Russian J. Theriol. 14(2): 201–215 © RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF THERIOLOGY, 2015 Summer distribution of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in the Sea of Okhotsk Boris A. Solovyev*, Olga V. Shpak, Dmitri M. Glazov, Vyacheslav V. Rozhnov, Daria M. Kuznetsova ABSTRACT: The summer distribution of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in the Sea of Okhotsk is typical for boreal and subarctic seas that are seasonally ice covered and support numerous anadromous fish species. During summer in the Sea of Okhotsk, beluga whales aggregate where rivers flow into estuaries, gulfs, and bays. Beluga whales are currently found in Sakhalinskiy Bay (in an estuary of the Amur River), the Shantar region, in portions of Shelikhov Bay, and along the northwestern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Changes in beluga whale distribution have occurred when compared to results of earlier studies. In particular, summer aggregations have increased in the Shantar region and along the northwestern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula. KEY WORDS: beluga whales, geographic distribution, Sea of Okhotsk Boris A. Solovyev [[email protected]] Faculty of Geography, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1- 12, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119234, Russia, A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, RAS, 33, Leninsky prospekt, Moscow 119071, Russia; Olga V. Shpak [[email protected]] A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, RAS, 33, Leninsky prospekt, Moscow 119071, Russia Marine Mammal Council 36, Nakhimovskiy prospekt, Moscow, 117997, Russia; Dmitri M. Glazov [[email protected]] A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, RAS, 33, Leninsky prospekt, Moscow 119071, Russia Marine Mammal Council 36, Nakhimovskiy prospekt, Moscow, 117997, Russia; Vyacheslav V. Rozhnov [[email protected]] A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, RAS, 33, Leninsky prospekt, Moscow 119071; Daria M. Kuznetsova [[email protected]] A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, RAS, 33, Leninsky prospekt, Moscow 119071 . Летнее распределение белухи (Delphinapterus leucas) в Охотском море Б. А. Соловьёв, О.В. Шпак, Д.М. Глазов, В.В. Рожнов, Д.М. Кузнецова РЕЗЮМЕ: Летнее распределение белухи Охотского моря типично для бореальных и субарктичес- ких морей с сезонным ледовым покровом и значительными запасами анадромных видов рыб. В летний сезон белуха концентрируется в вершинах заливов, эстуариях в некоторых районах, таких как Сахалинский залив (Амурский лиман), Шантарский район, отдельные районы залива Шелихо- ва, северо-западное побережье Камчатки. Существуют некоторые различия между современным распределением белухи в Охотском море и распределением, описанным по результатам предыду- щих исследований. Так, роль Шатарского района и северо-западного побережья Камчатки, как мест летних концентраций белухи, согласно представленному исследованию увеличилась. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: белуха, географическое распределение, Охотское море. Introduction al., 1964; Fedoseev, 1986; Shpak et al., 2010; Shulezh- ko et al., 2013). The Sea of Okhotsk is the southernmost portion of In the 20th century, this species was hunted inten- the range occupied by beluga whales (Delphinapterus sively by commercial whalers. The first scientific data leucas Pallas, 1776) in the western North Pacific (Shpak on distribution, abundance, migration and seasonal et al., 2010). Individual beluga whales have been ob- movements in the Sea of Okhotsk were collected during served in the Sea of Japan (Sato & Ichimura, 2011; this period of commercial whaling (1930–60s). How- Melnikov & Seredkin, 2014); however, such cases are ever, no comprehensive data on distribution were ob- rare and should be considered extralimital. Beluga tained because research primarily focused on areas whales remain year-round in the Sea of Okhotsk, in accessible to commercial whalers. Beginning in the relatively deep, ice-covered, offshore waters during early 1970s, scientific studies focused on beluga whale winter and aggregate in coastal regions and river estu- abundance and distribution in the Sea of Okhotsk were aries in the summer (Arseniev, 1939; Kleinenberg et conducted during ship-based and aerial surveys. These 202 B.A. Solovyev, O.V. Shpak, D.M. Glazov, V.V. Rozhnov, D.M. Kuznetsova Fig. 1. The areas of the shore/ship based and aerial surveys conducted in 2007–2014 to study the distribution of beluga whales. extensive studies were interrupted in the early 1990s, of the 20th century, researchers enumerated the main and resumed only in recent years. aggregations of beluga whales. They determined that in Based on these earlier studies, during the first half the western Sea of Okhotsk, the Amur River and its of the 20th century summer aggregations of beluga whales estuary provided habitat for the largest population of regularly occurred in the northern part of the Tatarskiy beluga whales in this region (Berzin et al., 1988; Berzin, Strait, the estuary of the Amur River, Sakhalinskiy Bay, Vladimirov, 1989). In the eastern Sea of Okhotsk, the Nikolaya Bay, Ulbanskiy Bay, Tugurskiy Bay and Ud- largest population occupied Shelikhov Bay, including skaya Bay, the estuary of the Ayan River, and Tauyskaya Gizhiginskaya and Penzhinskaya Bays (Berzin at al., Bay, Gizhiginskaya Bay and Penzhinskaya Bay (Arse- 1988; Berzin, Vladimirov, 1989; Vladimirov, 1994). niev, 1939; Kleinenberg et al., 1964). In the second half Although a significant amount of commercial whaling Distribution of beluga whales 203 Table 1. The time periods and areas of ship and shore based observations. Area of observations Year Time period of observations Aerial observations 2009 05.08–08.08 Sakhalin-Amur region, Shantar region, North-Western region 2009 11.09–13.09 Western Kamchatka and Shelikhov region 2009 16.08–02.09 2010 07.08–08.08 Sakhalin-Amur region, Shantar region, North-Western region 2010 23.08–24.08 Western Kamchatka and Shelikhov region 2010 10.08–19.08 Ship and shore based observations Gizhiginskaya Bay 2004 27.05–08.06 Penzhinskaya Bay 2010 28.06–08.07 2010 30.07–31.08 Estuaries of the Khairyuzova and Belogolovaya Rivers 2011 13–14.08, 14–18.09 2012 13.07–28.08 Estuary of the Moroshechnaya River 2011 17.08–13.09 2007 19.08–24.08 2008 06.07–16.07 2009 24.07–07.08 Sakhalinskiy Bay and Amur Estuary 2010 09.06 -4.09 2011 07.07–27.08 2013 20.07–21.09 2014 27.07–28.08 2009 27.06–20.07 Nikolaya Bay 2010 17.07–02.08 2012 17.08–26.08 2010 07.07–09.08 2011 08.07–18.08 Ulbanskiy Bay 2012 15.07–03.09 2013 12.08–27.08 2010 21.06–12.09 Tugurskiy Bay 2013 02.08–11.08 2010 23.08–12.09 Udskaya Bay 2012 29.06–14.07, 04–13.09 2013 09.07–01.08 occurred in Tauyskaya Bay, beluga whales were not Aerial surveys. Bays of the Sea of Okhotsk and its observed there in the second half of the 20th century coastline were surveyed in 2009 and 2010, excluding (Melnikov, 2001). the Kuril Islands chain. Surveys were conducted from Our study updates information on the summer dis- August 3 to September 13 in 2009 and from August 4 to tribution of beluga whales in the Sea of Okhotsk and August 24 in 2010, covering the Sakhalin-Amur and identifies changes in distribution that have taken place Shantar regions two times each year. Bays were sur- within this region. veyed using standard line transect methodology while other coastal areas were surveyed during a single coast- Material and Methods al transect [see Glazov et al. (2012) for methodology and beluga whale abundance estimates]. This paper presents the results of studies conducted Shore based and ship-based surveys. Shore based by the authors in the Sea of Okhotsk in 2007–2014 (Fig. observations and studies of behaviour and local move- 1). The overall pattern of present-day beluga whale ments of belugas were conducted during the summer in distribution was based on data collected during summer the western Sea of Okhotsk in the Amur Estuary, Sa- aerial surveys in 2009–2010. Information about the khalinskiy, Nikolaya, Ulbanskiy, Tugurskiy and Ud- presence of belugas in specific bays and estuaries was skaya bays. In the northeastern region, shore and ship obtained from shore-based observations, observations based surveys were conducted in the estuaries of the from ships and boats, and interviews with local resi- Moroshechnaya, Khairyuzova and Belogolovaya riv- dents and fishermen. Satellite-linked transmitters at- ers, as well as in Penzhinskaya Bay. Research efforts tached to individual beluga whales provided location varied among regions and years (Table 1). data that were used to learn about their movement and Interviews. Over the seven year period, local resi- migration patterns. dents, fishermen, and fishing inspectors were inter- 204 B.A. Solovyev, O.V. Shpak, D.M. Glazov, V.V. Rozhnov, D.M. Kuznetsova viewed about marine mammals seen near settlements observed in the northern part of the bay with individual and shore-based industrial facilities. The respondents whales or small groups of 2–3 belugas seen along the were asked the following questions: ‘Did you observe eastern coast. beluga whales in the vicinity of your place of residence/ In late May or the first half of June, the smelt work, and if so, when do they arrive in the area and (Hypomesus sp.) run begins lasting 10–14 days (Che- leave it?’ Answers to the latter question also included reshnev et al., 2001). During this time, beluga whales more general responses such as ‘after ice break-up’, gather in Avekova Bay. Belugas are also present in ‘they came with fish’ etc. In addition to beluga observa- Avekova Bay in July and August during pink (Onco- tions, the respondents were asked to provide informa- rhynchus gorbuscha) and chum salmon (O. keta) runs. tion about when fish approach the coast and in what The maximum number of belugas in Gizhiginskaya quantity. Over 150 persons were interviewed in 28 Bay observed during the aerial surveys in 2009 and locations, including more than 100 persons in 19 loca- 2010 reached 250–300 whales (Fig.
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