Boca Raton Dog Club Friday, March 12, 2021 Group Results Sporting Setters (Gordon) 5 BB/G1 GCHP CH Hollyhunt Not By Chance. SR83953002 Weimaraners 12 BB/G2 GCH CH Crosswinds Acadia Resting Beach Face. SR99885802 Retrievers (Golden) 75 BB/G3 CH Crescent Goldrox Worth His Wait In Gold. SS10839501 Vizslas 7 BB/G4 GCHP CH Firelight Citius Altius Fortius At Trublu. SR94528803 Hound Afghan Hounds 19 BB/G1 GCHB CH Ciel Vent Divin Of Schon Wald Jp. HP53950701 Beagles (15 Inch) 17 BB/G2 GCHB CH Fetch & Smell Jack Tripper. HP55721502 Whippets 32 BB/G3 GCH CH Karasar's Phenomenal. HP56450602 Ibizan Hounds 7 BB/G4 CH Abbaio Murcielago. HP58157207 Working Doberman Pinschers 34 BB/G1/BIS GCH CH Hierarch's Meant To Be V. Notori. WS60023405 Great Danes 35 BB/G2 GCHS CH Vztop Hillside Just Another Southern Gentleman. WS63042802 Portuguese Water Dogs 14 BB/G3 GCHP CH Torrid Zone Smoke From A Distant Fire BN RN CGCA CGCU TKN. Rottweilers 19 BB/G4 GCH CH Ivoss Absalom. WS62187704 Terrier Kerry Blue Terriers 5 BB/G1/RBIS GCHB CH Bluecrush Freedom And Whiskey!. RN31591901 West Highland White Terriers 7 BB/G2 CH Ashgate Star Gazer. RN35572601 Australian Terriers 7 BB/G3 CH Blue Moon Pop A Razzi. RN31679701 Lakeland Terriers 18 BB/G4 GCH CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Nanhall Mizzconceived. RN29607403 Toy Chihuahuas (Long Coat) 10 BB/G1 H&H Tallulah. TS44944601 Affenpinschers 11 BB/G2 GCH CH Hooray Henry V. Tani Kazari. TS37655201 Miniature Pinschers 6 BB/G3 GCHS CH Marlex Classy Finale. TS36166401 Chinese Cresteds 18 BB/G4 GCHG CH Kaylen's Vivid Imagination From Myangel-Cristall. TS40796001 Non‐Sporting Xoloitzcuintli 8 BB/G1 CH Sonadora Del Rey. NP54999102 Dalmatians 9 BB/G2 GCHS CH Finishline's Pleasure No Pressure Diamond C. NP41734703 Poodles (Miniature) 10 1/W/BB/G3 Madness's Wrapped In Ribbons. PR23065501 French Bulldogs 40 BB/G4 GCHB CH Robobull Fabelhaft Catara. NP53261001 Herding Pyrenean Shepherds 6 BB/G1 GCHG CH Isaby De Terra-Blue. DN36308502 Australian Shepherds 19 BB/G2 CH Limelite's Banking It. DN58830802 Miniature American Shepherds 11 BB/G3 GCHS CH Tanasi's Red Rover Red Rover. DN51838001 Bearded Collies 6 BB/G4 GCHB CH Ha'Penny Hot Stuff Lady Grace. DN49348401 Boca Raton Dog Club Friday, March 12, 2021 Owner Handled Group Results Sporting Spaniels (Cocker) Black 9 OHBB/OHG1 CH Seneca's I'Ve Been To The Mountaintop TKN. SS1416010 Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes 9 OHBB/OHG2 GCHB CH Harley De Hemert TT CGC TKA. SS01776706 Retrievers (Flat‐Coated) 5 OHBB/OHG3 Fossilcreek From Out Of The Deep Blu. SS13632408 Spaniels (English Springer) 6 OHBB/OHG4 Cerise Rendition Jazz Stands For Freedom. SS16807807 Hound Whippets 19 OHBB/OHG1 CH Phasion N Sportingfields Blessed To Excess. HP58927501 Salukis 8 OHBB/OHG2 Arabica Frida. HP60615201 Irish Wolfhounds 7 OHBB/OHG3 GCH CH Eagle Ridge Sir Ivan. HP58434101 Basenjis 11 OHBB/OHG4 CH Veramonte's True Grit TKN. HP58866706 Working Samoyeds 5 OHBB/OHG1/OHRBIS GCHG CH El-Al's Lord Of Thunder CA CGC TKA. WS46307701 Great Danes 33 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Vztop's Hillside Sweet Child O' Mine. WS63042801 Rottweilers 12 OHBB/OHG3 GCHB CH Big Beach's Powered By Star Bucks. WS60896206 Terrier Miniature Schnauzers 19 OHBB/OHG1/OHBIS CH Kelly Steele's One For All All For One. RN33888904 Dandie Dinmont Terriers 5 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Pennywise Hearthrob. RN28559001 Cairn Terriers 5 OHBB/OHG3 GCHS CH Nicairn Fearghas Dolaidh Hjo Got The Spirit FDC CAA American Staffordshire Terriers 10 OHBB/OHG4 Gomorra By Sq. RN34054701 Toy Pomeranians 5 OHBB/OHG1 Starfire's Do I Make You Sweat. TS39175202 Chinese Cresteds 15 OHBB/OHG2 CH Myangel Cristall The Beast Within. TS35203804 Biewer Terrier 14 OHBB/OHG3 Windsong's I Hope You Dance. TS41348202 Manchester Terriers (Toy) 20 OHBB/OHG4 CH Mystic Moon Haze. RN34861201 Non‐Sporting Keeshonden 5 OHBB/OHG1 GCH CH Pandora The Magnificent Seven. NP46947907 Bichons Frises 15 OHBB/OHG2 GCHB CH Solstice Stormbringer. NP36253101 French Bulldogs 40 OHBB/OHG3 GCHB CH Robobull Fabelhaft Catara. NP53261001 Xoloitzcuintli 6 OHBB/OHG4 CH Ivoss Gold Luxe. NP50402101 Herding Australian Cattle Dogs 15 OHBB/OHG1 GCH CH JDI Taylryder Its My Party @ Bcf. DN57707907 Shetland Sheepdogs 16 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Mytime Blue Magnolia. DN42631705 Australian Shepherds 15 OHBB/OHG3 CH Kinetic's Tumbling Dice AX OAJ CGC TKN. DN35824207 Collies (Smooth) 8 OHBB/OHG4 CH Tamiami's Abbey Road. DN55732503 Boca Raton Dog Club Friday, March 12, 2021 Judge: 90212 Roberto Velez‐Pico Brittanys Brittanys, Best of Breed 6 BB CH Triumphant's Serendipity. SR89734408 7/14/2015 Breeder: Linda McCartney/Kristyn Stout. Sire: GCHS CH Triumphant's Chances Are JH Dam: GCH CH Triumphant's Centerfold JH. Owner:Kristyn McCartney|David Stout. 8 AB CH Quail Trail's Watch Yourself. SS13055701 5/23/2019 Breeder: Kristina Rickard/Pam Scholey. Sire: GCH CH Mich's Mt Wolverine Dam: GCH CH Dream Hi's Wind In The Willows V Quail Hallow. Owner:Chelsea Rowe|Pam Scholey|Manuel Quintero. Judge: 90212 Roberto Velez‐Pico Lagotti Romagnoli Lagotti Romagnoli, Best of Breed 6 AB GCH CH Kan Trace Very Cheeky Chic. SS07657803 5/3/2018 Breeder: Sabina Zdunic Sinkovic/Kalecak Zdunic Sinkovic. Sire: Rowntree Ugo Unico Dam: Kan Trace Princess Viola. Owner:Victor Malzoni Jr|Sabina Sinkovic Zdunic|Ante Lucin.Agent: Phil Booth Judge: 90212 Roberto Velez‐Pico Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes, Open Dogs 5 1/W Hartenzoul's Elliptical Orbit Kepler CD BN RA SHDN CGC TKP. SR97205305 1/16/2017 Breeder: Margaret Aldridge. Sire: CH Cirtap's Unique Kapten V Indie-Z CM ACT2 CGC TKA Dam: Cirtap's Hertogin Ziel V Kila-N CD BN RA NAJ NF CA RATO DS DJ TKA. Owner:Debra Bundschuh. Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes, Best of Breed 6 OS Dreamcatchers Apple Of My Eye Jazz. SS15528701 10/26/2019 Breeder: Kimberley Layman. Sire: GCH CH Danny CM2 CD PCDX BN RA OA OAJ NF BCAT CGC TKN Dam: Cirtaps Prinses Flow V Micra-A DCAT CGC TKN. Owner:Kimberley Layman.Agent: Jessica Herzon 7 CH Cirtap's Unique Kapten V Indie-Z CM ACT2 CGC TKA. SR84971001 8/15/2014 Breeder: Birgitta Lindblad. Sire: Moonhaven Terrific Maroon Dam: Cirtap's Unique Indra Van Unika-K. Owner:Margaret Aldridge. 9 SEL GCHB CH Harley De Hemert TT CGC TKA. SS01776706 OHBB/OHG2 9/7/2017 Breeder: stan van hemert. Sire: Amazing Axel Van Den Iserman Hoeve Dam: Blaschke's Daizi. Owner:Yesenia Bravo. 10 SEL CH Sunshine's Twitch Of The Nose At Chambray. SS14811207 10/18/2019 Breeder: Yesenia Bravo. Sire: GCHB CH Harley De Hemert TT CGC TKA Dam: CH Foothills Breve Luna CGC. Owner:Jessica Herzon|Yesenia Bravo. 11 BB GCH CH Kessler. SS15565201 6/14/2019 Breeder: H A De Heus. Sire: Sam Dam: Romy. Owner:Merys Cook. Jessica Herson Judge: 28199 Mr. John S Contoupe Pointers Pointers, Bred‐By‐Exhibitor Dogs 5 1/W/BW Southern As The Crow Flies. SS16556903 1/3/2020 Breeder: Tina McDonnell/Lydia Frey. Sire: CH Southern Springpoint Nice For What Dam: CH Southern-Malmason To Me From Me JH CA. Owner:LYDIA ARMSTRONG FREY|Tina McDonnell. Pointers, Puppy (6‐9 Months) Bitches 6 1/W/OS Creeksyde's Simply Marvelous. SS21177602 8/27/2020 Breeder: Geri Griffin/Kathleen Rath/Jean Walton/Kari Wilberg/Paul Robinson. Sire: GCHB CH Creeksyde's Fire In My Soul Dam: CH Robwyn Lois Lane To Kanix. Owner:LYDIA ARMSTRONG FREY|Tina McDonnell. Boca Raton Dog Club Friday, March 12, 2021 Pointers, 12‐18 Months Bitches 8 AB Edgehill's Will You Be My Valentine. SS17852701 2/9/2020 Breeder: Megan M Lane/Jane Johnston/Rick Goldstein/John Kearney. Sire: GCHS CH Seasyde Edgehill Heart Of Gold Dam: CH Aspyre On Tippy Toes. Owner:Anna J Johnston|Megan M Lane.Agent: Christa Cook Pointers, Best of Breed 7 BB GCHS CH Chesterhope Best-Of-T-Best. SR96098501 3/17/2016 Breeder: D O'Neill/Jordyn O'Neill. Sire: Chesterhope Hazardous Game Dam: GCHS CH Chesterhope State Of T Art. Owner:DeeAnn Ying|Felix Ying. Judge: 90212 Roberto Velez‐Pico Pointers (German Shorthaired) Pointers (German Shorthaired), Puppy (6‐9 Months) Bitches 6 2 Hotwired's Making Memories Chasing The Stars. SS19818204 7/11/2020 Breeder: Mekenzie Cecil/Karin S Cecil. Sire: GCHS CH OTCH4 Voyager's Perfect Partner VCD1 UDX5 OM8 BN GN GO RE MH O Dam: CH Adamo's The Party Never Stops. Owner:Greg Sorrell|Shelli Friend. 8 1/R Edelmarke Sparked By An Ember. SS20812103 8/11/2020 Breeder: William Cornell/Lisa Cornell. Sire: GCHP CH Diadem's Mr Secret Agent Man JH Dam: CH Edelmarke Fire On The Mountain. Owner:Curt Biro.Agent: Janice Granda Pointers (German Shorthaired), Puppy (9‐12 Months) Bitches 10 1 Jaegersmann St Pauli Girl V Barenhof. SS18420504 5/2/2020 Breeder: Maryann Koropecky. Sire: CH De Lombardie Spirit Of Forest Dam: GCH CH Lahrheim's California Girl At Jaegersmann CGC. Owner:Dean Pasko |Alexander Perez|Maryann Koropecky. 12 2 Timberlake's Sand Piper. SS18949402 5/7/2020 Breeder: Julia Heidbrink. Sire: Cornelius Vom Schwarzen Seil DM Dam: Dellinger's Mary Jane. Owner:Lois Rush.Agent: Andrea Casterline Pointers (German Shorthaired), Open Bitches 14 1/W Dixie Rosalea. SS09784004 12/2/2018 Breeder: Dave Bradford. Sire: Timberlake's Ghostrider Gunsmoke Dam: Trubloods Sweeter Skeeter. Owner:Lois Rush.Agent: Andrea Casterline Pointers (German Shorthaired), Best of Breed 7 SEL CH Edelmarke Shade Mnt's Legend Of The Mystic Warrior. SS00633304 8/7/2017 Breeder: Lisa Hauck-Gaede/William Cornell/Brenda Abraham. Sire: GCHS CH Shade Mountain's Fire N Ice JH Dam: CH Kruz Edelmarke Shimmer Of Gold. Owner:Javier Rodriguez.Agent: Janice Granda 9 GCH CH Hotwired's Making Memories Chasing The Sun BCAT.
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