Liberty University DigitalCommons@Liberty University 1984 The undF amentalist Journal 12-1984 Fundamentalist Journal Volume 3, Number 11 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_84 Recommended Citation "Fundamentalist Journal Volume 3, Number 11" (1984). 1984. Paper 10. http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_84/10 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The undF amentalist Journal at DigitalCommons@Liberty University. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1984 by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Liberty University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,",fn,l 1<- I *l I T"i 'r,r.r*Wt.l I AAI c6r6^ ; .,"i1"t":i"#". Postage:$25 0( SPURGEON'SS 246 sermons List Price: $99.! Postager$5.00 -GOSPEt (Commenl -cHEOUE OF FAITT] -THE SAL] -THE GOL (Psalm1 1 Wrltc ur lbo $T; I u* .nf, !-=TT1 E-iFlq ISET;Ff.?Bii. ,.. n66 l0 MATTHEWHEN o.T. & N.T.. 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Box31284 nr^MOUNT Raleish.North Carolina 27622 ENCLOSED: PUNDA]',IENTALIET December Volume 3/Number 1l t984 JOUBNAL Stcff Articles Executlve Editor, Jerry Fcrlwell What Others Scry about Fundcrmentqlism Rrblisher, Dr \lodin E Mody, Joseph Ccn'dino]Bernordrn Nelson Keener Robbi Yechlel Eckstern,Dr Ccr] F H Henry T4 Senior Edltor, arl Edwcrrd Dobson Prcryer,The Keystone of Revivql-Vernon Brewer z/ Editor' DeborcrhHr-rJf Polqrizcrtion, Mcrn's Penchcrnt,God's herogcrtive ^o Copy Edltor, Dovid F Wells zo Eorlene R. Goodwrn qnd Hospitclity-A Mecrrs of Mission Ministry .\/Z\ Associate Editors, a{) W. Dovrd Beck Dorothy G Hoke Doniel R Mrtcheil ConHbuting Writers Angelo Elwell Hunt Joseph" the Forgotten Fcrther \,4nrtr n \,4mnnror Derrrc Johnson ond Phrhp R Stover Col Thomos T EcUtortcl Assistcrrts, J oseph is the silenthero ol the CMstrnos Ctndy B Gunter story. Althoqh hjs role is often lorgotten Jeonne Moson tfuough him we ccrn see the resultsol obe- Lorno Dobson dient laith. ResecEch Asslstcrrt, Mortorre L Futch Creqtive Dlredor, Permcrnent Presentg Some Assembly Reguired Qionhon T Alhaehion LorsDodds 34 Grcrphics/Desigm, BrronRobenson Supv Edwoncr Colemon Why Go Back Home for Christmcrs? DrcrneJohrson Ruth Senter Jone Clsen rF Photogrrcphy, pilgrrimoge LesSchofer, Mgr I he cmnuol to Grcndmo's Brron Pnnce horse lor Chrishncsccn become ho-hum to scrytheleasl Butwhcrtcrewe missingbynot Cothy D Wcrtson journey? Production Assistqnt, moking the Connre Pifts Tlpogncphers, The Star in God's Window-Dovrd Hoog SusonW Shrpwosh Noio Coons Does God Still Heal?-Rrchord Moyhue 42 Kothy Arringrton Sulrscrlber Services, Cox Proclcims lvtodern Theologry Deqd Connre Schofer Wllliom Motheny 53 Advedising, Brll Lockord Editoriqls Specicl Assistcrrts, Trm C Srms Jerry Fqlwell Comments LecrGonzolez Why I Am Not Alroid of Criticism 10 Editoriql Boqrd Fundcmentqlism Today Is Whot OthersThink Importont? Verle Ackermon. Roymond Borber Edword Dobson Trumon Dollor o Dovrd Jeremtoh 12 John Rcrwlngs o.Elmer L Towns Perspective Ior-k Wvrzen o Wenelell hmmermon What's in cr Nome?-Horold O J Brown 2T Stotementof Purpose Departments This mqgozlne is comitted to the histodc fundomen. tols ol the Chrstm laitt! bllclicol seporction morol obso. Iute$ the pdodty ol the locql chuch md world evongeli- You Sqid It zqtion. Although no mogozine or lndividuql cqn speqk B for the overoll Fundomentolist movement, ii is our desire to creqte q forum to encouroge Cfuistion ]eoders ond stotesmen to delend biblicol Christiqni'ly. We wiU ex- omine mctteF ol rcntemporqry interest to oll Christlom, providing on open discussion ol divergent opiniom on relevont issues. The Fundamentolist Jownal will olso reoffirm our history ond heritqge, os well ds point the way to the luture. /z\a Fundcrrentqls in Focus Mqn, On the Eve ol Destruction? DcrruelR Mrtchell I ln this cenhlry, technologry hqs ex- pcnded to monstrous proportions, SrvinS mon unprecedented copobilities lor destruction.Never belore hqs the need to develop q proper view ol the worth qnd diSnity oI mqn been more urgent. Hcrry Rlmmer Ardent Delender ol Creotion .uernoro 1( Lret{emer Wrif" Iighting the evolutionistsseems to be o current phenomenon Hcrry Rimmer spent the lirst holl ol this century os on or- dent crpologist,delending the biblicql qc- count ol Creqtion with both historicql ond scientilic irrlormcrtion. Thunder in the Putpit Botony ond the Rose ol Shoron-Hcrrry Rrmmer 47 Successlul Tecching ldeas ,-\(r /-\ Let's Leqrn How to Receive-Wesley R W1111s ) In Review 55 Trecsrxes from the Text God Gcrve His Son-Rrchord D Potterson 57 Bible Study Genesis,Book oI Firsts-Horold L Wrllmrncrton 5B Update Columns Soap Box / , Is There Only on Evcngelicol Disoster?-NelsonKeener OO News Judge Shuts Michigcn School Bible Clqsses Erlc E Wiggn 62 For Your Informcrtion \r'=A/1 Funddmentalist Journql is published monthly, ll isues per yeqr, by Old-Time Gospel Hour. Posloge is pqid qt Lynchburg. Virgdnio, ond ddditionol moiling otfices. Address qll corespondence to Fundmenlalist Journql Lynch.bug, Virgnniq 24514 (8O4) 52MI2. Ccnqdim Otfice Box 5O5. Richmond Hill. Onlorio L4C 4Y8. Subrcription SD.95 q yeor (ll issues) in U.S.Outside U.S qdd S5.OO per ytrr postoge prepqid U.S.cuffency. SI.95per isue. Chmge ol Adclress, When ordedng o ctrqnge of oddres, pleqse retun your old mqiling lqbel olong with the new oddress. Allow eight weeks tor o chonge. Adverlising, Frndcrmentqllst Journql Advenising Ofice,2O Longhome Rood, Lyncbburg, Virgdnio 24514 (8O4) s28-4ru. Submissions Monuscnpts sulcmitted to Fundcsnentdlist Jounal should be occomponied by selt-oddressed envelopes ond retun postoge. Publisher ossums no responsibility for rehtm ot umolicited m(Iteriol. Monucripts unoccomponied by retum postoge will not be rehlmed to sender. All moteiol in this isue is subjtrl to U.S.qnd lntemotionql copyright lffs. Pemision to reproduce must be oblqined by writing to Fud@ent(Ilist Jounql. O 1984Old-Time Gospel Hour. Neithe! qdverused ptoducts witeE theologicol positons nor ediloriol contenl in Arndcmentolisi Joumcl should be comidered ds endoBed bry nor the ofiiciql posluon ol the mogczine or Old{'ime Gospel Hou. POS'tilASt'n! 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