T y ?"; H M i" U'r'Wynf L i ft If you don't bollevo Chonewoth'fl PUBLICjfigjgSLEIEU HoadacheCuro will euro ask your neigh- SEND NO MONEY .V OJAOI PR8P CABINET BUJOICK tifM8 MACHINt fr.lal,C.O.U..IOtl..ial..HSSSi 'IHnlSIIS bor. MOM. uu iii viwumv uur iioervnb srviKUw u)njitnu 11 i M.irsnw.K,cr. ffrfrttlj ulMaeterjaftxactiy n ropwentod, ruiU la mm hlirtethtr "HBP'i,5-- JLVar Ne Time Limit en, the BARGAINS Given at Our Stere. u .nn m f 00,0V, una tiik vhkatest iiakqain teu Hl .VamM Special Offer Price $15.50 and freight cltarvres. Machine weighs 120 peutKlaand thefrebrht will Dr. Anna B. Hewins, Teratie7ccnU for each MO miles, out ITTHRfEMpHTHS' TRIAL In your ew home, and wewllIretnrttyuartiS.iiujftr day you are net sstlifled. tTawlldllrraat aisaeaaad uradMtr RwnrF Markleraat S.0, M &S THE LADY DENTIST, fto.eo, ill.oe, U.O0adap, all fully In our rrra sla m ye.11 II BarklaaCataloiee, bntflt.IU for this DHOr DKSK C1DI1KT IILUUICK Is l 'tit Stcend ilrttt. ineceraieai Taiue ever euerea ny anr heuae. All kinds of high class l'ilnli Dentistry done BEWARE OF IMITATIONS In Hie tW.SffiR!K mint artlsile and fclfiitlllc ninmii'r. I'rlces Uement,eiIcrlnir akaw aaatklan under various names, with tarieaa In. rUtit. llel.l Crowns and Undue Werk V te III). Wrlla aema Mead U Flll-Iiih- dafrairata. Ckltoaa4lirakearrrllblt ladKbaaraaet. llrsiHutief Ivetlien rubber le IS. Ueld 1 '' erery nennit III'RUTKBKMT, ft.' and tip. TUCi RIIDniaOlafDUnUlljiV tkRT ctKin rotMer tumi jiK.it tit. ' ' OltiUI aAdlltl HiDK. Wixll THK " UklHTH MnaMMLmnni. or 0l', Made by the. MuHal&i'C't.i&lPl a. Of Hays & Co. is known te be the neat makers In America. Ha 7?" i 'LgWffWffWBrMfr' from t lie best material mi& nencr can buy. jl ieiiija Cbrrrspemfrnj teJ pirate p e fact m brltty at Farm Fer Sale! SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK jx)iittl. H7lrn nnjMfnpeprnit Importance occurs .One lllustrntlen shows machine iMnHRBBaBlala cloned (head drepplnitlrum slKht) te be used as a ffatrr Itblr, alaad sue the TtUgraph or (Ae TrcjjAeiie at our expense, er daak, the othereiwn with full Icnsth table and head In place for Lewest-Price- d sewlmr. 4 faarrdraifire. laleit 1S09 ak.uiAM rr.a.. mphh i.n.l.H..m. Gash Stere sold privately, People's lUilMlns If net the bcaaed and decersti-- cabinet llnlah, finest nickel drawer nulls, rests en four will, en casters, adjustable treadle, irenulneBmyth Iren stand. Until V j SPRINQDALE. kutl, positive four motion feed, self thrcadlna; vibrating shuttle,larlllhrnautnmatie . SATURDAY, bobbin winder. adJuatsbleliearlnKS, patent tension Itberator.lmprevcdlooso IN THE CITY. COME AND LOOK!. lV wheel, artjuauble pressure feet. Improved shuttlncarrler.ps tent needle bar, FEBRUARY 3, 1900, patent dress guard. kadl hindaemtlr drrerated aad ananrnlrd aad hfiellfullr Nice WoellMalcls fie fiOc Corsets new y ...29c vw Mrs. Watklns is visiting friends In 1 slclrl Irlmaird. GUARANTEED Ike llahlaat manias, wait durable snd aeareat Hest lUtie Calicoes lc Outinp Cleths, worth 10c..,. 1 M nalirleMnistklaeaiade. Iliery kaasa la fnrnUhed In- ...5c AT O'CLOCK T. lull sltaebaient and our Freo Ynrtl-wld- e "Manchester. lUeached IKc 10c i'lannolcttes new In struction Boek tellsjiisthowanyenecanrunltand de either plain or any Muslin.... ...70 Splint auction en the premises tln suburb nf kind of fancy erk. X itbYears' Ulatlln( Qaaraaitals sent with every machine. O. per Rpoel 4c Ladies' Fancy Hose Mr. W. H. Deylo of Fleming county tbtt town iif I)eer the farm of tlielatu Wllllnm K. Clark'H N. T., ...fie 'lutil), cnntulnlnRlll ucresBixt 11 pules. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING tty:i?.''.g'?p'.?.'af'a Ya:cl-vitl- e IJrewn Cotten 3'4c hndlcM' Vests ...0c ' X: was visiting friends hore the past week. AVI II be Held as a u hole or In lets and en terms te ffiO.00, and then If convinced that you are savliiR t00 te (10.00, pay your frelidit airent the S10.0O I.olisdnle M tislln 7'ic Men's Weel Underwear ...35c milt purchaser. WK Til BKTI lt YIIIR flt.10 If at any time within three months you say jeu aru net satisfied. UUUt.ll f waists fie worth 75c. Dr. Cress of Seuth Webster, O., was Jt'er further Information nddresi DON'T DELAY. (Scars, HneLuelc t Ce. are thnrnmrhlv reliable- .- Krtfter.) rercalcs of V. U KAI.I.KK. Address, fit visiting his son, Mr. H. B. Cress, oue Jati9 td Attorney, Maysvllle, Ky. SEARS, ROEBUCK CO. (Inc.) Chicago, 111.' Ijadies' Shoes, 50c, 75e and clay recently. as nuicii, Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! $3 Shoes Several crops of tobacco were sold in . MSaMnew $1.05. Yeu can't beat this neighborhood the past week, A NEW.... these prices. Men's Shoes from i0c en up. .prices ranging from 5 te SK?. Interesting! HAPPY Miss Katherlne Barkley left Friday NEW 'for Valparaiso, Intl., where she will con-tlnu- e I Intend te make It se from nowen.ns I have ....YEAR TO ALL! decided te continue my policy of giving te my te begin new year buy our where you can get beat goeits YORK her studies the ensuing spring CiMi And the well j nllOCKKIKS the customers the Jobber' profit en all purchases for the least money, nnd te convince you I v 111 quote & ID HAYS thereby te them at least percent at CO. STORE. term. savins .and the same time they mil have te select from the A FEW PRICES ! re- S.-G- OOD Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Chahey 2 cans (llbbi's Kxtrn Kmnll Teas 2."c, worth We. 1 can l'lum Pudding iec., worth Me, P. RAG CARPET 19c. to home in Portsmouth, Largest, Cleanest and Best Stock 1 can MRimture llraml Asparagus : runs haiul packed n holeTemittoeN 'Jee, erth 30c. turned their Tips Sic., worth Sic. can extra fancy Kvnperuted after a two weeks vHlt with friends in 1 can i:tni Hmall Slftered Tens loc., erth le Peaches 25c worth 30c. Northeastern Kentucky. S cans MiKiir Cern lie, worth 3)c. 2li'kV' ralrbntik'Ndehl Dust 5e..w erlh 10c. and relatives hore and Manchester. 1 pound fancy Kvnpnrntcd Peaches loc., north 12c. Pure lliickvv heat Fleur, per pound, 4c, worth 5c. Just clance at a few of ray prices nnd remember Hel- that ever thing ueeilu the same propertion: ALL UOODS DKLIVKKKn t'UKK TO AXY IAltT OF THE CITY. The manager or boef the Owl mUNQB BACK MAKES OZq 2 Sewing m M Hs- pike should be Jailed, is the ver- cans best Tem Btecs. He Neptune Hall fflOrfeU -I-J- low Scans best Apples lie &S THE LUSTRE! LOOKNEWI dict of the teamsters whose wagons - cans Ilayners Cern lie M. is fills?1 'Machine 1 P. REDMOND, GROCER. can Heney Drep Cern, lluest 10e OIL. nre wrenched and broken by its boul- 1 can Early June Teas Ac 1 can best California reaches. 17c Fer Gewlnc Ma. ders. 1 D chlnec. Uelish pacVaeel'lakcllreats.. 7c SEMP us Ofiflg n A f Tvnewrlters. 1 DOLLAR nenarch package IIewrr'sKlats Se Arms, The Mr. Chancy bm.1 AKIMI. wlllaaad IDS SklV etc Stein, the Inspector for 1 package tjuaker Oats toe IUIII.I..J. Mil k.nillau. nllh nnd Ihll Highest It 1CI1K gmrv OltlUX, O. P.,.uhJ.rlte tirade, dot Sftle DV fc n 1 pound Ueld Medal 4c IHI'llUTEU IIIIOIl bjfnlrhtC ii m nMnlhir. riinM. H Tar Ce. of Portsmouth, after several teda Yeu can oxaudue yeurntaieat frelKht from your dealer. SlUUC iklcrs. ran bejt Annrlcan bardlnes. 4c aiaatlaatlea. It at organsdeit, Xllln 1f.Mnn.l Linli H J Ac and If you find It exactly as represented, equal te that months location here, has been bars best Family Keap youever saw and - II I retail at Tft.O0 le 100.00. the greatest value HlrdRrcs.ftCn..C'w''wJ.e- CLCViLANO, O. gallon shurcaker's II en)ln. ...fie organs by et inore money, isy 111 BAIRD BrtOB. a CO. promoted. He will new travolJIenitlie 1 II far better than adtertlied ethers Qll KB en best Navy Jlcans ns.. .2"c the freight agent our special SO dajV offer price, $31.75, C. and O. and inspect tics at different 1 Rnlleu best New Crep Molasses. 50c lass the rl.K, or J0. II, and freight churges. points along the read.1 Fer a limited time I will sell that famous S3I.75 IS OUR SPECIAL 90 DAYS' PRICE 2S..WS nieuded Ce life at i' cents per pound. It has no J prlte tharg ffiurSiiiSsii superier: and ulieu It comes te Fleur, Perfection ed breUers. Nuch nn efTir wen never made btltirc. A TO MANKIND! Man an Innocent little itivrllng It suffering can't be beat. THE ACME QUEEN Is onaet the raeal UlIUIILkAM) SWEKTEST BOON cannot explain Its treuhlpt. Mark I want everhedy te call and make my house eirrmaile. Frem the lllustrntlen shown, which yourJchtId'synipteini,?,ou5mty"nnait headimurters when In the city. TbeneM. la enir rated direct from a obetoirrapb.you ran fonnaeuio lUeaef Its troubled beamirul apjearancc. jiuue rrem aena quarier saued with WhUe'sgCrraniy"rnil7iue antliiueflnlahi handsomely drerated auUurnameuled, ' werms.Cltvelt eal, iCBKJjt lljlljg1 It luteet style. TIIK M. lsOfcetllnclic.) lilh, lljppfij DRTABL UCKEYE and restore te quietness and heth.il'ric"s5 It Imhesll'llong, i3 inches Tlde andweighs UOpeuuds. Cen cents. J. Jas. Weed A Sen. R. B. tains & octaves, 11 step, as fellows! Uiapamn, Principal, LOVEL, xtrioela, Bain Coupler, Pultlaaa, itlevte. (retaoea, Irehle Vex II Uctaif Coupler, Cauuler, PlalfSaan anrte nnd Hunanai --- J liM'er,Ksf3 Leading 1 .Fresh Oysters at Koper's.
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