ANNUAL REPORT 2019 YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2019 SUSTAINABLE GROWTH NICK KOUTRIKAS, MANAGER OF SELECT HARVESTS OLDEST ORCHARD, WEMEN. TM 2 Select Harvests Annual Report 2019 COVER IMAGE Nick Koutrikas FARM MANAGER, WEMEN "This is the oldest orchard in the group. These old girls (trees) are 33 years old and still producing above average industry yields - that’s unbelievable! The American farmers who tour here can’t believe it. With some special care, I think they will get to 40 ...what a party!" Diep Nguyen MARKETING THOMASTOWN "Our product innovation aligns with market trends. Sunsol has introduced Australia’s first PRO-biotic light & crunchy cereal range. Available in two varieties, the Sunsol Probiotics toasted muesli is boosted with probiotics and fibre to support digestive health and overall wellness." OUR ORCHARDS ARE LOCATED IN A VARIETY OF GEOGRAPHIC AREAS TONNAGE TOTALS WEIGHT OF KERNELS PER ANNUM METRIC TONNES NORTHERN SOUTHERN REGION 23,000 LAKE HILLSTON REGION 22,000 CULLULLERAINE Sydney PARINGA 21,000 WAIKERIE GRIFFITH EUSTON 20,000 LOXTON Adelaide ROBINVALE 19,000 18,000 CENTRAL 17,000 REGION 16,000 15,000 22,690 MT 14,000 THOMASTOWN 13,000 Melbourne 15,700 12,000 14,500 14,200 14,100 MT 11,000 AUSTRALIA MT MT MT 10,500 10,000 PROCESSING CENTRES MT 9,000 SELECT HARVESTS ORCHARDS 8,000 7,000 7,696HA 2,670HA 3,078HA 1,948HA (19,016 ACRES) (6,597 ACRES) (7,605 ACRES) (4,814 ACRES) 6,000 TOTAL SOUTHERN REGION CENTRAL REGION NORTHERN REGION 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 PLANTED AREA PLANTED AREA PLANTED AREA PLANTED AREA Select Harvests Annual Report November 2019 Select Harvests Annual Report 2019 3 Select Harvests Annual Report November 2019 3 Select Harvests is one of Australia’s Select Harvests is one of Australia’s largest almond growers and a leading Company largest almond growers and a leading Company manufacturer, processor and marketer of manufacturer,Select Harvests processor is one of Australia’sand marketer nut products, health snacks and muesli. We Company oflargest nut products, almond growers health snacks and a leading and Profile supply the Australian retail and industrial Profile muesli.manufacturer, We supply processor the Australian and marketer retail markets plus export almonds globally. Profile andof nut industrial products, markets health plus snacks export and almondsmuesli.We are We Australia’sglobally. supply thesecond Australian largest retail almond andproducer industrial and marketer markets withplus coreexport capabilities almondsWe are Australia’s globally. second largest almond produceracross: Horticulture, and marketer Orchard with core Management, capabilities across:WeNut are Processing, Australia’sHorticulture, Salessecond Orchard and largest Marketing. Management, almond These Nutproducercapabilities Processing, and enable marketer Sales us andto with add Marketing. corevalue capabilities throughout These capabilitiesacross:the value Horticulture, chain. enable us Orchard to add value Management, throughout Nut Processing, Sales and Marketing. These Our Operations CONTINUED BRAND INVESTMENT capabilities enable us to add value throughout Our Operationsgeographically diverse almond orchards CONTINUED BRAND INVESTMENT are at or near maturity. Located in Victoria, Our geographicallyOperations diverse almond orchards areSouth at orAustralia near maturity. and New Located South in Victoria, Wales our SouthOurportfolio geographically Australia includes and more Newdiverse Souththan almond 7,696 Wales orchardsHa our (19,016 portfolioareacres) at orof nearincludescompany maturity. more owned Locatedthan and 7,689 leasedin HaVictoria, almond (19,000Southorchards Australia acres) and of and landcompany New suitable South owned Walesfor and planting.our leasedportfolioThese almondorchards, includes orchards moreplus than andother land 7,689 suitableindependent Ha for(19,000orchards, planting. acres) Thesesupply of company orchards, our owned plusstate-of-the-art otherand independentleasedprocessing almond facilityorchards, orchards at supplyand Carina land our suitable state-of-West near the-artforRobinvale, planting. processing TheseVictoria orchards,facility and at ourCarinaplus othervalue-added West nearindependentprocessing Robinvale, facility orchards, Victoria at supplyandThomastown our our value-added state-of- in the processingthe-artNorthern processing Suburbs facility atoffacility ThomastownMelbourne. at Carina in West the TM NorthernnearOur Robinvale,Carina Suburbs West Victoria ofprocessing Melbourne. and our facility value-added Our has the processing facility at Thomastown in the TM Carinacapacity West to processprocessing 25,000 facility MT has of thealmonds in capacityNorthernthe peak toseason Suburbs process and of 25,000 isMelbourne. capable MT ofof Our almondsmeeting the inCarinaever the increasing peak West season processing demand and is facilityfor capable in-shell, has of the meeting kernel and thecapacityvalue-added ever increasingto process product. demand 25,000 Our MTfor processing in-shell,of almonds plant kernelin theThomastown peakand value-added season processes and product.is capable over Our of 10,000 meeting MT OUR ORCHARDS ARE LOCATED IN A VARIETY OF GEOGRAPHIC AREAS TONNAGETONNAGE TOTALS TOTALS processingtheof product ever increasing plantper annum. in Thomastown demand for in-shell,processes kernel and value-added product. Our WEIGHT OF KERNELS PER ANNUM METRICMETRIC over 10,000 MT of product per annum. WEIGHT OF KERNELS PER ANNUM processingExport plant in Thomastown processes TONNAGE TOTALS TONNESTONNES NORTHERN ExportoverSelect 10,000 Harvests MT of isproduct one of per Australia’s annum. largest WEIGHT OF KERNELS PER ANNUM 23,00023,000 SOUTHERN REGION Selectalmond Harvests exporters is one and of Australia’scontinues largest to build LAKE HILLSTON Export REGION 22,00022,000 almondstrong exportersrelationships and continuesin the fast to build growing CULLULLERAINE Sydney PARINGA strongSelectmarkets Harvestsrelationships of India is one inand ofthe Australia’s China,fast growing as largest well as 22,60021,00021,000METRIC marketsalmondmaintaining exportersof India established and and China, continues routes as well to to as marketsbuild in WAIKERIE GRIFFITH EUSTON MT TONNES strong relationships in the fast growing 20,00020,000 maintainingAsia, Europe established and the Middle routes East. to markets inmarkets Asia, Europe of India and and the China, Middle as well East. as LOXTON 19,000 Adelaide ROBINVALE 19,00019,000 maintainingOur Brands established routes to markets OurinThe Asia, SelectBrands Europe Harvests and the Food Middle Division East. provides a 18,000 7,677 18,000 Thecapability Select andHarvests route Food to market Division domestically provides HA Our Brands CENTRAL 17,00017,000 aand capability around and the routeworld to for market processed domestically almonds andThe aroundSelectother Harvestsnatural the world products. Food for processed Division It supplies provides almonds both REGION 17,000 16,00016,000 andabranded capability other and natural and private route products. label to market products It supplies domestically to boththe key 7,135 and around the world for processed almonds HA 15,000 brandedretailers, anddistributors private label and productsindustrial tousers. the keyOur 15,000 andmarket other leading natural brands products. are: ItLucky, supplies NuVitality, both 22,690 16,000 retailers, distributors and industrial users. Our 15,700 14,000 marketbrandedSunsol, leading Allingaand private brandsFarms label are:and products Lucky, Soland NuVitality, to in the retail; key 6,687 MT MT 14,000 HA Sunsol,retailers,Renshaw Allinga distributorsand Allinga Farms andFarms Solandindustrial in wholesale in retail;users. Ourand 15,00013,000 THOMASTOWN 14,500 14,200 14,100 13,000 Renshawmarketindustrial leading and markets. Allinga brands Farms are: Lucky,in wholesale NuVitality, and MT Sunsol, Allinga Farms and Soland in retail; MT MT 12,000 industrial markets. In addition to almonds, Melbourne 12,000 RenshawIn addition and to Allinga almonds, Farms we in wholesalemarket a andbroad 15,700 14,000 we market a broad range of snacking and 14,500 14,200 industrialrange of markets.snacking Inand addition cooking to almonds, nuts, health 14,100 MT 11,00011,000 cooking nuts, health mixes and muesli. AUSTRALIA MT MT MT wemixes market and muesli.a broad range of snacking and 10,000 10,500 10,00013,000 Ourcooking Vision nuts, health mixes and muesli. PROCESSING CENTRES 5,597 Our Vision MT 9,000 For Select Harvests to be recognised 10,5005,389 HA 9,000 OurFor Select Vision Harvests to be recognised as SELECT HARVESTS ORCHARDS MTHA as one of Australia’s most respected 12,0008,000 one of Australia’s most respected 8,000 agrifoodFor Select businesses. Harvests to be recognised asagrifood one of businesses.Australia’s most respected 7,000 7,00011,000 agrifood businesses. 7,696HA 2,670HA 3,078HA 1,948HA 6,000 (19,016 ACRES) (6,597 ACRES) (7,605 ACRES) (4,814 ACRES) 6,000 10.000 TOTAL SOUTHERN REGION CENTRAL REGION NORTHERN REGION 20142014 20152016 20162017 20172018 201820192019 PLANTED AREA PLANTED AREA PLANTED AREA PLANTED AREA 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 4 Select Harvests Annual Report 2019 Contents 3 Company Profile 4 Contents 5 Performance Summary 6 Chairman & Managing Director's Report 12 Almond Division 13 Food Division 14 People & Diversity 14 Communities 14 OH&S 14 Sustainability & Environment 16 Executive Team 17 Board of Directors 18 Historical Summary 19 Financial Report 20 Directors' Report 28 Remuneration Report 40 Auditor's Independence
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