THEORIGINAL CHURCH NEWSPAPER. ESTABLISHED IN 1828 THE CHURCHOF ENGLAND David Runcorn: Newspaper Rethinking how Celebrate: we read the chocolate Bible reallyisgood foryou,p10 p8-9 NOW AVAILABLE ON NEWSSTAND FRIDAY,JUNE 19, 2015 No:6284 Bishop under fire by abuse survivors SURVIVORS of clerical sexual abuse and express moral authority to They arespending ‘a great deal of time national safeguarding training frame- weretold by the Rt Rev Paul Butler,lead ‘autonomous bishops.’ on safeguarding matters’, theArchbish- work is under development and each dio- Bishop on Safeguarding, that the Church The letter reads: “Survivors of Angli- opsaid in response, adding that it is a cese will be independently auditedover was too busy working on banking reform can clergy abuse previously tried to hold ‘priority of his ministry.’ the next two years, with reports pub- over abuse responses. the Church to the personal promise you “Measures have been put in place to lished as partofthe Church’s commit- The astonishing claim came from the as Archbishop made for an entirely inde- strengthen the Church’s safeguarding ment to being moretransparent about its chairofthe Minister and ClergySexual pendent and wholly externally-audited procedures, includingaverysignificant safeguarding practices. Abuse Survivors (MACSAS) group. inquiryinto the Church of England’s increase in the budget for safeguarding “The Archbishop recognises that the In anOpen Letterfromthe Church abuse record(stated in your words, work. Church still has along way to go and ReformGroup to the Archbishop of Can- ‘What they [survivors] want, they will “The House of Bishops has recently believes strongly thereisabsolutely no terbury, survivor signatories have said get’). approved new practice guidance, a roomfor complacency,” he said. the Bishop told them that the Church “However,campaigners weresubse- was ‘concentrating on working on bank- quently told by your own designated ing reform’ instead of fulfilling the Arch- bishop on safeguarding that the bishop’s ‘personal promise’ of an Church wasinstead concentrating on Dame Sarah Mullally Anglican past cases audit. working onbankingreform and ‘other The Rev Graham Sawyer,chair of issues’, and such internal Anglican past Church ReformGroup and Vicar of St cases audits as havesincetakenplace James’ Church, Briercliffe, told The fall far shortofthe Methodist example named asBishop Church of England Newspaper, that the of openness.” ‘Bishop of Durham is out of his depth, They added their concerns that THE FOURTH female Bishop and should step aside’. instead of engaging with survivors, some has been announced as the Bish- Sawyer told CEN that thereisa‘funda- dioceses had employed PR companies op of Crediton, in the Dioceseof mental bankruptcy’ in the Church’shan- instead. Exeter. dling of survivor responses, saying that They claimed these companies “acted The Rev Canon Sarah Elisabeth the problem is that the people at the to obstruct, apply pressureand threaten Mullally is currently CanonResi- highest levels of the Church aremore survivors, whistleblowers and others dentiaryand Canon Treasurer of concerned with ‘saving face.’ who have spoken out about Anglican SalisburyCathedral and will be “At the momentthereisno credibility clergy abuse.” consecratedintoher new role as at the higherlevels of the Church of Eng- Theletter calls on parishioners in the Bishop in CanterburyCathedral land,” he said. Dioceses of London and Winchester to in July,alongsidethe VenRachel Speaking of his personal dealings with ‘withhold’ donations until diocesan Treweek, the futureBishop of Bishop Butler,MrSawyer said: “When I Bishops ‘terminate their contracts’ Gloucester. heardthat theBishop of Durhamhad with‘costly scandal management com- Dame Sarahworked in the said that he had put supportsystems in panies’. NHS beforeher ordination in place for all those affected Iwrote to him The Bishop was unavailable to respond 2001 and was made Dame Com- to ask what they wereand he saidthat I this week, but the Archbishop of Canter- mander of the British Empirefor had to contact the NSPCC.” burytold The Church of England Newspa- her contribution to nursing and The open letter titled, “Nondum Con- per that the Archbishop and Paul Butler midwifery. siderasti...” says that survivor groups wrote to theHome Secretarylast year “Throughout my life, as both a have been told by senior Anglican lead- asking for aPublic Inquiryand saying nurseand apriest, Ihave experi- ers that ‘dispersed authority’ within the that ‘if the inquirychose to go institution enced this love and Ihope as Church of England means the Archbish- by institution, thenthe Church of Eng- Bishop to be able to sharethat op is‘powerless’ to speak out land could be taken first.’ love with others,” she said. [email protected] facebook.com/churchnewspaper @churchnewspaper 2 www.churchnewspaper.com Friday June 19, 2015 News Diocese of Durham THEDIARY THE InspireedbyJohn Thacker’s ArtofCookery (1758), Chef Anton Edelmmannand Master Sommelier GerardBasset will host a three-ccourse Georgian dinner in the Undercroft Restaurant at Send your events to DurhaamCathedral. [email protected] CHURCHIN The evening, hosted on 23 July,will offer 18th century or Tweet@churchnewspaper recipess ‘with acontemporarytwist’. Vaneessa Ward,Business SupportManager at Durham Catheddral, said: “The Undercroft Restaurant is located in one 19 June of the most intact surviving medieval undercrofts in the UK ENGLAND and wee havebeen working hard to organise abefitting 10am GoFest, mission-focused fes- gourmmet event for this spectacular setting.” tival running until 21 June at Also in Durham, St Peter’s Church in Bishop Auckland is Bulstrode, Gerrards Cross, for salee. Bucks.Free; camping avail- The church, which was built by Bishop Charles Baring, able dates back tothe 1870s. 7pm St Thomas church, Liscard, Bill Heslop, Diocesan CareofChurches Secretary, said: Wallasey,Wirral, holds its “Weare keen that whoever takes on thebuilding respects its thirdannual arts and crafts Diocese of Blackburn Diocese of Peterborough architecture. It is alarge building that is Grade II Listed and exhibition(until 22 June) it is in good repair.” 7.30pm Godspell in Concert, Brad- PeterboroughCathedral Also in Durham, the Cathedral will send its 1300 issue of ford, St George’s Concert A£20,000 restoration project is will host lunchtime the Magna Carta andForest Charter overseas for atour of Hall (also 20 June) underway on thebell tower in summer recitals from July Canadian cities. Christ Church, Lancaster.The to September. Suzy Rodness, co-chair of Magna Carta Canada, said: “The 22 June tower dates back to 1857. World-renowned message of the written wordmay have changed modes of The Christ Churchvicar,the countertenor James dissemination over the centuries but its power to inspire Rev Phil Hudd, added: “When I Bowman and pianist people and effect change has not been diminished. Canada 7.30pm Godspell in Concert, Woking, took over the parish Iwas told Andrew Plant will startthe celebrates this year,with the rest of the world.” NewVictoria Theatre that the second, larger bell had season on 15 July. Also in Durham, Cathedral gardeners, GeoffMacCallum, fallen in the 1980s due to Therecitals willtake John Battle and Keith Wandless, arecelebrating 100 years of 23 June deterioration of the bell place on Wednesdays, with collective service. housing, so the work is great many outdoors in the news for both the church and Porticos of the West Front. 10am The Life of Christ by Peter churchgoers.” Donations areinvited. Hutley,Wintershall Estate, Bramley,Guildford, Surrey GU5 0LR. Adults £18.00, chil- Diocese of Southwell &Nottingham dren £9.00 (tickets to be boughtinadvance) The Diocese has hOsted aOne-day event as partofGypsy Roma 6.15pm Champagne reception to Traveller Month, to challenge negative stereotypes. launch Cascades, Winchester An exhibition and opportunity to ride in ahorse-drawn vardo Cathedral’s flower festival wereonoffer.Keynote speakers at the event on 16 June (until 28June). Tickets £10. included Lorinda Liversidge, Gypsy &Traveller LiaisonOfficer 7.30pm Godspell in Concert, Watford for Notts County Council and the Rev Martin Burrell, Chaplain Colosseum to theRoma,Travellers &Gypsies from StAlbans Diocese; Nathalie, Richard and Daniel Bennett fromGypsy Life; plus 24 June GordonBoswell, owner of the Gordon Boswell Romany Museum. Diocesan officer for Equality &Diversity,Dianne Skerrit, 11am Exploring Spirituality: said: “The aim was to get some clarityabout the lifestyle and DorothyLSayers.Talk given historyofthe morethan 300,000 GRTcommunityofwhom it’s by JulieBarham (repeatedat said have contributed to the life and historyofBritish Society 7.30pm), St Mary’s Church for over 500 years.” Hall, Ponteland. 01661 824470. 27 June Diocese of Derby Andrew Hargreaves, Vicar of Whitfield Parish was in Glossop’s 10am ‘Unfurling: shaping apeace- Norfolk Squarethis week tOanswer questions from the public. ful wayoflife’, amorning Speaking ahead Ofthe week, Mr Hargreaves said: “I’ll be there retreat with adifference–an to listen to anything people want to shareortOask any opportunity to focus on jour- questions they haveabout Godorlife. I’llbetheretosay sorry neying UP with God. St on behalf of the churchtOanyone whofeels hurtorlet down Petroc’sChurch, Bodmin. and I’ll pray for people who ask. Ialso love finding out what the 10am The Life of Christ by Peter people of Glossop believe.” Hutley,Wintershall Estate, DioceseofHereford Bramley, Guildford, Surrey GU5 0LR. Adults
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