SVETLA SLAVEVA-GRIFFIN Department of Classics, Florida State University, 205 Dodd Hall 64 University Way, PO Box 32306-1510, Tallahassee, FL 32306–1510 [email protected] EDUCATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL HISTORY EDUCATION Ph.D. in Classics, University of Iowa 1994–2000 M.A. in Classics, University of Iowa 1992–94 B.A./M.A. in Classics, University of Sofia, Bulgaria 1986–92 National School for Ancient Languages and Civilizations, Sofia, Bulgaria 1981–86 ACADEMIC POSITIONS Associate Professor, Department of Classics, Florida State University 2009–present Courtesy Appointment, Department of Religion, Florida State University 2009–present Core Faculty, History and Philosophy of Science Program, FSU 2011–present Associate Chair, Department of Classics, Florida State University 2014–2019 Associate Chair, Department of Classics, Florida State University 2010–2012 Assistant Professor, Florida State University 2001–08 Instructor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville 2000–01 Adjunct Instructor, University of Iowa 2000 Teaching Assistant, University of Iowa 1993–2000 Research Assistant, University of Iowa 1992–93 Tutor for the Office of Learning Support, University of Iowa 1992 SLAVEVA-GRIFFIN 2 RESEARCH AWARDS Recipient of Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers 2013–14 Recipient of FSU Developing Scholar Award 2012 Seashore Dissertation Year Fellowship, University of Iowa 1999–2000 Bernice Sims Research Travel Award, University of Iowa 1998 Gold Medal and Magna cum Laude, National School for Ancient Languages and 1986 Civilizations, Sofia, Bulgaria PUBLISHING AWARDS Routledge 2015 Outstanding Academic Title in Philosophy for P. Remes and S. Slaveva-Griffin, The Routledge Handbook of Neoplatonism, Routledge 2014 Choice’s Essential Academic Title 2015 for P. Remes and S. Slaveva-Griffin, The Routledge Handbook of Neoplatonism, Routledge 2014 TEACHING NOMINATIONS AND AWARDS Recipient of SCS Excellence in the Teaching of Classics at the College Level Award 2020 Recipient of Certificate of Distinction, FSU Office of Distance Learning 2014 Nominated for FSU Graduate Teaching Award 2011 Nominated for FSU Undergraduate Teaching Award 2009 Nominated for FSU Graduate Teaching Award 2007 Recipient of FSU Undergraduate Teaching Award 2006 Nominated for FSU Undergraduate Teaching Award 2005 Nominated for FSU Undergraduate Teaching Award 2003 Nominated for FSU Undergraduate Teaching Award 2002 Recipient of Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award, University of Iowa 1996 SLAVEVA-GRIFFIN 3 ADVISING NOMINATIONS Nominated for FSU Graduate Advisor Award 2017 Nominated for FSU Undergraduate Advising Award 2012 Nominated for FSU Honors Thesis Mentor Award 2008 Nominated for FSU Graduate Advisor Award 2007 Nominated for Superior Honors Teaching Award 2004 GRANTS: EXTERNAL Recipient of Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers 2013–14 Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine, University College London 2008 GRANTS: INTERNAL FSU College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Travel Faculty Award 2019 FSU Provost’s Faculty Travel Award 2018 FSU Council on Research and Creativity, COFRS Grant 2016 FSU Undergraduate Research Grant 2014 FSU Council on Research and Creativity, COFRS Grant 2011 FSU Provost’s Faculty Travel Award 2008 FSU Council on Research and Creativity, COFRS Grant 2008 FSU Council on Research and Creativity, Planning Grant, Firestone Library, Princeton 2007 University FSU Council on Research and Creativity COFRS Grant (declined) 2007 FSU ODDL Direct Grant for development of an online course on ancient science and 2005 medicine SLAVEVA-GRIFFIN 4 FSU Faculty Senate Library Committee Grant Award for Greek and Latin Medical Sources 2003 FSU Faculty Development Workshops Grant 2003 FSU Faculty Senate Library Committee for Greek and Latin Primary Sources 2002 FSU First Year Assistant Professor Summer Grant 2002 SCHOLARSHIP DISSERTATION AND THESES Ph.D. Dissertation “Ennead VI.6: The Concept of Multiplicity as Number in Plotinus’ Universal Hierarchy” M.A. Thesis “Frequency, Indexing and Attempt on Glottometric Analysis of Plotinus’ Enneads” BOOKS S. Slaveva-Griffin, Plotinus on Number, Oxford University Press, 2009 S. Slaveva-Griffin, Neoplatonism and the Art of Medicine, under review EDITED VOLUMES S. Slaveva-Griffin and I. Ramelli, eds., Lovers of the Soul, Lovers of the Body: Philosophical and Religious Perspectives in Late Antiquity, Center for Hellenic Studies: Hellenic Studies Series, Harvard University Press (Forthcoming, June 2020) P. Remes, S. Slaveva-Griffin, eds., The Routledge Handbook of Neoplatonism, Routledge, 2014 WORKS IN PROGRESS S. Slaveva-Griffin, Plotinus: Ennead VI.6: “On Numbers.” Translation with an Introduction and Commentary, under contract with Parmenides Press (completion October 2020) SLAVEVA-GRIFFIN 5 ARTICLES “Platonists and their Lives,” in Ancient Biography: Identity through Lives, F. Cairns and T. Luke eds., Papers of the Langford Latin Seminar 17 (2018) 249–271. “Socrates’ Debt to Asclepius: Physicians and Philosophers with Asclepian Souls in Late Antiquity,” Numen 63.2–3 (2016) 167–195. “Is There Philosophy after Aristotle?,” in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 44 (2013) 154–9. “Medicine in the Life and Works of Plotinus,” Papers of the Langford Latin Seminar 14 (2010) 93–117. “Unity of Thought and Writing: Enn. 6.6 and Porphyry’s Arrangement of the Enneads,” CQ 58.1 (2008) 277–85. “Philosophy and Myth: Review of Recent Scholarship,” in Philosophy and the Longing for Myth, H. Tarrant and R. Benitez, eds., in The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, 12.2 (2007) 247–50. “’A Feast of Speeches:’ Form and Content in Plato’s Timaeus,” Hermes 133.3 (2005) 312–27. “Of Gods, Philosophers, and Charioteers: Content and Form in Parmenides’ Proem and Plato’s Phaedrus,” TAPA 133.2 (2003) 227–53. “Literary Form and Philosophical Exegesis: Plotinus’ Utilization of Plato’s Cosmology,” AncW 34.1 (2003) 57–66. CHAPTERS “At the Crossroads of Two Pathways,” in Lovers of the Soul, Lovers of the Body, S. Slaveva-Griffin and I. Ramelli, eds. Center for Hellenic Studies: Hellenic Studies Series, Harvard University Press (Forthcoming, June 2020) “Reconsidering the Body: From a Tomb to a Sign of Soul,” in Lovers of the Soul, Lovers of the Body, S. Slaveva-Griffin and I. Ramelli, eds. Center for Hellenic Studies: Hellenic Studies Series, Harvard University Press (Forthcoming, June 2020) “Moving Forward,” in Lovers of the Soul, Lovers of the Body, S. Slaveva-Griffin and I. Ramelli, eds. Center for Hellenic Studies: Hellenic Studies Series, Harvard University Press (Forthcoming, June 2020) “Herakles’ Thirteenth Labor,” in At the Crossroads of Greco-Roman History, Culture and Religion: Papers in Memory of Carin M.C. Green, S. W. Bell and L. Holland, eds. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2018: 1–17. SLAVEVA-GRIFFIN 6 “Neoplatonic Views on Madness and Madness,” in The Concept of Madness from Homer to Byzantium: Manifestations and Aspects of Mental Illness and Disorder, H. Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, ed., Amsterdam: Hakkert Publishing, 2016: 277–297. “Argumentum ex Silentio: Religion in Heliodorus’ Aethiopica,” in Early Christian and Jewish Narrative: The Role of Religion in Shaping Narrative Forms, I. Ramelli and J. Perkins eds., Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015: 303–25. “Tracing the Untraceable: Plotinian Motifs in the Pseudo-Galenic De Spermate,” in Neoplatonic Questions, José M. Zamora Calvo, ed., Berlin: Logos Verlag, 2014: 9–42. “Between the Two Realms: Plotinus’ Pure Soul,” in Greek Religion: Philosophy and Salvation, V. Adluri, ed., in the series Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten, de Gruyter (2013) 313–42. “Trial by Fire: An Ontological Reading of Katharsis,” in Gnosticism, Platonism and the Late Ancient World, K Corrigan, T. Rasimus eds., Brill (2013) 525–42. “Contemplative Ascent as Dance in Plotinus and Rūmī,” in Religion and Philosophy in the Platonic and Neoplatonic Traditions, K. Corrigan, J.D. Turner, P. Wakefield, eds., Sankt Augustine: Akademia Verlag (2012) 195–212. HANDBOOK AND COMPANION CHAPTERS “Byzantine Medical Encyclopedias and Education” in Oxford Handbook of Science and Medicine in the Classical World, P. T. Keyser and J. Scarborough eds. (2018) 965–986. “Nature and the Divine” in A Companion to Science, Technology, and Medicine in Ancient Greece and Rome, G. L. Irby, ed., Wiley-Blackwell Publishers (2016): vol. 1: 60–75. “Number in the Metaphysical Landscape” in The Routledge Handbook of Neoplatonism, P. Remes and S. Slaveva-Griffin, eds. London: Routledge, 2014: 200–15. BOOK REVIEWS P. E. Pormann, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Hippocrates. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018, Classical Journal (forthcoming). D. J. Yount, Plato and Plotinus on Mysticism, Epistemology, and Ethics. London: Bloomsbury 2017, Journal of the History of Philosophy 56.1 (2018) 172–173. A. Smith, Plotinus, Ennead I.6, On Beauty. Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing 2016, The Classical Review 67.2 (2017) 374–376. SLAVEVA-GRIFFIN 7 J. Henderson Collins II, Exhortations to Philosophy: The Protreptics of Plato, Isocrates, and Aristotle. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press 2015, Classical World 109.3 (2016) 433–4. P. Kalligas, The ‘Enneads’ of Plotinus: A Commentary, Volume 1, trans. by Elizabeth Key Fowden and Nicolas Pilavachi. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 98.2 (2016) 231–4. D. Yount, Plotinus the Platonist: A Comparative Account of Plato and Plotinus’ Metaphysics. London: Bloomsbury, 2014, Classics Ireland 19–20 (2012–2013)
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