PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862. YOL. 12. THF. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS EDUCATIONAL. REAL ESTATE. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. LEI. that has been rublltfhed every -■ .— adduced on both day (Sundays excepted) the _TO ____ sides, and by I _MISCELLANEOUS. THK T>TfKSS. can come to no other conclusion than’ th- t POBTI.AIVD he is PI'BI.ISIIINc: CO., Wau ted. To Let. innocent of every one of them. Where HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. F. Cr. Patterson’s and malice At 109 SITUATION in a tisli TtTOUSE on 8 rooms, bard and soft TUESDAYMORXIXG, AUGUST 19,1873. envy would Exchange St, PortijAnd. market by a man Douglass St., Those Baked Beans. give censure we New Gloucester, Ule. A thoroirgUy acquamteil with the business. Ad- water, Stable and carriage bouse and garden. would bestow praise. The : Fmisesion enterprises in Terms Eight Dollar* a Year in advance, ores* G. A. UOWK, No. 29 given to G. W. BURNHAM, which lie has been Estate Bulletin. Watervillc St. Portland, Sept. Apply engaged are many and Term Real 631 Congress street. Gossip and fllHEFALL of this Institution will com- aul4*lw_• Gleanings. great and good, and most THE MAINE X mence the Malne-___au!8*3t THOSE BAKED BEANS unselfishly lias he STATE PRESS first Tuesday in September 18i3. A labored in them. To limited number of pupils only will be admitted. For Found. Rooms To Let. answer fully all these TO LOAN on Fir»t-Cla«» — — is Thursday further ItAVrV WHICH A charges would far too published every Morning at $°50 a particulars apply for'circulars to the princi- L X Real Estate adrift or unfurnished rooms to let at No. Lancaster, Pa., undertaker advertises: require much space at llll/Ii Mortgage** of up Saturday August 9, six libls, year, if paid in advance, $2 00 a year. pals. flour. The x 2 Amman and would be better suited to a in Portland and vicinity. Real Estate PICKED owner can have the same bv call- Place aul 4tf “Get your holiday coffins of J. pamphlet or L. M. BAILEY, Waterhouse.” nnd sold. Rents collected. Apply ing uponJ.F. LEOVETT, Cape Elizabeth, W. €. COBB volume than to the columns of a Rates of Advertising: One inch of aul5d2w A. M. BAILEY. bought and proving daily jour- space U property paving charges. aul6*lw Rooms to Let. nal. We to ength of column, constitutes a “square.” propose answer a lew of the first F. G. PATTERSON, three minutes walk to Hall. is Felling BY THE QUART, at lus An Indian man claims to have $l 50 per square daily week; 75 cents per 'AY^EJ'HIN City Bakery, succeeded charges, the others are equally foolish and w *ek after; three insertions, or Wanted* at the Press Office aul4<12w less, $1 00; eontinu- I Boarding and Day School, Real Estate and Mortgage Broker, __Enquire in playing a thorough confidence game absurd. other day after first 50 Store, as upon £ng every week, cents. j over Eowell’s Jewelry Housekeeper, Nursery Governess NOS. 28 & 30 PE4RL It is said he took for Half three insertions or Ac Brown Sts. or To Let. STREET, the potato He a of Howard square, less, 75 cents; one 12 ap25dtf Cor. Congress SITUATIONCompanion. Reference given and desired. bugs. planted grain com University Week. $1 00; 50 cents per week after. Pine St., Portland, Me. Address Cl ECOND worthless bonds of the Men's Chris- HELEN A. Story in store No. 135 Middle Street have been tested and in each hill, and com Youug Special one third HELL, pronounced potato as.tlxe came up Notices, additional. augl6dlw Bath, Me. Te“ S,°r<;” lnql"re tian Association of which he was President. Under head of “Amusements,” «2 00 Gothic Cottage for Sale, the it was a per square^ Mlsse9 will their a‘a^6w37 first, bugs thought corn-field and The trustees and not Gen. Ho vard made the per week; three insertions or less $1 50. Symouds, re-open School So^t*:8 GOOD 1 for Ladies on corner Verandah and Winslow streets* Custom Cutter started for other scenes. Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State TIIE Young Wants a Situation. investment. Besides, a portion of these East containing eight finished Press” has a circulation in 18th. SITUATEDDeeriug, rooms, in all the reference Now if you wish to can bonds the (which large every part THURNDAY, September on the trade. Good BOARD d bostoa. try them, you by sending University holds donation out- good stable premises. Lot 50 x 130. n order by of the State) for §1 00 per square lor first be obtained of cellar, EXPERIENCEDgiven. Address office of this pap- your have them brought right from the oven right lrom insertion, Catalogues may the Principals. '[’his desirable property is in close to the “CUTTER”, to individuals: another came in and 50 cents per square for each inser- au7 proximity er. aulSdlw your door any morning the week. if Humor is a sense of the part subsequent d5w East Deeriug Omnibus line. Price $^100. Terms during Or, perhaps ridiculous, payment of lots of the tion. the Summer Momths you say you want them Sabbath is the purchased University: one-half balance on time. in During morning (as cash; Apply person or custom) Mr. Cobb will have a softened and mellow a mixture of human and the rest ot them is an Address all communications to F. fresh lot ready which by investment secured by letter to G. PATTERSON, rllHANSIENT can be accommodated at lie will send PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Abbott School for Company you Saturday evening. Then by put- by property two or three times the Family Boys, au6d2w Dealer in Real r Boston.- feelings. For there certainly are things path- amount Estate, LOST No. 8 Allston street ting them in own ovtn can your you find them there ol the bonds on which AT Mr. at breakfast time the interest is regu- LITTLE BLIT, Farmington A GOLD PENCIL. The finder will be suitably C. FARLEY and save the unpleasant task of etically ridiculous, and we are hard-hearted House lor Sale. xA. rewarded by leaving the same at this Office. rising before yon are ready and hurrying to tbe bak- larly paid. ■Boston n to smile smiles on BUSINESS CARDS. Autumn session will 16th. All aul4 tf Jnly 1873. Jy21tf ery. enough them, much near- So as to to the open August House, Cottage an d *ot at No. 9 street loaning money Congrega- are here combined with a High er to THEthe comforts of Home Said house can be seen P. S.—Take Home choice BROWN sorrow than tears. tional Church; if a Board of twen- for or busi- THE any afternoon between auy Trustees, sujierior school. Boys are prepared college the hours from 3 to 5. YACHT TO LET. aul?tf Missing* BREAD ty-one in number have funds to loan we can- HERBERT M. ness. Graduation and diplomas are confered upon with them or not, as voa like. SILVESTER, all who finish the course of study. Send on Merchants National Bank, for $517.50 not see not invest as in required tf Quill pens, which a few why they may it, or address the A Nice 8 si rb urban dated 8, 1873, io C. A _._ years ago were de- tor an illustrated circular, Principal, Residence CHECK August payable “cash,” by The owner away, the Yacht Alarm this case, on worth three M. A. B. Morse & Co. going property times the julld3m ALDEN «T. BLETHEN, A. AX will be let to tho or week spised as of the are FOR LEASE. The commodious Finder will return parties by day Dissolution of being old-fogy order, amount ot the loan with interest ~A- please to Merchants National ^f|\ during the month of August and Septem- Copartnership. regularly ttorne v at Tju two storv brick house on Stevens* coming into favor This is ow- Here the sum w, aul3tf Cabin and pantry furn- again, partly paid. tmpaid draws eight per occupied the late Bank._ r^r* completely School! Plains, formerly by Orders left at & Co. is nerebv given thrt the firm .it RAN- to the inferior of of cent. That Gen. Howard Navigation Wm. L. Wilson. The house con- /died. Lyman, Tobey ing very quality (Mtny the _ gave “public j Found. street, or on board the NOTICEDALL, McALLISTER & CO., is hereby dis- muds'' to the tains twelve finished rooms, includ- Yacht, kinds of steel Congregational Church or the CASCO. No. R and A. SEW ALL, solved by mutual consent. pens no w in the market, and MAINE,' NAVIGATION SCHOOL will be opened at ing Bath Room, all in repair. The lot contains Rigging picked up adrift at Cape Eliz- __au5(Uf_T. Capt. Young Men’s Christian is under goo abeth. The JOHN F. Association, A 15£ Ex< hange street, March 3d. to be more than an acre. Nice Grape Vines, also Apple SPA owner can have the same by calling RANDALL, partly to the fact that most writers like to untrue. «U8_dtf_ II. at Board. HENRY F. wholly Moreover the hinds so in- I the charge of Capt. Edward Breen and C. Farley. and Pear Trees, together with a good stable and ex- W. TURNER’S Quiet McALLISTER, aul4*lw EDWARD H. SARGENT. show that are “soun.I on the vested were not funds’’ in Instruction will be given every afternoon by Capt. cellent water. Apply to WM. H. Real Es- Cape Elizabeth, Ferry. GENTLEMAN and Lady wishing a quiet home they goose,” ‘'public auy sense JAMES I\ I’UK 1 ami ami C.
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