196.5 Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 251 Ges., 46: 23- 28, 14 figs. 1961. Notes on 28 types, giving label data, generic assignment, & brief descriptions or figures of genitalia. [Po B.] Razowski, J6zef, "Studies on Cochylidae. Part VI. Remarks on the types of some Cochylidae" [in English; Polish summary]. Bull. ent. Pologne, 31: 301-319, 36 figs. 1961. Describes as new PROHYSTEROPIIORA (type Cochylis chionopa) and Euxanthoides hannemanni (Israel: Jordan Vallcy and Jerusalem). Many new combinations & new synonyms. U. M.] Hazowski, J6zcf, "Two new species and one new subspccics of the genus Cnephasia Curt. (Tortriciclae)" [in English; Polish summary]. Bull. ent. Pologne, 31: 105- 107, 4 figs. 1961. Describes as new C. ;ozefi (Aflou, Provo Oran), C. tremewani (Sidi-bel-Abbes, Provo Oran), and C. sareptana alatauana (Ala Tau Mts. and Aremnia, Eriwan). The genitalia of all new forms are described and fi gurcd. U. M.] Razo wski, J6zef, & Tosiro Yasuda, "Description of new Japanesc Acleris-spccies (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae)" [in English; Japanese summary]. Trans. Lepid. Soc. Japan, 14: 80-89, 36 figs. 1963. Describes as new A. simplex (Tokusawa, Nagano Pref.), A. hokkaidana (Hokkaido), A. electdna (Kasugayama, Nara Fref.), A. crassa (Hosono, Nagano Pref. ), A. phantastica (Sigakoogen, Nagano Pref.), A. ophtha/mica (Sigakoogen), A. takeuchii (Ikeno, Gifu Pref.) , A. roxana (Takayama, Gifu Pref.); A. ulmicola is a good species. [Po B.] Rebillard, P., "Revision systematique des lepidopteres nymphalides du genre Agrias" [in French] . Mem. Mus. nat. Hist./Ult., n.s., A, Zool., 22: 157-254, 1 col. pI., 2 pIs. ] 961. Study of the morphology and the geographical uistribution of the genus Agrias. Bibliography of the 300 and marc names included in this genus. [Po V.] Reisser, Hans, "Hyphantria cnnea Drury in Europa (Lepid., Arctiidae) (Der 'ameri­ kanische W e beb~i r')" [in Cerman]. Zeitschr. wiener ent. Ges., 4.5: 51-61. 1960. Discusses problem of correct name for form found in E urope, concluding that textor is merely an extreme pale variant. Translates Drury's and Harris's descrip­ tiems. Surveys literature on occurrcence and biology in Europe, with comments. [Po E.] Reisser, Hans, "Eeitrage zur Kenntnis der Sterrhinae (Lep., Ceom.) V. Was ist Sterrha dillltaria praeustaria Lah. (Mann i.I. )?" [in Cerman]. Zeitschr. wiener ent. Ges., 47: 21-24. 1962. Describes as ncw S. d. illyrica (lllyria, Tergeste, Ccrovlje); "praeustaria" is a "form." [Po E.] Reisser, HallS, "Ocneria eos sp. nov., eine neue Lymantriide aut Kreta (vorhiufigc Eeschreibung)" [in Cerman]. Nachrichtenbl. bayer. Ent., 11: 9-10, 3 fjgs. 1962. Type locality Genni Gave, N. Crek [Po B.] Reisser, Hans, "Weitere neue Heteroceren aus Kreta" [in German]. Z eitschr. wiener ent. Ges., 47: 193- 216, 4 pIs., 9 figs. 1962. Describes as new Axia vaulogeri nesiota (Assites, 800 m.); DANIELOSTYGIA (monobasic), D . persephone (Wur­ wulitis); Phragmacossia albida minos (Knossos); Cryphia recti/inea insulico/a (Assitcs, 500 m. ), C. raptrico/a cretica (Ida, Silva Rouva, 1,300 m. ); Phragmatoecia erschoffi ("Euchara Haus -"). Redescribes Ocneria eos. Comparative notes on Phragmacossia spp. & Phragmatoecia. Notes on Cosymhia ariadne & Dyscia crassipunctaria (names a fall generation). List of recent additions to the fauna of Crete. [Po B.] INDEX TO VOLUME 19 (New names in boldface; synonyms in italics ) Achylodes tamenund, 20 Agapema galbina, 42 Achalarus, lyciades, 27, 51, 198 Agraulis vanillae, 3.3, 114, 232 toxeus, 27 Airplane, collections by, 129 Acronicta brumosa, 189 Alabama argillacea, 133 252 Index to Volume 19 Vol. 19, no. 4 Alsophila pometaria, 226 toddi, 104, 242 Amblyscirtes, nysa, 180 Bomolocha, 133 via lis, 2 Book Notices, 46, 62, 90, 164, 230 Amatidac, 133 Book Reviews, Ampeloeca myron, 189 Butterflies and Moths, 225 Arnsel, H. G., Microlepidoptera Palae­ Butterflies of San Francisco Bay Re­ arctica, 117 gion, 138 Anacampsis, 134 Fauna U.S.S.H.; Tineidae, Nemapo­ Anaea, aidea, 113, 192 goninae, 102 andria, 34 Prodromus Lcpidopterornm Sloviciae, Ancyloxypha numitor, 196 81 Annaphila pseudoastrologa, 237 Bowden, S. R. , correction, 170 Anthanassa, 223 Brl'phidium exilis, 112 Anthcraca polyphemus, 226 Brown, F. M., O. T. Baron, 35 Anthocharis, genutia, 50 Boisduval letters and Melitaea identi­ pima, 112 ties, 197 sara, 112, 232 Method for overwintering larvae, 187 Apodcmia, manno, 112 Brown, K. S., Jr., Arizona butterflies, 107 nais, 112, 232 Unusual California butterfly records, palmcrii, 112 171 Appias dlllsilla, 110, 226 BlIcculatrix, 135 Apter, R. L., Connecticut records of Burns, J. ,'1'1., Connecticut records of Thymelicus, 195 Thymelicus, 195 Arctiidae, 69, 82, 226, 228 Butterflies at light, 179 Arethllsana, 202 Caenurgina caernlea, 16.5 Aristotclia, 134 Calcpbelis virginicnsis, 49 Asterocampa, 200; celtis, 113, 180 Callophrys, apama, 112, 2.32 clyton, 180 gryneus,49 leilia, 113 irus, 50 so bpallida, 113 macfarlandi, 177 Atalopedcs campeslris, HlO Calpodes ethlius, ~~ A tlidcs halesus, 112 Carde, R. T., Taxonomic notes on Holo- Atreidcs plebia, 189 melina, 69 Atrytonopsis, hianna, 215,219 Catocala cara, 52 vierecki, 220 Celastrina argiolus, 50, 113, 232. Automcris, 226; zephyria, 82 Celerio lineata, IS!) Baron, O. T. (1847-1926),35 Celotes nessus, 6, j 3.3 Battaristis concinusclla, 134 Celyphoides cespitana, 134 Battus philenor, 109, 223, 229 Ccratomia, 189 Bcdellia somnulentella, 135 Cercyonis, 202, 20:3, 204 Bell, E. L. (1876-1964),190 ariane, 16 t Biston hetularia, 228 OetllS, ] 14, 164 Blastobasidae, 134 pcgala, 114, 179 Boisduvallcttcrs, 197 silvestris, 164 Boloria, 200, 201, 202, 204 stephensi, 161 astarte, 60 chariclea, 58, 59 stl,enele , 232 distincta, 62 Chionodes, 134; albofasciatus, 29 eunomia, 61, 184, 242 Chlaenogramma jasmincarum, 189 freija,242 Chlosyne, gorgone, 48 frigga, 58, 59, 242 lacinia, 113, 232 improha,60 nycteis, 4S napaea, 60, 61 Citheronia sepulchralis, 189 polaris, 242 Clench , H. K., Migration of Libytheana selene, 62, 242 and Kricogonia, 223 titania, 59, 62, 242 Beginning of tbe butterfly season, 239 1965 fournal of the Lepidopterists' Society 253 Cleora manitoba, 190 youngi, 57, 58, 60, 61 Cocblididae, 190 Erma quaderna, 232 Coenonympha kodiak, 192 Erynnis, baptisiae, II Cogia outis, 23 horatius, 11, 180 Coleophoridae, 134 pacllvius, HJ2 Colias, 200, 202 propertius, 192 alexandra, 61, 232 telemachus, 192 boothii, 60 Estigmene acraea, 226 cesonia, 34, 110, 232 Estimating the butterfly season, 239 cbrysomelas, 39 Eublemma obliqualis, 133 eurytheme, 110, 133, 182, 183, 192, Ellchloe, ausonides, 112 232 creusa, 112, 203 hecla, 57, 58, 61 Euchromius ocelleus, 134 nastes, 60, 61 Eucordylea, 134 palacno, 58, 60, 61 Euherrichia moneifera, 189 pelidne, 242 Euphydryas, anicia, 59 philodice, 1l0, 182, 232 nubigena, 172, 174 vividior, 192 rubrosuffusa, 172 Collection by airplane, 129 sicrra, 173 Coloradia pandora, 226 Eupbyes, bimacllia, 196 Comstock, J. A., E. R. Hulbirt, 243 dukesi, 148 Copaeodes aurantiaea, 4 vestris, 180 Correction, 170 Euptoieta, claudia, 104, 114, 232 Cosmopterygidae, 134 hegesia, 114 Cressonia illglandis, 189 Euptychia, areolata, 139 Danaus, 192; gilipPllS, 114, 232 cymela, 47 plexipPlls, 114, 137, 180, 182, 227, 232 dorothea, 114, 232 Darapsa pbolus, 189 gemma, 47 Diakonoff, A., Book Review, Zagulajev, henshawi, 114 lCl2 mitchelli, 148 Dichomeris ligulella, 134 rtI bricata, 42, 114, 232 Dolba hylaeus, 189 septcntrioncalis, 151 Downey, J. C., Mimicry and distribution Eurema, boisduvaliana, III of Caenurgina, 165 mexicana, J 12,232 Doryodes spadaria, 190 nicippe, 112, 232 Drastcria grapbica, HlO protcrpia, 112 Durden, C. J., Speyeria callippe and Eurystrymon ontario, 50 Artemisia, 186 Eutelia pulcberrima, 190 Egg preservation, 234 Evans, W. H., Larvae of Aunaphila Elaslllopalplls lignosellus, 134 pseudoastrologa, 237 Emesis. 192; zela, 112 Everes cornyntas, 113, 180, 232 Epargyrells clams, 30, 133, 180, 196 Feeding adult Lepidoptera, 233 Epermeniidae, 134 Fleming, R. C., Catoeala and Polygonia, Epiblcma strcnuana, 134 52 sosana, 136 Freem'ln, H. A., New Megatbymus, 83 Epistor lllgubris, 189 Geleebiidae, 134 Erebia, 260; canadensis, 192 Geometriclae, 133, 190, 226, 228 elisa, 57, 94 Geshna primordialis, 133 discoielalis, 57, 76 Cesta invisus, 18 erinnyn, 57, 59 Glaucopsychc lygdamus, 167, 232 epipsodea, 57 Glena cognataria, 190 fasciata, 57, 58, 61 Glick, P. A., Collections by airplane, 129 magdalena, 59 Glyphidocera, 134 rossii, 57, ,58, 61 Glyphipterygidae, 134 theano, ,57 , 61 Glyphipteryx impigritella, 134 vidleri, 76 Gnorimoschema, 134, 136 254 Index to Volume 19 Vol. 19, no. 4 Gobeil, R. E., Butterflies on Kent Island, Hypanrotis crysalus, 55, 112, 232 N. B., 181 Incisali a, 226; fotis, 171 Craeillariidae, 135>, 136 Junonia, coenia . 113, 133 Graphium marcellus, 199 evarete, 192 Groothuis, D., Range extension of Pieris Keiferia, 134 beekeri, 221 Kendall, R. 0., Foodplants for Texas Gyroeheilus patrobas, 114, 232 Hesperiidae, 1 Habrodais grunus, 177 Foodplant for Schinia olivacea, 105 Halisidota maeulata, 226 Kolyer, J. M., Inexpensive apparatus for Hardesty, R., Range extension of Pieris photographing, 212 beekeri, 221 Kricogonia, castalia, 223 Heitzman, R., Life history of Problema, lyside, Ill, 22.3 77 Lambremont, E . N., Louisiana butter­ Diurnal Lepidoptera at light, 179 fli es, 47 Heliodinidae, 136 Langston, R. L. , Distribution of Philotes, Heliopetes, laviana, 7 95 nlacaira, 9 Book Review, Tilden, 138 Heliothis zea, 133 Lapara, bombycoides (pineum), 206 H emaris diffinis, 189 halicarniae, 189 Hemiargus, gyas,
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