1 Health and Safety Getting Started 2 Main Menu 3 About Saving Data Controls 4 Basic Controls 5 Driving Techniques Items 6 Using Items 7 Item List Single Player 8 Grand Prix 9 Time Trials 10 Balloon Battle 11 Coin Runners Local Multiplayer 12 Starting a Local Wireless Match Online Multiplayer 13 Starting an Online Match 14 Worldwide 15 Friends/Opponents 16 Communities Mario Kart Channel 17 Mario Kart Channel 18 StreetPass 19 SpotPass Troubleshooting 20 Support Information 1 Health and Safety Thank you for choosing Mario Kart™ 7 for the Nintendo 3DS™ system. Please read this manual carefully before using the software. Please also read your Nintendo 3DS Operations Manual for more details and tips to help you enjoy your playing experience. Health and Safety Information Important Before using this software, read all content within the Health and Safety Information application on the HOME Menu. To access this application, tap the icon on the HOME Menu, then tap Open and read the contents of each section carefully. When you are finished, press to return to the HOME Menu. Protecting Your Privacy This software allows you to connect to online services to play matches and exchange certain game data with players from around the world. Keep the following in mind regarding the use of this feature. ● To protect your privacy, do not give out personal information such as last name, phone number, birth date, age, school, e-mail, or home address when communicating with others. ● Friend codes are a part of a system that allows you to play with people you know. If you exchange friend codes with strangers, there is a risk you could share information with people you do not know or exchange messages that contain offensive language. We therefore recommend that you do not give your friend codes to people you don't know. Wh e n y o u d o w n l o a d o r u s e t h i s s o f t w a r e ( i n c l u d i n g a n y d i g i t a l c o n t e n t o r d o c u m e n t at i o n y o u d o w n l o a d o r u s e i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h i s s o f t w ar e ) an d p a y a n y a p p l i c ab l e f e e s , y o u ar e g ra n t e d a p e r s o n al , n o n - e x c l u s i v e , r e v o c ab l e l i c e n s e t o u s e t h i s s o f t w a r e o n y o u r N i n t e n d o 3 D S s y s t e m . Yo u r u s e o f t h i s s o f t w a r e i s s u b j e c t t o t h e N i n t e n d o 3 D S S e r v i c e U s e r A g re e m e n t , w h i c h i n c l u d e s t h e N i n t e n d o 3 D S s y s t e m P ri va c y P o l i c y an d t h e C o d e o f C o n d u c t . 2 Main Menu Choose from four Single Player g a m e t y p e s f o r (see p. 8-11) one player only. P l a y w i t h u p t o Local s e v e n o t h e r Multiplayer people using local (see p. 12) wireless. Play online with O n l i n e friends and other Multiplayer players around the (see p. 13-16) world. Access community recommendations, M a r i o K a r t ghost data, and Channel o t h e r d a t a (see p. 17-19) e x c h a n g e d v i a S p o t P a s s ™ a n d StreetPass™. Menu Controls Select or Confirm Cancel Note: Menu selections can also be made by tapping the Touch Screen. Closing your system during game play will make the system enter Sleep Mode. When your system is in Sleep Mode, the battery c o n s u m p t i o n i s k e p t t o a minimum. When the system is opened, it will wake up from Sleep Mode. 3 About Saving Data Save Data This game automatically saves your progress at various times, such as when you finish a race. Deleting Save Data You can delete your save data by pressing and holding + + + simultaneously after starting the software, when the Mario Kart 7 logo is displayed. Save data cannot be recovered once it's been deleted, so please be careful. Mii™ Data You can unlock the option to use your Mii character as a driver as you progress through the game. Mii characters can be created in Mii Maker™, accessible on the HOME Menu. Use the Mario Kart Channel to set or change the Mii you want to use in Mario Kart 7 (see p. 17). D a t a R e c e i v e d v i a StreetPass and SpotPass This data is saved to the SD Card. ● Data can be lost due to user a c t i o n s u c h a s r e p e a t e d l y powering off and on the system, or removing the Game Card or SD Card while saving. Data loss may also be caused by poor connectivity, due to dirt or dust in the system's ports. Please be aware that in these cases data cannot be restored. 4 Basic Controls Accelerate or Brake/Reverse Steer left/right Hop + left/right Drift (while holding or ) Use item or T h r o w i t e m o r ( w h i l e forward holding up) T h r o w / d r o p o r ( w h i l e i t e m b e h i n d Holding down) kart S w i t c h m a p Tap lower screen view Pause Display HOME Menu First-Person Camera Press to switch to t h e f i r s t - p e r s o n camera, where you can steer by tilting the Nintendo 3DS system left and right. Press or to return to the normal camera. W h e n t i l t i n g t h e N i n t e n d o 3 D S s y s t e m t o s t e e r u s i n g t h e f i r s t - p e r s o n c a m e r a , please ensure that you have enough room before playing, and hold the system firmly with both hands while playing. Do not move the system with excessive f o r c e , a s t h i s c o u l d c a u s e injuries, damage to the product, or damage to nearby objects. 5 Driving Techniques Here are some driving techniques that will allow you to enjoy Mario Kart 7 even more. Rocket Start I f y o u p r e s s a n d hold or at just the right time during t h e s t a r t i n g countdown, you will launch off the starting line much faster than normal. Drift Drifting allows you t o t a k e s h a r p c o r n e r s w i t h o u t slowing down. To drift, press and hold while entering a turn. While drifting, you can change the angle of your turn by moving . Mini-Turbo After drifting for a bit, blue sparks will s h o o t f r o m y o u r t i r e s . R e l e a s e when you see these sparks to perform a Mini-Turbo, which gives you a short speed boost. Super Mini-Turbo If you continue to drift after the blue sparks appear, they w i l l t u r n o r a n g e . Release at this point to execute a Super Mini-Turbo, which gives you a bigger speed boost than a Mini-Turbo. Jump Boost P r e s s a t t h e moment you jump off a ramp or similar object to perform a jump action. When performed correctly, this will give y o u a s h o r t s p e e d b o o s t u p o n landing.
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