The Nineties in America Table of Contents A Abortion Academy Awards Advertising Africa and the United States African Americans Agassi, Andre Agriculture in Canada Agriculture in the United States AIDS epidemic Air pollution Airline industry Albee, Edward Albert, Marv Albright, Madeleine Allen, Woody Ally McBeal Alternative rock Alvarez, Julia Alzheimer's disease Amazon.com America Online Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 AmeriCorps Angelou, Maya Angels in America Antidepressants Apple Computer Archaeology Archer Daniels Midland scandal Architecture Armey, Dick Armstrong, Lance Arnett, Peter Art movements Asian Americans Astronomy Attention-deficit disorder Audiobooks Autism Auto racing Automobile industry B Bailey, Donovan Baker, James Baker v. Vermont Balanced Budget Act of 1997 Ballet Bank mergers Barkley, Charles Barry, Dave Barry, Marion Baseball Baseball realignment Baseball strike of 1994 Basic Instinct Basketball Baywatch Beanie Babies Beauty and the Beast Beauty Myth, The Beavis and Butt-Head Bernadin, Joseph Cardinal Beverly Hills, 90210 Bezos, Jeff Biosphere 2 Blair, Bonnie Blair Witch Project, The Blended families Bloc Québécois Blogs Bobbitt mutilation case Bondar, Roberta Bono, Sonny Book clubs Bosnia conflict Bowl Championship Series (BCS) Boxing Boy bands Broadway musicals Brooks, Garth Brown, Ron Browning, Kurt Buchanan, Pat Buffett, Warren Burning Man festivals Bush, George H. W. Business and the economy in Canada Business and the economy in the United States Byrd murder case C Cable television Cammermeyer, Margarethe Campaign finance scandal Campbell, Kim Canada and the British Commonwealth Canada and the United States Cancer research Carey, Mariah Carjacking Carpal tunnel syndrome Carrey, Jim Casual Fridays Cell phones Censorship in Canada Censorship in the United States CGI Charlottetown Accord Cheney, Dick Chicago heat wave Chick lit Chicken Soup for the Soul Children's literature Children's television Children's Television Act of 1990 China and the United States Chopra, Deepak Chrétien, Jean Christian Coalition Christo Christopher, Warren Cigars Cirque du Soleil Civil Rights Act of 1991 Classical music Clean Air Act of 1990 Clinton, Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton's impeachment Clinton's scandals Cloning Clooney, George CNN coverage of the Gulf War Cochran, Johnnie Coen Brothers Coffeehouses Cohen, William Cold War, end of Columbine massacre Comedians Comic strips Communications in Canada Communications in the United States Computers Conservatism in U.S. politics Contract with America Copyright legislation Corporate welfare Country music Crime Crown Heights riot Cruise, Tom Culture wars D Dahmer, Jeffrey Damon, Matt Dances Dances with Wolves Dayton Accords Dead Sea scrolls publication Death Row Records Defense budget cuts Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 DeGeneres, Ellen Demographics of Canada Demographics of the United States Depo-Provera Devers, Gail Diallo shooting Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 Digital audio Digital cameras Digital divide Dinkins, David Dion, Celine Dole, Bob Domestic partnerships Don't ask, don't tell Dot-com bubble Dot-coms Downsizing and restructuring Dream Team Drive-by shootings Drudge, Matt Drug advertising Drug use Dubroff, Jessica Duke, David DVDs E Earth Day 1990 Earth in the Balance Ecstasy Educate America Act of 1994 Education in Canada Education in the United States Egan v. Canada EgyptAir Flight 990 crash Elder abuse Elders, Joycelyn Elections in Canada Elections in the United States, midterm Elections in the United States, 1996 Elections in the United States, 1992 Electric car Electronic music E-mail Employment in Canada Employment in the United States ER Etheridge, Melissa Europe and North America Extreme sports F Fabio Fads Faludi, Susan Falwell, Jerry Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 Farrakhan, Louis Fashions and clothing Fen-phen Feng shui Ferguson, Colin Fermat's last theorem solution Fertility treatments Fetal tissue research Film in Canada Film in the United States First Nations land claims Fleiss, Heidi Flinn, Kelly Food trends Football Forbes, Steve Foreign policy of Canada Foreign policy of the United States Forrest Gump Frasier Friends G Gangsta rap Gardner Museum art theft Gates, Bill Gehry, Frank General Motors strike of 1998 Generation Y Genetic engineering Genetically modified food Genetics research Gephardt, Dick Gifford, Kathie Lee Gingrich, Newt Ginsburg, Ruth Bader Giuliani, Rudolph Glenn, John Global warming debate Golf GoodFellas Goodwill Games Gordon, Jeff Gore, Al Grafton, Sue Graves, Michael Greenspan, Alan Griffey, Ken, Jr. Grisham, John Grunge fashion Grunge music G7 and G8 summits Gulf War Gulf War syndrome Gun control H Hackers Hairstyles Haiti intervention Hale-Bopp comet Hamm, Mia Hanks, Tom Happy Land fire Harry Potter books Hate crimes Health care in Canada Health care in the United States Health care reform Heaven's Gate mass suicide Heroin chic Hill, Anita Hip-hop and rap music Hip-hop fashion Hobbies and recreation Hockey Hogue, James Holocaust Memorial Museum Holy Virgin Mary, The Holyfield, Evander Home Alone Home furnishings Home run race Homeschooling Homosexuality and gay rights Horse racing Housing in Canada Housing in the United States Hubble Space Telescope Human Genome Project Hummers Hurricane Andrew I Illegal immigrants Immigration Act of 1990 Immigration to Canada Immigration to the United States In Living Color Income and wages in Canada Income and wages in the United States Independent films Instant messaging Intelligent design movement International trade of Canada International trade of the United States Internet Inventions Iron John Israel and the United States J Jackson, Michael Japan and North America Jenny Jones Show murder Jewish Americans Jobs, Steve Joe Camel campaign Johnson, Magic Jordan, Michael Journalism in Canada Journalism in the United States Jurassic Park K Karaoke Kelley, Kitty Kemp, Jack Kennedy, John F., Jr. Kennedy rape case Kent, Arthur Kerrigan, Nancy Kevorkian, Jack Khobar Towers bombing Killer bees King, Rodney King, Stephen Kingsolver, Barbara Klaas kidnapping and murder case Knox pornography case Komunyakaa, Yusef Koons, Jeff Kosovo conflict Krever Commission Kwanzaa Kyoto Protocol L Lagasse, Emeril Lang, K. D. Laparoscopic surgery Larry Sanders Show, The Las Vegas megaresorts LASIK surgery Late night television Latin America Latinos Lee, Spike Left Behind books Lewinsky scandal Liberalism in U.S. politics Life coaching Limbaugh, Rush Line Item Veto Act of 1996 Literature in Canada Literature in the United States Lollapalooza Long Island Lolita case Los Angeles riots Louima torture case Love, Courtney Lucid, Shannon M McCaughey septuplets McCourt, Frank McEntire, Reba McGwire, Mark McMansions McMillan, Terry McNally, Terrence McVeigh, Timothy Madonna Mafia Magic Eye pictures Mall of America Malone, Karl Mapplethorpe obscenity trial Marilyn Manson Marriage and divorce Mars exploration Matrix, The Medicine Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus Menendez brothers murder case Metallica MetLife scandal Mexico and the United States Michelangelo computer virus Microsoft Middle East and North America Midnight basketball Militia movement Miller, Shannon Milli Vanilli Million Man March Minimum wage increases Minorities in Canada Mississippi River flood of 1993 Mistry, Rohinton Montana Freemen standoff Moore, Judge Roy Morissette, Alanis Morris, Dick Morrison, Toni Mount Pleasant riot Mozart effect MP3s MTV Unplugged MTV's Choose or Lose campaign Mulroney, Brian Murdoch, Rupert Murphy Brown Music Myers, Mike N Nannygate Nanotechnology National debt National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Native Americans Natural disasters NC-17 rating Nicotine patch Nine Inch Nails Nirvana Nobel Prizes Noriega capture and trial North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) North Hollywood shootout Northern Exposure Northridge earthquake Novello, Antonia Coello *NSYNC Nunavut Territory Nye, Bill NYPD Blue O Oakland Hills fire O'Connor, Sinéad Oil company mergers Oklahoma City bombing Oklahoma tornado outbreak Olympic Games of 1992 Olympic Games of 1994 Olympic Games of 1996 Olympic Games of 1998 Olympic Park bombing Ondaatje, Michael O'Neal, Shaquille O'Reilly, Bill Organic food movement Outsourcing Ozzfest P Palahniuk, Chuck Paltrow, Gwyneth Patriot missiles PDAs Perfect Storm, the Perlman, Itzhak Perot, Ross Pharmaceutical industry Philadelphia Phoenix, River Photography Physician-assisted suicide Pitt, Brad Pixar Planned Parenthood v. Casey Plasma screens Poetry Pogs Pokémon franchise Police brutality Popcorn, Faith Pornography Poverty Powell, Colin Project Gutenberg Promise Keepers Proulx, Annie Psychology Publishing Pulp Fiction Q Quayle, Dan Quebec referendum of 1995 Queer Nation R R. v. Butler Race relations Rachel, the Radio Ramsey murder case Raves Real World, The Recession of 1990-1991 Reeve, Christopher Reeves, Keanu Reform Party Religion and spirituality in Canada Religion and spirituality in the United States Reno, Janet Rent Republican Revolution Reséndiz, Ángel Maturino Rice, Anne Right-wing conspiracy Ripken, Cal, Jr. Roberts, Julia Rock, Chris Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum Rock Bottom Remainders, The Rock the Vote Rollerblades Romer v. Evans Roth, Philip Ruby Ridge shootout Rules, The RuPaul Russia and North America Rust v. Sullivan Ryan, Meg Ryder, Winona S St. Petersburg riot Salmon war Salt Lake City Olympics bid scandal Sampras, Pete Saturn Corporation Saving Private Ryan Scandals Schindler's List Schlessinger, Dr. Laura School violence Schwarzkopf, Norman Science
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