Nelson Named ~ Th. Wea,h., Censlder.1e doudi_ .est ..... -"" p.rtfJ All-Conference cloudy nertIt_st ....y, Mc.mlnt .........., f.lr ....1tM. It. little w.nner ........ III .... _1h_.......... H'-h twd.y itI ........ Out· Page 4 01 owan leek .... ~ - pertly cIIIuItJ MIl ._ tmd the Peopk of IOtDtJ Citg Elhlblisbed In 1868 Herald Tribune News Service Leased Wire Associated Press Leased Wire And Wirephoto WeclDemay. March 1. 1961. (owa City. Iowa SUI's Discrimination Policy Revealed- Military Pact Personality Profile- Hoffa Wins Landlords " ales New Miss SU/ 1Very Long BaHle Must Sign Congo Force With Court Agreement Honored' by Title Race, Religious Bias Tshombe, Kasavubu, Monitors Abolished; Forbidden; Plan Kasai Groups Join Union Chief To Call Will Begin Sept. 1 - Huit To Oppose Gizenga Convention in May J;EOPOlJ)VILLE, the Congo IA'I Iy HAROLD HATFIELD WASHINGTON IA'I - AS-year - The Tshombe and Kasavubu Editorial ANhtant JOvernments joined forces in a struggle by court-appointed Monl· military pact Tuesday along with tors to unseat James R. Hoffa a8 householders president o( the TeamstcTs Union Iowa City ap­ the splinter regime in south n plying for University.approved Kasal Province. came to a close Tuesday. Hoffa won. undergradunte housing statui The rHutt, on pltper .t I.u', HoH.', victory Wei hi. most will be required to sign written Is • ""Ited .ntl-tommunllt tore. l.,.,-e.slve In • ....I.s of Itrut· ., aI*It 13,000 agreements forbidding racial or soldiers In • poll. ,I •• wit'" Nform ,roups' trying Hen .. t.. on the regime of te ,.,... him And ..1..-4 .buses religiou discrimination, Mar.. by MteI... Gil",., I"tCOIInlleci In ..... 1.7 mill~""""r union. ion L. Huit. dean of students. the levi., Union as ..... Congo'. said Tu day night. cttItr.l ,ov.rnment. Th end of the Monilors was signaled by the man who crealed Hult outlined the University'. The agreement came as a Gizen­ th m, U.S. District Judge F. Dick· policy on housing discrimination. ,a mUitary thrust toward Leopold. inson Lelts. He authorized the to begin Sept. 1. 1961. at a discus­ vUle dissolved and Congolese lead· Teamsler lo call a convention sion sponsored by the Iowa City ers charted a ro\llldl.able next week and election for pre ident. The chapter o( CORE. Tbe discussion with the announced aim of un· Bonrd o( MonitoTs dissolves as was moderated by Frank Kennedy. taD,Ung the Congo's political soon as th convention is held. l>rofessor of law. ,Ituatlon. Hoffa, pleased and brimming H. Hid th.t owne" of prese"" The agreement was signed at By JUDY KLEMESRUD Jo. a music major. has concen­ wilh new plans, set the convention Iy .pproved hou.lng will not h.v. EIlsabethville by Premier Joseph St.ff Writ.r trated most of her exlra-curricular Cor MlamJ, Fia., In mid-May. te al,n .... .'.... m.nt, but "It 1Ieo, representing President Jo· " I (eel very honored to be "Miss activities in that area. She has lie inlends to run for re-election will be ."umed that they will seph Kasavubu and the central SUI." I don't think I'll believe it been a member oC the First Meth· as president. He is certain to win comply with the Unlv.rslty'. polley." gover\lment that the United Na· until [ get out of school," says odish Church choir four years. has and, for the fir tim in three tIons recognizes; Moise Tshombe, Jo Whitford. A4 . West Union, who sung in Chamber Singers, Univer­ year . have control of the union Hult said the University hu scnt president of the secessionist Ka· received SUI's "Queen of Queens" sity Chorus, and was a member of without legal r tralnts. letters to all householders cur­ taDIa regime; and Albert Kalonji, title during Homecoming festivi­ the Original Old Gold Singers four renUy on the approved list out­ leader of the southern Kasal sec­ ties last October. years ago, but had to drop out in "It's been • long time In elm- lining SUI's position. tion called the mining state. Be.uty contests .r. nothing her sophomore year when mu Ie In,," Hoff. s.ld. He added that this will not in­ ter(ere with the rIght of the own· It .M strlctfy • military "'.. r, new te Jo. In August, 1'5', .he majors were banned from the Tbe ruling, however, does not """"n, that K.HVubv'. gov· was • runn.r·up te Jacqu. B •• group. end Hoffa's troubles. On the basis er a8 a private businessman to ker, who won the Miss low. tltl. She has also been a member of char~es by the Monitors, he .has select roomers on the basis of !Do "*Mnt did not I'tCCIIJftIze the In· dividual merit. .,.ndettce of Tihombe .nd K.. • t CI ••r Lek.. Jo competed as of the Hawkeye slaif, Wesley Foun. ben IndIcted ror fraud In Florl~a . '-ll, whli. in tum K.'.ng•• nd Mill Oelw.ln. dation. Old Gold Days committee. And the Justice Department m· "The University h.1 t.lrtlt the ~.... do not rtcognll. the L_ As Miss sur, Jo has served as and Profile Previews enterlain.• tends to prosecute the casco Ie.dershlp in comb.tin, the dl .. ;oIctv1ll•• campus represenlaUve lor the ment commiltee. In addition, Hoffa announced crlmln.tion probl.m," Huit Hid. evtll"''''''. "SU I h.s for some y ••rs httl ... "The agreements were made to Iowa City March of Dimes drivll, Her f."orite .ctlyity I. the plans that could provoke an all· Smiles Welcome New Pledge in which $600 was raised. Recent· enli,ht.ned policy. fonn • COmmon bloc against tile M.thodl.t Church choir. She HY. out war with the AFL-cro, which P.nny Sml .... , A2, low. City, discov.rs t .... t ,h. Ii.ml, Al; Judy Bishatl (1_."..-"",11), AJ, •• ly, she and Joyce Rice. ISU Home· ,1M I•• rnl more .....,.. this • ...., kicked out the T amsters In 1957 .. Although I~ was never written daftiel' at U.N, trusteeship, corn, ie • pledte of ,K.ppa K.pp. G.mma. .0c;1.1 lOr­ AIIn RoblnUl\. Al. coming Queen. helped select the th... .ny other .ctlvlty, "be. on charges of con-uptioD. out, theta 1184- bcclh a verMJ under· IDWli5t tyranny and a Korean-sty1e ority, i. w.lcomed by four D•• Molnn .c· war," a communique said Old Gold Beauty Queen at Iowa c.use .ven on Sundey morning. Hoff. Hid the union, freed .s .... standing with landlords that the State Teachers College. She has tive. (I·r), SunnAe R.ymond, A4,; Andy Wil- -D.lly I_.n Phote by Boril V.;" University expects no discrimina­ ''They are not directed as such w.'r. still II,ht·readin, the mu. from the Monitors, would 1.lInCh also been asked to help organize ,Ic. It', • ch.lI.n,. .nd .v.ry. , h.". org.nidng drives. H. Hid tion." against the governments of the Miss Jowa City contest. to be on. h.. to do It on his own." • the T.ametws, wtMch now ettn· I Huit 8aid cards in a me or oU· Oriemal and Klvu provinces but held later this spring. , prl.. mostly trvdc driYers .nd * * * * * * * * * campus housing once had nota­ they do denounce the danger of Aft.r h.r crowning, Jo found .Jo WIll ~ra~uate this ~Ugust, ~ut w.rehDw,mtlt, would try te .1", lions such as "White Only" or Communist tyranny over the whole "'nelf showed with ,Ifts, .mon, wr\l rematO rn Iowa CIty durtng up mttI in ......irlines .nd In in- 159 Pledge SUI Sororities ot the Congo_" Betas .High "Foreign Students Only." These them • dl.mond t ••rdrop pen· dustry. have been eliminated. he said. In announcing the rovn..... d.nt, blouses, Iklrt., sw ....rs, Profile- Since the AFL-CIO inclydes un· "In c.se of • violation," Huit "",,-,,_ to stlN1 next Mon­ .nd perfvm •• "It w.s lust like In (Continued on Page 6) ions with jurisdiction In the.so Tuesday's Ceremonies s.ld, "the first .dlon t.ken will • y, lleo, Tshombe .nd K.lonl' Christm.I," s ... rem.riced . fields, the Teamster drives would In Scholarship Fifty·nlne coeds were pledgcd be of educ.tlv. .nd r.mtcll.1 ....sizM it will be held lit be resisted. n.... r.. It Is ne good te use tore. wfaet they c.lled "an African .t. Beta Th ta Pi ha s won the Sigma by SUI social sororities Tuesday WhlIe asking Letts to dissolve the * * * unle" people under.t.nd why. IMe,lMre," on the Illand of M... • Chi Foundation Trophy as tbe s0- night, following a three.oay period T"'re 'm.y be • lltu.tlon whtIl ,"yo Previously it INKt ....n Monitors, Teamsters attorney EO· Social Fraternities Arrest Suspect in Rape, ward Bennett Williams argued cial fraternity with the highest of second·semester rushing. the householder c.n" rent be- ~ for 0.,,"., SwItz.rland. Monday that the Landrum-Gri'ffin scholastic average for the fall Tbose pledged were; Pledge 17 Men C.UI. of the bl ...s of other stu· Gitenga, the Soviet·backed sue- Labor Act of 1959 had ample pro­ somester of 1~1 , Their accumu· ALPHA CHI OMEOA dent r.nters. T..... stud.nts .Iso ct88Ol' to slain ex-Premier Patrice SUI social fraternities have Murder of 4-Year·Old visions to control any corrupt prac­ lative grade point was 2.537. Ca ndr. ~ru,man . A I, Morton. tiL; netcI te be Hucattcl." Lurn~ in Stanleyville.ls being Bonnie Pctwnlill, AI. Rock ~pld.: pledged 17 men since the opening tices by union leaders.
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