October 5, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 34881 tivltles, and for other purposes; to the Com­ LIARD, Mr. PELLY, Mr. AsHLEY, Mr. of llllnols, Mr. ScHEUER, and Mr. mittee on Science a.nd Astronautics. KEITH, Mr. DOWNING, Mr. DELLEN­ ScHWENGEL) : By Mr. PEPPER: BACK, Mr. ROGERS of Florida, Mr. H.R. 19581. A bill to amend the Clean Air H.R. 19570. A b111 to amend the Library POLLOCK, Mr. RUPPE, Mr. GOODLING, Act to provide for a more effective program to Services and Construction Act, and for other Mr. HATHAWAY, Mr. MCCLOSKEY, Mr. Improve the quality of the Nation's air; to purposes; to the Committee on Education FREY, Mr. HANNA, Mr. LEGGETT, and the Committee on Interstate and Foreign and Labor. Mr. JoNEs of North Carollna) : Commerce. By Mr. PEPPER (for himself, Mr. AN­ H .R. 19576. A bill to establish the National By Mr. FISH: DERSON Of Tennessee, Mr. MATSUNAGA, Advisory Committee on the Oceans and At­ H.J. Res. 1389. Joint resolution authorizing Mr. O'NEn.L of Massachusetts, and mosphere; to the Committee on Merchant the President to declare November 11 (also Mr. SISK): Marine and Fisheries. known as Veterans Day) as a National Day or H.R. 19571. A bill to promote the public By Mr. OLSEN: Support of United States Prisoners of War in welfare; to the Committee on Rules. H .R. 19577. A bill to make the provisions Southeast Asia; to the Committee on the By Mr. ROGERS of Florida: of the Vocational Education Act of 1963 ap­ Judiciary. H.R. 19572. A blll to amend the Public plicable to individuals preparing to be volun­ By Mr. PATMAN : Health Service Act to prohibit the discharge teer firemen; to the Committee on Education H .J . Res. 1390. Joint resolution to provide of elemental mercury and its compounds and Labor. an additional temporary extension of the Into any waters of the United States which By Mr. ROGERS of Florida (for him­ Federal Housing Administration's insurance directly affect the public health; to the Com­ self, Mr. JARMAN, Mr. KYROS, Mr. authority; to the Committee on Banking and mittee on Interstat e and Foreign Commerce. PREYER of North Carolina, Mr. NEL­ Currency. By Mr. SHIPLEY: SEN, Mr. CARTER, Mr. SKUBITZ, Mr. By Mr. BROOMFIELD: H.R. 19573. A blll to amend section 9 of HASTINGS, and Mr. BROWN Of Ohio) : H . Con. Res. 766. Concurrent resolution the Postal Reorganization Act to grant the H .R . 19578. A bill to protect the public regarding persecution of Jews in Russia; to retroactive pay increases provided tor postal health by amending the Federal Food, Drug, the Committee on Foreign Affairs. employees by such section to persons on the and Cosmetic Act to assure the safety, relia­ By Mr. BROWN of Michigan: rolls a.t any time in the periOd beginning bility, and effectiveness of medical devices; H. Con. Res. 767. Concurrent resolution June 30, 1970, and ending immediately be­ to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign expressing the sense of Congress with respect fore the date of enactment of such act but Commerce. to an International Conference on the crea­ who left the service before such date of By Mr. SYMINGTON: tion of an International Environmetal enactment; to the Committee on Post Office Agency; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. and Civil Service. H.R. 19579. A bill to Improve education in By Mr. PEPPER: By Mr. BOLAND (for himself and Mr. the United States; to the Committee on Edu­ H. Res 1234. Resolution on dismissal of CoNTE) : cation and Labor. professional air traffic controllers by the Fed­ H.R. 19574. A blll to authorize the esta b­ :ay Mr. TALCOTT (for himself and Mr. eral Aviation Admlnlstration; to the Com­ blishment of the Springfield Armory Na­ SISK): mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. tional Historic Site, Massachusetts, and for H.R. 19580. A bill to regulate and foster other purposes; to the Committee on Interior commerce among the States by providing a and Insular Affairs. uniform system for the application of sales PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. GRAY: and use taxes to Interstate commerce; to the H.R. 19575. A bill; National Publlc Em­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, ployee Relations Act; to the Committee on Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. WILLIAMS Introduced a bill (H.R . Education and Labor. By Mr. VANIK (for himself, Mr. BUT­ 19582) for the relief of Paulina Medrano By Mr. LENNON (for himself, Mr. TON, Mr. FASCELL, Mr. HECHLER Of Martinez, which was referred to the Com­ MosHER, Mr. GARMATZ, Mr. MAIL- West VIrginia, Mr. PODELL, Mr. PRICE mittee on the Judiciary. SENATE-Monday, October 5, 1970 The Senate met at 12 noon and was WAIVER OF THE CALL OF THE EXECUTIVE SESSION called to order by the President pro tem­ CALENDAR Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask pore (Mr. RUSSELL). Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate go The Chaplain, the Reverend Edward unanimous consent that the call of the into executive session to consider nom­ L. R. Elson, D.D., offered the following legislative calendar, under rule VIII, be inations on the Executive Calendar. prayer: dispensed with. There being no objection, the Senate 0 Thou, in whom we live and move and The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ proceeded to the consideration of exec­ have our being, we thank Thee for Thy out objection, it is so ordered. utive business. providential care which has brought us The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The to this new day. We thank Thee for nominations on the Executive Calendar work and that it may be done in concert ORDER FOR THE RECOGNITION OF will be stated. with men and women guided by high SENATOR EAGLETON TODAY ideals and committed to the making of a better Nation. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask AMBASSADORS Accept our dedication this day and unanimous consent that, pending the ar­ The assistant legislative clerk pro­ grant that we may so follow the selfless rival of the distinguished Senator from ceeded to read sundry nominations of ways of the Master that we may have a New York (Mr. JAVITS) , the distin­ ambassadors. measure of His divine mind and heart guished Senator from Missouri <Mr. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask and will. EAGLETON) be recognized for not to ex­ unanimous consent that the nominations In times of peril and uncertainty help ceed 15 minutes. be considered en bloc. us to lay hold of the eternal truth that The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ underneath are the everlasting arms and out objection, it is so ordered. out objection, the nominations are con­ Thou art our refuge and our strength. sidered and confirmed en bloc. And to Thee shall be the praise and the glory now and evermore. Amen. COMMITTEE MEETING DURING SENATE SESSION INTER-AMERICAN SOCIAL DEVEL­ OPMENT INSTITUTE Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask THE JOURNAL unanimous consent that the Subcommit­ The assistant legislative clerk pro­ Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I tee on Parks and Recreation of the De­ ceeded to read sundry nominations in ask unanimous consent that the reading partment of the Interior be authorized the Inter-American Social Development of the Journal of the proceedings of Fri­ to meet during the session of the Senate Institute. day, October 2, 1970, be dispensed with. today. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ un.animous consent that the nomina­ out objection, it is so ordered. out objection, it is so ordered. tions be considered en bloc. 34882 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE October 5, 1970. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ When private citizens need enormous Governor and Lieutenant Governor, to out objection, the nominations are con­ sums to run for public office, they must 7 cents per voter in the preceding elec­ sidered and confirmed en bloc. either possess extreme wealth or know tion? Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask where the big money is found and how Include party primaries in the spend­ unanimous consent that the President be to bargain for it. ing limitation as well as general elec­ immediately notified of the confirmation Apparently, Vice President AGNEW tions? of these nominations. knows. In the Maryland gubernatorial Allow States to impose similar restric­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ race, the Vice President of the United tions on spending for other States and out objection, it is so ordered. States reportedly asked the Chairman of local offices? the Federal Maritime Cominission, Mrs. It affects Democrats and Republicans Helen Bentley, to solicit contributions alike and goes a long way toward deal­ LEGISLATIVE SESSION for his old friend, C. Stanley Blair. Ac­ ing with a major question, indeed a ma­ Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, cording to the Septerr.ber 22 edition of jor challenge: How will we, this country, move that the Senate resume the con­ the Washington Post: decide who governs? sideration of legislative business. Mrs. Bentley acknowledged to reporters It is, I believe, an important first step The motion was agreed to, and the over the week-end that she had called offi­ toward solving a national problem, Senate resumed the consideration of leg­ cials of about 10 shipping firms that her which was eloquently stated by the dis­ agency regulates to tell them Agnew "was tinguished Republican Senator from islative business. personally interested In the election of C. stanley Blair." Kansas (Mr. PEARSON): We were all raised in the belie! that any ORDER FOR TRANSACTION OF ROU­ Is it acceptable in this country-dedi­ boy in America could eventually become TINE MORNING BUSINESS cated to fair play and equality of oppor­ President.
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