Bethlehem of all faiths fill the church once a week for mass. Miracles are claimed as in the healing of some illnesses by using holy oil brought exclusively from the Saint Charbel Church in Lebanon. In the Holy Land, the Maronites live side by side with the other Chris- tian communities, celebrat- ing both their own feasts and those that they share with the Roman Catholic Church. All week 7:30 - 18:00. 66 67 Tourist GUIDE BOOK_July_FINAL Mounir2.indd 66-67 8/13/20 10:14 AM 1 2 Beit Jala Bethlehem Holy family University Hospital 3 Jerusalem Hebron St. Catholic action 4 square 5 David Wells 8 6 Star Street 7 Manger St. Pope Paul VI St. 9 Salesian Street 15 11 Bus 10 Madbase square Station Star Street 17 Quos Beit 12 Zarara Sahour Dar 16 20 Annadwa 19 Beit Sahour St. Manger St. Fawaghre St. 14 18 Paul VI St. 13 22 Peace Star Street 21 Center Market Najajre St. Manger 24 Nativity Muni- Square Church Convent of Carmelite cipality Sisters in Bethlehem 23 Milk Grotto St. 25 Milk Grotto Church 27 26 0 25 50 100 150 Ki 28 Tourist GUIDE BOOK_July_FINAL Mounir2.indd 68-69 8/13/20 10:14 AM The character of the his- the St. Vincent guest house, and white carved stones; toric center of Bethlehem which was built as part of its main entrance sits on is evident in its historical the Holy Family Hospital an elevation facing Jeru- monuments and buildings, complex. salem. Hirmas Mansion is the churches and mosques, now home to the science public ovens, and crafts and 1. Bethlehem University and education faculties of trades. Residents have pre- Bethlehem University was Bethlehem University. served the heritage of their established by the Chris- ancestors; the influence of De La Salle Building inside Bethlehem tian De La Salle Brothers University Campus religion on daily lives is vis- www.bethlehem.edu, in 1973, with support from 02-274 1241. Mon-Fri 8:00-16:00. ible in the ornamentation the Vatican following a pro- on external doors or in the posal made during the visit icons that adorn houses of Pope Paul VI to Bethle- and workplaces. hem in 1964. A school since 2. Hirmas Mansion This cultural route guides 1909, it was the first regis- you through the city market tered university in the West Mitri, Saleh and Jeries areas, cultural associations Bank and today teaches six Hirmas, who emigrated to and schools, and past man- specialties: Education, Ho- Chile, erected the building sion houses of architectural tel Management and Tour- in 1910 in the hope that splendor. ism, Arts, Science, Nursing, they would one day return Hirmas Mansion inside Bethlehem Univer- and Business. Turathuna, to live in Bethlehem. The sity Campus · The route includes stairs and is the Palestinian Cultural family never came back to not accessible by people with Heritage Center, is housed disabilities. live the mansion and since in the university and opened The second half of the 19th then, the building has been century brought socio-eco- a library in 1990 for rare used for various purposes: It is best to start early in the nomic development thanks to books, manuscripts, and as a private residence, a re- the openness of the Ottoman morning (9 a.m.) on week- old newspapers and maga- form school for boys, and a state to the Western world. days if you want to visit any zines on Palestinian heri- school for the blind. Trade relations were initiated of the associations. Begin tage and identity. and foreigners or foreign insti- at Bethlehem University to Set on the slope of a hill, the tutions gained more privileges visit the historic De La Salle mansion was designed by and the right to own land in school building and Hirmas the first Bethlehem archi- Palestine. Local craftsmen participated in world trade ex- Mansion. From the main www.bethlehem.edu, 0 2-274 tect, Morcous Nassar, and 1241. Mon-Fri 8:00-16:00. (To enter hibitions and established links gate of Bethlehem Univer- the university, you need to fill in a form constructed from a combi- all over the globe. sity, walk up the incline to available on the university website.) nation of geometrical red 70 71 Tourist GUIDE BOOK_July_FINAL Mounir2.indd 70-71 8/13/20 10:14 AM 3. Holy Family Hospital quiet alley leading to the with floral elements was Madbaseh Commercial made at the Salesian Con- Set on the western slope Zone. Don’t miss two his- vent workshops. The status of a hill overlooking the toric mansions: Saleh Gi- of the family is reflected city of Beit Jala, the hos- acaman Mansion and Han- in the indoor marble stone pital was inaugurated in dal Villa. At Handal Villa, tiles imported from Italy. 1885 as a general hospital look right towards Cinema and an orphanage with a Square. Madbaseh Com- capacity of 80 beds. The mercial Street is lined with Community of the Daugh- attractive mansion houses ters of Charity of St. Vin- with a variety of archi- cent de Paul operates a tectural details and stone complex that comprises an carvings. orphanage, a guest house, and a specialized mater- nity hospital with around 4. Hanna Ja’ar Mansion 3,200 deliveries a year. Holy Family Hospital The original construction The two-floor mansion was built of white Bethle- Turn left towards Cin- was built in the 1930s by hem limestone surround- ema Square and continue Hanna Khalil Ja’ar, a cloth ing a courtyard, with a straight until you find the merchant who returned church as a focal land- beautiful two-story Hanna from the Dominican Re- mark, accessed through Ja’ar Mansion fronted by public. Ja’ar Mansion was two beautifully integrated a garden with a decorated built of the best local, red Hanna Ja’ar Mansion staircases. gate and a garden fence sleib stones enclosed with of stones and steel. Con- a frame of engraved open- tinue straight and on your ings. Designed by Morcous www.holyfamilyhospital-beth- left is the Bethlehem Arab Nassar, the house displays lehem.org, 02-2741151. 5. Bethlehem Arab Wom- Women’s Union Center; many fine details such as a en’s Union Center this is the first women’s riwaq balcony on the first association established in floor, and a garden fence Established in 1947, the Bethlehem to aid refugees built of the same stone. En- Bethlehem Arab Women’s settled in the city during joy the sight from street lev- Union served as a first aid conflicts and the 1948 Na- el over the main gate. The center to care for refugees kba. Continue straight to a steel handrail ornamented from the first Arab-Israeli 72 73 Tourist GUIDE BOOK_July_FINAL Mounir2.indd 72-73 8/13/20 10:14 AM war. The Union works to 6. Saleh Giacaman 7. Handal Villa Red Sleib Stone meet the needs of Bethle- Mansion hem residents of all ages, This is hard limestone with a Commissioned in the early th organizes luncheons for light rosy red color combined 20 century by the Han- senior citizens, and en- with shades of yellow. Con- dal family, this house has courages income-gener- structions built with the red a Baroque style influenced ation projects for women sleib stones attracted more by European architectural attention and admiration through food and craft pro- elements. The building has when located among tradi- strong symmetry and is a duction. It also runs the tional white stone buildings. Arab Women’s Union muse- Red sleib stones are difficult unique site standing on the um in Bethlehem’s old city to carve, which explains the main elevation overlooking and part of the Bethlehem use of local white stone for Paul VI Street. The building Museum on the Jerusalem- openings, frames and cor- was renovated to become a Hebron road. Today, the nices. The red stone used shopping center, but its key in the Bethlehem area was elements of beauty were Union employs more than originally quarried from the 150 women from nearby Jerusalem hills, specifically preserved. Don’t miss the villages and refugee camps the areas of Baka, Katamon rear corner of the build- in Palestinian embroidery (Jerusalem) and Sleib (Beit ing at ground level, which Saleh Giacaman Mansion and a bakery. Tip: Get a Jala). is ornamented with carved freshly baked pastry at the Constructed out of red stone edging up to the first kitchen door! sleib stone, this three-sto- floor. ry house was designed by Morcous Nassar in 1924 www.bethawu.org, for Saleh Jeries Giacaman, 02-274 2453. Mon-Sat 8:00-16:00. the mayor of Bethlehem from 1917 to 1921. The main gate to the building is decorated with a stone sill engraved with a poem, the name of the owner, and the year of construction. No- tice the letters “SG” weld- ed onto the main metal gate decorated with floral Bethlehem Arab Women’s Union Center motifs. Handal Villa 74 75 Tourist GUIDE BOOK_July_FINAL Mounir2.indd 74-75 8/13/20 10:14 AM 8. Cinema Square 9. Madbaseh Commercial ditional Arab liwan layout Zone – Paul VI. Street of an all-important central The Amal Cinema and Beth- room that gives access to lehem Cinema were once Lined with Palestinian fast other minor rooms. city landmarks, both con- food restaurants and ca- structed during the mid- fes, colorful vendors, and The red house is framed 20th century to offer en- a wide selection of shops, and decorated with carved local white stone at the tertainment to Bethlehem this pedestrian walkway Madbaseh Commercial Zone residents and the surround- is a favorite hangout for edges, openings, floor cor- nice, and columns.
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