BENEFIT BASH B1 IINDIANNDIAN HHILLILL The Wellness Community Your Community board president and event Recorder newspaper co-chair Craig Sumerel ,with his wife Sue and their children serving Indian Hill 50¢ of Indian Hill, have fun at the JOURNAL All-Star Blast with The Wellness Community. THANKS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15,2011BECAUSE COMMUNITY MATTERS TO JAMIE EIFERT Holiday lights One of the most visual parts of the holiday season is the Resident to match donations Christmas lights and decorations that adorn many homes in our neighborhood. Homeowners spend countless to help horses in need of care hours climbing ladders and attaching the lights and deco- BY ROB DOWDY sick or simply not cared for due rations and are proud of their [email protected] to financial concerns or a lack of hard work. education. Now there’s a way to show As the holidays approach, In- “Horses are a lot of involve- the entire community just how dian Hill resident Linda Pavey is ment, time and money,” she said. beautiful your decorations hoping those buying gifts don’t Pavey said in 2011, she’s given turned out. Simply take a photo forget about the many horses 11 grants to horse rescue organi- of your Christmas lights, go without homes or proper care. zations for veterinary care, food, Pavey’s Brennan Equine Wel- sponsorship and various surger- online and log on to cincin- fare Fund is offering to match ies. nati.com/share, click on “publish any donations up to $5,000 made The Brennan Equine Welfare photos” and follow the direc- to the charitable organization Fund doesn’t actually rescue tions. through Dec. 31. horses, but instead provides And to view your neighbor’s She said the matching funds grants to rescue organizations in beautiful lights in the neigh- have been successful in raising the region. Pavey said the groups borhood go online to cincin- money for horses in need in re- send funding requests to her, nati.com/indianhill. cent years. Pavey said even a $20 Indian Hill resident Linda Pavey is once again offering to match which she reviews and doles out donation, doubled, can buy three donations to her Brennan Equine Welfare Fund, which is a charitable money to the group with the most to four bags of grain to feed hors- organization for horses. ROB DOWDY/ THE COMMUNITY PRESS need. es. The Brennan Equine Welfare The fund will also receive 10 with horse supplies and accesso- Pavey said she began the or- Fund began in 2000. percent of all purchases made on ries located at 700 Cincinnati ganization because of the num- Dec. 17 at the Tack Trunk, a store Ave. in Lebanon. ber of horses that are injured, Judge rules against mine FLIGHT CHECK Gannett News Service which would be sufficient reason In the can for rendering the entire decision It may have been the group’s ANDERSON TOWNSHIP — A as null and void.” first food drive, but that didn’t Hamilton County judge nullified Martin Marietta, the judge mean it couldn’t exceed expecta- on Dec. 8 an Anderson Township said in his decision, failed to re- tions. zoning board’s approval of a pro- fute evidence that the noise, dust, The National Honor Society posed underground limestone underground vibrations from the mining operation. mining operation and problems at Indian Hill High School col- The decision by Common caused by increased truck traffic lected more than 1,000 canned Pleas Judge Robert Ruehlman is would be serious enough to vio- goods for the Freestore Food- amajor victory for opponents of late the township’s zoning code. bank. the mine, which has been pro- Tim Mara, attorney for CA- “I imagined we’d fill five posed for a 480-acre site at Round BOOM, and attorneys represent- barrels in three weeks,” said Bottom and Broadwell roads in ing neighboring communities op- Matthew Watson, an English Anderson Township. posed to the mine had argued that teacher at the high school and “I can’t stop crying I’m so ex- the zoning board exceeded its au- faculty adviser for the National cited,” said Cathy Burger, an An- thority in granting the requested Honor Society. “I never thought derson Township resident who conditional-use permit and varia- three years ago formed CA- nces for the mine operation. we’d fill all five in one week.” BOOM (Citizens Against Blast- They also said the 25 condi- Watson suggested the food ing on Our Miami) to fight the tions the zoning board attached to drive as a service project for the project proposed by Martin Mar- its approval were ineffective and group after reading about the ietta Materials Inc. “Who would unenforceable. anticipated needs of the Fre- have thought a small group of Critics of the mining opera- estore. people could accomplish some- tion, which would involve daily A3 thing like this? I’m so happy that blasting 400 to 800 feet under- finally after three years, some- ground and would draw 250 body heard us and listened to trucks to the site each day, said what we had to say.” the mine would create too much Contact us Richard Brahm, attorney for noise, dust, truck traffic and un- News .........................248-8600 Martin Marietta, was not imme- derground vibrations. They said Retail advertising ............768-8196 diately available for comment. it posed a threat to the communi- Classified advertising ........242-4000 The company can appeal Ruehl- ty’s health, safety, air and water. Delivery ......................576-8240 man’s decision in the 1st District Martin Marietta officials have See page A2 for additional information Court of Appeals. denied that the mine would have After a series of public hear- anegative effect on Anderson ings that extended over 22 and its neighboring communi- months, the Anderson Township ties. Board of Zoning Appeals voted “I think it’s a great decision,” 3-2 on June 2, 2010, in favor of the Terrace Park Mayor Jay Gohman mine operation. The board at- said of Ruehlman’s judgment. Vol. 13 No. 26 tached 25 conditions to its ap- Indian Hill City Manager ©2011The Community Recorder proval. Mike Burns said, “Judge Ruehl- All RIGHTS RESERVED CABOOM and the villages of man's rulings confirm the cor- For the Postmaster Newtown, Terrace Park and Indi- rectness of the arguments that Published weekly every Thursday an Hill appealed this decision in we made to the Anderson BZA Periodicals postage paid at Loveland, OH 45140 and at additional mailing offices. Common Pleas Court. about the appropriateness and le- USPS 020-826 In his written judgment galities of their actions with re- Indian Hill Primary School counselor Jennifer Oden, right, waves a Postmaster: Send address change to Thursday, Ruehlman called the gard to the Martin Marietta case star-shaped security wand over first-grader Bentley Dalton, of Indian Hill Journal 394 Wards Corner Road, Suite 170 zoning board’s decision to ap- during the two years they consid- Indian Hill. Staff and first-graders participated in a simulated Loveland, Ohio 45140 prove the mine operation “re- ered the various Martin Marietta airport visit and flight to Mexico. The students were provided with plete with examples of illegal requests. artificial tickets, passports and luggage. For more photos please acts as well as invalid, void and “We are very pleased with the see page A5. FORREST SELLERS/THE COMMUNITY PRESS ineffective conditions, any one of decision.” This holidayseason go forthe best! Shop local! Shop often! WE HAVE THE BESTTOYSFOR KIDS (AND ADULTS!) 6934 Miami Avenue Cincinnati, OH • (513) 271-TOYS(8697) • (800) 284-8318 CE-0000487899 M-F 10-6 Sat 10-5 Sun 1-5 • www.tedstoystore.com A2 •INDIAN HILL JOURNAL •DECEMBER 15, 2011 NEWS Filings for the March 6 election creating surprise primaries Gannett News Service Portune; and a former Cin- crats have recruited for- been trying to convince man Jr., of Mt. Lookout, Ohio House District. cinnati city councilman mer Cincinnati council Chris Bortz, but Bortz has filed petitions to take on Brinkman was term-lim- The filing deadline for ready to take on Republi- member Greg Harris, a 40- yet to commit to the race. State Rep. Peter Stautberg, ited out of the Ohio House candidates in the March 6 can county commissioner year-old West Price Hill In a surprise move, for- R-Anderson Township, in a four years ago. primary came and went Greg Hartmann. resident. GOP leaders have mer State Rep. Tom Brink- GOP primary in the 27th Dec. 7, with Hamilton The candidate filings County Republicans still also produced some pri- looking for a real candidate mary battles in Hamilton to take on Democratic County for state legislative WHO FILED FOR OFFICE county commissioner Todd seats for both the Republi- Here’s who has filed for the 2012 elections. The filing deadline for the March 6 primary election was Wednesday at 4 p.m. can and Democratic par- Candidates for president have until March 14 to file for the June 12 primary. Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted recently ordered Index ties. that all candidates for US House seats and president should file by Wednesday in case the legislature ends up combining the two And, in the 2nd Congres- primaries. If the legislature does not combine the primaries, candidates of US House seats and presidents will have until March 14 Calendar .................B2 sional District, David Kri- to file. These are the candidates who had filed petitions: Classfieds .................C korian of Madeira - who has Food ......................B4 battled Rep. Jean Schmidt, chael L. Pryce, Republican; State Representative, about $117 more in taxes a President of the Russell P.
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