».-.*viyyT* -♦**r*T” ?* ' -^.••.jr,--f'-,V‘^-^.;’'- -V- -•. ’ tl^MBSDAT. JANUAKT Sl» I960' idlanrlf^i^r Corning l|rntld Keep Those Dimes Marching ^ Fight Infantile Paralysis may eontaet any member can attend area meetings to keep of the traulng committee or the abreast of new trends in Scout- tnt^own Girl Scoiit9 organltaUcn committee. Aeeietlng lug. A T o r a fs DsOj Net P r s M Ran nit W ih th e r MIee Hewitt on training are Mlsa For uie Meath ed Deeeaiteer, 1B4S Foreeoat at D, tt. Woathsr Boreas Emily KIssmann, Mies Evalina Final Week m ■Mietjr «< iBautovA Class Forms Pentland, and Miea Gertrude Ltd- Boy Scouts Get Fabr aad nrach warnwr thia olt- S i S ^ M ImM ito don. Mlsa Mary Reilly la chair- — ^ 9,831 eracoai cloudy with ahowera aad • M t e at tb* ebuMh, tn.ai. <A the organisation commit­ zjvianiiiFBiFr iwurning ittpraio colder tonight; conalderablo doodl- ' ^ New Training Course to tee with Mrs. J. S. Brown and Mrs. Award of Badges blember af tha Aodlt l b « M t 9 >Ua> Paul Adams among her assistants. Boiaah o f Ctrealattoae neso aad mueh colder Frkfaw- Be Opened in February O f HALE'S tu A tjammMm wiU The training committee plans to Manehester^-A City of Village Charm « « t e OfOj«5t o f » Ten boys received their Tender­ Chairman Announces have each committee member foot badges d u rii^ a service led iMrtTTf Mn- Marjorie adopt the troops'in her territory by Scoutmaster William Hanna- ” «iira la 6 ttro » demon- and see that leadership training (OaeBiaei oa Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, JANUARY 26. 1950 A new Qlrl Scout training course fqrd last nf^ht. 'The boys were aa VOL. LXIX., NO. 98 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS - win bo M » desired ie provided for the troops follows: Robert Lanning, Louts ____________ ^ M ri. Ruth will begin early In February, an­ under her Jurisdiction. Additional Gagnon, James Wood, Grant Wood, w S S t t . M n . M ay Wofmaa, Mra nounced Miss Jessie Hewitt, chair­ volunteer trainers are to be trained Charles PIckerl, Edward Wojclk, ■trfea ilaiiMa. Mra. Ahna 0 » ^ r - man of Olrl Scout training, after with a qualified teacher from the Reid MacCluggage, Robert Dona­ aaaJMra. Bdlth Shennlnc and Mise Chrysler Girporation Workers March Out nn Strike * meeting with her committee re­ re^onal staff. Another plan of hue, Jerald Donahue, and Hooks A iritn oa. cently. The course will continue the committee ie to have a get- Johnston. Union Says Steel together for all Scout leaders. Following this ceremony, John Wallace Denies Any for one evening for eight con­ lU ft wni be a meetlnf of Cub secutive weeks from 7:30 to 9:30. Brownie, Intermediate, and Senior, Anderson received his Explorer ■coMa. Pack No. 78, Dana One and The course will Include a program to review ceremonies with group membership card. He is the llrst Twd, In the veatry o f Temple Beth touching upon all parts of Scouting participation, and to Invest new Explorer In Troop No. 113. ThiH Price Jumps Not ■hdom tanicht at aeren o'clock. including songs, singing games, council membere. ceremony was led by Explorer Ad folk dances, crafts, nature and The committee has set up its visor Charles McCarthy. After this the Scouts played a good Link With Uranium budget to cover training materiala, Ibder Irvea Henric, mlselonary out-of-doora troop mechanics and refresher courses for Uie trainers, game of basketball for the parents bera o f the CSiurch of Jeeue troop government ami to see that any Senior girls present. Caused by Labor Cbriat o f Latter Day SainU, has Anyone Interested In taking the ftturntd to bit home In .Utth, and hae been succeeded by Elder Vic­ Shipped to Russia tor Hanaen. Stock Tags ^Public Be Hanged ibe daughter bom at Hartford Don't Miss The Vatues Attitude' of Industry News Tidbits b e ^ ta l. January 20, to Mr. and As Reason; Asserts Re* CuUed From (JP) Wires Dynamite Cap Explodes; Wartime Vice President Ifa i. John Henneaey of 89 Oieat- U p Now Troops Fight nui Street has been named Linda cent Increase of 84 Boy Suffeni 50 Cuts Says He Had ‘Absolute­ -* U m j , Tbs maternal grandparente In HALE'S a n Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ferine At These Per Ton ‘Unwarrant­ With general elections less than ly Nothing to Do a month away, British Labor gov­ Sharp Battle Burbank, (hilif., Jan. 26.— o f Uds town and the paternal ernment risks Its popularity (/P)—Paul Bncon, 10, found a With' Shipments; As­ grittdparent la WllUam Hennessey ed' and ‘Indefensible' Sale Prices smelong workers by announcing burning dynamite cap in a o f Windsor. serts Lend-Lease Rec­ January Fur Sale thatat prices rose twice ae fast aa In Indonesia locker room at John Burroughs Washington, Jan. 26.— {IP) wages last year . Judge Norval Dodge main plant eenployee of Chrysler Corp., In Detroit, members o f the UAtV-CIO, walk out on strike High achool. He picked it up ommended Issuing of Mias Mary B. Edmunds of West — The CIO Steel Workers K . Harris, former co-chairman of Jen. 25 mhen company and union negotlatore failed to reach agreement. (A P wlrephoto). end ran to throw it out the Onter street left today for Cln- union said today recent steel committee to defend 11 C^lmmunist door—but didn’t quite make it. Licenses After Con- Hale's Own Brand Stnrdywear leaders convicted in New York, Seven Persons Killed in dnaatl, Ohio, to attend the wed Excellent Savings On price increases were MUsed The rap exploded yesterday dlhg o f her ooneln, Leo E. Me says he is innocent of embezzle­ Brush With Band of and he suffered 50 cute on hie sultation ^ Was Held Partland, and Mias Dorothy Jean Extra Special! by an industry “public be ment, Issuing fraudulent check and body. GREY CHINESE KIDSKINS forgery charges made In bis own Weather Hits Deserters in Heart of Jacobs. The ceremony will be per hanged attitude” and not by Backing Hiss Stirs WaRhington, Jan, 26.— (/P) formed la 8 t Mary’s church, Cln' NORTHERN BACK MUSKRATS SHEETS higher labor costs. Some top court in Sullivan, Ind. U. S. Consul General Carl O. Capital City Today — Henr>' A. Wallace said to- dfuiatl, Saturday rooming at 9:30. steel executives said yester­ Mrs. Mary F. McPartland Is BLACK PERSIAN LAMBS THIS WEEK ONLY! Hawthorne In Kobe, Japan, voices Climatic Binge da)’ he had “absolutely noth­ raady in tils Queen -City for day that even with last hope for release of two Marine Republican Wrath Jakarta, U.8.I., Jan. 26— (/P)—In­ Slaying Jury ing to do with” wartime ura­ Sin's wadding. BLACK PERSIAN PAWS 81x108 $2 . 1 9 72x108 $1 . 9 9 month’s $4 s ton general Increase, airmen held by Chinese Commu­ prices are too low for ths future nists and predicts millions will Most of Elements Ap­ donesian government troopa*fought nium shipments to Russia. OCELOT CATS WITH ALASKA SEAL TRIM health of the Industry. But the starve In Red North China . a sharp daylight gun battle today Wallace, wartime vice presi­ Made o f aelected long Sbra cotton— 182 threada per aq. in. Ra> Suddenly Famous Stale- All Parents Reg. 50c union said the boost was “unwar­ Oeoeral MacArthnr, the man who pear on Loose; Con­ with a band of deserters In the dent, testified before the MOUTON LAMBS Inforoad t^pa aalvage to guard agalnat tearing. has ruled Japan since Rising Sun o ranted” and “Indefensibla.’’ ment by Acheson Re-| •/ h< .rt of this capital, during an in House Un-American Activi­ TAXPAYER! set more than four years ago, is 70 trasts Grasy - Quilt tensive manhunt for supporters of “In Excess of Cost Increases’’ . Only Two Alternates Re­ ties committee. He asked to For halp on Income Use Our Budget Plan Otis Brubaker of Pittsburgh, years old today. suits in Attack in j a west Java rebel movement. Cabinet ministers of eight west­ Escapes Reds The acting chief of staff of the be heard after Radio (fommenta- Tkx Rstoms Phono Pure Linen rssesrch director and spokesman By The Associated Press main to Be Chosen in tor Fulton Lewie, Jr., said in a ern European countries meet In The nation's weather was on a Senate by Mundt | Indonesian armed forces, CoL Do not worry about the Fur Tax. In the event of a Tax Law Revimon fo r ths union which claims 1,000,- broadcast last month that Wal­ Lady Pepperell Luxury Muslin Parts to try to break down historic climatic binge today. Slmatupang, said seven persons Paight^ Girl's Trial Monchesfer before March 1st, 1950, we will refund the difference reflecting the tax 000 members, said the price rise lace helped tha Russians get oup* waa "fa r in excess o f any demon- trade barriers hampering their Most o f nature's elements ap­ Presumably Interned were killed and a number of othera economies . Political spotlight Washington, Jan. 26.— (JP) j piles o f atomic materials. Urani­ cut on all purchases made duringr our January Fur Sale. atrable cost increases.” peared on the loose, fashioning a were Injured in the stiddrn flareup — and heightened speculation that — Secretary of State Ache- i After Fleeing Across Bridgeport, Jen. 26—(O —A Jury um la used In making the A-hmb. 4993 Brubaker's statement—65 stetls- crazy-quilt of contrasts across the which occurred while the troops he might seek Democratic nomina­ of nine women and three men—all Unaware Uceoaea Seoghi DISH TOWELS SH EETS and tlc-lsden pages—was prepared for country.
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