THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 40: ISSUE 67 WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 7, 2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM FACULTY SENATE Storin Cultural competency discussed to leave - as well as a lack of time to think over New diversity awareness the issue as reasons for postponing resolution called 'vague' action until their next meeting on Feb. 1. Hhea Boyd, chair of Student Senate's position Minority Affairs committee, said the res­ By KATIE PERRY olution speaks to Notrn Dame's "biggest Assistant News Editor initiative"- the question of how to Former Boston Globe incorporate diversity into campus life. A proposal to establish a committee to Boyd said the issue is best resolved by editor will continue evaluate and implement cultural compe­ making exposure a direct part of the col­ tency at Notre Dame was hotly debated lege eurrieulum. to teach at University at Tuesday's Faculty Senate meeting, "The biggest thing is the definition of where members said the plan was too cultural competency," Boyd said. "As By CLAIRE HEININGER "vague" and last-minute for them to defined by the American Heritage News Writer make an immediate decision. Dictionary, 'competence' is a specific ·. ~ Members of the Student Affairs com­ range of skill, knowledge and ability. mittee, one of the four subcommittees of When we precede that with 'eultural,' we After serving as assoeiato Faculty Senate, cited the resolution's hope Notre Dame students will have a vice president of' news and E KELLEY /The inability to presfmt a clnar-cut definition knowledge or ability to successfully navi- information tlw past three Rhea Boyd, chair of the Student Senate Minority of the term "cultural competency" -and and a half' ynars - making Affairs committee, discusses the resolution Tuesday. how such a practice would bn integrated see CULTURE/page 6 him Notre Dame's mouth- piece during a rare presi­ dential tran­ sition and a controver­ Students use 11 printers installed in dortns sial l'ootball coaching Student Senate works gram in II dorms on campus - change Carroll. Dillon, Farlny, Lewis, University to monitor program Lyqns, O'Nnill, Pangborn, spokesman Pasqunrilla Wt~st. Welsh Family. Matt Storin Storln a11d evaluate pilot run and thn lobby connecting Kennan will stnp down at tlw PrHI of' and Stanford. l·:ach of these dorms this calendar yoar. received one printer at the begin­ By KAITLYNN RIELY Storin. a I 9(14 Notre llanw ning of the school year. N<·w, Wril<'l graduate who was tlw editor Mark Seiler. chair of tlw Student of' the Boston Glolw f'or c~ight Senatn's rnsidence life committee, ynars bdore c~oming bark to Tlw tnst run of' tlw printPr pro­ and snnator Bnn Gunty worked work at the University, said gram -which brought printers to with (~onion Wishon, assistant he decided last FPbruary l'ivn dorms last spring to dntor­ vien pn~sident of' the Ol'l'iee of that this would lw h is I as t rninn their feasibility and nnenssi­ Information Teehnologins, to get semester in the post. ty in dormitories- was enough to printers installnd in tho dorms. "I lovn being at Notre l'onvinn• Carroll sophonwre Josh "Thn lirst ynar for the pilot pro­ Danw. and I've~ nnjoyed tlw KPmpf that lw no longer nond(1(1 gram was last academic year, and job," Storin said Tuesday. his own JlPrsonal printl~r in his the program wont well." Seiler "I'm very l'ond of lllniv«~rsity dorm room. said. "The program indieatcd that P r e s i d e n t I F a tlw r I .I o h n I "They told us llwy would have it tlw printers in thn dorms were Jenkins, so [stepping downl up and running this y1~ar. so I did­ getting amplo usage. This aca­ is really based on personal n't PVPn bring it bad," Kempf' dPmie year a few more printnrs considerations." said. wnre added to dorms. As far as I Sinen many of his friends Thanks to thP sueepss of tho know. tlw program continues to and family livn on tlw Past pilot program. organized by tho go woll." DUSTIN MENNELLA/The Observer student senate last March. tho Sophomore Eric Natke uses a printer in Dillon Hall Monday. UnivPrsity lwgan thi• printnr pro- see PRINTING/page 4 The printer program was set up by Student Senate this fall. see STORIN/page H Professor consults for College changes start date Monday instead of' Tuesday was of a study day prior to linals wenk, 'The Da Vinci Code' By KELLY MEEHAN made at the April 1H meeting of whieh rnsultnd in thn cancellation News Writer the academic aflhirs eoundl. The of a Friday dass, W<L'> part of tlw my eontract. I'm not at liber­ council passed a resolution that rn<L<>oning behind the resolution. By KATE ANTONACCI ty to discuss my role as a An unusually long winter break stated dasses would begin on the "Faculty A<>snmhly sent tho rnr­ A.~so(iarc New~ Ediwr consultant to 'The Da Vinci will give students a four-week first Monday of the spring 2006 ommendation to start classes on Code' f'ilm. othnr than to escape from the rigors of college semester, and every semester Monday to tlw Academic~ Afl'airs Tlwology professor Father confirm that I am, in faet, a work, but the return to campus thereafter. This change was imple­ Council in an attempt to balancn Bic~hard McBrinn is helping consultant and that I have may prove extra challfmging for mented to narrow the time imbal­ tho overall Monday, Wednnsday, "crack thn code" - as pro­ been in touch with [din~ctorl Saint Mary's studonl<>. ance that previously existed Friday nwoting times with motional Hon Howard and .others The College's semester classes between dasses that eonvnnnd on Tuesday, Thursday mnnting times ads f'or involved in the production of typically began on a Tuesday, but Monday, Wednesday and Friday - espndally in t.he spring snmes- "Tho l>a the l'ilm," McBrien said this year students will lind thflm­ and those that met on Tuesday . tnrs," shn said. "This chango will Vinci Codn" Tuesday.• selves in the elassroorn on and Thursday, the eouncil said. not make the mneting times equal, Monday, Jan. 16. movie Hay ~tt~ "The Da Vinci Codn" book, "[The resolution! really makes but it will bring lwlp dosn tlw as a :.;J rflieasnd in April 2003, "I think that starting dasses on sense," communications studios gap." consultant ,... ,. im mod iatoly became the Monday instead or Tuesday next professor Andrcm Hogers said. "II' I Although studcmts will start f'or tlw subject of much conversa­ semester will be a diJTicult adjust­ had one Monday, Wednesday, dass a day narlinr, tlwy still will S o n y tion and l'urious religious ment," junior Leda DePalma said. Friday class and one Tuesday, not bn pt~rmitb~d to return to thnir I' i e t u r I' s Lj debato for its claim that "Having that Monday oil' makes Thursday elass that were identi­ rnsidcmee halls until Sunday, Jan. l'ilrn basnd McBrien Jesus may have been mar­ the transition between the long cal, it would be diflkult to balanee 15, residence halls dirc~etor on the ried tci Mary Magdalene, a Christmas break and settling back the work Load and remain fair to Michelin Hussell said. widcdy popular and c~ontro­ f'igure often depicted in art into the routine of elasses much the student<>." Hussell said she fenls studnnts vnrsial novel by Dan Brown. easier." College registrar Lorraine "Aeconling to the terms of see DA VINCI/page 4 The decision to begin dasses on Kitehner said the implnmentation sec CHANGE/page 6 page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR CHRISTMAS BREAK? Arizona dreaming ·No matter how many papers I have (o wr~te, no mattl~r how many !inals I haV£~ to study for. tlwrc's just <ino thing Beth Hagerty Molly Dawes Meghan Newcomb Katie Palumbo Kaitlin Jensen Tom Mazzacavallo I can't stop 'tllinkiiH~ about: th!\' f<iesta. 'Bc)wl. But it's for a difl'eront reason · sophomore sophomore sophomore freshman freshman freshman tlian one might ., · Breen-Phillips Breen-Phillips Breen-Phillips Lewis Lewis Zahm think. Despite Tim kaiser 'being ilie "Christmas in "Moving to "Finding an "Going home to "Going to Katie "Going to Katie overzQalous foot- , · · · ,, 1 1 ·the Caribbean Houston and · irish pub· where Phoenix." Palumbo's Palumbo's h~ll fit'riatJG thp.,t'fi.l. ~ .' Spof:ts'Writer. · ,.:Ht'IJ am. it's no'1'1hbglllflll>l · · :- " ·alia soaktng up gettiii}tii.:tart~ ;, ., j cdn w.(l't(}l my house for the house for the drditm matcH'd{l'' · ·. ·! -~.'· " between the Irish and tho Buckeyes the sun. Irish beat OSU!" game. game. that I'm salivating over, nor is it the delicious tortilla chips th~t will most certainly be advertised during the event. The reason I'll be certain to pick up' a lottery number today is pecause t~e game wil,l be P.layed in toasty warm Tempe. Ariz. · This is my first Midw()stern winter, and Wliil\ll thought I would be pre­ pa~ed for it., it has still come as a shock IN BRIEF to me. What surprised me most was how quickly it came. It wa~ comfort- . able und mild throughout October, and · · · A "Christmas at the CoMo" I figured all that I'd heard ab6ut how benefit concert will be held 'cold.and depressing South Bend was tonight in the Hamme:s must.have_)Jeen an exaggeration, but 'Student Lounge of th.e sure enough.
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