SALIENT FEA ROJECT (Rehabilitation of Goljung Water Supply) Particulars ription Name of Proiec ljung Water supply lntake maintenance and Rehabilitation\ Type of Project Rehabilitation of Water Supply Aamachodimo Rural Mun icipality-04 District Rasuwa No. o1' Beneflciary IlHs No. of E,arlhquake Beneficiary Ma.ior Works Intake maintenance and tank repairing Existing Structr''es *ith Capafu Reservoir Tank of Bm' Total Estimated Cost (NRs.) 216597 2786 Project Contribution Nrs 185053.9856 User Contribution 31543.293 Other Contribution Per Capita Cost Qlf Rs.) 3377.993 Rationality Source damaged , Increased demand and requires (a) Source Damage maintenance (b) Increased Demand (c) New Scheme (d) Extension (e) Others (... .. ) How does the Proposed Pro.iect Fulfill Availability of water for reconstruction, settlement on the tlre Provisiorr of EHRP-ESMF ? liiglr hilly region. water scarcity ls ESSR Approvecl'/ (if applicable) - f s S.pu'ate eSVn e'=put.,t'' Ycs e Earthquake beneficiaries facing water scarcity for housing o Recommendation from the RIWward for the maintenance o Existing structure for the water supply o Water dernarrd fbr tlre recotrstruction Technical Data l. Number of HHs to be r8r reconstructed during proj ect selection 2. Vulnerable HHs (with Categories) o Col.j Lrrrg rvater i ntake 3. Source Narne a 0.5 litre/secorrd 4. Source discharge 5. Reservoit' capacitl, o 8m'(Existed) 6. Break Pressure Tank number 7 . Length of pipe line 8. Numbers of tap stand (A) Endorsement: DL-PfU GM/Lf) Environrne (B) Endorsement: CL-Pru (CMaLI) Reviewed By: Approved By: DesigVation: .:.j;\.t:- t :. ':,') t,r:.:. \ r'1 ',, : :i:- Government of Nepal National Reconstruction Authority Central Level Project Impl€m€ntation Unit District Level Project lmplcmentation Unit (Grant Management and Local Infrastructure) Rasuwa Environmental and Social Manaeement Plan 0f Goliuns Water supplv Intake maintenance and Rehabilitation Aamachodimo Rural Municipalitv-04 May,2019 \,, $i'|",;r; 1.[. IntroductionInlroduclion q'a. r/ - i:-r ( A magnitude 7.6 earthquake of shallow depth struck celtlat,Nelaf ui:h an eprcenter ;;;il"r iin- r<athmandu on lnrilt# iQ15 *using, widespread ""ltr',-*".t "t €nd caused destruction. On May 12, 2015 a large aftershock ofa magnitude 6 8 hit Nepal further causalities and damage. As of 3 June 2015, the reported casualties irclude: 8'702 490,000 houses deaths and 22,493 people injured. As the earthquake sequence destroyed mostly traditional mud brick and mud stone built and occupied by the rural poor and largest single rendeied another 265,000 houses at least temporarily uninhabitable, the human need identified in the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) was housing and settle)nents, accounting for US$ 3.27 billion ofneeds' 8 May' Rasuwa is one of the worst affected districts by the 25 April earthquake As of ofthose 430 people have been reported killed and 753 injured (iMoIA 08/05/20.15)' Mo^st Langtang that iieA in the district were killed in an avalanche that buried inhabitants of uiilug" in"rualng ,ou,ists in the guesthouses some remote areas are yet to be reached or u""oint"A fo,. i4ore than 63% of th" dist,i"fs tenitory is at an elevation of more than between 3000 meters. Of the remaining teiritory, most parts are located at an elevation we-re without 1000 3000 meters (University ofCopenhagen 2005) and parts of Ra-suw-a - the first road access even before the ealthquake, further challenging the relief effort ln Rasuwa Field l"* days ufte, the earthquake very little information was available from estimates based reports ha\'e gradually come in that help understand the situation lnitial that 82% of o,iCou...J.tt Ouu ofdamaged buildings in the affected districts, suggests the DoDulation of Rasuwa have been affected by the ea(hquake According to Government data, 8,000 buildings were destroyed in the earthquake The Covernment of Nepal (GON) has requested suppod from a number of de!elopnent panners, including the B. to address the itnmediate and term oflhe damage inllicted b) multi ih. ln ll"pal The project wiLl suppoft in restoring affected houses.with govemment's ability to harard""nnq""l. reiistant core-housing units in target areas and to enhance irprou. tonga.* disaster resilienc€. lnitially, tne EHRP is to be completed by July 2020. (the Considering the t'urther need to support GoN, Intemational Development Association World Ba;k) has agreed to sutport additional US$300 million loan to tjnance the Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Project (EHRP)' to ensure that Environment and Social Management Framework serves as a practical tool .nuiront.nt and social aspecti are duly considered in the planning,and inplementation process ofearthquake housing reconstruction project. Accordinglv, ltYh:9 " projects llYl^liXlsite-specific gLrided to address the environmental arrd ,o"iui issu"' of tbe by :;;;;;;;;] ;;; ,o"iut .-ug"-"n, ptan after sel€ction of the sub-projects prioritized ty o.i"ntution and consultation-in the respective local government Hence' this qlil-lg Water ln ten and litation Aam problem of the jibjibe !4lligipgllq:lql:This%carcity plan helps to ad ffiGiffi;a alt.Ji implication on the livelihood and reconstruction of the housing {"R "\ at Goljung Village of Goljung Rural Municipality ln Goljung village is still insufficient for the daily purpo Role of community groups is to ensure effective and implementation of and effeitivi operation and maintenanqe of water supply system established' Henca, it is evitable that such community groups are aware about the basics of water supply system, operation and maintenance of water assets and water supply system as well as basics of sanitation and waste management within the project 2. Obiectives of ESMP Th; objective ofthe Environmental and Social Management Plan area as follow . To address the site-specific environmental and social issues of earthquake housing reconstruction projects. To support in mitigation measures ofthe environmental and social issues . To aware community about the importance of Environment and social harmonization. 3. Site Description The sub-project is located at Goljung Village Ward No 04 of Aamachodimo Rural Municipality, west ofthe Rasuwa district. The climate ofthe Rasuwa district varies from sub tropical to temperate and alpine, but most ofthe area has a temperate and alpine type ofclimate. The average annual rainfall is 994.3 mm and occurs mainly duritrg June, July and august. The average temperature in Dhunche 22.6 degree centigrade and minimum temperature varies I 1.5 degree centigrade. The minimum temperature in Dhunche goes down to 0 degree centigrade and the maximum up to 25 degree .According to Census' 2011 the population of Ward No.05 of the rural municipality is 1938. The area is dominated by Tamang ethnic communities whereas presence of Dalit is also significant in this ward. In Ward No. 04 of Kalika Rural Municipality, the total housing reconstructron beneficiaries are 283 ofwhich 264,214 and 214 have aheady received lst Tranche, 2nd Tranche and 3rd Tranche respectively as of20l9/03/25 EHRP-MIS data. 4. Environmental and Social Issues The site verilication carried out on 2075108119 along with district engineer, socral development and environment specialist, the households are facing the problem ofwater supply. The topography of the area is hilly and water source is located at high hill and already the supply system exits in this water supply scheme. The water source is near to the village and water supply system is inadequate for the community. The dependency of the community in this water system is higher to that of its efficiency The intake of the water supply scheme had been damaged by the reconshuction activity since it need to maintain .The villagers are forced to use the water from the existing system in irregular pattem ofdistribution. The water system includes following possible problem: 0 .t*\ 'sd@d D Decrease in agricultural production, tr Loss of time in water collection, u Delayed in reconstruction B Loss in livestock farming 5. Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) To address the issues raised dudng orientation and consultation program held on 2075108/19 at Aamachodimo Rural Municipality, the vice chairperson of Aamachodimo RM , ward chairperson of ward no.04, project chief and the team including ( Social Development Speciaiist, Environment Specialist, Engineer) selected the G9.U!!gy3!9I suDDlv Intake mainlenance and Rehabilitation Aamachodimo Rural MunicipalitY- llat Goljung. The water supply maintenance works support 181 households in daily use as well in reconstruction activities. Several actions can be taken to ensure a safer and more effective rcsponse to a landslide or mudflow The Major objective ofmaintenance ofwater supply system is . To provide sustainable, equitable, consistent, economic safe and adequate water. To maintain the existing water supply system. Operation of system in general means ensuring effective routine running of system timely and dailY. Maintenance in general means up keep of sfuctures/system including planned, preventive or corective maintenance, repairs etc . Location Issues/ Likely Suggested , firn" i Responsibility Potential Mitigation Significance ofaction Im Measures Goljung-04. Water supply Water Water intake Baisakh UG'sAjvtDLPI I in maintenance U-GMaLl Aamachodi lntake shortage -Jesma I mo marntenance reconstructio and 20'/5|16 i n, protectron I Livelihood I and daily use. I i l 6. ESMP Cost The total cost ofthe project will be as follow: . Net payable Cost from NRATGMali
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