An 8-Page Number. No. 84 (Vcl. 14, Nc. 6) November-December 1955 France s.. Colonies Philatelist Pub11ehed bl-.on~hly by ~h. Franee and Colon1eft Group Secretary: Charles Bretagne, P.O.Box 30, Poughkeepsie, N·.Y. Editor: Stephen G. Rich. P.O.Box B,Verone,New Jersey Author1z~d rftpr1nt1ng from W".stern Stamp (;Ollector,Dec. 25,1954 General Issues for the French Colonies, 1859 to 1881 By WILLIAM E. ROSEN BLOHM The collecting of these old self as distinguished from the scarcest of the whole issue. .1t is stamps of the French Colonies is­ colonies and the outlying terri­ missing in most collections and sued between 1859 and 1881 is tories or as the French term it is equally scarce as the 80 cen­ one of the most interesting of 011 "outremer." These iWe colonies times value. Strangely enough, the byways o·f philately'. Unfor­ were: Martinique, Guadeloupe, pairs of the 10 centimes value are tunately, this particular group Reumon, F r e n chI n d i a, and much more common than singles has been sadly neglected by col­ French. Guiana. Since the stamps of the 20 centimes sinc-e it was lectors in the United States, and are identical to those issued in common practice to use a pair of in keeping with many of the early France, they may only be distin­ 10 centimes to pay the 20 cen­ classics of most countx:ies, these guished by cancellation or if on times rate. stamps are liUle appreciated here. cover. The quantities issued were The 10 centimes value exists in This neglect is . due in large as follows: tete beche pairs but is very rare measure to the lack of informa­ 10 25 1 and is seldom offered even at tion on the stamps and, although Colony cent cent franc auction. All values of this set MartinIque . 2500 9000 5000 in the main inexpensive, they are Guadeloupe .. :1500 9000 5000 were reprinted and the reprints remarkably scarce when on~·is on Reunion .... 2500 3500 6000 French India . .. 1000 1500 3575 may be distinguished by the the hunt for them. French Oulana . 400 2000 1500 brighter colors~ Dangerous forg­ It is well for the collector who It is important to know that eries exist and may be distin­ seeks these issues to realize at letters originating in French guished by the over-all size of the the outset that the majority of India were often mailed through design which is slightly larger them are what can now be termed British Offices in India and were than the original, by the charac­ "classics," not expensive rarities cancelled at the French Office in ters which are thicker, and by it is true, except in two- or three Alexandria (Egypt) en route to the crown which also is larger instances, but classics in the sense France and this fact accounts for and is placed somwhat to the left that they possess that air of dis­ the extreme rarity of cancels of the eagle's head. tinction and scarcity which has from the offices in India: Pondi­ EalY To Identify been attained by old things. cherry, Chandemagor, M a h e, reated presents no difficulty as it Difficult To Recognise Karikal, and Yanaon. In addition, ratM presents no difficulty as it Unfortunately, some of the there was a transfer of stamps is imperforate while the regular stamps oi the group are difficult from the Indian Offices to Re­ issue of France is perforated. to recognize because of their union which accounts for the Although the latter stamp exists similarity to the early issues of smaller issue from India and the imperf()f8te also, it isn't likely France. On the other hand, it is correspondingly larger issue of that the average collector will fortunate for the true philatelist Reunion, especially ()f the 1 franc encounter this stamp. that this is so ballause it lends an value, the need for which was The 5 centimes Napoleon how­ air of enchantment and excite­ greater in Reunion than in India. ever, is extremely interesting. It ment to the paper chase for the 1859 Eagle Type is identical in design to France elusive items. Without doubt, The first of the general issues No. 13 and as both stamps are there is many a fine used speci­ was the eagle type of square for­ imperforate, . difficulty may be men rEsting quietly in ,a.. 'coDec­ mat. Of these stamps the first encountered in determining tion of France which should· find issued in 1859 were the 10 cen. which is which. The true stamp its rightful place under the head­ time and 40 centime values. The of the French Colonies differs in ing of French .colonies. 1 centime and 5 centime stamps shade being distinctly yellow -Before the general issues came followed on May 1, 1862 and gree~ while that of .France is iDto being, the issues of France finally, the 20 centimes and 8'9 more bluish green in hue. of . 1919 were employed in five centimes values appeared about Although a comparatively rare colonies to frank cQU".ewondence 1865. The one centime stamp is item, it is possible that many a to what is termed mQ\cbpolitan good property used and the fi~ true French Colony No.8 is im­ fiance .(the whole of France it- centime used is one of the properly mounted as France No. 26 a3. Usoocopies can be determined 'times black on red is' the best of by the cancellation of small dia­ the , three. The scarcity of the Demonetized Stamps of France. .mond s\laped dots in the form of 25' centimes yellow on straw a diamond. Similar cancellations should be an indication that this i~romptecJ by Iluestions and cJouhts at the Dec. used in metropolitan France in­ stamp deserves a belter catalog variably had the cancellation valuation than it has at present. 195G meeting of the Parent Chapter, query was d composed of small .·ound dots in once made to Dr. Carroll Chase for the facts of various shapes. Forgeries Exist Forgeries exist of the 25 cen­ cJemonitization. The Doctor was most graciousfu The other values of · this set reply, sending to France for authoritative and should give no difficulty and ar.e times black on red but genuine common enough, even the 20 cen­ used stamps will always bear a complete infomation. We are now privileged with times and 80 centimes values not cancellation of either Mayotte, Nossi-Be, or New Caledonia, the full stntemen t, communicated to Dr.Chase by being particularly elusive. Mr. Pierre More1-d'Arleux from sources in the With the issue of 1872 however, thosd' of tne latter place beiDg we have two rarities, the 2 cen­ met with "far more 1lften than French ,>ostnl Museum. times red brown (Scott's No; 17) those from either Mayotte or No 19th Century French stamps have ever been and the 4 centime gray, (No. 18). Nossi-Be. demonetized. Except for the postage dues, the These two stamps are virtually 20th ~entury demonetized items: Impossible to differentiate be­ iss"e of 1881, type Commerce of ~ween those regtilarly issued in Alphee Dubois, was the last of Yvert Scott Date France and, in the writer's opin­ the classic general issues. :Here number number Name of stam) s demonetized ion, are only worthwhile if prop­ there are no s~arce or rare Itelns 8-155 B3-B10 Ornhans series Oct.31 1922 erly cancelled· or on entire. For­ and the specialist can have a field tunately, both stamps were used day with the various shades, 183-186 198-201 Olympic Games Sep.30 1924 only in Cochin China and the colors of papers, and imperforates 209 219 Ronsard uec.31 1924 Saigon cancel is usual on genuine­ where they exist. By this date, 246-251 B24-B30* sinking Fund Oct.31 1936 ly used copies. Since their known the stamps were in general dis­ use extended only from 1876 to tribution throughout al\ of the 253-255 B:n-B33 Sinking Fund Oct.3l 1936 1877, genuinely used copies must French Colonies and hence a 2ti6-2G8 B35-B37 Sinking Fund Oct.31 1936 great variety of cancellations can bear either of those dates. All 252 B27 Labor M~y 31 1933 others can be considered forg­ be found. ~ries. It is of interest to note in pass­ 256 B34 Smile of Heims Apr.15 1935 Contrary to the value indicated ing that fine mint specimens of 269 B38 French Provinces Mar.31 1936 in the Scott catalog, the 2 centime this set are really rarer than the 470- 473 413-416 Petain Nov. 1 1944 used is of comparable rarity to catalog indicates. The combina­ the 4 centiroes. Some French tion of extremely brittle paper, 505-525 427-447 Petain Nov. 1 1944 catalogs recognize this parity and crackly gum, and very careless 57li 8153 Petain Nov. 1 1944 price the respective stamps ac­ perforating, makes the possibility 580 B157 Petaln Nov. 1 1944 cordingly. of survival of fine copies some­ 606-608 B175-ll177 Petain Nov. 1 1944 Difficult To Locate what slim. In most cases speci­ The 15 centimes Ceres with mens will have only partial gum 505- 566 8147-8148 Tricolor Legion Nov. 1 1944 large figures of value is a particu­ thus resulting in thin spots, paper 584-586 B158-BltiO War Prisoners etc.Nov. 1 1944 cracks due to the age of the gum, larly dillicult stamp to locate es­ 719a 542A Marianne cfe Glllldon Ma r.31 1947 pecially in fine condition.
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