lnstructionManual The cameras Operatingcontrols of the SINAR iT p2andc2 1 Coarse-focusclamping lever 2 Finefocusing drive with depth of field scale 3 Micrometer drive for vertical (rise and fall) shift 4 Micrometer drive for lateral(cross) shift 5 Micrometerdrive for horizontal-axistilts 6 Micrometer drive for vertical-axisswings 7 lmageplane mark 8 Coarse-tilt (horizontal axis) clamping lever; movementused for verticalalignment of stan- dards with camerainclined up or down, alsofor coarse tilting to reservefull micrometertilt (5) rangefor sharpnessdistribution control. Fig.1 Contents The cameras 2 The planeof sharpnessand depthof field 11 - Controls 2 - Zerosettings Fufiher accessories 12 3 - - Mountingthe camera SINARCOLOR CONTROLfitters 12 4 - - The spirit levels Exposure meters 12 4 - - The base rail 4 AutomaticSINAR film holder - Changingcomponents 4 and shuttercoupling 12 - Film - The bellows 5 holders 13 - Camera backs s Final points 14 - Switchingformats p2 on the STNAR andc2 6 - Maintenance 14 - Switchingformats g on the SINARf2 andtl - Cleaning 14 - The convertible g camera - Adjusting the drives 14 - The bellowshood 9 - Cleaninglenses, filters and mirrors 14 - Viewingaids 9 - Warranty 14 - Transport l0 - Furtherinstruction manuals 14 The view camera movements 10 Remark: The camerac2 is no longerpart of the SINARsales programme, but can stiltrbe combined by the individualSINAR components. Operatingcontrols of the S|NARt2andtl 1 Coarse-focusclamping knob 2 Finefocussing drive with depthof fieldscale 3 Clampingwheel for verticalshift 4 Clampinglever for lateralshift 5 Clampinglever for swing (verticalaxis) 6 Clampinglever for tilt (horizontalaxis) 7 Angle-meteringscale for tilt and swingangles 8 lmageplane mark Zero setting points of the cameras CAMERAMODELS REAR(IMAGE) STANDARD FRONT(LENS) STANDARD NOTES SINARo2 With regularor special gxi|2 - 4x5 / White l White White dot for standardbearer 5x7 /13x18 Green i dots White lateralshift on With F/S back j or. Bxl)/18x24 Red ) Red. speciallens With meteringback Bxl}/18x24 Red rings Red nngs standard SINARc2 With regular standard 4xS / 9x12 White 2nd vert,eng. stop Lens standard bearer I 5x7 /13x18 Green o*. 2nd vertical at zero point With F/S back I Bxl)/18x24 Red ] engagementstop J for lateralshift With meteringback Bxj0/18x24 Red nngs 3rd vert.eng. stop White dot for lateral shift(at 32.5 mm) With specialstandard 4xS / 9x12 bearer Sx7 /13xj8 l I Lensstandard With F/S back Bxl}/18x24 o, Asabove l at zero point With metering "o*" I for lateial shift back Bxl)/18x24 ] ) J SINARf2 4xS / 9x12 4x5" f2 standard: '1st 4x5" f2 standard: With4x5"/9x12 cm (lowest)vert. eng. stop 1st(lowest) verl. eng. stop lensstandard Sx7 /13x19 5xT" standard: lowestposition 2nd vert.eng. stop 8x1O/18x24 8x10"standard: lowestposition 4th (top)vert. eng. stop SINARf2 5x7 /13x18 5x7" f2 standard: 8x10" f2 specialstand.: With speciallens lowestposition 1st (lowest)vert. eng. stop standard 8x1o/18x24 Bxl0" standard: lowestposition 3rd (top) vert. eng. stop SlNARfl 4x5 / 9x12 4x5" f2 stand.:1 st (lowest) Multipurposestand.: 1 st verticalengagement stop (lowest)vert. eng. stop Mountingthe camera With the 411.21rail clamp or 411.41 rail clamp for higherstability you can mount the SINARcameras either on the 516.41pan tilt heador directlvon a triood. O Turnthe clampinglever A againstthe arrow to releaseit, fit the camera and tightenthe tripod screw C fingertight. O Turn the clamping lever A in the direction of the arrow to secure tne camerafirmly. O To adjustthe leverA use a coin to unscrewthe centrescrew. Remove tne leverand refit in the requiredposition. Replace the securingscrew. O Slack off the knob B by a few turns to shift the cameraalong the rail for balancingor to swivel it about the rail. Slack off bv a few turns more ro removethe cameraaltogether. The rail clamp also takes the 519.11 universal camera holder for mountinq 35 mm and rollfilmreflex cameras. Zero setting Before starting operationsset all movements to their zero engagement points.Q marksthe imageplane. Fig.5 The spirit levels To readthe spiritlevels precisely, view with one eyecentred above them. you see them correctlywhen each markingring appearstruly edge-onas a thin line. lf the levelsshould eventually need resetting, you can do this yourself.Slack off one screw completelyand the secondone slighfly,realign the spiritlevel and tightenthe screwsagain. Fig.6 The base rail The camera outfit includesa 12"/30cm 422.21 base rail, capped at both endsand suitablefor all SINARcameras. Rail extensions screw to eitherend to make up any requiredlength. A longer36'790 cm 425.21base rail is avail- ablefor constantuse with long extensions. Fig.7 Ghangingcomponents When switchingmetering backs, bellows,lens boards,etc on the coupling frame,always push in such itemsstraight from aboveand lock.To avoid light leaks be sure to close the lockinglever fully. But don't use force if the lever Fg8q+ is hardto close- check ratherthat the componentis correcilyfitted. Fig.9 When fitting lensesline up the red dot at the rearof the lens board with the red dot on the behind-lensshutter. Insert the lens board and lock. The aperturecontrols then couple automatically. Lensboard holder It is recommendedto mount the 531.41 lensboardholder. Fig.10 The bellows Folding bellows The folding bellowsshould neversag - so do not place anythingon top of them. Also, to counteractsagging, periodicallyrefit the bellows inverteo about their axis. The wide-angle bellows To permitinfinity focusing with short cameraextensions pull any folds of the wide-anglebellows 1 fully out from betweenthe camerastandards. Usethe 455.46wide-angle bellows 2 for 4x5"/'19x1 2 cm pictureswith 65 mm lensesand veryshort extensions. Gamerabacks The sINAR modelsp2, c2 andf2 includea meteringback with probe holder I (462.16tor4x5"/9x12 cm,462.17 tor ''|8x24 5x7"/13x18cm and 462.S1for8x10,7 cm). Fig.13 The 461.36 back of the 4x5"/9x12 cm SINARf1 has no meterprobe holder and no liftinglevers. To convertto the meteringback replacethe film holder frame by the 462.96frame with probe holder.lf you also want the liftinglev- ers,replace the model 1 screenframe by the model2,461 .56. Fig.14 Fitting the back on the camera open the lockinglever at the top left (4x5'79x12cm) or at the left and right (5x7"/13x18cm and 8x10"/18x24cm) of the rearcoupling frame, insert the back at the baseof the couplingframe, push home and lock (alsosee Figs. 8 and 9). For uprightand horizontalshots you can fit the backs in alternative positionsturned through 90". (Forhorizontal shots positionthe meterprobe holderat the top, for uprightshots at the left.) Removing the screen frame (4x5"/9x12cm back) To separatethe screenframe from the film holderframe use both thumbs to depressthe serratedcoupling levers at the leftand rightwhile pushing the screenframe upwards (see Fig. 15).The "Graflock"type latchesat the sides of the filmholder frame permit direct attachment of bulkyrollfilm holders. To reassemble,fit the screenframe shifted upwards through about 1 cm (so thatthe holesat the sidesare level) and pushdown till it engages. lnserting film holders The meteringback has lifting leversat the bottom left and right to lift the screenframe off the film holderframe. This liftingsystem facilitates smooth insertionof filmholders. For thin film holders slightly depress one lever, push inthe holderand let go. For thicker holders fully open both levers, push in the filmholder and closethe levers. On a back without liftinglevers lifi the screenframe as shown in Fig.18 and pushin the filmholder. Switching formats on the SINARp2 and c2 Releasethe bellowsat the lensend. Releasethe rearcoupling frame by turn- ingthe knobF anticlockwise.You only change the formatset, consisting of the rear couplingframe, bellowsand back. Set the standardsto their zero positions- colour-codedwith engagementstops (seetable on page 3) - beforeswitching formats. The SINAR p2 special front standard The zero settings on this standard are specially located for the 8x1O"/ 18x24 cm format to make best use of the shift ranges.Use alsothe special rearstandard bearer with the specialfront standard. The SINAR p2 und c2 special rear standard bearer This heavy-duty standard bearer, specifically designed for the 8x1O"/ 18x24 cm format , forms the bottom section of the SINARp2 and c2 rear standard.lt makesbest use of all shift,tilt and swing rangesand also has a Fis.19 deoth of field scale. The multipurpose standard This servesas the lensstandard on the SINARf1 . lt can also be usedas an objectstage for close-upsand macroshots and as an intermediatestandard for longcamera extensions. Set the verticaland lateralshifts to the appropriateengagement stop or col- oured mark (seetable on page 3) to matchthe locationof the opticalaxis to the formatcombination used. Raising: Slackoff the clampingscrew and pushup thecolumns as shown inFig. 21. Lowering:See Fig. 22. Fitting/removal: Fullyunscrew the coarse-focusclamping screw to openthe hingedcollar of the multipurposestandard. You can then removethe standardwithout dis- mantlingthe camera. You can also resetthe clampinglevers of the multipurposestandard. Un- screw the retainingscrew with a coin, removethe leverand refit in the re- quiredposition. Switching formats on the SINARf2 and fl Releasethe bellowsat the lensend and removetogether with the whole rear standard(the coupling frame is herefixed to its standardbearer). Now fit the requiredalternative rear standard (5x7'713x18 cm or 8x10'7'18x24cm) with its matchingtapered bellows in the usualway.
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