.- .. North graduate witnesses Berlin liberation for Boston Herald By John Minnis Assistant Editor variety of stories, and hIS biggest an edltOl,,' meetmg and asked If Even though he has nearly 10 pre-Berhn stor'y was covering the he had hiS pa",!>polt and some study tour m Germany So for Oakland County. From there he When East and West Germans years expenence as a Journalist, 1988 preSIdential campaign fea clothes packed because he was SIX months durmg college he landed JObs on a couple of small \H'le dancing on the Berlm Wall Dickson was nevertheless fortu. tunng Massachusetts Gov MI- gomg to Germany studIed and traveled in Ger- Flonda dailies. A creative cover Nov 10, formel' Grosse Pomte nate to be picked for the assign. Shores reSident Hal'vcy DIckson chael DukakIs It JU1:lt<;0 happened, DIckson many, mcludmg Hel'l111. He grad. letter With plenty of blarney got ment At many large dalhes, a uated from Kalamazoo In 1980 \\ as there When holes were "I thought that was the best Said, that he did haw hIS pa<;s- hiS foot m the door at the Boston StOly poSSible at the time," he 1:leasoned foreign correspondent WIth a bachelor's degree m En- Herald m 1986. bemg punched thl'ough the wall, port and he had a sUitcase would have gotten the chOice ",ald "But this IS real history." ghsh and pohtlcal science. Because of hiS past experience he too had a hammer and chisel packed m the tr ullk of hiS car Bel'lm aSSigllment But at the III hand Dickson, 31, a 1976 Grosse By the next d..ly, he was danclllg DIckson didn't plan to become m Germany, Dickson said he smallel' Boston Herald - Circula- POll1te NOIth High School gl adu- on the CIumbllng Berlm wall a Journalist He saId hiS first ex- kept up With the developments "You Iealize thiS IS a once III a tIOn 350,000 - Dickson had a ate, Said that on Nov 9 when It posure to newspaper work was there and dIdn't let his commu. hfetllne thing to wItness," Said DIckson !>aIdthat he had been couple of thmgs gomg for him' \\as announced that travel was pestelll1g hiS edltot s With olTel", when he was asked ll1 hiS semor nication skills get rusty. "I was Dickson, who was sent to Berlin He spoke German and he knew no longer restncted between year to be the college paper's ed- at speed by the time I hit the ..lSa repolter for the Boston Her. to go to GeIn13ny, should the hi!>way around Hel'lm. ,lid East and West Germany, the Itor He's been m the busmess ground (in Germany)," he said. need an.~e, so he kept hi", SUit He owes hIS fluency m Ger- Herald edltor's deCIded It was ever smce. Of course, the first thing he As a general assignment re case and P..lSSPOl'thandy and man to hIS alma mater Kalama- tIme to get someone over there. was plem,ed With the forelgn as He started his profeSSIOnal ca. did was head for the wall, where porte I, Dickson covers a WIde zoo College He said one of the Dickson said he was called mto slgnment reel' With the Spmal Column hTJaduation requirements IS a weekly newspapers m western See BE RUN, page 12A Grosse Pointe News Since 1940 3Scr Shores adopts Family seeks owner building freeze of Christmas dog By John Minnis By Ronald J. Bernas Assistant Editor lots The village of Grosse Pointe Staff Writer side so C.C. could stay Kenyon said the moratorium The McSheas don't know Shores IS starting off the new warm. IS necessary while the village the name of the dog they've decade with a six-month morato- The police were called to revIews and revises its eXIsting been harboring So they call take the dog to a shelter or a num on all new constructIOn master plan, which was last re- her C.C, and property splits. vetermarian, but no one Vised m 1956 Comcldentally, But they do know she's The Vl1lage Councd adopted could catch the dog. the chaIrman of the Plannmg probably a pure-bred Ger- the moratorIum Dec 19. The About midnight, Corlette's CommISSion when the master man Shepherd They know freeze on new constructIOn Will husband MIchael fed the dog plan was last reVIsed was Ed- from the way the pads on be in effect whlle the vlliage out of his hand and the fol- mund M Brady Sr, father of her paws are worn and cov- master land-use plan IS being lowing morning enticed the cun-ent VIllage PreSIdent Ed- ered with sores that she reviewed and updated. dog into the house with a mund M. Brady Jr must have come a long way bowl of warm milk. VlIlage Manager Michael Ken Kenyon said the master plan before campmg on their The police came and took yon said the moratol'ium prohib- IS being studied by an urban doorstep a few days before the dog to the vet who gave Its the Issuance of all permits fOI' plannmg consultant. The urban Christmas her a clean bill of health. construction thloughout the Vil- planner WIll compare the old They believe C C was a But stIll no one claImed her. lage. Permits WIll not be granted plan With what eXists m the show dog because she IS so After four days, on Dee for new structures, new prmclpal ShOles today, WIll evaluate the well.traIned, and knew how 26, the family brought the homes or accessory bUlldmgs Village's demographiCS and try to to stand when bemg dog to their home. She fit in The moratorzum also pIevents fOlecast the community's land- groomed and even hfted her beautifully and gets along p.operty owners and de\eIopers use needs for the com109 decade leg to aid in grooming_ The well with the three kids and from subdividing properties mto and century veterinarian told them she IS their parents. about 3 years old. "He never leaves my dad's "She's such a beautiful SIde," said Michael Jr., "He's dog, we want to get her back like hIS bodyguard." to her owner," Corlette Mc- Although the family is Shea said. getting attached to C.C., P~tJ:t'~ The family first noticed they want her returned to the dog a week before her rightful owner, because Gertrude Droege Christmas, when tempera. they feel it's best for their tures were well below zero. Christmas dog. By Dan Jarvis Four days before the holiday, "We'll be sad if someone Staff Writer a mISSIOnfrom God. C.C. curled up on their front claims her, but as long as When Gertrude Droege was The daughter of a church pas- porch to take refuge from they take care of her, and it growing up In Missouri, she had tor In Festus, Mo , Droege the weather. seems like they have, that's no Idea her life travels would learned the value of brotherhood Michael Jr.. Thomas and Michele McShea with C.C. They They fed her and tried to all that matters," Mrs. Mc- take her to HItler's bunker in at a very young age But It was are looking for the owner of the dog who showed up on bring her into the house, but Shea said. Berlm in the years following much later m life before she had their front porch a few days before Christmas. she was skittish and ran If you think C.C. is your World War II But she dIdn't go a chance to positively change away. They put blankets out- dog, call 882-3534. to Germany on a recreational people's lives VIsit You mIght say she was on Because she speaks fluent Ger- man, Droege served as an mter- preteI' and accompamed a team Upgraded EMS, recycling, of rehglOus volunteers. The group worked WIth Amencan m- dustnal and agrIcultural repre- ,~: sentatIVes m attracting talented 'Milk River make news all year Obituaries 2A people livmg In the Soviet sector By Ronald J. Bernas Myrna Smith. Mayor Lorenzo Woods, Park, of Germany to the United States throughout this year, and well Staff Writer BrownIng said Smith was using City in '89 3A followmg the war Into the decade Much I1ke the fil st half of the the party to gain support for her Hollywood "We began by obtaming a list year (which we reVIewed last candidacy, which she denied. of families in the United States July mementos 4A week), the second half of 1989 The party was held nonetheless, Why the '90s who were willing to sponsor a was dominated by many of the The ACLU announced It m August. German famdy by prOViding food same Is",ues Recyclmg, whIch would challenge the public sur- REACT, the Grosse Pointe Cit- start in '91 6A and shelter," she saId was started WIth only a handful veIllance cameras In Grosse izens for Recycling's pilot curb- Challenges The followmg year, 1951, of supporters, was pIcking up Pointe Woods Ghesquiere Park side recycling program, started. of the '90s 7A Droege and fellow volunteers speed and was the most dis- on the grounds that it was un. REACT was an acronym for Re- Entertainment 20A ventured to Wentdorf, Germany cussed subject of the year constitutional for police to con- cycling Education and Curbside and Interviewed 3,500 refugees Business 21A The Milk River pump statIOn stantly monitor parkgoers. Test Autos 23A who wanted to come to the needed, and stIli is in need, of The Grosse Pomte City Coun.
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