PERMANENT FILE. SEE PAGE 14 . HE MOVIES THE A m4/#*<£4M LEGION MAGAZINI AND THE AMERICAN LEGION LEGION SEE PAGE 11 . MAGAZINE ARE THEY RUINING OUR DOGS? 19 5 3 Remember, the poppy you buy ibis month belp* tbese men. If you like beer You'll Love Schlitz No harsh bitterness . Just the kiss of the hops This dry and mellow beer . this beer of matchless flavor ... is the world's largest seller. Year after year more bottles and cans of Schlitz are bought — millions more— than of any other beer. This popularity is the result of the most conclusive taste test in beer history. Schlitz is available in quart bottles, 12- ounce bottles and cans, and the 7-ounce bottle that holds just a glassful. Also in 24- Pak and handy 6-Pak cartons of cans and "one-way" bottles that require no deposit. The Beer that Made / Milwaukee Famous © 1953 — Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wis. 1913 CHEVROLET "Baby Grand" was one of the first of this make. Its 4-cylinder, valve-in- TODAYAS YESTERDAY head engine put out 24 h.p. A modest price of $750 to $1,000 helped make it a success. cars run their best on the best gasoline 1953 CHEVROLET offers a new 115-h.p. "Blue Flame" engine on all Powerglide models. Color-matched in- teriors and optional power steering are other new fea- tures for Chevrolets. 1907 APPERSON could do 90 mph in the days when people bragged of 45. But you had to pay $15,000 for one of these speedsters. The Apperson was the nearest thing to a racing car that you could get from a regular car dealer. IN 1913 an automobile buyer had scores of makes and models to choose from. But no matter what car he picked, he got very little power. Today, any make you choose has plenty of power. A modern high compression engine is designed to whisk your car up steep hills without effort ... to give you quick response in traffic . and to pro- vide the safety of reserve power. To make sure you get all the power your engine can deliver, fill your tank with "Ethyl' ' gasoline. It's the high octane 1931 LINCOLN, with a Derham custom body, is ETHYL gasoline that helps modern engines de- regarded by many to be the forerunner of to- CORPORATION velop top efficiency. Remember, there's day's "hard-top convertibles." The roof was a powerful difference between gasoline fabric -covered, and center posts between the New York 17, New York gasoline. windows folded down for an "open" feeling. tlhyl Antiknock lid., in Canada and "Ethyl" give your hair THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE thatJUST VOL. 54 No. 5 COMBED CONTENTS FOR MAY, 1953 ARE THEY RUINING OUR DOGS? 11 BY HENRY P. DAVIS If you love dogs you can't stay neutral on this. THE MOVIES AND THE AMERICAN LEGION 14 BY ROBERT B. PITKIN Resolving a dispute of long standing. May is the month of poppies, and this is a typical "greenhouse." Do you need another HOW TO PICK A SUMMER HOME 16 reason to wear one? BY ROBERT SCHARFF Don't let first appearances fool you. POSTMASTER: Please send copies returned under labels Form 3579 GERMANY TODAY 18 to Post Office Box BY WALDEN MOORE 1055, Indianapolis 6. Indiana. What is emerging from the ruins and rubble. The American Legion HIS TEAMS WIN AND WIN AND WIN 20 Magazine is the official publication of The Ameri- BY ED FITZGERALD can Legion and is owned The magic touch brought to Junior Baseball. exclusively by The Ameri- can Legion. Copyright 1953 by The American THE Legion. Published month- WELL-DRESSED SPORTSMAN 22 ly at 1100 W. Broadway, BY GEORGE H. WALTZ, JR. Louisville, Ky. Acceptance is said for tradition. for mailing at special rate There not much to be of postoge provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized Jan. HOW VETERANS STAND IN THE NEW CONGRESS ... 24 5, 1925. Price single copy, BY SAM STAVISKY 15 cents; yearly subscrip- tion, $1.50. Entered as These personalities are all important to you. second class matter June 30, 1948, ot the Pest Office at Louisville, Ky., THE LEGION IN PICTURES 26 under the Act of March big events little incidents. 3, 1879. Non-member sub- As the lens sees the and scriptions should be sent to the Circulation Depart- ment of The American THE NATIONAL LEGIONNAIRE 29-36 Legion Magazine, P. O. Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, Ind. Features EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES SOUND OFF! 4 ROD AND GUN CLUB . 28 Indianapolis 6, Indiana EDITORIAL AND EDITOR'S CORNER 6 NEWSLETTER 37 Because of Viralol— *a ADVERTISING special compound found PRODUCTS PARADE 8 PARTING SHOTS 64 Vaseline S80 Fifth Avenue onlyin 'Vaseline' Cream New York 36, N. Y. Cover by Walter Richards Hair Tonic—hair stays IIAIUTOMC WESTERN OFFICE in place, looks and feels 333 Noith Michigan Avenue Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not natural all day long. envelope is included. Chicago 1, Illinois be returned unless a selfracMressed, stamped Try it today—see if your friends don't notice difference in your the Please notify the Lewis K. Gough, National Commander, Indianapolis 'Vaseline' appearance. Circulation Depart- John Stelle, McLeons- E. Booth, Huntington, tin, Texas; Russell Lor- Cream Hair Tonic con- ment, Publications boro, Illinois, Chairman W. Va.; Roland Cocre- combe, Malta, Mont.; Legion Publica- hom. Baton Rouge, La.; George D. Levy, Sumter, tains Triple-A Lanolin, Division. P. O. Box of the Dan Clovis Copeland, Little S. C; Dr. Charles R. 10S5. Indianapolis, tions Commission; . Iowa; too . and it's homog- W. Emmett, Ventura, Rock, Ark.; Paul B. Logan, Keokuk, Indiana, if you have enized for easy llow. California, and Earl L. Dague, Downingtown, William P. Roan, Lorks- changed your ad- Meyer, Alliance, Ne- Po.; Josephus Daniels, ville, Penna.; Emmett dress, using notice braska, Vice-Chairmen. Jr., Raleigh, N. C; Sofoy, Jacksonville To form 22S which you Members of the Com- Dave H. Fleischer, St. Fla.; D. L. Sears, may secure from mission: Lang Arm- Louis, Mo.; Earl Hitch- ledo, Ohio; Harold A Newburgh your Postmaster. Be strong, Spokane, Wash.; cock, Glens Falls, N. Y; Shindler, Edgar Vaughan sure to cut off the George D. Baron, Herschiel L. Hunt, Aus- Ind.; G. address label on Bethany, Conn.; Charles St. Paul, Minn. Managing Editor your Magazine and Advertising Director Director of Publications Boyd B. Stutler paste it in the space Fred L. Moguire Vaseline James F. O'Neil A rt Editor provided. Always TRADE MARK (R) Marshall Adv. Mgr. give your latest New York, N. Y. Al Eastern Director A ssociate Editors William M DeVitalit membership card A ss't to Frank Lisiecki Robert B. Pitkin Wettern Adv. Afgr. number and both Editor Irving Herschbein your new and your H. J. Prussing, Jr. CREAM HAIR TONIC Joseph C. Keeley Manager old address. A dvisory Editor James F. Barton Detroit Adv. Rep. is the registered trade mark VASHLTNE Alexander Gardiner Indianapolis. Ind. John D. Gillman of the Chesebrough Mfg. Company, Cons'd 2 • The American Legion Magazine • May, 1953 Gmn/AgoiMt Throat-Scratch enjoy the smooth smoking of fine tobaccos_the finest quality money can buy Herts Mfoess You Cnh Mmum See how PALL MALL's greater length of fine tobaccos filters the smoke on the way to your throat Light a PALL MALL and notice how mild After 5 puffs of each cigarette your ...or 17 puffs, Pall Mall's greater PALL MALL's smoke becomes as it is fil- own eyes can measure the extra length length of fine tobaccos still trav- tered through PALL MALL's tradition- for extra mildness as the smoke of PALL els the smoke further — filters the ally fine mellow tobaccos. At the very MALL's traditionally fine tobaccos is smoke and makes it mild. PALL first puff you can enjoy PALL MALL's filtered further. Moreover, after 10 MALL gives you a smoothness, mildness cooler, sweeter smoking. puffs of each cigarette... and satisfaction noothercigaretteoffers. Otri$fQhdfhg...ahdiheyatetrM Copr. 1953, American Cigarette and Cigar Co., Inc. Wherever you go, notice how many people have changed to PALL MALL in the distinguished red package. 7r)e finest Quality Mohey Sound Off! tHHUt»l Writers must give name and address. Name withheld if re- quested. So many letters are being received it is not possible to promise answers. Keep your letters short. Address: Sound Off, The American Legion Magazine, 580 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N. Y. THANK YOU, SERGEANT of safety, as no doubt thousands of ob- serving GIs also noticed. Sir: I stationed in about 35 miles am Japan, Robert G. Durham west of Tokyo. Our unit has been taking Lexington, Ky. a very active part in the Korean campaign and has been ever since the beginning of T Our Art Editor has been found guilty this so-called police action. At the present and sentenced to open and close a rifle bolt 5,000 times. Editors time I am in a hospital and the reason I am writing is because I have less than 90 Sir: Second Division Post No. 860 has au- days to finish my tour over here and I want thorized me to write and thank you for to change my address so I will continue to the grateful honor bestowed on the "Sec- get the magazine when I get home. I am ond to None" Division by placing on the a of member William H. Bollman Post No. March cover a soldier wearing the insignia 158, Lebanon, Pa., and I consider The of this famous Division.
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