February 13, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E237 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN HONOR OF DINA MATOS THE GOOD SAMARITAN TAX ACT WOLF, Representative HOYER, Representative MCGREEVEY, RECIPIENT OF THE LANTOS, Representative WAMP, Representative HISPANIC AMERICAN GOOD HON. AMO HOUGHTON SLAUGHTER, Representative ADERHOLT and SCOUT AWARD OF NEW YORK Representative HASTINGS, this resolution ex- pressing the sense of the Congress that the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sharp escalation of anti-Semitism, including vi- HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ Thursday, February 13, 2003 olence, throughout the region of the Organiza- tion for Security and Cooperation in Europe, OF NEW JERSEY Mr. HOUGHTON. Mr. Speaker, today I am pleased to join my colleague from Georgia, OSCE, is of serious concern to the U.S. Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JOHN LEWIS, in introducing the ‘‘Good Samari- gress and the American people. We should tan Tax Act’’, a bill that has been introduced make a concerted effort in our respective Thursday, February 13, 2003 in three previous Congresses. Former Con- countries to end this disturbing trend. Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today gressman Tony Hall (OH), now our Ambas- Anti-Semitism is a disease that has bedev- to honor the outstanding accomplishments of sador to the United Nations Agencies for Food iled previous generations of Jews throughout Mrs. Dina Matos McGreevey, who was hon- and Agriculture, who originally initiated this the centuries and formed a black spot on human history. As the 20th century witnessed ored on February 7th at the Hispanic Amer- proposal, was a cosponsor of the prior bills the nadir of extreme violence against the Jew- ican Good Scout Award Dinner at the Robert and the leading advocate for feeding the less ish community and their institutions, we must Treat Hotel in Newark, New Jersey. fortunate. The purpose of the bill is to help meet the take extraordinary steps to ensure this plague The First Lady of New Jersey, Mrs. Matos demand for food for the needy. The end of the does not infect the 21st century to contami- McGreevey has been an exceptional member economic boom has increased the need for nate future generations. Yet our work is cut of her community and a true leader for New additional resources to feed the hungry. In out for us, as this past year Europe witnessed Jersey. Currently the executive director of the fact, as more and more citizens are removed a profound increase in vandalism against Jew- Columbus Hospital Foundation in Newark, from the welfare rolls, or lose their jobs, many ish cemeteries, synagogues and cultural prop- Mrs. Matos McGreevey has worked to create turn to food banks for help. erty, as well as mob assaults, fire bombings programs such as the Senior Health Improve- The bill would increase the incentives for and gunfire. This year already a Jewish rabbi ment Program, which provides free edu- restaurants, farms and other businesses in the was stabbed twice in his Paris synagogue by cational programs and screening for New Jer- food industry to donate food to food banks, an assailant. Thankfully, he was released from sey seniors. As a member of the Portuguese homeless shelters and other charitable organi- the hospital the same day. Certainly our own American Congress of New Jersey and former zations. The Internal Revenue Code actually country is not immune, as acts of vandalism president of the Portuguese American Con- discourages contributions because of the un- and violence continue to sporadically occur. gress—Continuing Political Committee, she or- certainty regarding the tax treatment of dona- As these incidents made graphically clear, si- lence is not an option when we are witnesses ganized voter registration drives and assisted tions of food as compared to donations of to insensitivity and violence. thousands to become American citizens and other inventory. The bill has been designed to correct that deficiency. The Helsinki Commission, which I co-chair registered voters. We believe this bill would remove the uncer- and on which Mr. CARDIN serves has taken Dina Matos McGreevey continues to dem- tainty and provide the necessary incentive for the lead in voicing concern and working for onstrate her compassion for improving New businesses to increase their food donations. real change. On May 22, 2002, the Commis- Jersey’s communities. She is currently a trust- This would be accomplished by adding a pro- sion held a hearing to raise specific attention ee of the Ironbound Association, the Salvation vision to Section 170(e) of the Code that to the growing problem of anti-Semitic vio- Army Ironbound Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs and would indicate that the fair market value of do- lence in the OSCE region. From that hearing Senior Center Advisory Board, and the Wom- nated food is determined, (1) without regard to a number of initiatives emerged. At the OSCE en’s Auxiliary of Columbus Hospital. Mrs. internal policies, lack of market, or similar cir- Parliamentary Assembly Annual Session in Matos McGreevey is also a participant in cumstances, whether the food cannot or will Berlin last July, I introduced and successfully United Way’s Celebrity Reading Program and not be sold, and (2) if applicable, by taking secured unanimous approval of a resolution is an honorary chair of the Special Olympics into account the price at which similar prod- denouncing anti-Semitism and calling for all Complex Committee, the Drumthwacket Foun- ucts are sold by the taxpayer at the time of OSCE governments to do more. Mr. Speaker, dation, the Bernard W. Gimble Multiple Scle- contribution. These have been points of con- for the RECORD, I submit the text of the OSCE rosis Comprehensive Care Center Annual troversy with the Internal Revenue Service, PA resolution. Fundraiser, and D.A.R.E. causing uncertainty as well as disincentives to In addition, the U.S. delegation co-spon- incur the administrative and other costs nec- sored an unprecedented special session with Mrs. Matos McGreevey has served as com- essary for the proper handling and preserva- the German delegation to further discuss the missioner of the Planning Board of the City of tion of food being donated. In addition, Section alarming trend with our fellow parliamentar- Elizabeth and treasurer of the Portuguese 170(e) would be amended to include busi- ians. In December, the Commission co-hosted American Scholarship Foundation and the nesses in addition to C corporations, as the here in Washington a parliamentary forum on Northern New Jersey Maternal/Child Health current law provides. anti-Semitism with German parliamentarians, Consortium’s Planning Committee, and has We hope our colleagues will join us in co- also attended by a prominent member of the been a member of the New Jersey Health sponsoring this legislation. Senate of Canada, Jerry Grafstein. At the con- Care Public Relations and Marketing Associa- f clusion of this event, myself and the German tion. She is a fellow of the United Way of co-chair, Gert Weisskirchen, signed a letter of Essex and West Hudson Project Leadership CONDEMNING ANTI-SEMITISM intent highlighting specific areas for further Class of 1999. work and pledging to enlist the support of other parliamentarians from OSCE partici- Dina Matos McGreevey and Governor HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH pating States. I have submitted a copy of the James E. McGreevey are the proud parents of OF NEW JERSEY letter of intent, for the RECORD. Jacqueline Matos McGreevey. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to introduce this Today, I ask my colleagues to join me in Thursday, February 13, 2003 resolution, and I am eager for the House to go honoring Mrs. Dina Matos McGreevey for her Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I on record in support, making sure both the exemplary service and dedication to the peo- am pleased to introduce, along with my col- Congress and our government are doing ev- ple and state of New Jersey. league Representative CARDIN, Representative erything possible to see an end to this ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Jan 31 2003 03:53 Feb 15, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13FE8.001 E13PT2 E238 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 13, 2003 scourge. I am especially pleased that the res- national authorities, including thorough in- together and consider the past experiences of olution calls for all OSCE participating States vestigation of anti-Semitic criminal acts, certain religious institutions in dealing with to ensure effective law enforcement and pros- apprehension of perpetrators, initiation of the experience of the Holocaust. appropriate criminal prosecutions and judi- H. Create an OSCE parliamentarian-based ecution of individuals perpetrating anti-Semitic cial proceedings; ‘‘Coalition of the Willing’’ to address anti- violence, as well as urging the parliaments of 14. Urges participating States to bolster Semitic propaganda that appears to be in- all participating States to take concrete legisla- the importance of combating anti-Semitism creasing rapidly in a number of OSCE part- tive action at the national level. In sum, I look by holding a follow-up seminar or human di- ner countries. Explore the possibility of forward to working with my colleagues to con- mension meeting that explores effective using the OSCE’s partnership with the south- tinue our steadfast efforts to see an end to measures to prevent anti-Semitism, and to ern and eastern Mediterranean countries for anti-Semitic violence. ensure that their laws, regulations, practices promoting this goal.
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