__ __________ T_ _I The ,i Royal Engineers Journal. The St. Lawrence Deep Waterway . Sir Alexander Gibb 216 i Movements of the Ground Level in Bengal . Colonel Sir Sidney Burrard 231 " | Notes on Tachymetric Traverses . Lieut. B. E. Bagnall-Wild 277 A Survey Party in Upper Burma Captain G. F.. He.aney 282 Elevated Reinforced-Concrete Reservoi . ajor C. C. S. White 290 a The Problem of Command in Combined Operations Bt. Lt.-Col. C. Dening 293 Progress Records for Major New Works . Major G. MacLeod Ross 311 Memoirs. Books. Magazines. Correspondence . 316 i VOL. XLVII. JUNE, 1933. CHATHAM: . V TIB INSTITUTION OF ROYAL ENGINBBRS. TBLBPHONB: CHATHA, 2669. AGENTS AND PRINTERS: MACKAY LTD, LONDON: HIG, RBBl, LTD., 5, RRGENI STREET, S.W.I. ip 1iAU . L- to INSTITUTION OF RE OFFICE COPY DO NOT REMOVE i1 L1S . -....-. __--„.....: -.- - ,-- - . .- "EXPAMET" REINFORCED CONCRETE, Reinforcement for Concrete. PLASTER and " B B " Expanded Metal BRICK Lathing for Platerwork. Construction "RIBMET" WITH for Concrete and Plasterwork. "EXPAMET" EXPANDED METAL "EXMET" PRODUCTS Reinforcement for Brickwork. Mild Steel EX".MET Wall-ties. British Stel - British Labor. British Steel - British Labour. Write for illustrated technical literature. THE EXPANDED METAL COMPANY, LTD. Patentees and Manufacturers of Expanded Metal. Engineers for all forms of Reinforced Concrete and Fire-resistant Construction. Burwood House, Caxton Street, London, S.W.1. Works: West Hartlepool. Established over 40 years. IR Telephone: Woolwich 0275. 1, Artillery Place, Woolwich, S.E.18. Regent 3560. 6, St. James' Place, S.W.1. J. DANIELS & Co., Ltd., Military i Civilian Tailors, Outfitters and Breeches Makers. R.E. AND R.A. COLOURS IN STOCK. CARLISLE & GREGSON 5, LEXHAM GARDENS, KENSINGTON, W.8. STAFF COLLEGES, PROMOTION, ARMY, NAVY AND ROYAL AIR FORCE ENTRANCE EXAMS. CIVIL SERVICE AND UNIVERSITIES, TERRI- TORIAL ARMY AND SUPPLEMENTARY RESERVE. Telegrams : "Lexjan, Kens, London. " PAOWO : Wcstcm. 1287. I1 PLATE II. PLATE I. PQOGQES5 CHAPIT FOQ. A' &;..: - AT CONTQACTro .Q/~ a - Q- CL5IC CONTENT- .4.2979 2AT-- cc. APPQOVEDAPPOVD E5TlMATEESTIMAT nGuQEU- o, 000 ~ VAIUEVAL O;OF OPIGINLOiGiN4L. CONrPAcTCONTQAcT.f //. /,9/ appPQ~Dna. f~f ~~.A.7 - - - - - -- - ~TIMlr - · .0aRflt ourr Q303,5' .ee 0-8rUPP'r trfOT ;o0 £44f o CICAGA'f 53 d01 AcD! 5ANO,CA?IO 7T S/Of! & .545 sf'--- CO .. C... ?,t 0o s30 a. 32--- npnlll. C--- --- i I ) 2 1- 3 f 4 1S 1 1 ,>f -I-} ,5 . .I,,5o ... II . I I Ii a.. 928 9,G . 378 9539 tir- , I I 32 21"is, C@AMPLItiomi! D A re Culrn'4Cooo B1/aeC.,t. I. 112 1I'" .989 € »se b1--- 10450 3 680 L $z4o 4 1 3200 - . .1 1*' A3 L I i 1 t / 5~Žeee 4'C Az Q i '2 547 0 0 i - 093 s z -- -- 3 .CoNraAC CO Ue 0N D t ~ 7i- j .... - : S 5- APes' Ste 05 SO/CIO.'4 tI' . so L--. 12 9 43 330 40is4;~v AQosr 11 P.o.. Ceo.OLtt .__ I I ciq I 32 44. 3 28 ci 0-O4 L57°00 I N 1 q / 9 0o9 119 ZS1 a'd I. 1$oo / tfll .. 22S I i62 .z oeoc'5,0c 400/IN s-w e / / // U4 -y - - - - - - / - ^ - -- - - - ±--i --- ____ . _L----- _ 2. _ _£jEl05_ 84'a ____ -eon eC.. toC, a te.. "cem tCop l~r / 1 .' if v , - 0 0 1 / / P00' , 2550 I-- ,-, , /, e-- A-/ 3 - I5 I 1 - aI I /I -£eo z6__>I - « ,u *-*T!MbTt u CTOT&octoN 8,[0 0- 2 0 FSt Ioo 70 3 ' I' *252290 * .03593o08913.^ a| _____20oti5 __ I _ _ _50 __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A D VERTISEMENTS. i. VICTAU LIC ADAPTERPIECEH FLANGED FLANGE.3 ADAPTER - JOINT --REDUCERS --- BLAN( EN DIMENSIONS OF GROOVED FITTINGS FROMI 6' TO 6' BORE m- 0 i C C2 D D1 E L L1 L2 L3 R T U *P in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. 1 2 -2 2 5 1 4 3 4 3 34 2 4 1- - - 1 1 2 1 2i 5 14 44 41 4i 4 31 14 24 9 1i 1 21 2 34 57 2 6 51 5} 54 41 142 24 9 1 1 I 26 23 66 6 51- 54 5 141 24 9 2 " 23 26 44 71 24 8 77 6i O6 64 144 24 9 7t 15i 3 9 21 3 3 2i 51 8 2i 94 8t 8} 8 3 34 3 338 6 84 3 11 10o 90 94 9}1 136 3 12 4 44 4 44 71 10 3' 15 133 12- 12 124 18 3 12 5 5 5 41 9 12 4i 18 16 15 14 15 19 3 15 6 64 64 55 10 13 5 22 191 184 181 18 203 3 18 An outstanding feature of the Victaulic system is the ease and rapidity with which a pipeline, no matter how complicated, can be made. Above are given illustra- tions and dimensions of fittings, such as bends, springs, tees, elbows, etc., which have been standardized with Victaulic grooved ends by all leading makers. A whole pipeline, from one end to the other, including the fitting of valves and closing lengths, can be carried out so easily with these fittings and the ordinary Victaulic joint-the only tool required being a small spanner. laying The introduction of the Victaulic system will greatly simplify your pipe 1 with the resultant saving in time and money. VICTAULIC COMPANY Ltd. KINGS BUILDINGS, DEAN STANLEY ST. WESTMINSTER, LONDON, S.W. 1 IIIll 1i. ADVERTISEMENTS. EST. 060. f 4 j" FOnV1' ESTABLISIIED OVER 50 YEARS AS MIILITARY TAILORS AND AS MAKERS OF DEGE'S CELEBRATED " SEANILESS KNEE-GRIP" BREECIIES , Extensively patronised by Officers of the Royal Engineers " J. DEGE & SONS, LTD. iitiaru anb gtufti Tailors, Ortrljr s talters 13 Conduit Street, London, W.1 Telegrams: Harkforward, Piccy, London Officers waited upon at Telephone: Mayfair 1325 Military Camps and Barracks PROOF o These excerpts prove the INDIVIDUAL nature and VALUE of the courses of instruction provided by PITMAN'S for the Staff College Entrance and Promotion Examinations 1 'Your marginal comments were always 2 "The personal attention received and the bached up by two and sometimes three hand- criticisims of my efforts, especially, were of the uwitten foolscap pages, going deeply into every difficulty. They made the best possible sub- greatest value. No one who has taken your Pro- stitute for a personal talk. Both in Tactics and 7motion Course could have failed to find the Ad,ninistration the instructors seemed to have papers set anything but easy." time, patience, and a desire to give me a return for my money." QUETTA, 13.7.32. DROSII, CHlITRAL,I5.7.32. 3 "The lessons on Strategy and Tactics and Organizationproved invaluable to me. To their excellence and lucidity I attribute the extra marks which, in my previous efforts, I had failed to obtain." WOKING, 7.8.32. Wherever you are stationed we can help you Princial A PROSPECTUS R. W. HOLLAND ON O... .. , M.8o., LL.D. V 1 APPLICATION LCORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE 304 SOUTHAMPTON ROW, LONDON, W.C.1 ADVERTISEMENTS. iii. ADVERTISEMENTS. In. Special Announcement A NOTE TO THOSE Outfits for the Tropics ABROAD COMPETITIVE PRICES Mr. Morris has pleasure in announcing the opening of a new department under the charge of Mr. Mason, a specialist of over 30 years' experience. Officers and others taking up colonial service in the tropics are advised to consult Mr. Mason in order to prevent being burdened with unnecessary kit. AGENCY SERVICE Everything supplied. Write for estimates. All enquiries will receive careful attention. PAST AND PRESENT OFFICERS OF TIlE R.E. ENTITLED TO A 10% DISCOUNT ON FIRST ORDER. If you are not coming to England, write for patterns. By a special system originated by ourselves, and very easy for the client, we are able to obtain Street. Lordor.W | a complete outline of the figure, 28. Sadoille and this, with the data of mea- Tolsphon': REGENT 5534. Cables: A.B.C. Code. surement, ensures a perfect fit. - - ., 1 1 J. G. PLUMB & SON VICTORIA HOUSE, 117, VICTORIA ST., WESTMINSTER, S.W.1 Established 1895 Telephone : Victoria 3434 i Military Tailors and Outfitters By Appointment to THE ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY, WOOLWICH for the past Quarter of a Century ............................. ........................................ Mess Jacket, Vest and Overalls complete £14 7 6 Dinner Suits - - - from £9 19 6' Lounge Suits - from £6 6 0 A special discount of xo% is always given to Gentlemen Cadets, past and present. EXTENSIVELY EMPLOYED BY OFFICERS RECENTLY COMMISSIONED FROM THE SHOP AND APPOINTED TAILORS TO THE ROYAL ENGINEERS TRAINING BATTALION CHATHAM a iv. ADVERTISEMENTS. Work of the Royal Engineers in the European War, 1914-1919. For sale in the office of the Secretary, Institution of Royal Engineers, Chatham. COMPRISING THE FOLLOWING VOLUMES:- Bridging.-With 3 maps, 59 photographs and 31 plates. Price 12S. (to members, 3s). Military Mining.-With 25 photographs and 62 plates. Price I2s. 6d. (to members, 35. 9d.). Gcological Work on the Western Front.-With 19 plates and 9 photographs. Limited to 5oo copies. Price 15s. (to members, 5s.). in the European War, 1914 to 1918, The.-(By special arrangement Signal Service With with the Signals Association) R. E. Priestley, M.c., B.A. (late Major, R.E.). 2 photos and 20 plates. Price I2s. 6d. (to members, 5s. 3d.). gd.). Supply of Engineer Stores and Equipment.-Price 7s. (to members, Is. 20 Water Supply (Egypt and Palestine).-With 7 maps, 6 photos, io plates, and sketches in the text. Price 8s. (to members, 2s.
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