october 2016 vol. 12 - issue 10 larchmontledger.com COMPLIMENTARY SUBSCRIPTION! Ledger Larchmont14th Annual Arts Festival Culminates the Village’s 125th Festivities BY STEPHEN E. LIPKEN Larchmont Public Library. mont Mayor Anne H. McAn- Academy Jazz Ensemble who sen artist this year,” Roberts most consistently attractive Mamaroneck Town Supervi- drews and Town of Mama- also provided an “Instrument stated. “I am really happy that storefront;” Second Place, Ray The 14th Annual Arts sor Nancy Seligson presented roneck Councilman/Deputy Petting Zoo,” where children photography is being high- Catena Lexus for excellent ren- Festival at Constitution Park a Special joint Proclamation Supervisor Ernie Odierna. were allowed to gently handle lighted. I had a show recently ovation of their building. climaxed a year’s celebration to Library Director Laura The celebration con- musical instruments as well at Decoration Day…and Carey Finally, Committee of the of “Larchmont 125,” commem- Eckley as Larchmont Mayor tinued with Big Truck Day, as “All the Singing Ladies” and Federspiel who is a co-chair Arts Chair Nili Asherie gave orating the Village’s 125th Lorraine Walsh and New York numerous food vendors; jew- “Monica Uhm and Friends” of the Arts Fest asked me if Paul Antonio Szabo the Julia anniversary on Saturday, Sep- State Senator George Latimer elry; face painting; inflatable performing in the Gazebo. I would like to display my B. Fee/Kenise Barnes Award of tember 24, attended by ap- looked on. bounce castle; children’s art Artwork in a stunning work…” $500 for his acrylic mixed me- proximately 1,800 citizens. Other elected officials activities; hula hoop, limbo, array of media was displayed Larchmont Beautifica- dia abstract paper renderings; Festivities opened with present included Larchmont yo-yo, pie-eating and bubble- throughout Constitution Park. tion Committee Chair Kaaren Lauren Toneatto received the Library Board Chair Pamela Trustees Peter Fanelli; Mal- gum blowing contests. Enter- Featured artist was pho- Marcato presented a special $250 Elizabeth Kaprow Youth Dubitsky cutting the ribbon colm Frouman; John Komar; tainment ranged from rock tographer Patti Roberts. “I award to Decoration Day own- Award for artists 14-18 years to re-open the revitalized Carol Miller; former Larch- bands to the Larchmont Music am so honored to be the cho- er Susan Celestino “for the of age. Michele Fox 914.523.0630 [email protected] LARCHMONT BROKERAGE 1946 Palmer Avenue juliabfee.com Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. 901 Fairway Green, Mamaroneck • $1,450,000 PERMIT NO. 5121 NO. PERMIT WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. PLAINS, WHITE PAID U.S. POSTAGE U.S. PRESOSRTED STANDARD PRESOSRTED 2 • October 2016 • Larchmont Ledger www.larchmontledger.com Board Hears Public Comment on Palmer Goal of The New Agenda Foundation is to Avenue Streetscape Project Empower Women STAFF REPORT BY STEPHEN E. LIPKEN and on streets; establishing max- imum gross residential floor The New Agenda Foun- At the Monday, September area ratios for one-family homes dation, a 501 {c} {3} national 19 Larchmont Board meeting, requiring increased setbacks; organization dedicated to im- Mayor Lorraine Walsh opened regulating locations and dimen- proving the lives of women and a Public Hearing to take Public sions of retaining walls and land girls, is gearing up to host a Comment on the Palmer Avenue surrounding them; establishing 10am, 5K walk/run on October Streetscape Project Assessment limitations on placement and 22 at Iona College in New Ro- and Apportionment of Costs to noise impacts of generators and chelle, with the proceeds des- adjoining property owners for heating, ventilating and/or air ignated to produce educational new sidewalks and curbs. conditioning equipment (HVAC) materials for high school and “At a meeting of the Board and several regulations regard- college students and parents. of Trustees held in 2012 as well ing rock blasting and demoli- Founded in August 2008 At last year’s SToPP 5K, left to right: Amy Siskind, Alanah Rafferty, Meg Collins as a subsequent meeting on April tions. by 30 Hillary Clinton support- and Rebecca Macies 2013, it was announced that the Discussion then turned to ers from around the country, clude encouraging students to Their hope is for parents to Village determined that proper- preserving the historic character The New Agenda Foundation become peer leaders in teach- have conversations with their ty owners in the Palmer Avenue of the Village’s homes. Kim Tofalli Larchmont land owner Paul Hoffmann was formed as an advocacy ing bystander intervention sons and daughters prior to Streetscape Improvement proj- stated that in light of Larchmont’s group to advance key goals for and also to educate and engage and during college on these ect area would be assessed for celebrating its 125th anniver- women. Their objectives in- parent allies on sexual assault. continued on page 4 the cost of sidewalks, aprons and the cost over the whole neighbor- sary, the historical significance curbs,” Walsh said. hood.” of many homes is paramount. “It is ridiculous that the Walsh replied that all prop- Walsh suggested surveying poten- MHS’s Lucie Le Blanc Named Recipient of “Women Town would ask us to pay for erty owners are responsible tially historic sites and creating a the sidewalk,” Paul Hoffmann for maintenance of sidewalks, Historic Commission, holding a in Technology” Student Award averred. whether merchants or residents. Town Hall meeting to receive all “We did not ask for it… “Payment can be a lump sum or residents’ input. Mamaroneck High School Stores are still vacant… The costs billed to your property tax, spread “We don’t want contractors senior Lucie le Blanc will be should be spread throughout the out over a period of 15 years, the coming in and tearing down his- honored among “women pi- entire neighborhood, not just the length of the bond.” torical old homes,” Cheryl Brock oneering some of the world’s merchants who are paying exor- Numerous Local Laws will stressed. “We value old homes most important science and bitant rents... be the subject of a Public Hearing but we do have some on the mar- technology in Westchester”, an- “You are asking us to pay on Monday, October 17, including ket that are not selling,” Mayor nounced the Westchester Coun- for ammunition to shoot us in stormwater management con- Walsh noted. “We have to strike ty Association, which will hold the head, rather than spreading trols; protection of trees in parks a balance…” a luncheon in October to rec- ognize the recipients of the 3rd annual Women in Technology awards. Le Blanc received this prestigious award for the work she has done both inside and outside the classroom and was selected among a slate of promi- nent professional honorees. “This is a tremendous ac- complishment and a much de- served recognition for all the hard work Lucie has put in for Lucie le Blanc the past three years,” said MHS Le Blanc’s real-world cod- for the stars,” said President Computer Science Teacher Ji- ing experience for the past two and CEO of the Westchester gar Jadav, who nominated Le summers has helped validate County Association William Blanc for the award. her thoughts about majoring Mooney, Jr. “There were many Last year, le Blanc co-cre- in computer science in col- strong candidates for these ated a new coding club at the lege. During the summer of awards, and we congratulate high school which was sub- 2015, she worked at AT&T in Lucie, our only high school sequently merged with the New York City as part of the student selected, on her ex- Computer Science Club. The Girls Who Code Program, She traordinary dedication to the club grew to more than 20 acquired programming skills STEM field.” regularly attending students, in Python, Robotics and Cy- In addition to Lucie le who initially joined the club ber-Security and built a web Blanc, another Student Hon- with very little if any coding service designed to help teens oree is Esmeralda Michaca, Ju- experience and met during manage their money before nior, Purchase College, SUNY. their lunchtime and after going to college. This past The 2016 Women in Tech- school to learn web develop- summer, she worked with the nology Award luncheon will ment (HTML, CSS and JavaS- Village of Larchmont to help take place on Thursday, Octo- cript). Le Blanc worked with them re-design content for ber 20, 2016 at the Tappan Hill the students to assist them in their website. Mansion in Tarrytown. In ad- developing new coding skills “We are proud to honor dition to receiving this honor, and applying them to everyday the women innovators and vi- le Blanc was also recognized life scenarios. This year, she sionaries who are improving last year as the NY Regional is co-president of MHS’s Com- our lives and moving our coun- Runner-Up for the National puter Science Club, working try forward, and at the same Center for Women and Infor- with students to participate time encourage the next gen- mation Technology (NCWIT) in local, regional and national eration of women scientists Aspirations in Computing competitions. and mathematicians to reach Award. www.shorelinepub.com Larchmont Ledger • October 2016 • 3 Schumer, Gillibrand Announce Federal Dee Van Eyck Speaks to The Funds for Larchmont Fire Department U.S. Senators Charles E. we have an urgent need to re- Larchmont Rotary Club Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand place some very old and failing have announced $151,569 in fed- fire hoses. Some of our hoses are The full complement of eral funding for the White Lake over 25 years old, and are failing Larchmont Rotarians and their Fire District and the Larchmont tests at alarming rates.
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