• · Friday, November 27, 1953 THE ·ISRAELITE PRESS .Page 3 Ezra . Chapter ol lbda-b 'lrU1 llhs. Cbfre Febenfdd, of N­ ':·:"S' m~t at :US Monday af. tenoon. IYort, mernber of'Natlonal Women'a No,. 30. 1n ll'\<'11 'IS'ih headquarters. DlvWon, Stnte of Israel Bonds. All Personally 'nme Bldg_ Guest ~er will be Hadasssh members inrlted. ' ! ClernmanWOlllol"Bketea­ ·-speaking· Keren Hatarbut Organization of Winnipeg ~ kUen wtUI·. dlltmed ~ .-a lletwft!D 1be ace ~-. WED-The engagement announces Watch Repair 5-rYlca ot 31-411 of - n!aMl+cd b-. is announced of Molly Albert. AU. WOIIA GUAJIANffZD Pl- wrffe fllJJ ddaU- 1o Ba ll!lllt,hndffePr-. daughter of l\lrs. Minnie Al­ ·- ff.Ziff ...... 1N MAUI IT. WllfNl,.CI~ · bert and the. late Mr. David Albert, to Max, son of Mr. FREE ADULT HEBREW CLASSES and Mrs. H. Press111an. The FOR BEGINNERS wedding to take place Dec. 27, Brantffal flll'D.lsheil 1-rNID For Ex-pert Cleaning in· Rosh Pina Synagogue. 'lo take place ....,h Thursday, 8. p.m. to 9 p.m. al the j dllpln dowmtaln to Ahlri from at a Saving I • • • TAL.'llJD TORAB-.'1ATUESON & POWERS ,-Dt«mber1m&Ullla7U. 1'hmse CALL A DAUGHTER - Mr. and ! P..WL Mrs. Joel l\lallin are receiving Rt,rlslratlon ~90 Davis Cleanen 1 congratulations on the birth To Rt,ghter Phone Hillel Foundation, 9!·2639 of a daughter, Ruth Gay. on EXPERT1.N :tlBS. S. KBU,,"DLE (left), memhenhlp chalnnan, and MRS.' . ·;=.:=.==;::::::;I Nov. 15. A sister for Barry MRS. H. YAFFA. will be co­ DRY CLEANING V. ROSENFIELD (rlghi), Opportunlty Shop chalnnan, joined . and Hart. - ~.onvenor with Mrs. Joseph Wilder FOR RENT th.la week In urgln,: Wlnnlpe,: M>IDeD to attend the flnt amiual Phone 3-3003 • •• • of the Awards Plmd Coffee Party I Opportuntty Shop lllformal Faahlon Show which ·will be f~ • A !-room nlle sal&able for to be held by. Jewish Women"s 79 Sherbrook St.. Winnipeg at National CoUDcll of olewhh Women's Allllual Rally Day Tea, ENGAGED-llr'. and lUrs. N. JOU11S eoaple or two boys. Firm­ Musical Club from 1,30 to 6 p.m. be held · trom 2 II p.m. this Tlleada7, Dec. l, In T. Eaton Selchen announce the engage­ This Monday Night is Isbell U desired. to to Sunday. Dec. 13. at the home of Company assembly halL IDfonnal showing of Opportunity Shop AppJ7 U3 BoJd ATenae ment of their daughter, Leah, Dr. and Mrs. I. ,Pearlman_. Phone 5Z-S033 merebandbe will .start· at 3:111 p.m. Tbe annual membenhlp to James, eldest son of l\lr. RESERVED atlafr Also wfU feature a aale 11f hom&-e00klng. and l\irs. Louis Krikun, of FOR YOU Brooklyn, N.Y. The wedding TO LET. to take .place in June, in New Two large rooms, -very nicely rum­ -To Hear­ lshed. Machray Ave., east of Main. SMART PEOPLE Y:ork. Phone 52-6371. .,.,,,11 cAJUU : BUY . ' . DR. BERNARD m Port.Ice A•;,,. Phone S-77%7 ~ I ENGAGEI\IENT -. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Illume announce I . ·. .AT the engagement of their only Mr. and-Ml'8. (HERRICK daughter, Audrey, to l\lr. H. S C H. U L MA N Brilliant - Renowned 59-4444 ~r Donald Weidman, son of Mr. wish to ,announce the and Mrs. Bert ,veidman. The Scholar Analyst Phone 5 2-6 611· 310 DONALD sT. wedding to take place Dec. 29, BAR MITZVAH _ Orator in Rosh Pina Synagogue. of their son ADOLPH'S Phone 92-3404 . • • • l PERRY in a Timely Address on ' CANADA'S lt'INES'l' ENGAGED-Mr. and Mrs. M. SATURDAY, DEC. 12 ! - FLOWER SHOP B. Marantz announce the en­ "CHALLENGE AND T A X I gagement of their youngest at 9 a.m. at the · SHAAREY ZEDEK OPPORTUNITY" DB. BERNA.llD CBERBICK I daughter, Toby Elaine, . to Of lh• Hebrew Unlvtnlty, Jerusalem PIW~~~TEOOS 1I POP CORN Gordon Pollock, son of Mr. SYNAGOGUE 24·Hour Service I 1»0P IT QUICK•MSV and Mrs. J. Pollock. The wed­ RecepUon Saturdn:, Night in V.M.H.A.· COMMUNITY CENTRE AUDITORIUM · at p.m. at the Cor. Salter & &Jf.....,,..., Wllllll-,... Y__,.. - ____....,1.i • ....,.,, JOf.1YnML '"'",.., - .... ding to take placl.l in June, 9 11111&. ....., .._,,.,.et,.._,~ Nd. • • • Shaarey Zedek Auditorium THIS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 8.15 P.M. commentator at the gala Pre­ TO. WED-1\lr. ,and Mrs. J. NO CARDS Au1plcH: Wlnnlpelf Chapter, Canadian Frlanda of the Hebrew University Barish announce the engage­ FOR FINB Pt·), 5'1 Jr~ 1=1 miere F 11 s h I o n S h o w which MRS. M. J. ROSENBERG Ladles' Auxlllary of · Brandeis ment of their daughter, Sally, STATIONERY Lodge will stage In Hebrew Sick t9 Arnold Bookbinder, son of Benefit Hall at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, CATALOUUBb We olnat Received • Large $50 Prize Spurs Mrs. L. Bookbinder. The . Asaortment ·of Nov. 29, Organizers of the show wedding will take place Dec. ' ETO. GIFTS, NOVELTIES promise It wlll be "the outstand­ 27, in the Hebrew Sick Bene­ ing style event of the season,'' Mem/Jer Drive; EA TON'S for Frost Sh:ields OFFSET fit Hall JEWELRY featuring the latest In women's, • • • • COLOR CEREMONIAL OBJECTS girls' and chlldren•s clothing. Menorah Chaper of Hadassah will Draw at Fete ~ hold a Yonth Aliyah luncheon at, A Sl'ECIAIJff MENORAHS, CHAN UK.A Hadassah1s current membership tbQ, home of Mrs. Ill. Rusoff, 135 PHIL CDAFETZ CANDLES expansion drive, offering a $50 gift OALL Seven Oaks Ave., at 12 noon Wed­ r.ertlflcate at Donaldson's as a prize. 35c per box nesday. Dec. 2. will close officially at the Dec. 7 CHANUKAH CARDS • • • • COMET PRESS luncheon, slated for 12.30 noon, In BAR MIT'lV A Gll'TS Ladles Auxiliary of Brandeis Phones: 93-7147-03•90%1 Royal Alexandra Hotel. Lodge will hold their next meeting ETC. Mrs. M. J. Rosenberg, Winnipeg In- the form of a dinner at Moore's 269 JAJIIES &VltNUB Hadassah Membership chairman, Restaurant at 7 Thursday evening. B. MILLER reJ)Orted grallfying. results this Dec.. 3. A l\lr. and lllrs. Party will PEOPLE'S BOOK STORE week, and urged all members to be held at the home of Mrs. Geole "get In the running for the valu- 818 Main St. Winnipeg, 1!1an. Bokovsky, 422 McAdam Ave., on COMPLETE DOME able gl!t to be awarded." · Saturday, Dec. 5 •. FURNISHERS Eligible for the draw will be all • • • paid-up members who enrol new Minnie CburcbJD · Chapter of Royal Daulton Figurines and members. For each n~.v member. Badassah will hold a Dessert. Engll.sb Bone ·China enrolled, a chance will be offered Luncheon meeting at the home of ' Manitoba Hardware & In the draw for the prize.· M?· R. Kimmel, 21 St. Johns Ave,, , Install All Necessary Frost S_hields In Your Car Now Furniture· Company · The Dec. '1 lUDcheon will jointly on Monday, Nov. 30. Mrs. Regina mark the ClOS/! o! Winnipeg Hadas­ Klss111&D, ot X.Ondon, Eng., will be Be Prepared for Winter Driving ll4Z SlU,KIBK A VE. sah's current 'Youth Aliyah drive, guest speaker. Phone ISZ•4008 celebrating the movement's twen­ • • • I 6- \ ult Electric Defrosters, tieth anniversary. Branch 5, Peretz School Muter 12-Volt Electric Defrosters, 3 69 Fareln, will meet at 8.30 Monday I about 10 x 18 inches ,each .... • about 10 x 18 inches, each .... 3.59 ACCURATE W~SHJNG l\llrlam Chapter of Hadassah will evening, Nov. 30, at 418 Aberdeen I MRS. BELLA. CHOSLOVSKY meet at the home of l\lrs• Z. Israels, Ave. The children will present a l\lACHINE Rr..PAIRS, 11 • •• dlrector 136 Cathedral Ave .• at 2 Monday Chanukah program. ' See-Rite" Clear Glass Frost Shields afternoon, Nov. 30. :Mrs. Regina • • • Repairs for All Makes Omna Chapter of Pioneer Women KLssman, of London, Eng., will be 28 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 'Radio Drama' guest speaker. will hold the Annual Chanukah 6xl4 inches, pair .......................... 2.15 10x25 inches, each .................... 1.98 Party at 3 Sunday afternoon, Nov. Thin Gasket J.>lastic Shields that All Worlt. Guurantee<I 29, in Labor Zionist Center, 285 St. 8x12 inches, pair ........... : ... : .......... 2.38 New Washing Machines To Highlight Continued from Page 1 Johns Ave. permit the lowering of the win- 788 EIUce Ave. Phone 82-Z183 • • • 1 0x20 inches, pair ........................ 3.49 dow. 7xl3 inches, pair ............ 1.69 Rea. Pbone 72-8989 Arumal Channkah Party of Gen- 7x17 inches; pair ........................ 2,29 eral l\lonash Branch will be held 10x18 inches, pair ........................ 3.19 Dec. 7. Fete HEBREW'U' at 2.30 Sunday afternoon, Dec. 6, . Liquid Adhesive for applying Radio adaptation of Zelda Pop. 6x18 inches, pair .......................... 2.57 mass rally at 8.15 pm. this Monday In Hebrew Sick Benefit Hall. There glass frost shields to car win- kln•s widely hailed epic o! Israel's (Nov. 30), In YMHA Community will be movies. and favors and re­ dows, 2-oz. bottle ....... ............... 49¢ War of Liberation,• "Quiet Street," 12x22 inches, pair ........................ 4.15 Centre, where Dr. Cherrlck • will freshments will be provided for the Transparent Water-resisting for NORTHERN TAXI will be performed on Monday, Dec. speak on the topic "Challenge ·and children. The candles will be protecting frost shield gasket 7, at the $10 Youth Aliyah Rally, OpJ)Ortunlty." blessed by the rabbi and the cantor Side Vent Window Frost For Better Baki.ng culminating' the current year,'s from moisture seepage. • • New Phone Number Everyone 1nvlted will sing a Chanukah song, Jack Shields, pair ................ 1.59 to 2.28 drive, It was announced by Youth Mr. Justice Samuel Freedman, Segal heads the committee In 2-oz.
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