NEW ZEALAND FM LISTING BY FREQUENCY Full-time broadcasters plus their LPFM relays (other LPFM operators excluded) Freq City/Town Programme Region Operator tx_Location_lic kW_lic Website Notes licence 87.6 Westport Brian FM Buller Brian FM _lpfm_ 0.001 brianfm.com not company's transmitter 87.6Westport 87.6 Christchurch Life FM Canterbury Rhema _lpfm_ 0.001 lifefm.co.nz 87.6Christchurch 87.6 Palmerston North Radio Hauraki Manawatu NZME _lpfm_ 0.001 hauraki.co.nz 87.6Palmerston North 87.6 Wanaka Star Otago Central Rhema _lpfm_ 0.001 star.net.nz 87.6Wanaka 87.6 Cromwell Star Otago Central Rhema _lpfm_ 0.001 star.net.nz 87.6Cromwell 87.6 Turangi Ski FM Waikato Central Media Group NZ_lpfm_ 0.001 skifmnetwork.co.nz 87.6Turangi 87.6 Masterton Gold AM Wairarapa NZME _lpfm_ 0.001 gold.co.nz 87.6Masterton 87.6 Wellington Te Upoko O Te Ika Wellington Iwi _lpfm_ 0.001 teupoko.co.nz 1161 AM Wellington 87.6Wellington 87.7 Dunedin St Kilda Country Radio Otago _lpfm_ 0.001 countryradio.co.nz 105.2 Invercargill 87.7Dunedin 87.8 Christchurch Coast Canterbury NZME _lpfm_ 0.001 thecoast.net.nz 87.8Christchurch 87.8 New Plymouth Hokonui Taranaki NZME _lpfm_ 0.001 hokonui.co.nz 1557 AM Hawera 87.8New Plymouth 87.8 Murchison Coast FM Tasman Coast FM _lpfm_ 0.001 coastfm.net.nz 96.5 Westport; not NZME Coast; N/C 22/08/2020 87.8Murchison 87.8 Taupo Ski FM Waikato Central Media Group NZ_lpfm_ 0.001 skifmnetwork.co.nz 87.8Taupo 87.9 Westport Magic Music Buller Mediaworks _lpfm_ 0.001 magic.co.nz relays 100.6 Auckland 87.9Westport 88.0 Reefton RNZ National Buller RNZ _lpfm_ 0.001 rnz.co.nz/national 88Reefton 88.0 Christchurch Pulzar FM Canterbury _lpfm_ 0.001 pulzarfm.co.nz 100.9 Christchurch 88Christchurch 88.0 Paeroa Gold FM Coromandel _lpfm_ 0.001 goldfm.co.nz not NZME Gold 88Paeroa 88.0 Thames Gold FM Coromandel _lpfm_ 0.001 goldfm.co.nz not NZME Gold 88Thames 88.2 Coromandel Coromandel's CFM Coromandel Radio Coromandel _lpfm_ 0.001 cfm.co.nz 95.1 Coromandel 88.2Coromandel 88.2 Ruawai Big River FM Northland Lower _lpfm_ 0.001 bigriverfm.co.nz 98.6 Dargaville 88.2Ruawai 88.2 Aranga Big River FM Northland Lower _lpfm_ 0.001 bigriverfm.co.nz 98.6 Dargaville 88.2Aranga 88.2 Invercargill Country Radio Southland _lpfm_ 0.001 countryradio.co.nz 105.2 Invercargill 88.2Invercargill 88.2 Hawera Hokonui Taranaki NZME _lpfm_ 0.001 hokonui.co.nz 1557 AM Hawera 88.2Hawera 88.3 Waihi Beach Gold FM Coromandel _lpfm_ 0.001 goldfm.co.nz not NZME Gold 88.3Waihi Beach 88.3 Gisborne Coast Gisborne NZME _lpfm_ 0.001 thecoast.net.nz 88.3Gisborne 88.3 Tolaga Bay Uawa FM Gisborne Iwi _lpfm_ 0.001 facebook.com/UAWALIVE 99.3 Tolaga Bay 88.3Tolaga Bay 88.3 Balclutha Hokonui Otago South NZME _lpfm_ 0.001 hokonui.co.nz 91.3 Balclutha 88.3Balclutha 88.3 Clinton Rhema Otago South Rhema _lpfm_ 0.001 rhema.co.nz N/C 12/08/2020 88.3Clinton 88.3 Pahiatua Radio Woodville Tararua _lpfm_ 0.001 radiowoodville.co.nz 99.6 Woodville 88.3Pahiatua 88.3 Murchison Star Tasman Rhema _lpfm_ 0.001 star.net.nz 88.3Murchison 88.3 Taupo Star Waikato Rhema _lpfm_ 0.001 star.net.nz 88.3Taupo 88.6 Auckland Mai FM Auckland Mediaworks Skytower 15.8 maifm.co.nz licence holder Te Runanga O Ngati Whatua 218319 88.6 Tauranga Magic Music Bay of Plenty Mediaworks Kopukairua No.3 0.8 magic.co.nz 205911 88.6 Dunedin ZM Otago NZME Mt Cargill 7.9 zmonline.com 228998 88.6 National Park Ruapehu National Park 0.8 licence holder Brian FM; N/C 27/01/2018 206050 88.6 Wellington Radio Active Wellington Tinakori Hill 1 radioactive.fm 219945 88.7 Hawkes Bay More FM Hawkes Bay Mediaworks Mt Erin 3.98 morefm.co.nz 245196 88.7 Kapiti Kapiti Forest Heights 0.63 licence holder Raukawa Media CT; O/C 26/09/2020; previously 224413 Reo FM 88.7 Alexandra The Edge Otago Central Mediaworks Obelisk 1.58 theedge.co.nz 243578 88.7 Rotorua Te Arawa FM Rotorua Iwi Tihiotonga 0.8 facebook.com/TeArawaFM 218325 88.7 Masterton Life FM Wairarapa Rhema Pariwhariki Trig 0.31 lifefm.co.nz licence holder Harvest Trust 206040 88.7 Piopio Cruise FM Waitomo JND Ltd Piopio 0.8 cruisefm.co.nz 240207 88.8 Queenstown ZM Otago Central NZME Peninsula Hill 1.26 zmonline.com 225452 88.8 Nelson The Edge Tasman Mediaworks Grampians 5 theedge.co.nz 206101 88.8 Taupo The Edge Waikato Mediaworks Whakaroa 2 theedge.co.nz 205942 88.8 Oamaru Brian FM Waitaki Brian FM Cape Wanbrow 0.63 brianfm.com 245622 88.8 Whanganui The Edge Whanganui Mediaworks Bastia Hill 0.16 theedge.co.nz 244468 88.9 Rodney More FM Auckland Mediaworks Moir Hill 3.16 morefm.co.nz 206026 88.9 Matata Te Arawa FM Bay of Plenty Iwi Matata Marae 0.039 facebook.com/TeArawaFM 229993 88.9 Christchurch The Edge Canterbury Mediaworks Sugarloaf 31.6 theedge.co.nz 206103 88.9 Blenheim Fresh FM Marlborough Community Access Goulters Hill TPN 0.1 freshfm.net 219932 88.9 Balclutha Star Otago South Rhema Mt Stuart 1.58 star.net.nz 246029 89.0 Waihi Beach The Rhythm 89FM Coromandel Waihi Beach 0.008 therhythm.co.nz 205919 89.0 Palmerston North RNZ Concert Manawatu RNZ Wharite 39.8 rnz.co.nz/concert 220049 89.0 Wanaka Rhema Otago Central Rhema Hillend 0.5 rhema.co.nz 206240 89.0 Hamilton Free FM Waikato Community Access Ruru 5 freefm.org.nz 234042 89.1 Timaru Tahu FM Canterbury South Iwi Cave Hill JDA 5 tahufm.online 235587 89.1 Coromandel More FM Coromandel Mediaworks Harataunga 0.16 morefm.co.nz synchronous_lic 206329 89.1 Pauanui/Tairua Coromandel Pauanui South 0.8 licence holder Mediaworks; synchronous_lic; N/C 28/12/2018 205944 89.1 Kaikoura Magic Talk Kaikoura Mediaworks Kaikoura Peninsula 0.16 magic.co.nz 206366 Copyright NZRDXL 2017-2020 28 September 2020 Page 1 of 16 NEW ZEALAND FM LISTING BY FREQUENCY Full-time broadcasters plus their LPFM relays (other LPFM operators excluded) Freq City/Town Programme Region Operator tx_Location_lic kW_lic Website Notes licence 89.1 Picton The Hits Marlborough NZME Picton 0.16 thehits.co.nz 206258 89.1 Greymouth/Hokitika Westland Paparoa 1.58 static.tab.co.nz/content/trackside/index.htmlN/C; TAB Trackside Radio suspended April 2020 206098 89.2 Whangarei Gold Northland Lower NZME Parahaki 0.5 gold.co.nz synchronous_lic 224257 89.2 Northland Lower Northland Lower Horokaka 5 licence holder NZME; synchronous_lic 224260 89.2 Kaikohe Northland Upper Hikurangi 10 licence holder NZME; synchronous_lic 224255 89.2 Kaitaia Northland Upper Maungataniwha 10 licence holder NZME; synchronous_lic 206161 89.2 Glenorchy Glenorchy Country Otago Central Glenorchy 0.31 facebook.com/GYCountryRadio 224139 89.2 Reporoa More FM Rotorua Mediaworks Paeroa Range 0.125 morefm.co.nz 206368 89.2 Invercargill More FM Southland Mediaworks Hedgehope 15.8 morefm.co.nz 206321 89.2 New Plymouth Magic Music Taranaki Mediaworks Mt Egmont 5 magic.co.nz 205974 89.3 Westport Radio Hauraki Buller NZME Mt Rochfort 1.58 hauraki.co.nz 211705 89.3 Sumner Radio Hauraki Canterbury NZME Sumner 0.015 hauraki.co.nz 205852 89.3 Ashburton The Hits Canterbury Mid NZME Somerset House Ashburton 0.16 thehits.co.nz 211698 89.3 Tikitiki Radio Ngati Porou (RNP) Gisborne Iwi Tutara 0.63 radiongatiporou.com 224274 89.3 Gisborne Mai FM Gisborne Mediaworks Wheatstone Rd 0.8 maifm.co.nz 206209 89.3 Wellington Newstalk ZB Wellington NZME Kaukau 39.8 newstalkzb.co.nz 206219 89.4 Auckland Newstalk ZB Auckland NZME Skytower 50 newstalkzb.co.nz 206293 89.4 Tauranga ZM Bay of Plenty NZME Kopukairua 3.16 zmonline.com 206270 89.4 Twizel More FM Mackenzie Mediaworks Twizel 0.1 morefm.co.nz 205946 89.4 Dunedin The Hits Otago NZME Mt Cargill 15.8 thehits.co.nz 205961 89.4 Waiouru Ruapehu Waiouru 0.01 licence holder Tuwharetoa Maori TB; not active per (email 224289 18/07/2020) 89.5 Hawkes Bay The Hits Hawkes Bay NZME Mt Threave 3.98 thehits.co.nz 206004 89.5 Kapiti Newstalk ZB Kapiti NZME Forest Heights 0.63 newstalkzb.co.nz 206220 89.5 Omakau The Hawk FM Otago Central 21 Racecourse Road Omakau 0.1 thehawk.nz 267371 89.5 Cromwell Rhema Otago Central Rhema Cromwell 0.1 rhema.co.nz 227150 89.5 Rotorua Flava Rotorua NZME Pukepoto 1 flava.co.nz 211738 89.5 Taumarunui Ruapehu Taumarunui Kururau Rd 0.8 licence holder Brian FM; N/C 26/01/2018 206053 89.5 Masterton More FM Wairarapa Mediaworks Popoiti 3.98 morefm.co.nz 205976 89.6 Te Anau Star Fiordland Rhema Ramparts Road 0.1 star.net.nz 206355 89.6 Russell Coast Northland Upper NZME Russell2 0.31 thecoast.net.nz 240242 89.6 Queenstown Newstalk ZB Otago Central NZME Peninsula Hill 0.8 newstalkzb.co.nz 206021 89.6 Takaka The Hits Tasman NZME Mt Campbell 1.58 thehits.co.nz synchronous_lic 212598 89.6 Nelson The Hits Tasman NZME Grampians 5 thehits.co.nz synchronous_lic 205962 89.6 Taupo Lake FM Waikato Aratiatia 6.3 facebook.com/pages/category/Radio-Station/Lake-FM-Taupo-896-357457644884859 217850 89.6 Oamaru Waitaki Cape Wanbrow 0.5 static.tab.co.nz/content/trackside/index.htmlO/C; TAB Trackside Radio suspended April 2020 211755 89.6 Whanganui The Hits Whanganui NZME Bastia Hill 0.1 thehits.co.nz 206245 89.7 Whakatane 1XX Bay of Plenty Radio BoP Whakatane 0.003 1xx.co.nz 205853 89.7 Christchurch RNZ Concert Canterbury RNZ Sugarloaf 79 rnz.co.nz/concert 220037 89.7 Blenheim The Breeze Marlborough Mediaworks Wither Hills Radioworks (Cobb 0.8 thebreeze.co.nz 206166 89.8 Palmerston North Kia Ora FM Manawatu Iwi WhariteRidge) 1 kiaorafm898.maori.nz 218334 89.8 Wanaka The Rock Otago Central Mediaworks Mt Maude 0.5 therock.net.nz licence holder NZ Racing Board 205856 89.8 Hamilton ZM Waikato NZME Ruru 50 zmonline.com 206312 89.9 Timaru The Breeze Canterbury South Mediaworks Mt Studholme 3.16 thebreeze.co.nz 205980 89.9 Whangamata More FM Coromandel Mediaworks Waikaukau Point 0.8 morefm.co.nz 206369 89.9 Kaikoura
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