for San Fianelsco, repg. toys. Wilson, Harlewood, Wilson, Captain new collector will succeed in a few and it to be iKittrrK. In March Wei The Franklin left on the 16th, and Cowes Roads, Pontifical benediction in oxpected to the atd Admiral Moorsoui. The Castner, Cullen, J C Sea days, is pott 6, Hhipa Essex, ih. for Havre produce kinnon, solicitor. Mr. Philadelphia Slaght; Witch, that he will ree that their tie condi- to load for N Y wind London mail* on the 16th greatest and moat useful ftnd the support of Ckarlr* Freshfield the Mr. Lionel Ginborne Smith, Philadelphia, J W McKee; Mai jr Wise, Crockett, hoped present deplera Smyrna ork, bound, Medeinnah, (white she teok on boert the ) a men impression; engineer, ; dltton be remedied. fur and NOrlean.*; Natbau body of who unquestionably exercise great influ¬ and the official auditor, Mr. J. E. Coleman, were also Porto Cabello, It W Trundy & Co; K Uraioard, Seldon, speedily Hickey, Trapani ii&uau. inet, et aix P. M. Iter ran tbenoe he* consequently been ence over the masses of the ia con¬ the F.lla Sfmm.
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