OUARIERLYMAGAZINE OFTHE SOCIETY FORGENERAL MICROBIOLOGY VOLUME 27AUGUST 2OOO Mycologytoday Weirdand wonderfu Ifu ngi Exploiting fu ngal metabolites Brewing yeastselection Yeastgenomics Fungalskin diseases Biofilms SGM Headquarters MarlborouqhHouse, Articles BasinqstolieRoad, Spencers - WoodlReadinoRG7'1AG Instituteof Learning&Teaching in Higher Education ldyou j Liz 114 Tet.o1 '1818988 1800 Shou oin? Sockett Fax 01 988 5656 [email protected] Mycologyto dayTony Tri nci ||c SGMWebsite Weirdand wonderfulfu ngi Elio Schaechter tto http://wwwsgm.ac.uk Editor Exploitationoffungalsecondary metabolites old and DrDave McL. Roberts newGeoffreyTurner 118 EditorialBoard ProfessorDave Kelly BrewingyeastselectionlainCampbell 122 ProfessorDave Rowlands Yeastgeneticsand genomics A lanWheals 126 Managing Editor JanetHurst Nowwhowouldhavethoughtit? RoyWatling 128 Production Editor lanAtherton FungiandskinH. RuthAshbee&E.GlynV.Evans 132 Assistant Editor and Biofilms:uniied they stand, divided ihey fall Book Review Manager PeterG iI berl & Hi lary Lap pi n-Scott tJo JaniceMeekings Gontributions Theseare alwavs welcome and shouldbe addressed tothe Editor (c/o SGM Headquarters). Regular Features CopyDates SocietyNews Lastdates for receiptof copy MayCouncil Meeting 140 atMarlborouoh House are: benerat LoDV AddressBook2000 140 November is3ue 4 September Newsof Members 140 February200 1 issue 4 December PrizeLectures and Awards 140 (CRC) Adveftisements StaffNews 140 Novemberissue 2 October - February2001 issue 1 5 January NewSG M President ProfessorSi r DavidA. Ho pwood 140 Above:Aselectionof Someyeasts may be - 141 Advertisements NewEd itor of Microbiology Tod ay Dr MerielG. Jones til Allenquiriesshould be sentto: Britishfungi. Can you usedas model organisms, Grants 141 JulieLauder, NWH Sales Ltd, identifythem? butdown in the pub, their NewEditor-in-Chief of Microbiology- TheArcadeChambers, Photoslan Atherton rolein the oroductionof lAO TheArcade, Aldershot, ProfessorChris Thomas l-z Hamoshire.GUll 1EE alcoholicdrinks is probably NewGroup Convener - DrGlyn Hobbs 142 Tel,0'1252 357000 consideredmore imoortant, Fax0 1252 357001 YoL27rPart3, lainCamobelliakes a look Gradline t4J [email protected] August2OOO at beerand the selection of GoingPublic 1AR SpecialMailings theyeasts used in brewing Allenquiriesshould be sentto: Fungi providethe focus for Meetings 146 (SG (p.1 22). Fu n g i producea JaniceMeekinqs M HO) thisissue of Microbiology NewScientif ic Meetings Off icer - Ter.01 189891802 Today. wholerange of useful FaxO1 189885656 secondarymetabolites, ProfessorHoward Jen kinson 147 email l.meekings@sgm,ac.uk TonyTrinci,former suchas antibiotics, as HotoffthePress 148 Subscriptions2OOO Presidentof the British Geoffrev Tu rner descri bes NON.MEMBERS MycologicalSociety, Reviews 152 Mi c ro bi o I o qv Tod av 945.00 onp, 1 1 8, but not allf ungi (US$8O.OdJ emphasizesthe importance arebenef icial - somecause SGMStaff 155 MEMBERS offungi in our lives and thehorrible skin infections Allmembers receive Microbiology oonderson the f utureof AddressBook tco Today.lnaddition they may take describedin the article bv mycology(p. 1 1 5), whilst on RuthAshbee and Glyn 160 anyof the Society's journals. 'l Diary OrdinaryMember o.1 16mushroom loverElio Evanson p. 32, MembershipSubscription (inc. Schaechterdescribes some Comment 160 Mi c ro b i o I ogy Today)S3 9.00 of theweird and wonderful Othertooics included cover (us$68.00) meansbywhich fungi thelLT, the SG M Exeter Microbiolosy|.65.00(US$ 1 25.00) meetingon biofilms and an JGvS65,00(US$ 1 25.00) dispersetheirspores, Other ltems (US$ accountof the Society's /JSFMS65,00 r 25.00) - Studentor RetiredMember Classifyingfungiwas participationthe ASM It'sajungle outthere L,A,in the 21 st century MembershipSubscription (inc. oncebelieved to be 100thGeneralMeeting, (SGM attheASM1 O0th General Meeting) Mi c ro b i o I o gy To d ay) 92O.00 straightforward,but rD NA AidanParte&JanetHursf 138 (us$33.00) sequencrngoara are Thesearticles appear in Mic ro bi o I osv S,32.00 (U S$60.00) additionto alltheregular JGvS32.0t(US$60.00) revealingsome unexpected /JSEMS65.00(US$ 1 25,00) relationships,as Roy featuresand repor'rs of UnderqraduateMember Watlingdescribes on p.1 28. Societvactivities, Memb6rshipSubscription (inc. Developmentsinmolecular Mi c ro b i ol ogy Today) S 10.00 biologyare also enabling Theviews expressed bv contributorshre not ne-cessarily thedecoding of entireyeast thoseof the Societv: nor can the genomes.On p, 1 26Alan claimsof advertiseisbe Whealsexolores the guaranteed. ensuingbenefits for O 2000The Society for General f undamentalresearch and Microbiology;ISSN : 1464-0570 the potentialapplications of Desig n: Graph ics I ntern ati onal thisknowledge. FF lnstitute for Learning& Teachingin HigherEducation - ShouldYouioin? LizSockett :, Experiencedun iversity WWhat is the I LT. academicscan The ILT is an organization for higher education currentlyapply for professionals,recently establishedas a result of the ik into Higher Education, to promote membershipofthe Dearing Report for learning and teaching excellencein learning and teaching in the institute newlyestablished and support universities.Membership is intendedfor academicswho in higher education Institutefor Learning canshow evidence ofinnovating and developingtheir andTeaching inHigher university teaching.ILT membershipwill provide them Education(lLT). SGM with further staffdevelopment opportunities and will education (e.g. at SGM meetings), how personal EducationOfficer Lrz give them formal recognition of their lecturing and researchis linked to teaching (including PhD Sockettoutlines the teaching skills (which might be usefulwhen seeking supervision). natureof ILT and the promotion.) It is possible that future QA audits of applicationprocess so university teachingmay alsouse membership figures ffiAre the benefitsof membershipworth it? thatSGMmembers asa positive indicator of a department'scommitment to There have been some fairly animated exchanges in the the value of the ILT to candecide whether teachingquality. education pages of newspapers on the practising academic, and the monetary and time membershipmay be ffiApplying to costs associatedwith applying. beneficialtothem. ioin The conventional route for academics wishing to join the Speaking from experience, it does take the best part ILT is to successfully complete an accredited Post- of a weekend to complete the application and a little 'evidence' (one graduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP) at photocopying time to collate the or their institution. As the ILT is a new otganizatron, it also two pieces per section seems ample). As with other (f recognizes that existing experienced academics will professional institutes there is a membership fee 7 5 aheady have the skills that such a PGCAP might p.a.). Currently there is no pro-rata subscription for part- provide to newer staff. Hence, until September 2001 time staff, something that has been criticized. Several ILT is accepting applications for membership from universities are offering to pay the fee on behalf of their experienced staff without the PGCAP. Applicants are academics, in the hope that it may improve the future required to submit a CV with two references and to TQA performance of the institution. As the ILT is complete aformwhich asks them to comment on (and if relatively new, and only holding its first education 'evidence' appropriate supply a little photocopied o0 conferences and symposia as we go to press, it is too their personal activities under six headings. early to evaluate the full benefits of membership. ILT Teaching and the support of learning - Details of courses will be publishing a refereed journal Actiue Learning and types of teaching carried out, with examples of in Higber Education; this may contain useful teaching student feedback. Details of any teaching committee ideas for scienceacademics but only time will tell. or leadership activities. However, for those academics who have wished over Design and planning of learningactivities - Details of any the years that their contribution to teaching might be teaching committee membership or any training or recognized or valued a bit more, ILT membership may guidance given to others re teaching. Details of any be for you! resourcesdeveloped for teaching. - Assessment and giving feedbackto students Details of O Full detailscan be found on the ILTwebsite the different types of assessment methods used, with http://www.ilt.ac.uU or by writing to ILT Genesis any innovations or novel approaches highlighted. 3, In n ovatio n Way, York S cie n ce Park, H es I i n gto n, go4 Explanation of how students with difficulties are YorkYOlO sDQ (feL Ot 434222). helped. Developing effective learning environments and student learning support systems - Details of student projects supervised in the lab, practical classestaught, library or web-based information tasks set or industrial placements or trips set uP. Reflective practice and personal development - Details of attendance at SGM Education Symposia and on any recent training coufses on aspects ofteaching or IT methodology. Other information - Details of any mentoring done for new lecturers, any teaching done on university lecturing training courses, any pfesentations given on m ffi e#ffi#ffi€ffi tuffi ffiY ToDAYVOL2T / AUGm Weirdand wonderfulfungi ElioSchaechter Fungalspores I happen to believe that all fungi are surprising areproduced in and intriguing, and that many have stories prodigious to tell. From this extensive repertoire
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