Journal of Mormon History Volume 32 | Issue 1 Article 1 1-1-2006 Journal of Mormon History Vol. 32, No. 1, 2006 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/mormonhistory Recommended Citation (2006) "Journal of Mormon History Vol. 32, No. 1, 2006," Journal of Mormon History: Vol. 32: Iss. 1, Article 1. Available at: http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/mormonhistory/vol32/iss1/1 This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of Mormon History by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Journal of Mormon History Vol. 32, No. 1, 2006 Table of Contents CONTENTS LETTERS • --Toward Broader Interests? Kent S. Larsen III, vii ARTICLES PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS • --Joseph Smith and the Globalization of Mormonism Donald Q. Cannon, 1 TANNER LECTURE • --The onC struc tion of the Mormon People Charles L. Cohen, 25 • --The nneI r Joseph Smith Richard L. Bushman, 65 • --Shakespeare among the Saints John S. Tanner, 82 • --Differ ent Drummers: The Diverse Hymnody of the Reorganization Richard Clothier, 116 • --Mormon Hymnody: Kirtland Roots and Evolutionary Branches Nancy J. Andersen, 145 • --Law and Order in Winter Quarters Edward L. Kimball and Kenneth W. Godfrey, 172 REVIEWS --Laura L. Bush, Faithful Transgressions in the American West: Six Twentieth-Century Mormon Women’s Autobiographical Acts Mary Lythgoe Brad ford- 219 --Clyde R. Forsberg Jr., Equal Rites: The Book of Mormon, Masonry, Gender and American Culture Michael W. Homer, 221 --Gary Topping, Utah Historians and the Reconstruction of Western History Dan Wotherspoon, 226 --The Wasp Matt cBM ride, 229 --Simon Worrall, The Poet and the Murderer: A True Story of Literary Crime and the Art of Forgery Will Bagley, 231 --F. Enzio Busche, Yearning for the Living God: Reflections from the Life of F. Enzio Busche Mario S. De Pillis, 233 --Craig S. Camp bell, Images of the New Jerusalem: Latter Day Saint Faction Interpretations of Independence, Missouri Ronald E. Romig and David J. Howlett, 236 --Robert S. Wicks and Fred R. Foister, Junius and Joseph: Presidential Politics and the Assassination of the First Mormon Prophet Jed Woodworth, 243 This full issue is available in Journal of Mormon History: http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/mormonhistory/vol32/iss1/1 --Heidi S. Swinton, America’s Choir: A Commemorative Portrait of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Michael Hicks, 249 --Emmanuel Abu Kissi, Walking in the Sand: A History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Ghana, edited by Matthew K. Heiss Cherry B. Silver, 252 --William G. Hartley and Fred E. Woods, Explosion of the Steamboat Saluda Devery S. Anderson, 256 --D. Michael Quinn, Same-Sex Dynamics among Nineteenth- Century Americans: A Mormon Example John D. Gustav-Wrathall, 259 --New ell G. Bringhurst and Lavina Fielding Ander son, eds., Excavating Mormon Pasts: The eN w Historiography of the Last Half Century William D. Russell, 262 BOOK NOTICE --Albert C. T. and Allen D. Roberts, A History of Sanpete County, 272 This full issue is available in Journal of Mormon History: http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/mormonhistory/vol32/iss1/1 JOUR NAL OF MOR MON HIS TORY SPRING 2006 Mis sion State ment of the Mor mon His tory As so ci a tion The Mor mon His tory As so ci a tion is an in de pend ent or ga ni za tion ded i- cated to the study and un derstand ing of all as pects of Mor mon his tory. We wel come all who are in terested in the Mormon past, irre spec tive of reli - gious af fil i a tion, ac a demic train ing, or world lo ca tion. We pro mote our goals through schol arly re search, con ferences, awards, and pub li ca tions. COVER: Abstrac tion of the win dow trac ery, Salt Lake City Tenth Ward. De- sign by War ren Ar cher. Arti cles appear ing in this journal are abstracted and in dexed in His tor i cal Ab stracts and Amer ica: His tory and Life, pub lished by ABC-CLIO, and in Re li - gion In dex One: Pe ri od i cals, pub lished by the Amer i can Theo log i cal Li brary As so ci a tion. Ó 2006 Mor mon His tory As so ci a tion ISSN 0194-7342 Cop ies of ar ti cles in this journal may be made for teach ing and re search purposes free of charge and with out se curing per mis sion, as per mit ted by Sec tions 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. For all other purposes, per- mis sion must be ob tained from the au thor. The Mormon His tory Asso ci a - tion as sumes no re spon si bil ity for con tri bu tors’ state ments of fact or opin - ion. ii Staff of the Jour nal of Mor mon History Ed i tor: Lavina Field ing An der son Ex ec u tive Com mit tee: Lavina Field ing An der son, Sherilyn Cox Bennion, G. Kevin Jones, Carol Cornwall Madsen, Kahlile B. Mehr, Pa tricia Lyn Scott, William W. Slaugh ter Ed i to rial Staff: Beth Ander son, Robert Briggs, Barry C. Cleve land, Linda Wilcox DeSimone, John S. Dinger, John Hatch, Scarlett M. Lindsay, Linda Lindstrom, Craig Livingston, H. Michael Marquardt, Murphy S. Mathews, Ste phen R. Moss, Jerilyn Wakefield Ed i to rial Man ager: Pa tricia Lyn Scott Book Re view Ed i tor: Tom Kimball As sis tant Re view Ed i tor: Linda Wilcox DeSimone In dexer: Mar jo rie New ton Busi ness Man ager: G. Kevin Jones Com pos i tor: Brent Corcoran De signer: Warren Ar cher Board of Ed itors Polly Aird, Se at tle, Wash ing ton Douglas D. Al der, St. George, Utah Todd Compton, Moun tain View, Cal i for nia Paul M. Edwards, In de pend ence, Mis souri Gregory A. Prince, Po to mac, Mary land Janet Bur ton Seegmiller, South ern Utah Univer sity, Cedar City, Utah John C. Thomas, BYU—Idaho, Rexburg, Idaho The Journal of Mormon History is published three times a year by the Mormon History Asso ci a tion, 581 S. 630 East, Orem, UT 84097, 1–888–642–3678, {klarry@comcast. net}. It is distrib uted to members upon payment of annual dues: regu lar member ship: $35; joint/spouse mem ber ship: $45; emer i tus/re tired mem ber ship: $30; stu dent mem ber- ship: $20; in sti tu tional mem ber ship: $45; sus tain ing mem ber ship: $100; pa tron mem ber- ship: $250; do nor member ship: $500. For subscrip tions outside the United States, please add $10 for postage, in U.S. currency, VISA, or Mastercard. Single cop ies $20. Prices on back issues vary; contact Larry and Alene King, exec u tive direc tors, at the address above. The Journal of Mormon History ex ists to fos ter schol arly re search and pub li ca tion in the field of Mormon history. Manuscripts deal ing with all aspects of Mormon history are wel come, in clud ing twen ti eth-cen tury his tory, re gional and lo cal his tory, women’s his- tory, and ethnic/mi nor i ties history. First consid er ation will be given to those that make a strong con tri bu tion to knowl edge through new in ter pre ta tions and/or new in for ma tion. The Board of Edi tors will also consider the pa per’s general inter est, accu racy, level of in - ter pre ta tion, and lit er ary qual ity. The Jour nal does not con sider repri nts or si multa neous sub mis sions. Pa pers for consid er ation must be submit ted in trip li cate, with the text typed and dou- ble-spaced, includ ing all quota tions. Au thors should fol low the Chi cago Man ual of Style, 15th edition (the Jour nal’s style guide is available on the Mor mon History Asso ci a tion’s website {www.mhahome.org}) and be prepared to submit ac cepted manuscripts on com - puter dis kette, IBM-DOS for mat preferred. Send manu scripts to the Journal of Mormon His tory, P.O. Box 581068, Salt Lake City, UT 84158–1068. iii JOURNAL OF MORMON HISTORY VOLUME 32, NO. 1 SPRING 2006 CON TENTS LETTERS To ward Broader In ter ests? Kent S. Larsen III vii AR TI CLES PRES I DEN TIAL AD DRESS Joseph Smith and the Global iza tion of Mormon ism Donald Q. Cannon 1 TAN NER LEC TURE The Construc tion of the Mormon People Charles L. Cohen 25 The In ner Jo seph Smith Rich ard L. Bushman 65 Shakespeare among the Saints John S. Tan ner 82 Differ ent Drum mers: The Diverse Hymnody of the Re orga ni za tion Rich ard Cloth ier 116 Mor mon Hymnody: Kirtland Roots and Evo lu tion ary Branches Nancy J. Andersen 145 Law and Or der in Win ter Quar ters Ed ward L. Kimball and Ken neth W. Godfrey 172 iv CONTENTS v RE VIEWS Laura L. Bush, Faith ful Transgres sions in the Amer i can West: Six Twen ti eth-Cen tury Mor mon Women’s Au to bio graph i cal Acts Mary Lythgoe Brad ford 219 Clyde R. Forsberg Jr., Equal Rites: The Book of Mor mon, Masonry, Gender and Amer i can Cul ture Michael W.
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