E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1995 No. 63 House of Representatives The House met at 11 a.m. and was The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Fawell Johnson, E. B. Metcalf Fields (LA) Johnson, Sam Meyers called to order by the Speaker pro tem- question is on the Chair's approval of Flake Johnston Mica pore [Mr. CAMP]. the Journal. Flanagan Jones Miller (CA) f The question was taken; and the Foley Kanjorski Miller (FL) Speaker pro tempore announced that Forbes Kaptur Mineta DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER Fowler Kasich Minge the ayes appeared to have it. Fox Kelly Mink PRO TEMPORE Mr. TIAHRT. Mr. Speaker, I object to Frank (MA) Kennedy (MA) Moakley The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- the vote on the ground that a quorum Franks (CT) Kennedy (RI) Molinari is not present and make the point of Franks (NJ) Kennelly Montgomery fore the House the following commu- Frelinghuysen Kildee Moorhead nication from the Speaker: order that a quorum is not present. Frisa Kim Moran The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi- Frost King Morella WASHINGTON, DC, dently a quorum is not present. Funderburk Kingston Murtha April 5, 1995. Myers The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- Gallegly Kleczka I hereby designate the Honorable DAVE Ganske Klink Myrick CAMP to act as Speaker pro tempore on this sent Members. Gejdenson Klug Nadler day. The vote was taken by electronic de- Gekas Knollenberg Neal NEWT GINGRICH, vice, and there wereÐyeas 384, nays 27, Gephardt Kolbe Nethercutt Speaker of the House of Representatives. Geren LaFalce Neumann answered ``present'' 2, not voting 21, as Gibbons LaHood Ney f follows: Gilchrest Lantos Norwood Nussle [Roll No. 288] Gilman Largent PRAYER Gonzalez Latham Obey YEASÐ384 Goodlatte LaTourette Olver The Chaplain, Rev. James David Ortiz Ackerman Brown (FL) Crane Gordon Laughlin Orton Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- Allard Brown (OH) Crapo Goss Lazio Oxley er: Andrews Brownback Cremeans Graham Leach Packard Archer Bryant (TN) Cubin Green Levin We pray, gracious God, that the Pallone Armey Bryant (TX) Cunningham Greenwood Lewis (CA) Parker words of our mouths and the medita- Bachus Bunn Danner Gunderson Lewis (KY) Pastor tions of our hearts will be acceptable in Baesler Bunning Davis Gutierrez Lightfoot Paxon Baker (CA) Burr de la Garza Gutknecht Lincoln Your sight and that from our words Payne (NJ) Baker (LA) Burton Deal Hall (OH) Linder and meditations will flow deeds that Payne (VA) Baldacci Buyer DeFazio Hall (TX) Lipinski Pelosi serve people with justice and truth. Barcia Callahan DeLauro Hamilton Livingston Peterson (FL) Give us the insight and the wisdom to Barr Calvert DeLay Hancock LoBiondo Peterson (MN) Barrett (NE) Camp Dellums Hansen Lofgren think clearly and to act diligently so Petri Barrett (WI) Canady Diaz-Balart Hastert Longley Pomeroy that we are faithful custodians of the Bartlett Cardin Dickey Hastings (WA) Lowey Porter resources of the land. May Your bless- Barton Castle Dicks Hayes Lucas Portman Bass Chabot Dingell Hayworth Luther ing, O God, that is new every morning Poshard Bateman Chambliss Dixon Hefner Maloney give every person strength and peace Pryce Becerra Chapman Doggett Heineman Manton Quillen according to their need. In Your name, Beilenson Christensen Dooley Herger Manzullo Quinn we pray. Amen. Bentsen Chrysler Doolittle Hilleary Markey Radanovich Bereuter Clayton Dornan Hobson Martinez Rahall f Berman Clement Doyle Hoekstra Martini Ramstad Bevill Clinger Dreier Hoke Mascara Reed THE JOURNAL Bilbray Clyburn Duncan Holden Matsui Regula Bilirakis Coble Dunn Horn McCarthy The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Richardson Bishop Coburn Durbin Hostettler McCollum Riggs Chair has examined the Journal of the Bliley Coleman Edwards Houghton McCrery Rivers last day's proceedings and announces Blute Collins (GA) Ehlers Hoyer McDade Roemer Boehlert Collins (IL) Ehrlich Hunter McDermott to the House his approval thereof. Rogers Boehner Combest Emerson Hutchinson McHale Rohrabacher Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Bonilla Condit English Hyde McHugh Ros-Lehtinen nal stands approved. Bonior Conyers Ensign Inglis McInnis Rose Bono Cooley Eshoo Istook McIntosh Mr. TIAHRT. Mr. Speaker, pursuant Roth Borski Costello Evans Jackson-Lee McKeon to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote on Roukema Boucher Cox Everett Jefferson McNulty Roybal-Allard agreeing to the Speaker's approval of Brewster Coyne Ewing Johnson (CT) Meehan Royce the Journal. Browder Cramer Farr Johnson (SD) Meek b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 4179 H 4180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 5, 1995 Rush Spence Vucanovich MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE the injury to Tyus Edney, who had Salmon Spratt Walker Sanders Stark Walsh A message from the Senate by Mr. played so brilliantly throughout the Sanford Stearns Wamp Hallen, one of its clerks, announced tournament, keep them from their Sawyer Stenholm Ward that pursuant to Public Law 94±304, as goal. Instead, they focused on what Saxton Studds Waters they could do, and the O'Bannon broth- Scarborough Stump Watt (NC) amended by Public Law 99±7, the Chair, Schaefer Stupak Waxman on behalf of the Vice President, ap- ers, Cameron Dollars Toby Bailey, and Schroeder Talent Weldon (FL) points Mr. CAMPBELL, Mr. the other Bruins raised their game. I Schumer Tanner Weldon (PA) congratulate them and Coach Jim Seastrand Tate Weller KEMPTHORNE, Mr. SANTORUM, and Mr. Sensenbrenner Tauzin White ABRAHAM to the Commission on Secu- Harrick for their inspirational play. Serrano Taylor (NC) Whitfield rity and Cooperation in Europe. I also want to take a moment to ex- Shadegg Tejeda Wicker The message also announced that press appreciation to Coach Nolan Shaw Thomas Williams Richardson and his Arkansas players. Shays Thornberry Wilson pursuant to Public Law 93±29, as Shuster Thornton Wise amended by Public Laws 98±459 and 102± They are great champions and dis- Skaggs Thurman Wolf 375, the Chair, on behalf of the Presi- played tremendous determination and Skeen Tiahrt Woolsey dent pro tempore, reappoints Robert L. skill to reach the final game. I hope Skelton Torkildsen Wyden Slaughter Towns Wynn Goldman of Oklahoma to the Federal Corliss Williamson and Scotty Smith (MI) Traficant Yates Council on the Aging. Thurman will return for their senior Smith (NJ) Tucker Young (AK) f years so that the Nation can be treated Smith (WA) Upton Young (FL) to a championship rematch next year. Solomon Velazquez Zeliff REPUBLICAN CONTRACT WITH Souder Visclosky Zimmer f AMERICA NAYSÐ27 (Mr. CHRISTENSEN asked and was THE BASIC MESSAGE Abercrombie Foglietta Menendez given permission to address the House Brown (CA) Furse Oberstar (Mr. TIAHRT asked and was given Chenoweth Gillmor Owens for 1 minute and to revise and extend permission to address the House for 1 Clay Hastings (FL) Pickett his remarks.) minute and to revise and extend his re- Deutsch Hefley Pombo Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, marks.) Engel Hinchey Sabo our Contract With America states the Fattah Jacobs Taylor (MS) Mr. TIAHRT. Mr. Speaker, today as Fazio Lewis (GA) Vento following: we consider the tax relief bill, I urge Filner McKinney Volkmer On the first day of Congress, a Re- my colleagues and the American people publican House will require Congress to ANSWERED ``PRESENT''Ð2 to keep in mind what this debate is live under the same laws as everyone really about. Republicans want to cut Harman Stockman else; cut committee staffs by one-third; taxes. The big-government party wants and cut the congressional budget. We NOT VOTINGÐ21 to raise taxes. kept our promise. From now on, only a few will remem- Ballenger Mollohan Smith (TX) It continues that in the first 100 days, Collins (MI) Rangel Stokes ber the details in this legislation, and Fields (TX) Reynolds Thompson we will vote on the following items: A fewer will care about the specifics. But Ford Roberts Torres balanced budget amendmentÐwe kept Goodling Schiff Torricelli everyone will remember this basic fact: our promise; unfunded mandates legis- The Republicans want to cut taxes. Hilliard Scott Waldholtz lationÐwe kept our promise; line-item Mfume Sisisky Watts (OK) The liberal big-government party vetoÐwe kept our promise; a new wants to raise taxes. crime package to stop violent crimi- b 1121 The vote today is simple. If this bill nalsÐwe kept our promise; national se- Mr. RUSH changed his vote from passes, more Americans will keep more curity restoration to protect our free- ``nay'' to ``yea.'' of their own money. If this bill fails, domsÐwe kept our promise; Govern- those who oppose reform, the defenders So the Journal was approved. ment regulatory reformÐwe kept our of the status quo, the liberals who love The result of the vote was announced promise; commonsense legal reform to big government, will have won a big as above recorded. end frivolous lawsuitsÐwe kept our victory while the American people will promise; welfare reform to encourage f have lost. work, not dependenceÐwe kept our Mr. Speaker, last November the peo- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE promise; congressional term limits to ple voted out the past and voted in the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. make Congress a citizen legislatureÐ we kept our promise; family reinforce- future. I hope my colleagues remember CAMP). Will the gentlewoman from ment, tax cuts for middle-income fami- this basic message sent by the voters. Maryland [Mrs. MORELLA] come for- They voted in people who promised to ward and lead the House in the Pledge lies, and the senior Citizens' Equity Act to allow our seniors to work with- give America tax relief, and they voted of Allegiance.
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