Bowerbirds: overlooked avian jewels by Ubaldo Leli, M.D. Boston, Massachusetts Introduction that does not restrict the export of several species of bowerbirds well Bowerbirds are large softbills ofthe non-endangered avian species, it established in public and private order Passeriformes, that inhabit should still be possible to obtain Australian collections. I also met a New Guinea and Australia! There are some of the species from there. In number of aviculturists who have 18 species of bowerbirds, distributed addition to the legal issues, the lack successfully bred these birds, includ­ among eight genera!·2 These birds are of knowledge of the breeding habits ing Stan Sindel of New South Wales, peculiar in that they have developed of the bowerbirds has caused them who was kind enough to give me their building skills to an extreme not to be commonly bred even in detailed verbal accounts of his meth­ degree, which they demonstrate in ods ofhusbandry. These data, in addi­ their courtship display object: the Table 1 tion to the published accounts of bower. Classiliealion 01 Bowerbirds breeding that have appeared else­ Bowerbirds were discovered early Genus Species Common Name where?·6 are precious for aviculture. I Ailurodeus' buccoides White-breasted Catbird after the first European settlers (Catbirds) me/anotis Sponed Catbird believe that public and private collec­ reached Australia, although they crassirostrisc Green Catbird tions owning bowerbirds may greatly Amblyornis inornatus' VogeJkop Bowerbird were not initially recognized as an (Gardenerbirds) mcGregoriae McGregor Bowerbird benefit from the application of the independent group and were classi­ subalaris Streaked Bowerbird husbandry protocols described in fied with the orioles and the honey­ flavitrontis Golden-fronted Bowerbird these articles. I also hope that this suckers~ Traditionally, these birds Archboldia papuensis Archbold's Bowerbird paper will prompt aviculturists to Chlamidera' lauterbachi Yellow-breasted Bowerbird have been considered relatives of the CeNiniventris Fawn-breasted Bowerbird give more attention to these magnifi­ birds of paradise. However, recent maculata Sponed Bowerbird cent birds before their importation is DNA studies suggest that they are nuchalis Great Bowerbird completely eliminated. I am con­ more closely related to the wattle­ Prionodura n9wtoniana~ Golden Bowerbird vinced that efforts to preserve spe­ birds ofNew Zealand (family Callaei­ Ptylonomyncus violaceus b Satin Bowerbird cies diversity will be futile if as many dae), the starlings and the Corvine Scenopoetes dentirostris~ Tooth-billed Bowerbird genera as possible are not established assemblage? Sericu/us aureus Flame Bowerbird in captivity within a short time. (Regent Bowerbirds) bakeri Fire-maned Bowerbird Bowerbirds are not common avi­ chrisocephafusc Regent Bowerbird Except, perhaps, for the cockatoos, cultural .subjects, but they are fre­ The majority or the 18 speDeS 01 bowerbirds are distributed In New GUlllea. (From '~ birds from southeastern Asia and quently present in well stocked zoos. a-MollomOrphlcspeciBS New Guinea are more exposed than b-SpBCiBsalsoprBsBll1III AuslrBhB They are rare in aviculture primarily C-SpBClBS ollly pfBSBll1 ill Auslralia any other group to danger of extinc­ because their two main sources ­ tion from habitat destruction and Australia and Papua New Guinea ­ zoos, and there are, unfortunately, human disturbance than from trap­ do not allow export of their avifauna too few aviculturists specialiZing in ping for the pet trade. Placing a under any cicumstance except for softbills who have given attention to species on the C.LT.E.S. appendix I occasional exchange of surplus this group ofbirds. (endangered species list) hardly domestically bred stock with zoos. I have neither owned (yet) nor protects it from the damage deriVing However, because Irian Jaya, the bred any of the bowerbirds, how­ from destruction of its natural wester region of the New Guinea ever, during my last visit to Australia habitat. island, is part of Indonesia, a country in July 1991 I was impressed to find Among the species of bowerbirds most frequently seen in zoos and pri­ vate Australian collections are the Parrot Bands • Cockatiel Bands • Lovebird Bands beautiful Regent Bowerbird (Sericu­ lus chrysocephalus), the Satin ParakeetBands • CanaryBands • Handfeeding Syringes Bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus viola­ All sizes ofplastic bands • Band Cutters • Nets ceus), and the Green Catbird (Ailtero­ Stainless Steel Feeding Needles edus crassirostris). In the U.S., very Pipettes • ClawScissors FAST few zoos have bowerbirds at this SERVICEI time, although the San Diego Zoo Send self-addressed. stamped envelope had Yellow- and Fawn-breasted for complete brochure. Bowerbirds on display. In the past, bowerbirds were shown in several L & M BIRD LEG BANDS zoos in this country much more fre­ P.O. Box 2943 • San Bernardino, CA 92406 quently. The Satin Bowerbird was (714) 882-4649 Mondaythru Friday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (PST) bred at the National Zoo in Washing­ Closed month ofJuly for vacation. ton many years ago. Recently, one importer listed Spotted Catbirds 24 ]une/]ulyI992 (Ailuroedus melanotis) and Fawn­ few juvenile Green Catbirds in the and is velY rare. breasted Bowerbirds (Chlamydera aviaries of Stan Sindel, kept in a cerviniverltris). Clearly then, keep­ mixed collection with Figbirds (Sphe­ Ornithology ofthe ing bowerbirds is a dream that avicul­ coteres viridis) and l)arrots. They Bowerbirds turists in the U.S. can still achieve. I were quite friendly with people and Bowerbirds can be grouped accord­ will describe briefly here some of the seemed rather intelligent. ing to their breeding habits into two few s1)ecies n10st con1n10nly ke1)t in These species, along with other groul)s. A first grou1) of n10nomor­ Australian and American collections. birds l)resent both in northern Aus­ l)hic birds with males indistinguish­ The Regent Bowerbird (Se1'"iculus tralia and southern New Guinea, able from the fetnales includes the chrisocephalus) is the most beautiful such as the Blue-Faced Honeyeater catbirds and the grassland bower­ of the Australian bowerbirds. The (Entomyzon. cyanotis), are still avail­ birds. These birds forn1 stable pairs size of a large blue-jay, its l)lumage able to American aviculturists and and are monogamous. A second has a silky, velvety texture and is col­ need all the attention we can give group of highly dimorphic birds ored jet black, excel)t for the lores, them. This is especially true for the l)ractice polygamy, build a bower crown, nal)e, sides of the neck and Fawn-breasted Bowerbird, which has and do not forn1 pairs. However, wing prin1aries where the color is a been studied very little in Australia son1e of the monon10rphic species, rich golden-yellow. The eyes are because it lacks a gaudy plun1age, such as the Fawn-breasted Bowerbird bright golden-yellow in the adult ......- _ male, and brown in the juveniles and in the feluales. The female is drab brown, mottled in very light beige, with black patches on the crown, throat and back. Juveniles look like females. They start their attempts to build a bower at about three years of age, when their plun1age is still irreg­ ularly yellow, and the eyes a l)ale lemon color. They become sexually BECAUSE . .. mature at six years ofage. The male Satin Bowerbird (Ptilon­ Not Every Bird orhyncus violacetls) is a crow-sized Gets Topper Bird black bird. Its 1)lun1age is silky shiny Ranch Diets blue-black. The eye is electric blue. .. YETI The female Satin is brown with a reg­ ular pattern of lighter markings on the body, darker on the back parts. Her eye is also electric blue. The Fawn-Breasted Bowerbird (Chlamidera cerviniventris) is a monomorphic, grey-brown bird, with feathers tipped in white. The underparts are fawn-colored. It has some white around the eye. The bill is black and slightly curved. This bird is very similar to the Yellow-breasted Bowerbird (Chlamidera lauter­ bachi), except that the latter has a pronounced yellow wash on the belly and black, instead of white, on the face~ ~m~ L~fO R The catbirds are crow-sized, solidly es fer1i\ity built birds, predominantly green­ _ \ncreos colored. The Green Catbird (Ailuro­ deus crassirostris) has nearly no markings, is paler in the underl)arts, ~~ and has a red eye. It is very similar to _ P\US Minero\~ the Spotted Catbird (Ailurodeus for strong BIrds melanotis), except for the missing & Eggs black markings on the feathers. The two species also inhabit sel)arate ter­ ritories: the Spotted Bowerbird, Queensland and Southern New ASK YOUR LOCAL SUPPLIER Guinea, and the Green Bowerbird, New South Wales. These birds have a MADE TOPPER BIRD RANCH EAST TOPPER BIRD RANCH WEST cat-like call and can become very ENnRELY Route 19. Box 529 1466 N. Carpenter Rd. IN U.S.A. lexington. NC 27292 Modesto. CA 95351 tan1e and human-in1printed. I saw a (704) 352-8100 (209) 524-2828 afa WATCI-IllIRD 25 Chlamidera cerviniventris), also do ing, eight yellOWish wood shavings, seems that a symbolic correspond­ not form stable pairs and build two pieces of yellow-green onion ence exists between the color of bowers~ peelings, eight snail shells, one body parts of the bird related to the Based on their habitat, five groups cocoon, six cicada numphal cases, courtship - the eye color for the of bowerbirds are recognized~ The numerous small yellOWish green Satin and the pink speculum for the Catbirds that live in the forest, the flowers and a very large number of Spotted Bowerbird - and the color Archbold's Bowerbird of the high yellOWish-green leaves, mostly the of the objects chosen to decorate the mountain forest, the Gardenerbirds stiff, serrated leaves of Banksia ser­ courtship bower! that build a maypole-type bower in rata...."3 It is clear that the Satin Some bowerbirds, particularly the patches of forest floor, the Regent Bowerbird prefers blue and, to a les­ Satin Bowerbird~ complete their Bowerbirds of the lowland and hill ser extent, yellow or yellow-green bower by painting it.
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