■ I Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather. For the Week Ended ForecMt of U. 8. Wohther Sanaa | March II. 1961 OooMional ohowera early. to- night. Low near 40. Saturday moot- 13,317 ly cloudy, breezy, oooHtr, nhow- iianrtetf r Sumttig ers espoidally tn the afternoon. Member of the Andlt High near 5S. Bnrean of Cirenlstioii Manchester— A City of Village Charm L MANCHESTER. CONN.' FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1961 (ClnMified Advertising on Page 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. LXXX, NO. 177 (TWENTY PAGES) Until They Agree State News Congo Army Detains Roundup Survives Flood Disaster Feuding Politicians Relief Refused 1 lastic Middletown, April 28 {IP)— Last Test for Manned Hop At Alliantfe ikrleys Damage cau.sed by the flash flood after Crystal Lake dam - burst early yesterday has Coquilhatville, The CongO.'S’yiiere from every province except been estimated at $500,000 by /-I____ 1 ___ thofiethose control controlled ed bv by the the Lfertifii Leftist le- April 28 ( ^ —The Congolese gime of Antoine Glzenga at Stan- Mayor Harry Clew of Middle- army crack^ down today on leyville. town. Shot with Astronaut the country’s feuding politi- Reports also were buzzing Clew said today he had been in -: cians, ordering that none through Coquilhatville that even fomied by U.S. Sen. Thomas J. ^ Glzenga was about <o fly in under Dodd th at Clcw'.s plea to have the ' Bhould leave Coquilliatville pressure from his army. area declared eligible for di.saster 1 until they have threshed out , Six Stanleyville soldiers arrived relief had been denied by the U.S. ' Set for Next Week agreement on The Congo’s here Wedne.sday claiming they government. ■ problems. were making preparations for So.me 225 million gallons of wa- ' Soldier* milling around the air- Gizenga to attend the talks. ter, released by the break, swept I Wallops Island, Va., April 28 (/P)—The Mercury spice cap- port have been told by their of- across Prout Hill and and Mil- j sule underwent its final and most severe unmanned test to- (Continued on Page Three) brook Road. The angry waters vrrv: fleera to prevent any politlcinn.* day with thia verdict: A man aboard “unquestionably” could leaving thia town. Machine guns badly damaged six honte.s, and sev- 1 have been *et up eveiy few yards en others to a varying degree. , have .survived. along the runways. Three persons were treated fori Next week an American astronaut at Cape Canaveral, Fla., minor injuries at Middlesex M e-' Eh-en President Joseph Kasavu- will stake his life on that finding. bu. head of The Congo's central morial hospital. Little Joe Vll, a cluster of six solid propellant rockets, leap- government at Leopoldville, ap- ed up from this test station of the National Aeronautics dnd parently n'as covered by the mili- Killed hy Train tary order, although he has made Space Administration at 9;04 a.m. EST with the 3.000-pound Weslport, April 28 i/Pi Him^ no attem pt to leave Coqualhat- . dreds of horrified commuters ‘ space chamber on its no.se. vllle. j looked on helplessly today as a Half an hour later, after a flight that produced stresses It was not known whether the 1 Fairfield man was struck and even more violent than the extreme conditions that had been army order was merely a tem- j killed by an easthound train as planned, the capsule was back on the beach after a parachute- porary measure or whether it I it pulled into the New Haven . originated from Kasavubu hlm- Railroad's Westport Station. cushioned landing in the sea and fast recovery by a helicopter. »elf. I, He was identified by Westport Meantime the vehicle had been blasted loose from the Katanga's President Moise booster by rocket- devices intended to saVe a space flier in Police as Francis J. Busier. 42, of Tshombe. who tried to walk out 80 Ardmore St., Fairfield, case of trouble in the liftoff. of the Coquilhatville conference The body was dragged the Asked if a man could have lived through it, project mana- Wednesday, still is being held at length of the platform, said wit- ^ th^ airport surrounded by armed I ger William M. Bland replied i*?- fv nesse.a. The train left New York gtiards. I at 6 a m., and reached We.stport “Unquestionably.” Five of his top Belgian adviser* i about an hour later. It was due In "Tlie escape was triggered un- hsve been handed over to the Unit- j ! New Haven at 7:45 but was de- der much more severe circum- Rebels Ignore ed Nations by Kaaavubu and j 1 laved about 45 niinutes. stances than will occur during flown off to Leopold'’ille under es- , ^ Til the manned Mercury Redstone or cort of U.N. Ethiopian troops for | Atlas-boosted flight," NASA said. Laotian Plea Interrogation by U.N. offleial*. I Accidental Dronnine "Tlie ^apsule appears to he in They were detained under the , y-..a'r' I E ast Hampton, April 28 lyPl — good condition." U.N. ‘security Council's resolu- John M. Barber, 44, E ast Hamp- The chamber’s appearance bore For Cease-Fire tion of Feb. 21 calling on all for- ^ .V' ^ •. V W! ton, drownbd In Lake Pocotopaug out tliat report. Its olive drab eign military, semi-military and I yesterday moments after losing paint was untarnished and there By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS political advisers to leav* the ' his grip on would-be rescuers. F'crmer President Herbert Hoover welcomes President John F. Kennedy at his Waldorf-Astoria Tow- were no dents or tom shingles Laos' pro-Communist rebels ig- I Barber was swimming toward ers home in Manhattan today. (AP Photofax i. such as resulted from a previous country unless attached to the nored the government's appeal for I a drifting rowboat some 2.50 tc.st flight by the same capsule a cease-fire at noon today and U.N. mission. It was Kasvubu's agreement PA51F.LA «J ARROW AY I yards off shore, police said, when ’ Next week’s space passenger is Washington wa.s reported near the with the UJI. to clear out all for- he got into trouble. I to ride the Redstone rocket on a end of its patience with what f eign advisers that caused Thr.iy.De I Several n\en Nvatching from Pair Accused Bowles Delays!Kennedy Sees i ballistic trajectory flight 115 some officials called Red stalling. ! to stalk out of the conference in I shore rowed out to him. started to , ! miles high and 290 miles south Britain, fearing hasty action by j lift him into their boat and then ; from Cape Canaveral. The more anger. He relies on Belgian and TV Star’s Wife the Soviet Union or United States , lo.st their grip. ' Of Rigging on I powerful Allas Is for later Earth- other whites both In the govern- Dirasiori Probe I More F ig u res might upset delicate arrange-' ment of his seceded province and t The body was recovered by a gprdling orbital flights. menta for a cease-fire and mush- I skin diver. Medickl Examiner Nor- | In his arm y. Found Dead in W ashington, April 28 (/P> ,— A The extra stresses came about room the civil war, blamed the The conference at this capital of man Gardner said death was ' Stock Market Senate inquiry into the Cuban in- Of Prominence because the rockets, for reasons rebels' delay on “real practical caused by accidental drowing. vasion was postponed today until Equator Province 375 miles up the Gotham Home not immediately determined, did difficulties," such as poor com- Congo River from Leopoldville is W ashington, April 28 ifl’’ Gov- Monday when acting S^rctary of New York, April 28 (/Pi — Pres- not push the capsule to the plan- munications. being attended by 280 of the coun- It Starts Sunday ernment lawyers today charged State Chester Bowles said "sev- ident Kennedy vieited former ned height of 35,000 to 40,000 feet. But President Kennedy opened eral emergencies" would prevent try's political figures and their ad- New York, April 28 lA 'i-M rs. Hartford. April -BS <JP"i — Some th a t thou.sand.s of investors suf- President Herbert Hoover and Gen. At lower altitudes air resistance is consultations witli Allied govern- Pamela Garrow-ay. wife of tele- people would like to get rid it hi.s ap p earan ce. heavier. ments and congressional Jeadere o f fered "many millions of dollars of Sen. Wayne D-Oie.. Douglas MacArthur separately to- vision star Dave Gairoway, was entirely. Some would like to««b- • :M<frae. The escape mechanism was In- on w hat steps may be taken to foimd dead In their iown house at serve it all year long. Children, in harm’’ becau.se of alleged market chairman of the Senate Latin day in their suites in the Waldorf- tentionally triggered at 12,000 prevent more of Laos from falling DeOoulle Sets 48 E. 63rd St. early today. the main, like it. Some oldsters rigging and other illegal acts by American Affairs subcommittee, Astoria Hotel. feet, NASA said, at a time when under Communist control. These announced the postponement after What was discussed was not an- the vehicle was traveling about steps could include Allied military Police listed the cause of death say It’s tinkering with the natural two prominent members of the as unknown pending an autopsy. law, whatever the natural law is. a seric.s of telephone calls to the nounced. but Kennedy presumably 1,100 miles an hour.
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