THE HOME LEAG f ~-..,__,,___-~~-~---___J_____- Week ending January 2, 1971 WORSHIP Week ending January 2, 1971 AIDS FOR PROGRAM THE CALENDAR PRESENTATION BY MRS. MAJOR RALPH E. METZ To THE LEADER' The worship pro­ The waves of strife be still. You can hand out a smile, gram tit/ed "New Year - New C alen­ AM SURE we have mixed feelings or 1ust give a frown, dar" has been prepared btf MRs. This is the day of prayer: I when glancing through last year's calendar, for the special dates marked You can hft someone up, MAJOR RALPH METZ, Fort Wayne, Let earth and heaven draw near; or push someone down. Indiana. Choose five women to take Lift up our hearts to seek Thee on each page reveal a part of life part as outlined and another to pre­ there, that will never return. Do we truly pare the special calendars. Come down to ineet us here. realize the value of a calendar? It You can lighten some load, brings to mind birthdays, holidays, or some pi ogress in1pede, GENERAL SUGGESTIONS: Make up two DECORATIONS: Have the women bring and special national and family events )'~ou can look for a rose, very large calendars, one for 1970 towel calendars of any year and hang which otherwise would go unnoticed. or gather a '''eed. and another for 1971. On the 1970 them around the room. Use also the Five interesting facts can be ob­ calendar mark the dates of interesting small Salvation Army pocket calen­ served from the pocket calendar you received before the meeting. What did you do with happenings of the Corps, Home dars to be given to each one attend­ your beautiful day? League, personal iten1s involving ing at the beginning of the meeting. First, the calendar is very much God gave it to you, Carry out the calendar theme in-the like life itself in that you did nothing members and their families, such as did you throw it away? weddings, births, graduations, and al­ programs, to get it. It was handed to you, and so some humorous incidents. On the so God freely gave us life. 1971 calendar mark special events PoEM. The New Year Second, it is yours \vithout n1oney Third, the calendar is new, never which ate anticipated or planned. And as the old year slips away, or price, to do vvith as you please. used before and represents a new op­ The Salvation Army International He ldndly with him takes Discard it, place it in a drawer, or pm tunity. Many times in life we have Children's Year should be noted each The pages we have blurred and use it for the intended purpose The known failures and mistakes, but like month. The leader will then turn the marred days of your life are yours also and this ne\v calendar when we accept calendar for 1970 and 1971 and com­ With failures and mistakes though they be few or many, you Christ all things 'become new. We ment b~,iefly on each event "Past and The blighted hopes and needless "rill use them as you desire. read in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "There­ Future. fears fore if any man be in Christ, he is a Are gone beyond recall, new creature: old things are passed WORSHIP CENTER: The focal point can And ours, once more the fair, clean ~'Ifs up to You" away: behold all things are become be two large calendars. Use candles, page new." one of which is short and not burning The New Year brings to all. God gave you this day Fourth. the calendar is for 1971 to do just as you would, and another which is a tall one burn­ alone. There are no days left over ----Program Outline---­ ing to symbolize the new year. You can throw it av.ray from 1970, nor do they extend into or do some good. Call to Worship 1972. The Psalmist prayed, "Teach CALL TO WORSHIP: Scripture - Psalm 90 us to number our days," and so it is This is the day of light, Song #894 ( 124) What have you done with God's desire for us to live at our Let there be light today, Sentence Prayers the day that you had? very best each day of our lives. 0 Dayspring, rise upon our night Poem - The New Year You can make someone happv, Fifth, at the end of 1971 another And chase its gloom away. Song #319 (746) or make someone sad, year will follow. So it is with life. Past and Future After our sojou1n here on earth, This is the day of peace: Vocal Solo - #318 (727) God gave it to you eternal life will follow. How we live Thy peace our spirits fill, "The Calendar" to do just as vou would, now determines what will be. Ben­ Bid Thou the blasts of discord Chorus #100 You could do what is wicked, jamin Franklin said: "One today is cease, Unison - Home League Prayer or do what is good. Turn to page 28 2 3 Week ending January 9, 1971 EDUCATION Week ending January 9, 1971 AIDS FOR PROGRAM BUILDING THROUGH READING PRESENTATION BY MRs. COLONEL BRAMWELL Trupp• To THE LEADER: Program helps and MERSON \Vrote, many years ago, considered novels a waste of time, if ideas for "Reading is for Everyone" •PANEL DJScussION: "Five books I E "There must be creative reading not actually sinful. Good flction is have been submitted by BRIGADIER should most hke to own." Each speak­ as well as creative writing." neither. It can deepen our experience EnmL BERING, New York, New York. er should explain and defend her We read primarily for three rea­ of life by recalling some past emotion. Appoint committees to be rnsponsible choices. sons: for information, to build tl1e It can certainly increase our knowl­ for the displays and the book sale, and mind with knowledge; for interest, edge of human nature. Quality flction choose women for the panel. GENERAL INFORMATION: The ability the sheer joy and entertainment of can make the past live for us as ab­ to read is one to be prized, as not all anotl1e11s ideas; for inspiration, the stract facts can not. This is especially people in the world today enjoy this development of inner resources which true of good flction based on the GENERAL SUGGESTIONS: Have a dis~ Bible. play of old books with a small prize blessing. A world census shows that build the spirit. At some points all at least one half of the world's popu­ three purposes cross and even nierge. Literature ought to fortify our to be given for the book with the old­ souls. It ought to be a tower of est date of p1inting. Have a display lation is illiterate and that another God has given to men the capacity flfteen percent can read and write to think and we are the inheiitors of strength. Poetiy, especially, meets table with unique and old book this requirement. It enables us to see marks. ~ only a little. the treasury of man's best thought. In this age of plenty, there are We may lack knowledge, but at hand beauty in the commonplace. In some Secure from a local book store a numerous books, magazines and is the material with which to end ig­ poetry we read lines which speak display of books and use as an incen­ newspapers available on all sorts of norance. clearly of our relationship to God and tive for the women to buy or borrow. subjects: general information, news, What and how do we read? Some life. The great hymns and songs that You may want to have a book sale. current events, travel, spo1ts and gar­ may consider it a waste of time to are a part of our religious heritage Secure books which are donated and dens to name just a few. Then there read a ne\:vspaper or a magazine. have like power to draw us after God then sell them, with tbe proceeds go­ is the Book of books, the Holy Bible, True, we are pilgrims here with no and goodness. ing to the treasury. and thousands of books written to as­ continuing city, but we should know Literature should inspire and chal­ The Home League might accept re­ sist the reader of this most important what is occurring as we pass through! lenge, but there is need for special sponsibility for setting up a reading of all books. A good newspaper and a quality reading for the children of God. From program and small library. Even one Avoid those books and magazines magazine of opinion belong on the the great classics of the church to shelf of good books could be the be­ that do not enrich the life of the in­ reading table of even the saints. books coming off the press today ginning of a great service. dividual. Encourage, rnther, the read­ Someone has said that a study of there is an abundance of such soul Church Women United is an ex­ ing of all that will bring pleasure, in­ history is a good cure for pessimism. food. cellent source for a reading program. struction and inspiration to mind and Today's crisis is not the £.rst one nor, Reading is so vast a subject that A representative for the literacy pro­ soul. perhaps, the wmst. What we wistfully only time deflnes its limits. Books and gram could explain the "Each one, Turn to page 29 call the "good old days" weren't all authors we already know are but "way stations" on a long and exciting Teach one" method originated by Dr.
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