RCC2.950224.045 - sm-RHC 10 FEB 1967 SUBJECT: Use of Volunteers in Research TO: Commanding General Headquarters, Fourth US Army ATTN: AKADA-MP Fort Sam Howton, Texas 78234 1. Referencaa: a. AR 70-25, subject as above. b. Letter. AGAM-P (3 Jan 67) CRDLS, office of The Adjutant General, Department of the Army, 17 January 1967, subject aa above. 2. Permission is requested for CPT Chester W. Cottliab, MC, 05234070, and 1LT Kenneth A. Hogan, HSC, 05536241, to reamit and screen medical research volunteers for TDY to the Basearch Laboratories, Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland. 3. The proposed itinerary for the recruiting team ia am follows: 7 March 1967 - Fort Sill, Oklahoma 8 March 1967 - Fort Hood, Texas 9 March 1967 - Fort Folk, Louisiana 10 March 1967 - Fort Sam Houston, Texas 13 March 1967 - Fort Bliss, Texas 4. It is requeeted that: a. One liaison officer be designated for each referonce post and his name and telephone number with confimtioa of dates by TWX or telephone not later thau 20 February 1967 to the Director, Rareatch Laboratories. ATTN: Chief, Clinical Research Dapartmsnt, Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland 21010. Auto- 231-1360, extension 5233 or 21161. b. A minimum of 300 enliatcrd male parsoanel et each inatallation ba made available for a one-hour briefing followed by a four-hour teating pcrfod vhich requires o writing surface. Briefing and testing Will bo conducted by the recruiting team. MRICD Edgewood Area Records Holding Area Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland Accession # 3-81 Box# 21 of 55 Folder name: 41-31b Correspondence (Use of Volunteers in Research) 67 SMIJgA-IlMc BUBJKCT: Use of Voluntoers in Research 10 FEE 1967 c. Each installation provide one 16 ID^ movie projeator and licensad apcrator tor the above briefing. 9. Pualified volunteers wfll bo selected to participate in rarsarch projects vital to the National Defense. Soleceees will fulfill volunteer requireaunts of Fourth US Anny for May-June 1967 an per refermcs, Para Ib. this letter. 6. It is asreatial that the volunteers selectad report to the Colagasding Officer. Conpmy 8, Edgewood Arsenal. Ikryland. no later then 2000 hours, 1 May 1967. Five copies of orders 8hould be furnished the Medical Rsrearch Laboratory, this atation, no later than one week prior to reporting data. 7. Perramel should have at leaat one Class A uniform and three Class D unifotnu plus civilian clothing as desind by the volunteer. Enlisted man will receive round trip transportatien rxp.nso prior to depar- ture from horn duty station. Personnel are authorised 8.05 per milo in lieu of T/R. Group travel i8 not rcc-nded. Oovcrrment mer6 urd barracks type quarter8 are available. 8. Personnel will hmd carry the following records as per AR 640-10, Para 16. a. Personae1 Records; 201 Pile and Fonn 20. b. Health and Dental Records. C. Finsncs Records (PDTF); DA Form 14-118 (travel cord) and Copy 2 of last military pay voucher paid (including voucher en which advance round trip travel allowances md/or partial paymatte V.M made). 9. A fund citation for m amount of $15,000 haa been transmitted to Headquarters, Fourth U9 Amy. to cover coats of transportation end per diem. 2 MRICD Edgewood Area Records Holding Area Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland Accession # 3-81 Box# 21 of 55 Folder name: 41-31b Correspondence (Use of Volunteers in Research) 67 MRICD Edgewood Area Records Holditlg Area Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland Accession # 3-8 1 Box # 21 of 5s Folder name: 41-31b Correspondence (Use of Volunteers in Research) 67 .
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