
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 146 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2000 No. 118 Senate (Legislative day of Friday, September 22, 2000) The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. on the RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING everywhere. The church has expanded expiration of the recess, and was called MAJORITY LEADER and grown in so many different ways to to order by the President pro tempore The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. bless the community. He served as a (Mr. THURMOND). BROWNBACK). The acting majority lead- leader on the Board of Global Min- er is recognized. istries of the United Methodist Church PRAYER Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, it is and always fought aggressively to en- The guest Chaplain, Dr. Karl Ken- my privilege to yield to the distin- sure that every dollar contributed, as I neth Stegall, First United Methodist guished Senator from Alabama, so he have heard him say, from the small, in- Church, Montgomery, AL, offered the might introduce for the RECORD, com- dividual church men and women, was following prayer: ments concerning our visiting Chap- spent wisely and effectively. He is loved by all, but he has courage Let us bow in prayer: lain. Almighty God, Judge of all nations, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- and is willing to speak forcefully. He we offer You today our heartfelt ator from Alabama. recently delivered a sermon when Ala- thanks for the good land which we have bama was considering whether or not f to adopt a lottery. He questioned the inherited. We praise You for all of the wisdom of having the State encourage noble souls who in their own day and THE GUEST CHAPLAIN, DR. KARL people to invest their money in random generation did give themselves to the KENNETH STEGALL chances to be rich. That sermon was call of liberty and freedom, counting Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, it has been an honor to be with Dr. Karl received very well, passed all over the their own lives not dear, but giving all State, and the State eventually re- devotion to establish a land in the fear Stegall this morning and to be blessed by his prayer. He is pastor of the First jected that choice. of the Lord. His wife, Brenda, and he have been United Methodist Church of Mont- More especially today, we thank You partners throughout their ministry, gomery, AL. First Methodist is one of for the Members of this United States and they have two daughters. He is a the great Methodist churches in Ala- Senate. Enlarge their vision, increase beloved minister by his congregation, their wisdom, purify their motives. We bama, and, in fact, of all of Methodism. by his fellow ministers, and respected would not ask You to bless what they It has had two of its pastors become by all in the community. do, but we would rather ask that they United Methodist bishops. Indeed, Karl He is a Christian clergyman of the shall do what You can bless. himself was endorsed by the 600 pastors finest kind. While he would have been May they see that in all they do they and 600 laity of the Alabama-West successful in any profession, he chose are acting in Your stead for the well- Florida Conference for the Episcopality to give his life to the greatest profes- being of all of the citizens of this great several years ago. sion. Nation. May they have a lively sense of Karl grew up in rural Alabama, not By his fine prayer today, we are serving under Your divine providence too far from where I did. It is consid- blessed. By his life and ministry, the and a holy remembrance that where ered to be a poor county, and a poor people of his church have been blessed. there is no vision, Your people perish. area, but not poor in things that mat- And by his presence today he serves as Let them always remember that they ter. He even came over to Camden once a recognition of the constant and su- serve a public trust far beyond personal and won the beef competition with the perb service delivered by tens of thou- gain or glory, and may they always ac- FFA. sands of ministers throughout this Na- knowledge their dependence upon You. But he has not forgotten his heritage. tion who daily enrich the lives of their Amen. He has served in his career at First parishioners; who serve them in times United Methodist Andalusia, First f of illness and sickness; who minister to Bonifay, Whitfield Memorial, and was them in times of emotional stress, di- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE district superintendent. For the last 18 vorce, and all kinds of family chal- The Honorable SAM BROWNBACK, a years, he has been pastor of First lenges; who celebrate with them mar- Senator from the State of Kansas, led Methodist. riages and births. Those thousands and the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: It has been a heavenly match. That thousands of ministers who do that I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the great gothic church, with its soaring daily are not run by the Federal Gov- United States of America, and to the Repub- ceiling and buttresses and superb choir, ernment. They are not paid by this lic for which it stands, one nation under God, has blossomed under his leadership. At- Government, but they are there, serv- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. tendance has grown. Young people are ing their faith and their Lord. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S9405 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:39 Dec 04, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2000SENATE\S28SE0.REC S28SE0 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9406 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 28, 2000 So we are, indeed, delighted to have on the fiscal year 2001 bills. The energy There has been no time charged with us today one of our finest Chris- and water bill was filed last night and against the Senator from West Vir- tian ministers in the State of Alabama, should be taken up in the House later ginia. Dr. Karl Stegall. today. Work is nearly completed on the Mr. BYRD. I thank the Chair. I thank the Chair. Interior appropriations bill, and the Mr. President, to begin with, I should say that I intend to support the short- f conference on the Transportation bill will meet later today. I want to assure term continuing resolution. I think it SCHEDULE all of our colleagues of our determina- is very important that we do so. But I have reserved this time for the purpose Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I wish tion to complete the work of the Ap- of expressing concerns about what is to make this statement for the leader. propriations Committee within the happening to the Senate and, in par- Today, the Senate will immediately next week, to meet the target adjourn- ticular, what is happening to the ap- begin consideration of H. J. Res 109, ment date of Friday, October 6. propriations process. Several of my the continuing resolution. Under the Hopefully, this will be the only CR colleagues will join me as we move previous agreement, there will be up to needed for the remainder of the consid- through the morning and the after- 7 hours for debate with a vote sched- eration of the appropriations bills for noon. I shall do so without, of course, uled to occur after the use of the time the fiscal year 2001. pointing my finger of criticism at any or after the yielding back of the time. A second continuing resolution may, however, be needed to ensure the Presi- Senator, naming any Senator. I merely After the adoption of the continuing want to talk about what is happening resolution, the Senate will proceed to a dent has the required period that the Constitution gives him to review the to our Senate, its rules, its processes. cloture vote in regard to the H–1B visa And I intend to abide by the rules con- bill. Therefore, Senators can expect at bills that are passed by the House and Senate as conference reports once they cerning debate. I say that at the start. least two votes during this afternoon’s Mr. President, section 7, article I, of are presented to the President. session of the Senate. the U.S. Constitution, states: ‘‘All bills Mr. President, we are in a difficult As a reminder, tomorrow evening is for raising revenue shall originate in situation this year because we are ad- the beginning of Rosh Hashanah. the House of Representatives; but the journing this evening and will not be Therefore, the Senate will complete its Senate may propose or concur with here through the full period of Sep- business today and will not reconvene amendments as on other bills.’’ until Monday, October 2, in observance tember. We will miss 2 days of the time Let me quote again the last portion of this religious holiday. we would otherwise have to complete of section 7, article I: ‘‘but the Senate our work. Therefore, it is necessary f may propose or concur with amend- that the Senate approve this con- ments as on other bills,’’ meaning the RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME tinuing resolution. Senate may propose or concur with The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under I urge the Senate to do so and we will amendments on any bill, whether it is the previous order, the leadership time strive to complete our work within the a revenue bill or otherwise.
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