RESTRICTED MULTILATERAL TRADE MTN.GNG/NG6/w/i9/Add.2 NEGOTIATIONS 25 ^ 1988 THE URUGUAY ROUND Special Distribution Group of Negotiations on Goods (GATT) Negotiating Group on Tropical Products TROPICAL PRODUCTS: GUIDE FOR MULTILATERAL CONSULTATIONS Tropical Fruits and Nuts Note by the Secretariat Table of contents Page 1. Tropical Nuts 3 A. An overview of the tariff situation 3 B. Major suppliers 3 C. Countries having submitted indicative lists and 4 countries to which indicative lists have been addressed, if specified Table 1: Tariffs (MFN and GSP) on tropical nuts 5 2. Bananas 6 A. An overview of the tariff situation 6 B. Non-tariff measures C. Major suppliers 6 D. Countries having submitted indicative lists and 7 countries to which indicative lists have been addressed, if specified Table 2: Tariffs (MFN and GSP) on bananas, dates 8 avocados, mangoes, etc. 3. Dates, avocados, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens and papaw 9 A. An overview of the tariff situation 9 B. major suppliers 9 C. Countries having submitted indicative lists and 10 countries to which indicative lists have been addressed, if specified 4. Pineapples 11 A. An overview of the tariff situation 11 B. Non-tariff measures 11 C. Major suppliers D. Countries having submitted indicative lists and 12 countries to which indicative lists have been addressed, if specified Table 3: Tariffs (MFN and GSP) on pineapples 13 GATT SECRETARIAT UR-88-0204 MTN.GNG/NG6/W/19/Add.2 Page 2 5. Miscellaneous tropical fruits and lightly processed fruits 14 A. An overview of the tariff situation 14 B. Non-tariff measures 14 C. Major suppliers 14 D. Countries having submitted indicative lists and 15 countries to which indicative lists have been addressed, if specified Table 4: Tariffs (MFN and GSP) on the above items 16 6. Fruit products 17 A. An overview of the tariff situation 17 B. Non-tariff measures 17 C. Major suppliers 18 D. Countries having submitted indicative lists and 19 countries to which indicative lists have been addressed, if specified Table 5: Tariffs (MFN and GSP) on fruit products 20 7. product-specific proposals and indicative offers 28 References: Background material for negotiations MTN.GNG/NG6/W/19/Rev.l Tariff and Trade flow data at the tariff line level MTN.GNG/NG6/W/19/Add.l This document may be used in conjunction with the above documents and general proposals made for negotiations on tropical products. See the above documents for the explanation of symbols used in this document. MTN.GNG/NG6/W/19/Add.2 Page 3 1. Tropical Nuts A. An overview of the tariff situation (see Table 1 for details) Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts - MFN/GSP OZ in the 11 markets Other tropical nuts under HS 0802.90 MFN/GSP 0Z - USA (shelled pecans and other nuts not shelled, CAN.JPN (betel nuts), EEC,AUT,FIN,NOR,SWE;AUS,NZL MFN/GSP dutiable - USA (pecans not shelled, other nuts shelled), JPN (macadamia nuts, pecans and others), CHE Groundnuts, prepared MFN/GSP 02 - CAN,FIN,NOR,SWE,AUS,NZL MFN/GSP dutiable - USA,JPN,EEC,AUT,CHE Other nuts, prepared MFN/GSP 0Z USA (except mixtures), CAN,FIN (except certain mixtures), NOR.SWE.NZL MFN/GSP dutiable - USA (nut mixtures), JPN,EEC,AUT,FIN (certain mixtures), CHE.AUS B. Major suppliers (MFN/GSP dutiable items only) USA Pecans not shelled MEX Other nuts shelled ZAF.AUS.EEC Prepared ground nuts ARG,CHN Nut mixtures ISR JPN Macadamia nuts KEN Other nuts CHN,USA Roasted groundnuts CHN.USA.HKG.KOR Fried ground nuts CHN Other nuts prepared CHN,PHL,USA,EEC EEC Roasted groundnuts and other TUR.USA.CHN.PHL nuts AUT Prepared groundnuts and other EEC.CHE.TUR nuts CHE Other tropical nuts EEC.TUR.USA Prepared groundnuts and other EEC,USA nuts AUS Prepared other nuts USA,EEC MTN.GNG/NG6/W/19/Add.2 Page 4 C. Countries having submitted indicative lists (and countries to which indicative lists have been addressed, if specified) n.s. = not specified Tropical nuts: 0801.10 II Coconuts ASEAN(JPN,CHE,EEC) II 0801.20 || Brazil nuts ASEAN(CHE),PER(AUS,AUT.CAN,EEC, II JPN,CHE),BRA(n.s.) II 0801.30 || Cashew nuts ASEAN(CHE),BRA(n.s.) II 0802.90 || Other nuts AUS(n.s.) II 2008.11 || Groundnuts, prepared AUS(n.s.) II 2008.19 Other nuts, prepared AUS(n.s.),ASEAN(EEC),PER(JPN), BRA(n.s.) MTN,GNG/NG6/W/19/Add.2 Page 5 Table 1 Tropical Nuts Sweden OZB (all lteas) H.S. Harmonized Swlt- Au SC - New Code United Fln- Nor- cominod 11 y Canada Japan F.F.C tm- - No. tria Zes- (CCCN) ittHcr 1 pt Ion Innd ! la 0801.10 Coconuts, MFN OZB OZB 6ZB 2Zn 2ZB OZB OZB Sw F OZP* OZB (ex 0801) fresh or 0.075/ dried kg.B GSP OZ 0Z OZ OZ 0801.20 Brszll nuts, MFN OZB OZB 6ZB OZB OZB OZB OZB Sw F ozu* OZB (ex 0801) fresh or 0.075/ dried kg.B CSP 0Z OZ 0801.30 Caahew nuts, MFN OZB OZB OZB OZB OZB OZB OZB Sw F ozu* OZB (ex 0801) fresh or 0.075/ dried kg.B CSP OZ 3802.90 Other nuts, MFN y OZB */ y -ÏB 3ZB. NOK Sw F 2ZU* OZB (ex 0805) fresh or 6ZB 0.80/ O.U/ dried 5ZA kg.B. kg.B (ascadsais shelled NOK nuts, sreca/ 0.17/ betel nuts, kg.B cola, etc) pecan OZ 1 OZ OZ OZ CSP y y o: ! 1 2008.11 Croundnuts, MFN b.bil 10ZB y ÎOXB!' 32Z 6ZB. 30ZU.- Sw F 5ZU 10ZU (ex 2006) prepsred kg.U uz- OZB NOK 0.15/ (ex 2107) 3/ 16Z roasted 0.20/ kg.B, kg.l^'l k«.U Sw F 12Z* 0.44 S 4/ kg.* kg.U 1 able coapong, ents l£ / CSP OZ y 6zii 6Z* OZ OZ OZ OZ i 2008. 19 Other nuts, MFN V 10ZB t' uz- 81- ! 6ZB, NOK Sw F 10ZU 10ZU (ex 2006) prepared. 16ZB 9ZB 0.20/ 0.15/ Including W.tt> alxtures kg.U kg.B alxtures 12Z+ S 4/ kg.U 2/ •9/ CSP 0Z y 6Z - 12/ OZ ox - 5Z OZ exOZ - Pecans In shell llr/kg.U, no CSP, shelled 22c/kg.B, CSP OZ Other (not Including plgnollas) In shell 2.9é/kg.U, CSP OZ. (helled Ut/kg.U, no CSP. (14530 and 14558) 2/ - Brazil nuts and cashew nuts OZB, pecana 22rYkg.B, CSP OZ, coconuts *ZB, CSP OZ. Nuts, n.e.s., excluding mixture 28ZB, CSP OZ; Mixtures 28ZB, no CSP. -'peanut butter 4.41c7kg.B. CSP OZ 4/ * • - Betel nuts OZB; aacadaala nuts 12ZB, 91 A, CSP 61 ; pecans 20ZU, 9ZA; other 20ZU. - Pesnut butter, sugared 27.5ZB, 12ZA, not sugared 22.5ZB, 10ZA; other, sugsrd 35ZU, 28ZA, not sugsred 25ZU. 6/ - Duties on csrtsln prepsred nuts, unsugsred, are as follows: # aacadaala nuts. In pulp fora 20ZB, CSP 10Z, In non-pulp fora 10ZB, BZA, CSP 6.4X,; csshew nuts. In pulp fora, roasted 20ZB, CSP 10Z, not roasted 20ZB, 16ZA, CSP BZ , In non-pulp fora 20ZB, 12.8ZA, CSP 6.0Z, coconuts ,abrszll nuts, psradlse nuts snd hazelnuts, in pulp fora 20ZB, CSP 10Z, In non-pulp fora 20ZB.12.8ZA, CSP 8Z (when sugsred, higher duties of nsxlaua 35ZU are applicable). - Pecans OZB; arses or betel and cola 1.5ZB, CSP OZ; other *ZU, CSP OZ •/. - Peanut butter. 9/ - Except alaonds, wslnuta snd hazelnuts. 10/,. .. - Coconuts, brazil nuts and cashew nuts. i:/Except pesnut butter 12/ - Chestnut cream in airtight containers GSP 6%; other GSP 6°« + S 1.5/kg. MTN.GNG/NG6/W/19/Add.2 Page 6 2. Bananas A. An overview of the tariff situation (see Table 2 for details) Fresh bananas MFN/GSP 02 - USA,CAN,AUT,FIN (Jan-May), NOR,SWE.AUS,NZL MFN/GSP dutiable - JPN.EEC (except F.R. Germany - duty-free quotas), FIN(June-Dec), CHE Dried Bananas MFN/GSP 0Z - 10 markets MFN/GSP dutiable - CHE Banana Flour MFN/GSP 0Z - USA,EEC,FIN,NOR,SWE,CHE,AUS,NZL MFN/GSP dutiable - CAN.JPN (not for feeding), AUT B. Non-tariff measures (a) Selective internal taxes Italy's consumption taxes Fresh bananas Lit 525/kg (average ad valorem incidence: 1982: 98Z ; 1986: 68Z) Dried bananas Lit 1500/kg (b) Quantitative restrictions Six members of the European Communities maintain quantitative restrictions on fresh and dried bananas. Greece currently bans imports of bananas to stimulate its own production. Spain and Portugal apply global quotas to banana imports. In the United Kingdom, quantitative restrictions apply to bananas from the "dollar area", a measure essentially designed to protect the position of traditional commonwealth Caribbean suppliers, in particular Jamaica and such island producers as Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent. Imports from the dollar area take place under the monthly quotas fixed by the Government in consultation with importers and ACP suppliers on the basis of the forecasts of supplies from the ACP countries and the demand for bananas in the United Kingdom. France operates a national organization of its market which reserves two-thirds of the market for the French overseas departments of Martinique and Guadeloupe and the remaining one-third for certain ACP countries, MTN.GNG/NG6/W/19/Add.2 Page 7 notably Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire and Madagascar. In the event that sufficient supplies from these areas are not forthcoming, imports are made from other sources. The prices of bananas from the overseas departments and the ACP countries are fixed yearly according to grades. In Italy quotas apply to imports of bananas from sources other than the EEC and the ACP countries.
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