139°0'0"W 138°0'0"W 137°0'0"W 136°0'0"W 135°0'0"W 134°0'0"W 133°0'0"W 132°0'0"W 131°0'0"W 130°0'0"W 129°0'0"W 128°0'0"W 127°0'0"W 126°0'0"W 125°0'0"W 124°0'0"W 123°0'0"W 122°0'0"W 121°0'0"W 120°0'0"W 119°0'0"W 118°0'0"W 117°0'0"W 116°0'0"W 115°0'0"W 114°0'0"W 113°0'0"W 112°0'0"W 111°0'0"W 110°0'0"W 109°0'0"W 108°0'0"W 60°0'0"N C$3 C$4 !( Carcross S R I E TUTS !( O HI LAKE Fort Liard T Teslin !( R I R 59°0'0"N 2 Y T E Be C$ U K TATS nnett O N E S T HEN !( H W SH Lindem Watso R O R T INI- an ! n Lake NE ALSEK !( V COMMUNITY FIRST NATION COMMUNITY FIRST NATION COMMUNITY FIRST NATION GLAD 1 I PA Rainy H A T L I N YS T E S L I N C$ RK ollow LA !( !( KE R 100 MILE HOUSE Ca nim La ke Ind ia n Ba nd (Ts q'e s ce n’) GITSEGUKLA Gits e gukla Ind ia n Ba nd (Kits e gugkla ) PENTICTON Pe nticton Ind ia n Ba nd T P E Pleasa A G I Lower Post T nt Camp !( S H !(Smith River MAXHAMISH Rupert Taku L A K E I ABBOTSFOR D Suma s Firs t Na tion GITWINKSIHLKW Gitwinks ihlkw Villa ge Gove rnme nt PITT MEADOWS Ka tzie Firs t Na tion !( Surpr LAKE T !( !( ise D O V E R L A K T I Se a bird Is la nd Ind ia n Ba nd GOLD R IVER Mowa cha ht/Mucha la ht Firs t Na tion POPKUM Popkum Ind ia n Ba nd E !( R Enginee Atlin R !( r AGASSIZ A Ska wa hlook Firs t Na tion GOOD HOPE LAKE De a s e R ive r Ba nd Council Ditid a ht Firs t Na tion 59°0'0"N !( Coal River L A K Fireside !( I Sts ’a ile s Na tion (Che ha lis Ind ia n Ba nd ) GR ASMER E Toba cco Pla ins Ind ia n Ba nd Hupa ca s a th Firs t Na tion E L 77 Forks C$ AHOUSAHT Ahous a ht Firs t Na tion GR EENVILLE La xga lts 'a p Villa ge Gove rnme nt POR T ALBER NI Huu-a y-a ht Firs t Na tion !(Nelson C$97 ‘Na mgis Firs t Na tion HAINES JUNCTION, Y K Cha mpa gne a nd Ais hihik Firs t Na tions Ts e s ha ht Firs t Na tion ATLIN/A TE !( IX'GI AAN ALER T BAY NE'AH' Liard River Da 'na xd a 'xw/Awa e tla la Firs t Na tion (Ta na kte uk Ind ia n Ba nd ) HANCEVILLE Y une s it'in Firs t Na tion (Stone ) Uchuckle s a ht Tribe TLEIN PAR Jade C K ity CONS !( !( ERVANCY Kwicks uta ine uk/Ah-Kwa -Mis h Tribe s HAR TLEY BAY Ha rtle y Ba y Villa ge Council (Gitga 'a t) Gwa 's a la -'Na kwa xd a 'xw Na tion Good Hope L ake ALEXIS CR EEK Ana ha m Ind ia n Ba nd (Tl'e tinqox-t'in Gove rnme nt Office ) HAZ ELTON Gita nma a x Ba nd Council Kwa kiutl Ind ia n Ba nd !( McDame 58°0'0"N KOTCHO POR T HAR DY LAKE ALKALI LAKE Es k'e te mc Firs t Na tion HEDLEY Uppe r Similka me e n Ind ia n Ba nd Tla tla s ikwa la Firs t Na tion nake River !(S ANAHIM LAKE Ulka tcho Firs t Na tion Cha wa thil Ba nd (Hope ) Wuikinuxv Firs t Na tion (Owe e ke no) !(Defot As hcroft Ind ia n Ba nd Pe te rs Ba nd POR T MCNEIL Gwa wa e nuk Tribe !(Muncho Lake R ASHCR OFT I V E Old Fort Nelson Ore gon Ja ck Cre e k Ba nd HOPE Shxw'ow'ha me l Firs t Na tion POR T R ENFR EW Pa che e d a ht Firs t Na tion R Toad River !( !( !( !( igh Level Tulsequah A D elson ATLIN Ta ku R ive r Tlingit Firs!tH Na tion (Atlin Firs t Na tion) Union Ba r Ind ia n Ba nd POWELL R IVER Tla 'a min Na tion (Slia mmon) La O Fort N !( keton I V E Calliso !( R T !( n Ranch R Muskwa BAR R IER E Simpcw Firs t Na tion (North Thomps on R ive r) Y a le Firs t Na tion Kwa d a cha Na tion (Fort Wa re ) D EASE !( ke N w La !( 97 Steamboat Rainbo He ilts uk Na tion (Be lla Be lla Ind ia n Ba nd ) INVER MER E Shus wa p Ba nd Lhe id li-T'e nne h Firs t Na tion 58°0'0"N I C$ ! LAKE DENETIAH BELLA COOLA A mit Lake JU PARK Sum Nuxa lk Na tion (Be lla Coola Ba nd ) ISKUT Is kut Firs t Na tion PR INCE GEOR GE Ta kla La ke Firs t Na tion ! NEAU G Dea A Magnum Mine !( se Lake N !( Boothroyd Ind ia n Ba nd Tk'e mlúps te Se cwe pe mc (Ka mloops Ind ia n Ba nd ) Ts a y Ke h De ne U R Kahntah T B DUNE ZA KEYIH BOSTON BAR KAMLOOPS !( oulder City !( Bos ton Ba r Firs t Na tion Whis pe ring Pine s / Clinton Ind ia n Ba nd Y e kooche Firs t Na tion She PARK [A.K.A. !( slay Fontas FROG-GATAGA PARK] !( BR ENTWOOD BAY Ts a rtlip Firs t Na tion KELOWNA We s tba nk Firs t Na tion PR INCE R UPER T Me tla ka tla Firs t Na tion 37 M Saloon S T C$ U BUICK Blue be rry R ive r Firs t Na tions KER EMEOS Lowe r Similka me e n Ind ia n Ba nd QUALICUM BEACH Qua licum Firs t Na tion !( I S K RN ROCKY K Burns La ke Ind ia n Ba nd (Ts 'il Ka z Koh ) KINCOLITH Gingolx Villa ge Gove rnme nt (Kincolith) Ale xa nd ria Ind ia n Ba nd (?Es d ila gh Firs t Na tion) 57°0'0"N I NORTHE W N !( River K !( A Prophet Che s la tta Ca rrie r Na tion KINGCOME INLET Dza wa d a ’e nuxw Firs t Na tion (Ts a wa ta ine uk) Lhoos k'uz De ne Na tion (Klus kus Ind ia n Ba nd ) E A T R H QUESNEL ahltan E R R I V N BUR NS LAKE La ke Ba bine Na tion KISPIOX Kis piox Ba nd Council Lhta ko De ne Na tion (R e d Buff Ind ia n Ba nd ) !( 40 Mile Flat MOUNTAINS PARK I !( s V STIKINE T !( Telegraph Creek E R A Ne e -Ta hi-Buhn Ba nd KITAMAAT VILLAGE Ha is la Na tion (Kitima a t Villa ge Council) Na zko Firs t Na tion Glen ora !(Iskut RIVER PARK H KWADACHA We t's uwe t'e n Firs t Na tion (Broma n La ke ) Gitxa a la Na tion (Kitka tla ) R ISKE CR EEK Toos e y Ind ia n Ba nd (Tl'e s qox) MOUNT R Tatogga WILDERNESS I !( E V CACHE CR EEK Bona pa rte Ind ia n Ba nd KITKATLA Gita nyow He re d ita ry Chie fs R OSE PR AIR IE Doig R ive r Firs t Na tion DZIZA PARK !(Trutch !( E R Jac PARK Hyl E Homa lco (Xwe ma lhkwu) Ind ia n Ba nd Gitwa nga k Ba nd Council (Kitwa nga ) R OSEDALE Che a m Firs t Na tion ksons !( and Post I V R 57°0'0"N SPATSIZI R Kwia ka h Firs t Na tions KLEMTU Kita s oo/Xa i'xa is Ba nd Council (Kle mtu) R OSS R IVER , Y T R os s R ive r De ne Council Y PLATEAU A Ma ma lilikulla Firs t Na tion KY UQUOT Ka :'yu:'k't'h'/Che :k:tle s 7e t'h' Firs t Na tion (Kyoquot) SAANICHTON Ts a wout Firs t Na tion L CAMPBELL R IVER WIL REDFERN-KEILY DERNE N SS PARK Kwadacha PARK inghorse River Tlowits is Na tion LADY SMITH Stz'uminus Firs t Na tion (Che ma inus ) Skowka le Firs t Na tion I !( !(Buck SAR DIS F !(Mason Creek We Wa i Ka i Firs t Na tion (Ca pe Mud ge Ind ia n Ba nd ) LAKE COWICHAN La ke Cowicha n Firs t Na tion Y a kwe a kwioos e Firs t Na tion ni Chief We Wa i Kum Firs t Na tion (Ca mpbe ll R ive r Ind ia n Ba nd ) LAKE ER R OCK Scowlitz Firs t Na tion SAVONA Ske e tche s tn Ind ia n Ba nd (De a d ma n's Cre e k) !(Sikan CAR CR OSS Ca rcros s /Ta gis h Firs t aNnantinogn LANTZ VILLE Sna w-Na w-As Firs t Na tion (Na noos e ) SECHELT Se che lt Ind ia n Ba nd !M Ad a ms La ke Ind ia n Ba nd LAX KW'ALAAMS La xkw'a la a ms Ind ia n Ba nd SHALALTH Se ton La ke Ba nd (Ts a l'a lh) 56°0'0"N V E R Pink Mountain A I !( L S A Y R patou CHASE Little Shus wa p La ke Ind ia n Ba nd Brid ge R ive r Ind ia n Ba nd (Nxwis te n) Pa uqua chin Firs t Na tion A !( W Pres S K TATLATUI PARK F Boring Ranch !( SIDNEY Bob Qu E L 97 !( K inn H A !( Altona Ne s konlith Ind ia n Ba nd Ca yoos e Cre e k Ba nd (Se kw'e l'wa s ) Ts e ycum Firs t Na tion A !(Fowler E C$ Lake N THUTADE Tsay Keh Dene Ha la lt Firs t Na tion LILLOOET T'it'q'e t (Lillooe t Ind ia n Ba nd ) SIK-E-DAKH Gle n Vowe ll Ind ia n Ba nd (Sik-e -Da kh) N A !( Brady Ranch LAKE !( Buick Stikine A R !( !( S I Wonowon CHEMAINUS Bell II V tton Ranch !( Lya cks on Firs t Na tions Ts 'kw'a yla xw Firs t Na tion SKIDEGATE Skid e ga te Ba nd Council !( S Bea E !( R Doig River !( Pe ne la kut Ind ia n Ba nd Xa xli'p Firs t Na tion (Founta in) SMITHER S Morice town Ba nd Ad minis tra tion R !( !( I h obes born !( V a Mine Simpson Ranc !( K Os CHETWY ND Sa ulte a u Firs t Na tions LOWER POST Lia rd Firs t Na tion Scia 'ne w Firs t Na tion (Be e che r Ba y) E Ingenik SOOKE 56°0'0"N R airie Ranch Rose Pr !( er Ranch !( Halfway h Pine CHILANKO FOR KS Ale xis Cre e k Firs t Na tion (Ts i De l De l)e River Ka na ka Ba r Ind ia n Ba nd T'Sou-ke Na tion (Sooke ) Wagn !( !(Nort !Peac CHASE !( /2 Aitche litz Ba nd Lytton Firs t Na tion SOUTHBANK Skin Tye e Ba nd Fifth Cabin PARK !( Mile 62 1 ! SUSTUT Federal Ranch ke !( Cecil La 64 Kwa w-kwa w-a -pilt Firs t Na tion LY TTON Nicome n Ind ia n Ba nd SPENCES BR IDGE Cook's Fe rry Ind ia n Ba nd PARK !( C$ mshaw RT ST.
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